Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!1 mommy mommy

why cant i think for myself?

is it because i'm a brainwashed o-bot?
look at this parade of pathetic left-wing rejects; paranoid self-deceivers and losers in deep denial of PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
here we go again; left-wing nutjobs mentally masturating in public telling themselves lies
Soviet personnel strengths and casualties

Soviet soldiers return from Afghanistan, October 1986

Afghans commemorating Mujahideen Victory Day.
Between December 25, 1979, and February 15, 1989, a total of 620,000[citation needed] soldiers served with the forces in Afghanistan (though there were only 80,000–104,000 serving at one time): 525,000 in the Army, 90,000 with border troops and other KGB sub-units, 5,000 in independent formations of MVD Internal Troops, and police forces. A further 21,000 personnel were with the Soviet troop contingent over the same period doing various white collar and blue collar jobs.

The total irrecoverable personnel losses of the Soviet Armed Forces, frontier, and internal security troops came to 14,453. Soviet Army formations, units, and HQ elements lost 13,833, KGB sub-units lost 572, MVD formations lost 28, and other ministries and departments lost 20 men. During this period 312 servicemen were missing in action or taken prisoner; 119 were later freed, of whom 97 returned to the USSR and 22 went to other countries.

Of the troops deployed, 53,753 were wounded, injured, or sustained concussion and 415,932 fell sick. A high proportion of casualties were those who fell ill. This was because of local climatic and sanitary conditions, which were such that acute infections spread rapidly among the troops. There were 115,308 cases of infectious hepatitis, 31,080 of typhoid fever, and 140,665 of other diseases. Of the 11,654 who were discharged from the army after being wounded, maimed, or contracting serious diseases, 10,751 men, were left disabled.[128]

Material losses were as follows:[17]{not in the source given}
451 aircraft (includes 333 helicopters)
147 tanks
1,314 IFV/APCs
433 artillery guns and mortars
11,369 cargo and fuel tanker trucks.
here we go again; left-wing nutjobs mentally masturating in public telling themselves lies

Is it a lie that 250 Marines were killed in the Lebanon barracks bombing while being protected by sentries and security under orders to carry unloaded weapons.
Reagan, commander in chief. Orders, no ammunition allowed or issued for weapons. Truck spotted by security charging towards barracks. No action taken, security carrying unloaded weapons.
Where is the lie?
At least they had loaded weapons at Benghazi.
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here is a poster that understands the truth about reagan and this wasnt my post from the past either.

No, dumbass. All Reagan did was spend us into bankruptcy and destroy the middle class.

The USSR Fell because 300 million Russians got tired of the Russians telling them what to do.

It was no more caused by Reagan than the Fall of the British Empire. That happened when a bunch of Indians and Arabs and Africans all told the King to get Bent.

there it is in black and white.the proof in the pudding that the economy was far worse under reagan than it was on Carter.Carter did not betray the lower and middle class familys like Reagan did.:cuckoo:

oh and for all the reagnuts on here too lazy to read through those links,here is a video with ACTUAL NEWS SOURCES back from the 1980's from the LAMESTREAM MEDIA you guys worship as the truth,even THEY reported back then in the 80's how Reagans policys betrayed the lower and middle class familys. dont know why i bother posting this video since none of you reaganuts will watch it the way your so much in denial only seeing what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

thats why none of you will read Bunchs book TEARING DOWN THE MYTH since he uses actual media sources from the 80's in his book.:D instead,all you trolls do,is attack the messenger-me and call me names knowing your cornered and have lost the debate.:cuckoo:

here is that video FROM THE 80'S.

[ame=]RIG-anomics: GOP Ignores Ronald Reagan's Trickle-Down Economics Failures - YouTube[/ame]

Oh and another fact you trolls ignored previously,Carter actually tried to do something about the corrupt CIA that runs this country now. what did reagan do? He fired carters appointee Stansfield Turner who cleaned up and reformed the CIA and brought in william casey and who got the CIA back to their evil ways again with covert operations that are still going on now.:cuckoo:
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Wow, all that copying of a left leaning blog provides SUCH convincing proof.
Leftists op-ed articles are cold hard facts. I wonder if he reads any of them.

guess what you two frady cat deniars?

those blogs are backed up by ACTUAL NEWS SOURCES FROM THE 1980'S REPORTERS reporting BACK THEN IN THE 80'S how reagans policys betrayed america as evidenced in that video of mine in my last post.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

As always,you reaganuts worshippers,get your asses handed to you on a platter and taken to school here by that shoot the messenger cause the truth hurts ignoring the fact those are not MY words,those are words reporter back from the 80'Sfrom reporters back then how his policys betrayed the lower and middle class familys.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
shoot the messenger when the truth hurts.:D
Debt did go up, mostly because of military spending, that isn't in dispute. But the GDP went up too with the thriving economy (unlike today). And like I said, I was there. I believe me over left wing whacko sites.

thriving economy?thats why so many lower and middle class familys were betrayed by reagan and lost their jobs because of his thriving economy.:D
another laughable post from mentally-ill truther nutjob

30-yard penalty for overuse of smilies

those blogs are backed up by ACTUAL NEWS SOURCES FROM THE 1980'S REPORTERS reporting BACK THEN IN THE 80'S how reagans policys betrayed america as evidenced in that video of mine in my last post.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yes, and I said he was treated very unfairly by the news media. Probably worse than Bush.
thriving economy?thats why so many lower and middle class familys were betrayed by reagan and lost their jobs because of his thriving economy.:D

Why Obama can't match the Reagan recovery - May. 4, 2012
After all, that's the playbook Ronald Reagan used to steamroll Walter Mondale in 1984. Reagan was able to capture a whopping 525 electoral votes, in part because the economy was rapidly climbing out of a recession as voters went to the polls.

Even worse, the portion of the adult population participating in the job market is now at its lowest level since 1981.

In April 1984, the economy added 363,000 jobs. In the first four months of 1984, employment growth hit 1,564,000. This year, the first four months have brought about half that amount.
Wow, all that copying of a left leaning blog provides SUCH convincing proof.
Leftists op-ed articles are cold hard facts. I wonder if he reads any of them.

Some of us were adults, alive and alert for the Reagan and Carter years as well as the Nixon / Ford Administrations. So efforts by the far right members who operate like Winston Smith to revise history are known by us to be liars.

Keep that in mind when you decide to thank those Ministers of Truth who try suggest the economic problems during Carter's term where a product of his administration. Stagflation and the WIN (Whip Inflation Now) programs were the legacy Carter received from the Republican Administration.
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another laughable post from mentally-ill truther nutjob

30-yard penalty for overuse of smilies


People aren't laughing at folks you call names. They laugh at you and others who can only call names and make foolish attempts to sound like they know something. People can check out links and check the sources for themselves. Why do you think they need your comments about the sources? It's not as though you counter the sources with anything. I give easy to search clues. Marines barracks bombing or Lockerbie. Don't need links. A simple google will get the interested person in touch with all the links they need or want.
Reagan will never get a Memorial in D.C. the way Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Kennedy have. His administration was to corrupt. As years go be he becomes less relevant and viewed more and more like a bumbling fool who ruined far more that he built. His mishandling of terrorisn, Iran contra and his support of the mujihadeen in Afghanistan helped give rise to the terrorism of the 90's and early 21rst Century. That is his long lasting legacy.
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