Reagan did some great things but will the one thing he phuct up royally on lie at the root of America’s self-destruction/demise?

All the pussies I know refuse to engage and offer substantive opinions or rebuttals….the nutless fucks stand on the sideline and cry “TROLL!”
Triggered trolls are teh funneh.
No….new age Democrats are not pre Reagan era Democrats. Todays fascist/marxist Democrats couldn’t pull off the unAmerican bullshit they do without a new population of voting foreigners who can’t give two-shits about Americas founding principles, moral order, rich history, traditions and values….without a new population that doesn’t know about and doesn’t care about our Constitution and founding documents.
Remember when pre Reagan Democrats said shit like this?
View attachment 776603

The Republican Party has become the new Nazi Party. They want to restrict the rights of people they don't like. Republicans are unAmerican. Trump supporters have no moral values except serving their master Trump. You have perverted America's founding principles by attacking free speech rights and voting rights. Republican values are hate. John F Kennedy supported civil rights and he would never be a Trump Republican nor would Ronald Reagan be a Trump Republican.
The Republican Party has become the new Nazi Party. They want to restrict the rights of people they don't like. Republicans are unAmerican. Trump supporters have no moral values except serving their master Trump. You have perverted America's founding principles by attacking free speech rights and voting rights. Republican values are hate. John F Kennedy supported civil rights and he would never be a Trump Republican nor would Ronald Reagan be a Trump Republican.
Are you sure you know what a “Nazi” is?
Was it Republicans who conspired with social media giants to control speech? Is it Republicans who want to deprive good people of their 2A rights? Was it the GOP who forced people to wear a face diaper and take experimental medicine they didn’t want? Was it Republicans who have openly hired people for their skin color and or genitalia?
Voting rights? Is it Republicans who want foreigners to vote in our elections?
He signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 and opened the flood gates to the third-world. With one signature, he has morphed American culture in California and all border cities and states. That signature has allowed Democrats to win CA, AZ, NM, NV and much of Texas. It empowered Democrats to tear down American institutions and chisel away at the American Way and all things America/American.
Would Democrats be in the drivers seat they’re in if it not for that Reagan signature in 1986?
Secession Will Revoke Decades of Anti-White Policies

Millions of amnasties, including their descendants, swung the popular vote and most elections over to the Democrats.
He signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 and opened the flood gates to the third-world. With one signature, he has morphed American culture in California and all border cities and states. That signature has allowed Democrats to win CA, AZ, NM, NV and much of Texas. It empowered Democrats to tear down American institutions and chisel away at the American Way and all things America/American.
Would Democrats be in the drivers seat they’re in if it not for that Reagan signature in 1986?

Mexicans settled the American West. Mexicans were in California BEFORE the white people arrived, asshole. Your national leaders and Founders were all white men, but your founding population was always black, white and Mexican.
Mexicans settled the American West. Mexicans were in California BEFORE the white people arrived, asshole. Your national leaders and Founders were all white men, but your founding population was always black, white and Mexican.–American_War
Thousands of Americans died in that war you retarded fuck….Evil whitey conquered this territory and you nutless Canadians should be damn thankful they did.
The Republican Party has become the new Nazi Party. They want to restrict the rights of people they don't like. Republicans are unAmerican. Trump supporters have no moral values except serving their master Trump. You have perverted America's founding principles by attacking free speech rights and voting rights. Republican values are hate. John F Kennedy supported civil rights and he would never be a Trump Republican nor would Ronald Reagan be a Trump Republican.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

Can it already, Karen.

Not an original thought in your tiny little head.

Put the pacifier back in your mouth, and turn back on the MSNBC.

That's it. Sleeeeeeeeeeep.
Are you sure you know what a “Nazi” is?
Was it Republicans who conspired with social media giants to control speech? Is it Republicans who want to deprive good people of their 2A rights? Was it the GOP who forced people to wear a face diaper and take experimental medicine they didn’t want? Was it Republicans who have openly hired people for their skin color and or genitalia?
Voting rights? Is it Republicans who want foreigners to vote in our elections?

No one conspired with social media people to "control speech". Social media companies refused to promote lies or liars, or those promoting hate, sedition or violence. As private companies that is their right.

Freedom of speech was never the freedom to lie, cheat, and harm other people.

Was it Republicans who hired because of skin colour and genitalia. DAMN SKIPPY is it. White men, first and foremost.

It is Republicans who are depriving people of the right to safety and security by allowing unfettered access to weapons of war for violent criminals and criminally violent mental patients. Doing nothing is a violation of the rights of the American people to safety and security.

As for the lies about "face diapers and experimental drugs", grow the fuck up you petulant child. Put the interests of public health and good citizenship ahead of your childish and selfish tantrums. Over 1 million Americans died, and 2/3 of them COULD have been saved, if everyone in the country had "worn a face diaper, and taken the jab".

Republicans don't want AMERICANS voting in your elections.
No one conspired with social media people to "control speech". Social media companies refused to promote lies or liars, or those promoting hate, sedition or violence. As private companies that is their right.

Social media companies have advised internet browsers to no longer carry Dragonlady's deranged fantastical rants.

For the good of the public's state of mental health.
Secession Will Revoke Decades of Anti-White Policies

Millions of amnasties, including their descendants, swung the popular vote and most elections over to the Democrats.

Giving rights to minorities and women isn't "anti-white" policies.

Rights are like love: the more you give to others, the more you have. Every time non-whites get a right, Republicans try to end it for everyone.

Like the libraries in Missouri. They tried to ban books and that was unconstitutional and was overturned. So in response, they're threatening to arrest librarians, and closing libraries. If Republicans can't get their way, they're taking libraries away from everyone.

Republicans are arresting people who help women get abortions. People performing abortions. And people who give women information on where they can get abortions.

The throwing elected representatives out of the state houses because they can.
Signing that filthy Amnesty Bill was a despicable thing for Reagan to do.

However, the reports were at the time that the Congressional leaders promised Reagan that this was a compromise and they would not let any more of the shitheads into the country. They were to secure the border.

Of course we saw how that worked out. Liberals lie.

By the way that RINO Bush also refused to seal the border.

Lots of villains here, both Democrat and Republican, however the worst villain is this Potatohead peice of shit that literally opened up the flood gates.

Piss on anybody that voted for him.

You are the ones who are despicable. I voted for Ronald Reagan twice and I am proud of it. The villain is right wing trash like you that need to be deported.
“but but but….TRUMP!”

Suburban women are ignorant, emotional fucking fools and always have been….FUCK EM!

Young voters today are PC programmed illiterates controlled by social media

Reagan got 74 million votes?

Was it Republicans who conspired with social media giants to control speech? Was it the GOP who forced people to wear a face diaper and take experimental medicine they didn’t want? Was it Republicans who have openly hired people for their skin color and or genitalia?

Thank you for proving that you are a moron. Take your shit and shove it up your ass.
Social media companies have advised internet browsers to no longer carry Dragonlady's deranged fantastical rants.

For the good of the public's state of mental health.

That would apply to Trump and his supporters. They are deranged fanatics who are attacking this country.
Are you sure you know what a “Nazi” is?
Was it Republicans who conspired with social media giants to control speech? Is it Republicans who want to deprive good people of their 2A rights? Was it the GOP who forced people to wear a face diaper and take experimental medicine they didn’t want? Was it Republicans who have openly hired people for their skin color and or genitalia?
Voting rights? Is it Republicans who want foreigners to vote in our elections?

All we have to do is watch what you are doing.
No one conspired with social media companies. Social media companies are private entities and are not subject to free speech rights.
Second Amendment rights are subject to regulation. Innocent people including school children are being killed with guns and Republicans want anyone to walk off the street to buy one.
Democrats were right to require the wearing of masks and vaccination requirements. Numerous Republicans agreed with it as well.
No one has been hired just because of their skin color or genitalia. Reaching out to minorities is not a bad thing.
It is Republicans who want to take away the right to vote. Now college students are in the crosshairs of Republicans because they are voting Democrat.
yes yes, Reagan was a total catastrophe. His giveaway to the rich has given us the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and garbage propaganda ever anywhere. great job! How is his pal Saddam doing?
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