Reagan Had The Answer For Violent Berkeley / Snowflake Riots In 1969


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"More than 40 years ago in 1969, protests erupted — and soon turned into riots — over city plans to turn a vacant lot near campus into a parking lot.

...more than 3,000 students began protesting on campus...

The rally, which drew 3,000 people, soon turned into a riot, as the crowd moved down Telegraph (Ave.) towards the park. That day, known as Bloody Thursday, three students suffered punctured lungs, another a shattered leg, 13 people were hospitalized with shotgun wounds, and one police officer was stabbed. James Rector, who was watching the riot from a rooftop, was shot by police gunfire; he died four days later.

Ronald Reagan, who was governor of California from 1967 to 1975, responded to the riots with force, according to the “Resource.” He declared a state of emergency and sent in 2,200 National Guard troops to “use whatever methods they choose” to restore order.

Over the next several days, police and troops arrested nearly 1,000 people, including 200 for felonies, while 500 were booked at the local jail.

Later at a press conference, when Reagan was questioned about his response to the riot and why he didn’t negotiate with the rioters instead, Reagan said, “What is there to negotiate?”

All of it began the first time some of you who know betterlet young people think that they had the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest,” he said.

Reagan’s response to unrest at UC Berkeley was dramatically different than the response on Wednesday, which left administration officials bowing to protesters by canceling Yiannopoulos’s event."

These violent snowflakes do NOT have the right to CHOOSE the laws they will or will NOT obey. EX-President Barak Obama must bear a lion's share of the blame for this WRONG belief today, as within days of assuming the role of President in 2008 he declared he would NOT enforce the Defense of Marriage Law because HE did not agree with it. Like the protestors at Berkeley, Barak Obama did NOT have the right to CHOOSE which laws he WOULD obey / enforce and which ones he would NOT...but he did anyway.

The next time one of these violent protests begin - violence, destruction f property, assaults, looting, etc - a 'State of Emergency' should be declared, the National Guard should be called in QUICKLY, and they should be ordered to use any and all methods they choose to shut it down immediately - tear gas, rubber bullets, shotgun bean bags, Tasers, water cannons...a lot of handcuffs and a lot of transportation to take them to jail!

ENOUGH of this cr@p!

See how Ronald Reagan shut down violent UC Berkeley protesters in 1969 when he was Calif. governor
Go right ahead. And Reagan also pushed thru one of the first restrictive gun control laws too.
Due to a lack of strict law enforcement, a lack of proper education (liberal extremist professors/colleges advocating / justifying such riots/behavior), and initial appeasement of protestors at the very start ot their becoming violent / breaking laws - allowing them to do whatever they want resulting in the escalation of violence / criminal activity, these rioters believe they have the RIGHT to engage in such behavior.

Where the colleges / professors have failed them, it is clearly up to the Mayors / Governors / Police / National Guard to 'properly educate them' when they cross the line, break the laws, and become violent. It is time they learned the difference between their 'Right to peacefully assemble' / 'Freedom of Speech' and anarchy / violence / rioting / felony destruction of property and assault / arson / etc...
Go right ahead. And Reagan also pushed thru one of the first restrictive gun control laws too.
Due to a lack of strict law enforcement, a lack of proper education (liberal extremist professors/colleges advocating / justifying such riots/behavior), and initial appeasement of protestors at the very start ot their becoming violent / breaking laws - allowing them to do whatever they want resulting in the escalation of violence / criminal activity, these rioters believe they have the RIGHT to engage in such behavior.

Where the colleges / professors have failed them, it is clearly up to the Mayors / Governors / Police / National Guard to 'properly educate them' when they cross the line, break the laws, and become violent. It is time they learned the difference between their 'Right to peacefully assemble' / 'Freedom of Speech' and anarchy / violence / rioting / felony destruction of property and assault / arson / etc...
Oh look...Trumpsplainin'
"More than 40 years ago in 1969, protests erupted — and soon turned into riots — over city plans to turn a vacant lot near campus into a parking lot.

...more than 3,000 students began protesting on campus...

The rally, which drew 3,000 people, soon turned into a riot, as the crowd moved down Telegraph (Ave.) towards the park. That day, known as Bloody Thursday, three students suffered punctured lungs, another a shattered leg, 13 people were hospitalized with shotgun wounds, and one police officer was stabbed. James Rector, who was watching the riot from a rooftop, was shot by police gunfire; he died four days later.

Ronald Reagan, who was governor of California from 1967 to 1975, responded to the riots with force, according to the “Resource.” He declared a state of emergency and sent in 2,200 National Guard troops to “use whatever methods they choose” to restore order.

Over the next several days, police and troops arrested nearly 1,000 people, including 200 for felonies, while 500 were booked at the local jail.

Later at a press conference, when Reagan was questioned about his response to the riot and why he didn’t negotiate with the rioters instead, Reagan said, “What is there to negotiate?”

All of it began the first time some of you who know betterlet young people think that they had the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest,” he said.

Reagan’s response to unrest at UC Berkeley was dramatically different than the response on Wednesday, which left administration officials bowing to protesters by canceling Yiannopoulos’s event."

These violent snowflakes do NOT have the right to CHOOSE the laws they will or will NOT obey. EX-President Barak Obama must bear a lion's share of the blame for this WRONG belief today, as within days of assuming the role of President in 2008 he declared he would NOT enforce the Defense of Marriage Law because HE did not agree with it. Like the protestors at Berkeley, Barak Obama did NOT have the right to CHOOSE which laws he WOULD obey / enforce and which ones he would NOT...but he did anyway.

The next time one of these violent protests begin - violence, destruction f property, assaults, looting, etc - a 'State of Emergency' should be declared, the National Guard should be called in QUICKLY, and they should be ordered to use any and all methods they choose to shut it down immediately - tear gas, rubber bullets, shotgun bean bags, Tasers, water cannons...a lot of handcuffs and a lot of transportation to take them to jail!

ENOUGH of this cr@p!

See how Ronald Reagan shut down violent UC Berkeley protesters in 1969 when he was Calif. governor

I have seen protests at Berkeley since the 1960's .... this violence was planted , it was a peaceful protest until the paid violence to discredit the cause came in..

Until Wednesday, I never felt in danger during a protest. Around 7 p.m. I saw a huddle of people yelling at one another. As more people surrounded them, a burning red trucker’s hat was held up on a stick. There were reports that another student wearing what appeared to be a “Make America Great Again” hat was severely injured.

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