Reagan Lists FDR Among His Heroes


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

President Reagan deeply admired Franklin Roosevelt citing him at his greatest hero.

it is interesting to note that all of the World War II veterans I have spoken with deeply admire Roosevelt. All of the criticism of Roosevelt is based on myths things that popped up decades after the life of Roosevelt and years after the lives of so many Americans who lived during the World War II era passed on. To this day there aren’t that many World War II veterans left but we will always know the truth Roosevelt is an American hero. Perhaps far under 1%% of the United States believes that Roosevelt was some sort of a socialist or communist Who somehow placated the Soviet union. On C-SPAN today somebody was providing the mythical view that Roosevelt let’s stolen takeover Eastern Europe. The thing is if Roosevelt lived on Pass World War II we would’ve surely avoided the Cold War so that needs to be taken into consideration.

There are also those who wrongly believe that Roosevelt prolonged World War II or prolonged the depression. But Roosevelt inherited the great depression and the end result matters… he led us to victory in World War II and he led us to having the greatest military and the greatest economy in the world. Before World War II the US military was 18th in the world behind Romania, but after World War II we were the number one military superpower. And that was because we had good leader ship as well as a great American citizenry that worked very hard at the factories and in the education system. And that did not have to happen, none of that had to happen…. if we were led by an isolationist in Ww2 or a poor leader who didn’t know how to handle things we would’ve lost World War II and who knows how the world would look today. Franklin Roosevelt was the strong leader to stand up to Hideki Tojo, Mussolini and Hitler. Other people would have shivered in their boots perhaps. The magnitude of it all of leading the greatest army the allied forces. Roosevelt is the leader of the allied forces even when people and the Soviet union looked at World War II they would always say Roosevelt front and center in between Churchill and Stalin showcasing a sign of strength… American strength. Roosevelt was very important in bringing together Churchill and Stalin… in bringing together the communist forces and the monarchy.

The great men and women from the World War II generation, the senior citizens of the United States who are alive to this day who lived during World War II overwhelmingly support FDR if not all of them support FDR. And the types of people who criticize Roosevelt they are born decades after World War II many of them are not Americans they come from different countries some even have pro Third Reich type views. Or agendas for some matter. But I solidify my views I cite Ronald Reagan a conservative American hero as to why all of the masculine Americans, the conservative Americans from the 70s 80s 90s would generally agree with me with all agree with the World War II veterans that Roosevelt was the greatest president of American history. No man is perfect George Washington, Abraham Lincoln Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan included… but for so many Americans common citizen and historian alike these men are ranked as the top four presidents of all time.

“Washington Journal​

Craig Shirley on His Book, April 1945​

Author and historian Craig Shirley talked about his book, April 1945: The Hinge of History, and news of the day.”

of the very small percentage of Americans who called in to criticize Roosevelt. Their arguments were as follows. They criticize Roosevelt for racism, for apparently prolonging the depression and for somehow causing the deaths of Americans that was not needed. Somebody had claimed 100,000 Americans died because of Roosevelt without evidence. All of these points have a valid and logical counter response. Let’s take a look at one of the most abused myths against Roosevelt that he was a racist or antisemite. ….well the United States compared to every country of the world was probably the most liberal. Remember that in 1937 Ethiopia had legalized slavery, let’s not even begin to say what the Empire of Japan and the third Reich were doing to there own citizens and their political opponents of course. that’s why it is clearly agenda driven when people on the right or Republicans criticize Roosevelt for his treatment of African Americans or American Japanese these same Republicans are critical of BLM. Rightfully critical of BLM but they are hypocrites for the criticism of Roosevelt because they are of course attempting to buy political points. And beyond that one cannot use 2022 morales when they are looking at the 1940s. It is irresponsible to history.

When in fact the Tuskeegee airmen the black African-American men who served the United States military in ww2 …went on to praise Roosevelt as a great man. That was the viewpoint of Roscoe Brown One of the Tuskegee airmen who served in World War II. So when I hear that it’s all the evidence I need to hear. Also the United States took on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. The ms St. Louis The ship of Jewish refugees was actually sent to an allied country. The ms St. Louis propaganda is used against Roosevelt to this day and its reckless. The idea being that the United States sent away a ship of Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany. No couldn’t be any further from the truth in the late 30s a ship of Jewish refugees tried to get to the United States but we were unable to accommodate…. the ship was then sent to an allied country that was later overran by the third Reich. What is not mentioned by the propagandists is that the United States had taken on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. And in the course of history there are plenty of cases where some number of refugees and immigrants are turned away from coming to the country. The United States has turned away many non-Jewish immigrants and refugees by the way so there’s that. So basically there’s no logic no common sense toward the viewpoint that FDR with some kind of a bad guy or some kind of a racist.

Overwhelmingly American Jews supported Franklin Roosevelt. Over 80% of American Jews supported him at the polls during the elections.

So it’s interesting that the few Republicans who criticize Roosevelt are the same people who claim the Democrats are the party of race politics. And they are right the Democrats of today are the party of race politics and it has caused division in our country…. it’s all the more reason why we need all the Americans we can to recall the legacy of great figures of history like FDR as to help our country out today.

My position is that the Democratic Party today needs to be more like the democratic party of the Roosevelt era. And I would cite Ronald Reagan as to why Republicans can join Democrats of today in order to look up to the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt for advice.
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FDR had a cult of personality much like the Kims of North Korea. My grandmother worshiped him. She was shocked when I showed her how he violated both American and International Law during his presidency.

President Reagan deeply admired Franklin Roosevelt citing him at his greatest hero.

it is interesting to note that all of the World War II veterans I have spoken with deeply admire Roosevelt. All of the criticism of Roosevelt is based on myths things that popped up decades after the life of Roosevelt and years after the lives of so many Americans who lived during the World War II era passed on. To this day there aren’t that many World War II veterans left but we will always know the truth Roosevelt is an American hero. Perhaps far under 1%% of the United States believes that Roosevelt was some sort of a socialist or communist Who somehow placated the Soviet union. On C-SPAN today somebody was providing the mythical view that Roosevelt let’s stolen takeover Eastern Europe. The thing is if Roosevelt lived on Pass World War II we would’ve surely avoided the Cold War so that needs to be taken into consideration.

There are also those who wrongly believe that Roosevelt prolonged World War II or prolonged the depression. But Roosevelt inherited the great depression and the end result matters… he led us to victory in World War II and he led us to having the greatest military and the greatest economy in the world. Before World War II the US military was 18th in the world behind Romania, but after World War II we were the number one military superpower. And that was because we had good leader ship as well as a great American citizenry that worked very hard at the factories and in the education system. And that did not have to happen, none of that had to happen…. if we were led by an isolationist in Ww2 or a poor leader who didn’t know how to handle things we would’ve lost World War II and who knows how the world would look today. Franklin Roosevelt was the strong leader to stand up to Hideki Tojo, Mussolini and Hitler. Other people would have shivered in their boots perhaps. The magnitude of it all of leading the greatest army the allied forces. Roosevelt is the leader of the allied forces even when people and the Soviet union looked at World War II they would always say Roosevelt front and center in between Churchill and Stalin showcasing a sign of strength… American strength. Roosevelt was very important in bringing together Churchill and Stalin… in bringing together the communist forces and the monarchy.

The great men and women from the World War II generation, the senior citizens of the United States who are alive to this day who lived during World War II overwhelmingly support FDR if not all of them support FDR. And the types of people who criticize Roosevelt they are born decades after World War II many of them are not Americans they come from different countries some even have pro Third Reich type views. Or agendas for some matter. But I solidify my views I cite Ronald Reagan a conservative American hero as to why all of the masculine Americans, the conservative Americans from the 70s 80s 90s would generally agree with me with all agree with the World War II veterans that Roosevelt was the greatest president of American history. No man is perfect George Washington, Abraham Lincoln Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan included… but for so many Americans common citizen and historian alike these men are ranked as the top four presidents of all time.

“Washington Journal​

Craig Shirley on His Book, April 1945​

Author and historian Craig Shirley talked about his book, April 1945: The Hinge of History, and news of the day.”

of the very small percentage of Americans who called in to criticize Roosevelt. Their arguments were as follows. They criticize Roosevelt for racism, for apparently prolonging the depression and for somehow causing the deaths of Americans that was not needed. Somebody had claimed 100,000 Americans died because of Roosevelt without evidence. All of these points have a valid and logical counter response. Let’s take a look at one of the most abused myths against Roosevelt that he was a racist or antisemite. ….well the United States compared to every country of the world was probably the most liberal. Remember that in 1937 Ethiopia had legalized slavery, let’s not even begin to say what the Empire of Japan and the third Reich were doing to there own citizens and their political opponents of course. that’s why it is clearly agenda driven when people on the right or Republicans criticize Roosevelt for his treatment of African Americans or American Japanese these same Republicans are critical of BLM. Rightfully critical of BLM but they are hypocrites for the criticism of Roosevelt because they are of course attempting to buy political points. And beyond that one cannot use 2022 morales when they are looking at the 1940s. It is irresponsible to history.

When in fact the Tuskeegee airmen the black African-American men who served the United States military in ww2 …went on to praise Roosevelt as a great man. That was the viewpoint of Roscoe Brown One of the Tuskegee airmen who served in World War II. So when I hear that it’s all the evidence I need to hear. Also the United States took on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. The ms St. Louis The ship of Jewish refugees was actually sent to an allied country. The ms St. Louis propaganda is used against Roosevelt to this day and its reckless. The idea being that the United States sent away a ship of Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany. No couldn’t be any further from the truth in the late 30s a ship of Jewish refugees tried to get to the United States but we were unable to accommodate…. the ship was then sent to an allied country that was later overran by the third Reich. What is not mentioned by the propagandists is that the United States had taken on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. And in the course of history there are plenty of cases where some number of refugees and immigrants are turned away from coming to the country. The United States has turned away many non-Jewish immigrants and refugees by the way so there’s that. So basically there’s no logic no common sense toward the viewpoint that FDR with some kind of a bad guy or some kind of a racist.

Overwhelmingly American Jews supported Franklin Roosevelt. Over 80% of American Jews supported him at the polls during the elections.

So it’s interesting that the few Republicans who criticize Roosevelt are the same people who claim the Democrats are the party of race politics. And they are right the Democrats of today are the party of race politics and it has caused division in our country…. it’s all the more reason why we need all the Americans we can to recall the legacy of great figures of history like FDR as to help our country out today.

My position is that the Democratic Party today needs to be more like the democratic party of the Roosevelt era. And I would cite Ronald Reagan as to why Republicans can join Democrats of today in order to look up to the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt for advice.

He provided excellent leadership in a dark time for our country, which was why he was elected four times. No Republican has ever done so much positive work, so naturally they need to smear him constantly, same reason faggots go after Christians. The Depression for the working classes began in 1926-1927, and by 1932-1933 they in dire straits, as were many companies.

Hoover's 'solution' to the Depression was to have the Army bayonet some veterans, which of course how FDR got elected. the Republicans policies and class warfare put him in office, but are too dishonest to admit that. Same with Biden and Obama, for that matter.
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FDR had a cult of personality much like the Kims of North Korea. My grandmother worshiped him. She was shocked when I showed her how he violated both American and International Law during his presidency.
Hello there my friend. What I would asked you is where does this come from? Are you a republican a Ronald Reagan conservative? Because I can pretty much rest my case on Ronald Reagan for this thread. Ronald Reagan says Roosevelt was a hero, so has every World War II veteran I have talked with. What is the response to that?

Because for example when you’re talking about far left politicians when you talk with conservatives or older Americans a lot of times they don’t like those people… for example the older Americans will say well the squad goes against American values or the American democratic party has gone too far left.

It’s a genuine question because I would like to know what Influences criticism of Roosevelt. So far I have only heard criticism of Roosevelt from neoconservatives not from one Democrat and I have not heard criticism from Trump supporters, Ronald Reagan republicans or Dwight Eisenhower Republicans.

I have not heard criticism of Roosevelt from someone over the age of 80 for example. I’ve spoken with a ton of people in their elderly years some of them are my poker friends

President Reagan deeply admired Franklin Roosevelt citing him at his greatest hero.

it is interesting to note that all of the World War II veterans I have spoken with deeply admire Roosevelt. All of the criticism of Roosevelt is based on myths things that popped up decades after the life of Roosevelt and years after the lives of so many Americans who lived during the World War II era passed on. To this day there aren’t that many World War II veterans left but we will always know the truth Roosevelt is an American hero. Perhaps far under 1%% of the United States believes that Roosevelt was some sort of a socialist or communist Who somehow placated the Soviet union. On C-SPAN today somebody was providing the mythical view that Roosevelt let’s stolen takeover Eastern Europe. The thing is if Roosevelt lived on Pass World War II we would’ve surely avoided the Cold War so that needs to be taken into consideration.

There are also those who wrongly believe that Roosevelt prolonged World War II or prolonged the depression. But Roosevelt inherited the great depression and the end result matters… he led us to victory in World War II and he led us to having the greatest military and the greatest economy in the world. Before World War II the US military was 18th in the world behind Romania, but after World War II we were the number one military superpower. And that was because we had good leader ship as well as a great American citizenry that worked very hard at the factories and in the education system. And that did not have to happen, none of that had to happen…. if we were led by an isolationist in Ww2 or a poor leader who didn’t know how to handle things we would’ve lost World War II and who knows how the world would look today. Franklin Roosevelt was the strong leader to stand up to Hideki Tojo, Mussolini and Hitler. Other people would have shivered in their boots perhaps. The magnitude of it all of leading the greatest army the allied forces. Roosevelt is the leader of the allied forces even when people and the Soviet union looked at World War II they would always say Roosevelt front and center in between Churchill and Stalin showcasing a sign of strength… American strength. Roosevelt was very important in bringing together Churchill and Stalin… in bringing together the communist forces and the monarchy.

The great men and women from the World War II generation, the senior citizens of the United States who are alive to this day who lived during World War II overwhelmingly support FDR if not all of them support FDR. And the types of people who criticize Roosevelt they are born decades after World War II many of them are not Americans they come from different countries some even have pro Third Reich type views. Or agendas for some matter. But I solidify my views I cite Ronald Reagan a conservative American hero as to why all of the masculine Americans, the conservative Americans from the 70s 80s 90s would generally agree with me with all agree with the World War II veterans that Roosevelt was the greatest president of American history. No man is perfect George Washington, Abraham Lincoln Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan included… but for so many Americans common citizen and historian alike these men are ranked as the top four presidents of all time.

“Washington Journal​

Craig Shirley on His Book, April 1945​

Author and historian Craig Shirley talked about his book, April 1945: The Hinge of History, and news of the day.”

of the very small percentage of Americans who called in to criticize Roosevelt. Their arguments were as follows. They criticize Roosevelt for racism, for apparently prolonging the depression and for somehow causing the deaths of Americans that was not needed. Somebody had claimed 100,000 Americans died because of Roosevelt without evidence. All of these points have a valid and logical counter response. Let’s take a look at one of the most abused myths against Roosevelt that he was a racist or antisemite. ….well the United States compared to every country of the world was probably the most liberal. Remember that in 1937 Ethiopia had legalized slavery, let’s not even begin to say what the Empire of Japan and the third Reich were doing to there own citizens and their political opponents of course. that’s why it is clearly agenda driven when people on the right or Republicans criticize Roosevelt for his treatment of African Americans or American Japanese these same Republicans are critical of BLM. Rightfully critical of BLM but they are hypocrites for the criticism of Roosevelt because they are of course attempting to buy political points. And beyond that one cannot use 2022 morales when they are looking at the 1940s. It is irresponsible to history.

When in fact the Tuskeegee airmen the black African-American men who served the United States military in ww2 …went on to praise Roosevelt as a great man. That was the viewpoint of Roscoe Brown One of the Tuskegee airmen who served in World War II. So when I hear that it’s all the evidence I need to hear. Also the United States took on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. The ms St. Louis The ship of Jewish refugees was actually sent to an allied country. The ms St. Louis propaganda is used against Roosevelt to this day and its reckless. The idea being that the United States sent away a ship of Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany. No couldn’t be any further from the truth in the late 30s a ship of Jewish refugees tried to get to the United States but we were unable to accommodate…. the ship was then sent to an allied country that was later overran by the third Reich. What is not mentioned by the propagandists is that the United States had taken on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. And in the course of history there are plenty of cases where some number of refugees and immigrants are turned away from coming to the country. The United States has turned away many non-Jewish immigrants and refugees by the way so there’s that. So basically there’s no logic no common sense toward the viewpoint that FDR with some kind of a bad guy or some kind of a racist.

Overwhelmingly American Jews supported Franklin Roosevelt. Over 80% of American Jews supported him at the polls during the elections.

So it’s interesting that the few Republicans who criticize Roosevelt are the same people who claim the Democrats are the party of race politics. And they are right the Democrats of today are the party of race politics and it has caused division in our country…. it’s all the more reason why we need all the Americans we can to recall the legacy of great figures of history like FDR as to help our country out today.

My position is that the Democratic Party today needs to be more like the democratic party of the Roosevelt era. And I would cite Ronald Reagan as to why Republicans can join Democrats of today in order to look up to the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt for advice.

So you favor concentration camps for American citizens
So you favor concentration camps for American citizens
I am in favor of a reasonable and responsible historical discussion…. The United States is more liberal than any other country in the world and our measures during World War II were humane. Considering World War II may have been the most important time in all of would history and knowing the great strength of the empire of Japan and the third Reich …. The reasonable measures the United States took against potential spies was considerably humane. Extraordinarily liberal we were. The Otherworld powers the Empire of Japan, the third Reich we can’t even speak of their actions can we? There is no comparison it was good versus evil

There is everything to be proud for World War II when it comes to United States and that is the say at the leadership level and the citizenry level.
Dudley doesn't believe FDR interred the Japanese in concentration camps?
I answered your question. And I would like you to answer mine. When it comes to World War II do you support the allied side or the axis side? And if you do support the allied side what do you say to the World War II veteran who champions Franklin Roosevelt. This is no sort of gotcha question I’m just looking for your opinion here. And I’m still trying to understand why you are critical of FDR and what political background you come from. ?

I am all for freedom of speech but we only to each other to explain why we have our positions. I’ll Explain my position on Roosevelt… he was the greatest American ever because he brought our military from the number 18 power to the number one power. He had the support of the overwhelming majority of Americans Jews and American blacks. He had the support of the minorities.

We had tons of Asian Americans supporting the American military. We could never forget the Chinese Americans and the fact that China itself is greatly appreciated in mainland America. The First Lady of China was cheered by tens of thousands of Americans on her speaking tours. A lot of things going The way of pro FDR Americans. Being pro FDR is as America as the Fourth of July barbecues with the hotdogs, the baseball. This is American as it gets
Like every other American in the 30's, 40's and 50's Reagan was a victim of the federal education system that idolized FDR and taught nothing but positive things about the four term administration. Reagan was just reaching across the isle back in the 1990's for some common ground but he needn't have bothered. The left would eventually use it against him anyway.
These were AMERICAN CITIZENS imprisoned without due process
Liberals really are the scum of the earth.
This is an irresponsible way to handle this discussion. Are you from the Empire of Japan?

I am for logical discussions where we follow each other‘s comment. You didn’t respond to the critical point. Ethiopia had legal slavery in 1937… Germany and Japan Were vehemently criticized for their actions. It is irresponsible and disgraceful to history to not talk about the stuff.

Please note I have not personally attacked you and do not intend on doing so. I am a liberal. I am not the scum of the earth. I expect people to act like adults in discussions. Treat others as you want to be treated.

President Reagan deeply admired Franklin Roosevelt citing him at his greatest hero.

it is interesting to note that all of the World War II veterans I have spoken with deeply admire Roosevelt. All of the criticism of Roosevelt is based on myths things that popped up decades after the life of Roosevelt and years after the lives of so many Americans who lived during the World War II era passed on. To this day there aren’t that many World War II veterans left but we will always know the truth Roosevelt is an American hero. Perhaps far under 1%% of the United States believes that Roosevelt was some sort of a socialist or communist Who somehow placated the Soviet union. On C-SPAN today somebody was providing the mythical view that Roosevelt let’s stolen takeover Eastern Europe. The thing is if Roosevelt lived on Pass World War II we would’ve surely avoided the Cold War so that needs to be taken into consideration.

There are also those who wrongly believe that Roosevelt prolonged World War II or prolonged the depression. But Roosevelt inherited the great depression and the end result matters… he led us to victory in World War II and he led us to having the greatest military and the greatest economy in the world. Before World War II the US military was 18th in the world behind Romania, but after World War II we were the number one military superpower. And that was because we had good leader ship as well as a great American citizenry that worked very hard at the factories and in the education system. And that did not have to happen, none of that had to happen…. if we were led by an isolationist in Ww2 or a poor leader who didn’t know how to handle things we would’ve lost World War II and who knows how the world would look today. Franklin Roosevelt was the strong leader to stand up to Hideki Tojo, Mussolini and Hitler. Other people would have shivered in their boots perhaps. The magnitude of it all of leading the greatest army the allied forces. Roosevelt is the leader of the allied forces even when people and the Soviet union looked at World War II they would always say Roosevelt front and center in between Churchill and Stalin showcasing a sign of strength… American strength. Roosevelt was very important in bringing together Churchill and Stalin… in bringing together the communist forces and the monarchy.

The great men and women from the World War II generation, the senior citizens of the United States who are alive to this day who lived during World War II overwhelmingly support FDR if not all of them support FDR. And the types of people who criticize Roosevelt they are born decades after World War II many of them are not Americans they come from different countries some even have pro Third Reich type views. Or agendas for some matter. But I solidify my views I cite Ronald Reagan a conservative American hero as to why all of the masculine Americans, the conservative Americans from the 70s 80s 90s would generally agree with me with all agree with the World War II veterans that Roosevelt was the greatest president of American history. No man is perfect George Washington, Abraham Lincoln Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan included… but for so many Americans common citizen and historian alike these men are ranked as the top four presidents of all time.

“Washington Journal​

Craig Shirley on His Book, April 1945​

Author and historian Craig Shirley talked about his book, April 1945: The Hinge of History, and news of the day.”

of the very small percentage of Americans who called in to criticize Roosevelt. Their arguments were as follows. They criticize Roosevelt for racism, for apparently prolonging the depression and for somehow causing the deaths of Americans that was not needed. Somebody had claimed 100,000 Americans died because of Roosevelt without evidence. All of these points have a valid and logical counter response. Let’s take a look at one of the most abused myths against Roosevelt that he was a racist or antisemite. ….well the United States compared to every country of the world was probably the most liberal. Remember that in 1937 Ethiopia had legalized slavery, let’s not even begin to say what the Empire of Japan and the third Reich were doing to there own citizens and their political opponents of course. that’s why it is clearly agenda driven when people on the right or Republicans criticize Roosevelt for his treatment of African Americans or American Japanese these same Republicans are critical of BLM. Rightfully critical of BLM but they are hypocrites for the criticism of Roosevelt because they are of course attempting to buy political points. And beyond that one cannot use 2022 morales when they are looking at the 1940s. It is irresponsible to history.

When in fact the Tuskeegee airmen the black African-American men who served the United States military in ww2 …went on to praise Roosevelt as a great man. That was the viewpoint of Roscoe Brown One of the Tuskegee airmen who served in World War II. So when I hear that it’s all the evidence I need to hear. Also the United States took on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. The ms St. Louis The ship of Jewish refugees was actually sent to an allied country. The ms St. Louis propaganda is used against Roosevelt to this day and its reckless. The idea being that the United States sent away a ship of Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany. No couldn’t be any further from the truth in the late 30s a ship of Jewish refugees tried to get to the United States but we were unable to accommodate…. the ship was then sent to an allied country that was later overran by the third Reich. What is not mentioned by the propagandists is that the United States had taken on more Jewish refugees than any other country during World War II. And in the course of history there are plenty of cases where some number of refugees and immigrants are turned away from coming to the country. The United States has turned away many non-Jewish immigrants and refugees by the way so there’s that. So basically there’s no logic no common sense toward the viewpoint that FDR with some kind of a bad guy or some kind of a racist.

Overwhelmingly American Jews supported Franklin Roosevelt. Over 80% of American Jews supported him at the polls during the elections.

So it’s interesting that the few Republicans who criticize Roosevelt are the same people who claim the Democrats are the party of race politics. And they are right the Democrats of today are the party of race politics and it has caused division in our country…. it’s all the more reason why we need all the Americans we can to recall the legacy of great figures of history like FDR as to help our country out today.

My position is that the Democratic Party today needs to be more like the democratic party of the Roosevelt era. And I would cite Ronald Reagan as to why Republicans can join Democrats of today in order to look up to the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt for advice.

FDR was a piece of shit that did tremendous damage to the country. However, most people of Reagan's generation liked the worthless sonofabitch.

Just like a lot of Boomers liked that asshole JFK but he was also a terrible President.
Is your name "Dudley"?
I’m here for a discussion my friend if you are.

I’m an American. Proud of the allies proud of World War II. What country are you from when it comes to World War II which side do you support? Hey if you’re not gonna answer my questions I’m not gonna have a conversation with you and I’m gonna put you on ignore because it doesn’t do anyone any good to have a conversation if were ignoring key information. I responded everything you said and I expect responses to my posts or there’s no point in us having a conversation
FDR was a piece of shit that did tremendous damage to the country. However, most people of Reagan's generation liked the worthless sonofabitch.

Just like a lot of Boomers liked that asshole JFK but he was also a terrible President.
Are you from the United States? Do you consider yourself a republican, democrat or independent?
Are you from the United States? Do you consider yourself a republican, democrat or independent?

You are ignorant of the FDR aren't you?

Just as little bit of the damage the sonofabitch did to this country:

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."
Like every other American in the 30's, 40's and 50's Reagan was a victim of the federal education system that idolized FDR and taught nothing but positive things about the four term administration. Reagan was just reaching across the isle back in the 1990's for some common ground but he needn't have bothered. The left would eventually use it against him anyway.
Tough sell for me brother. I think Reagan sincerely loved FDR he consistently praise the man. And this was during the 80s as well

I don’t understand why death Angel is against FDR. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Joe is a big-time Republican. So he’s the kind of guy who would say Democrats are woke and are racist. So what is somebody like him doing criticizing Roosevelt of some kind of a racist, that’s something that someone in the far left would say, that’s against masculinity, that promotes weakness, it promotes not being proud of America. So it’s not that angels fault I think he’s been misled by propagandists.

black Tuskeegee airmen praised Franklin Roosevelt I could rest my case on that. I would like to see death Angel respond to that fact that the Tuskeegee airmen praised Roosevelt. And that overwhelming numbers of minorities voted for Roosevelt.

You are ignorant of the FDR aren't you?

Just as little bit of the damage the sonofabitch did to this country:

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."
I disagree with you. Are you from United States. What’s your political background. Hey man if you’re not interested in the conversation then we’re done here. It’s good for both of us if that’s the case. I’m all about free-speech but if people are not gonna have a conversation with each other there’s no point in us responding to each other.
Tough sell for me brother. I think Reagan sincerely loved FDR he consistently praise the man. And this was during the 80s as well

I don’t understand why death Angel is against FDR. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Joe is a big-time Republican. So he’s the kind of guy who would say Democrats are woke and are racist. So what is somebody like him doing criticizing Roosevelt of some kind of a racist, that’s something that someone in the far left would say, that’s against masculinity, that promotes weakness, it promotes not being proud of America. So it’s not that angels fault I think he’s been misled by propagandists.

black Tuskeegee airmen praised Franklin Roosevelt I could rest my case on that. I would like to see death Angel respond to that fact that the Tuskeegee airmen praised Roosevelt. And that overwhelming numbers of minorities voted for Roosevelt.

I disagree with you. Are you from United States. What’s your political background. Hey man if you’re not interested in the conversation then we’re done here. It’s good for both of us if that’s the case. I’m all about free-speech but if people are not gonna have a conversation with each other there’s no point in us responding to each other.
Well if you are so stupid as to love the asshole then no amount of reasoning is going to change your Moon Bat mind, is it?

FDR fucked this country several ways, Using failed Leftest government policies to fuck up the economy and extend the Great Depression is just one of them.
E.O. 9066 stands out as the most notorious abuse of Constitutional Law since the rule of law was established. The old slick politician had a plan B when he appointed a KKK member to the S.C. Justice Black wrote the majority opinion that incarcerating Americans without due process was justified under certain circumstances.

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