Reagan Unumployment rate was 10.8% at the End of 82

Here'a a good article w/ supporting evidence ;-)

Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: Ronald Reagan: Fiscal Disaster

I don't know how so many people were fooled by Reaganomics. He lowered the buying power of working people but turnedn the economy into a credit based economy with working class taxpayers paying the losses for the rich. But he couldn't have done it without the Democrats.

Yes, many people were fooled by the radically lower inflation rates, interest rates, and unemployment rates that Reagan achieved. Shame on them. They need higher taxes, higher rates of inflation, and higher unemployment.
And Team Obama DELIVERS!
As to the rhetorical question at the top of the thread:


Reaganomics is not trickle down. Equating the two is moldy dishonest straw. You put that at the top of your thread I know you don't want an honest informed discussion.
Please provide a story that Rachel did that turned out to be completely false. I'd really like to hear of one. Thanks.

Note the word "completely." Of course there is nothing completely false. Hannity or Limbaugh do not put out things that are completely false.
But that is not the same thing as true. She specializes in cherry picking and selectively presenting information to create an impression that is frankly unwarranted. About like posters here do. One idiot insists that the GOP is ending Medicare. When I ask what the new program will be called he cannot answer. Because they are not ending medicare. They are taking steps to insure it's survival.

[ame=]YouTube - More Phony Lies (and quotes) From Rush Limbaugh..[/ame]

You completly destroyed rabbi..nice job.
Lets see Reagan

Had highest % increase in debt in history
Raised taxes several times
sold weapons to Iran
Funded a terrorist organization
Stood By Hussein when the world wanted him removed from power
Gave weapons and support to Bin Laden then turned his back on him and Afgan
Cut and ran from war when Americans started to die

Maybe if he was half decent the trickle down (or voo doo as Bush called it) wouldn't have destroyed the american dream, Hussein would have been out of power saving us 2 wars in Iraq and Trillions. Bin Laden wouldn't hate us so much and wouldn't have attacked us on 9/11 so yes like all his ideas and the man as president this is a failure
So far, nobody has pointed to any spending which was cut.

Yet, the same twirps who can't do that continue to proclaim something that was never tried to be a failure.

Go figure.
So far, nobody has pointed to any spending which was cut.

Yet, the same twirps who can't do that continue to proclaim something that was never tried to be a failure.

Go figure.

They cannot produce that which does not exist.
As to the rhetorical question at the top of the thread:


Reaganomics is not trickle down. Equating the two is moldy dishonest straw. You put that at the top of your thread I know you don't want an honest informed discussion.

Lets see Reagan

Had highest % increase in debt in history
Raised taxes several times
sold weapons to Iran
Funded a terrorist organization
Stood By Hussein when the world wanted him removed from power
Gave weapons and support to Bin Laden then turned his back on him and Afgan
Cut and ran from war when Americans started to die

Maybe if he was half decent the trickle down (or voo doo as Bush called it) wouldn't have destroyed the american dream, Hussein would have been out of power saving us 2 wars in Iraq and Trillions. Bin Laden wouldn't hate us so much and wouldn't have attacked us on 9/11 so yes like all his ideas and the man as president this is a failure

Plus the things in my poster :)

Reaganomics is not trickle down.

The theory goes like this: Lower tax rates will encourage more investment, which in turn will mean more jobs and greater prosperity—so much so that tax revenues will go up, despite lower rates. The late Milton Friedman, the libertarian economist who wanted to shut down public parks because he considered them socialism, promoted this strategy. Ronald Reagan embraced Friedman’s ideas and made them into policy when he was elected president in 1980.

For the past decade, we have doubled down on this theory of supply-side economics with the tax cuts sponsored by President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003, which President Obama has agreed to continue for two years.

You would think that whether this grand experiment worked would be settled after three decades.

Did Reganomics live up to it's promises more than three decades later?

Since 1980, when Reagan won the presidency promising prosperity through tax cuts, the average income of the vast majority—the bottom 90 percent of Americans—has increased a meager $303, or 1 percent. Put another way, for each dollar people in the vast majority made in 1980, in 2008 their income was up to $1.01.

Those at the top did better. The top 1 percent’s average income more than doubled to $1.1 million, according to an analysis of tax data by economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez. The really rich, the top one-tenth of 1 percent, each enjoyed almost $4 in 2008 for each dollar in 1980.

The top 300,000 Americans now enjoy almost as much income as the bottom 150 million, the data show.

The facts show that the promise of propsperity turns out to be true only for the already wealthy.
Reaganomics is not trickle down.

The theory goes like this: Lower tax rates will encourage more investment, which in turn will mean more jobs and greater prosperity—so much so that tax revenues will go up, despite lower rates. The late Milton Friedman, the libertarian economist who wanted to shut down public parks because he considered them socialism, promoted this strategy. Ronald Reagan embraced Friedman’s ideas and made them into policy when he was elected president in 1980.

For the past decade, we have doubled down on this theory of supply-side economics with the tax cuts sponsored by President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003, which President Obama has agreed to continue for two years.

You would think that whether this grand experiment worked would be settled after three decades.

Did Reganomics live up to it's promises more than three decades later?

Since 1980, when Reagan won the presidency promising prosperity through tax cuts, the average income of the vast majority—the bottom 90 percent of Americans—has increased a meager $303, or 1 percent. Put another way, for each dollar people in the vast majority made in 1980, in 2008 their income was up to $1.01.

Those at the top did better. The top 1 percent’s average income more than doubled to $1.1 million, according to an analysis of tax data by economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez. The really rich, the top one-tenth of 1 percent, each enjoyed almost $4 in 2008 for each dollar in 1980.

The top 300,000 Americans now enjoy almost as much income as the bottom 150 million, the data show.

The facts show that the promise of propsperity turns out to be true only for the already wealthy.

That isn't really the theory. IN part because there is no "Reaganomics Theory." His programs were based on a few principles.
1) The only way to shrink government is to limit its revenue. This forces shrinkage. Otherwise government is like a baby: all mouth at one end and irresponsible at the other.
2) Government can only take a fixed percentage of GDP. If it raises rates, it will depress GDP.
3) Changes in the tax code that change people's behavior to be more productive and work harder will work.

And we've seen every one of those things proven.
Wow! I just noticed your new Avi..... it!

Hey, remember when he tried to pretend that he actually was a White Sox fan???

Obama to Dibble on why he wore a White Sox fan to throw out the first pitch in Washington: “I’m a Southside kid, I gotta make sure (White Sox owner) Jerry Reinsdorf doesn’t get to angry with me.”

Dibble: “Having played with the White Sox for a short time, I know how the Cubs fans and White Sox fans go back and forth. Who was one of your favorite White Sox players growing up?”

Obama: “You know uh ….. I … I thought that … uh …. you know … the truth is a lot of the Cubs I like too! But, uh … I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I uh …. I was growing up in Hawaii so I ended up actually being an Oakland A’s fan.”

Obvious follow up question: “Oh….so who were your favorite Oakland A’s players growing up?” But Dibble probably figured sports fans had cringed enough, already.
Oh My: Obama Couldn’t Name Any White Sox Players When Asked « Nice Deb

That was great: exposed as a fraud again!

My post sure got a lot of attention. But as usual, the responses are bullshit. I have an article of my own to share, you bimbo.

Barack Obama may have moved out of the Hyde Park-Kenwood neighborhood of Chicago to the White House of Washington, D.C., but to the Chicago White Sox, he will always be one of them.

"I not only have to answer to (chairman) Jerry Reinsdorf and our fans," White Sox general manager Kenny Williams says, "but answer to the president of the United States. If we don't win, I know I'm going to have him on (me), too."

President Obama is no casual White Sox fan. He wears his black-and-white cap with "Sox" across the top until it is tattered and stained with perspiration, prompting Reinsdorf to have new caps delivered to him. He watches their games, tells the White Sox he pores over their box scores, calls former slugger Harold Baines his all-time favorite player and takes jabs at the rival Cubs like a good South Sider should.

White Sox's first fan: Obama loyal to hometown team -

I'm afraid that this fantasy goes in the pile with all of his other fabrications.

You must be one of the last to actually believe his nonsense....

well, you and Hiroo Onoda.

Yeah, sure. Any story about the prez that is negative is absolutely true in your blind eyes. Any story about him that is positive just has to be a lie. You are pathetic.
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And we've seen every one of those things proven.

I disagree with this statement but I notice that you've carefully avoided the obvious truth that Reganomics has disproportionately benefited and continues to benefit the already wealthy over the rest of Americans.
And we've seen every one of those things proven.

I disagree with this statement but I notice that you've carefully avoided the obvious truth that Reganomics has disproportionately benefited and continues to benefit the already wealthy over the rest of Americans.

I didnt avoid it. I was busy trying to educate you as to what "Reaganomics" means.
In fact you continue to prove yourself an idiot. How many of the people in the first group of "wealthy" were the same as in the second group of "wealthy"? Hint, they aren't usually the same people.
Of course it is, that was decided long ago.

Even Reagan's own people admit it was a failure.

But people who got their graduate education at the Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies still march in step with the lie.

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