Reagan Unumployment rate was 10.8% at the End of 82

You claimed he was a journalist. I can't be held responsible for your claims.


So you found some other left-wing hacks who are willing to defend propaganda?

No, they are economists.

Yeah, that certainly proves a lot.


Perhaps a message board is not the best place for you.

Krugman is either an ignoramus or an unhinged left-wing hack. He's still calling for more spending.
Democrats create then control ghettos

See every Democrat voting block for reference

All bankrupted, crime ridden, graffitti covered, poverty infested, welfare toilets

Liberals now call this multiculuralism

Translation: 3rd world Slums for power
You claimed he was a journalist. I can't be held responsible for your claims.


You mean "Right."

So you found some other left-wing hacks who are willing to defend propaganda?

No, they are economists.

They are left wing hacks.

Yeah, that certainly proves a lot.


Perhaps a message board is not the best place for you.

True, the opposition in this forum is truly pathetic. It's hard to find a forum with liberals who actually know something.
True, the opposition in this forum is truly pathetic. It's hard to find a forum with liberals who actually know something.

I doubt there is such a thing as liberals who know somethng. Alan Blinder is an economist and supposedly a Princeton professor. He writes occasionally for the WSJ. His articles aren't much more informed than a lot of the posts here, filled with suppositions that aren't true and unfounded assertions.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Some of us come here to discuss reality, others come to deny it.

Has this society prospered as a result of supply side policies?

No it hasn't.

In fact, in great big UNDENIABLE FACTS, things have gotten worse steadily for most Americans, for the last 40 years, at least.

How bad things have gotten for you really depends mostly on what socioeconomic class you started out in to begin with, mostly.

Now I don't know how anybody can deny these undeniable sad facts, but clearly we can see that many right wing cranks on this board will deny anything, no matter how obvious it is, if it suits their twisted agenda to do so.

Seriously, there's no point even attempting to engage that sort of lying partisan in serious discussion, and there is also no point in getting into bitchfests with them, either.

These people are either trolls (who are only seeking bitchfests) , complete imbeciles (who are honest but who are also retarded intellectually) , or they are tools of misinformation who working for the propagandists.

Seriously, I cannot arrive at any other conclusions about what motivates right wing cranks other than one or more those three possibilites.

My theory is most of you right wing cranks here are just flat out ignorant.

I have no anger in my heart for you guys because you have been bamboozled by masters of manipulation. Many of you have no idea what society can be, (or was) and lacking any real understanding of the past, you are helpless victims of propagandist revisionism.

Some of you, a very select group of you, are simply supporting the team that supports you. You sense, probably correctly, too, that it is in your best interests to support the internationalists. You are not stupid, but I suspect for most of you, you are merely shortsighted and do not understand that there is no place for you in the economic lifeboats the masters have ready for them.

Rabbi, for example, both claims that he is very wealthy, AND that his primary loyalty is NOT to this nation, but to Isreal. So as long as the corrupted system serves his interests while this nation is going down, why should he care what happens to America or Americans? He's made it fairly obvious he hates us and this nation, indeed all Christendom, anyway.

Perhaps if you're wealthy enough denial of the facts is the best thing you can do IF you imagine this ongoing disaster isn't going to effect you. You guys think you're Atlas? Well you might just get the chance to test out that theory soon. Good luck getting into Olmpia with the rest of the GODS.

And, while I consider this thrid possibility is very unlikely, it is remotely possible that some of you work for the disinformation teams that are out here on the net there foisting these right wing lies on the public.

Lying for the masters is a good trade if you have the stomach for it, I suppose.

But really, those are the only three possible motives I can think of for those of you who refuse to acknowledge the facts-- facts that are, by everybody's standards, UNDENIABLY TRUE.
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There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Some of us come here to discuss reality, others come to deny it.

Has this society prospered as a result of supply side policies?

No it hasn't.

In fact, in great big UNDENIABLE FACTS, things have gotten worse steadily for most Americans, for the last 40 years, at least.

How bad things have gotten for you really depends mostly on what socioeconomic class you started out in to begin with, mostly.

Now I don't know how anybody can deny these undeniable sad facts, but clearly we can see that many right wing cranks on this board will deny anything, no matter how obvious it is, if it suits their twisted agenda to do so.

Seriously, there's no point even attempting to engage that sort of lying partisan in serious discussion, and there is also no point in getting into bitchfests with them, either.

These people are either trolls (who are only seeking bitchfests) , complete imbeciles (who are honest but who are also retarded intellectually) , or they are tools of misinformation who working for the propagandists.

Seriously, I cannot arrive at any other conclusions about what motivates right wing cranks other than one or more those three possibilites.

My theory is most of you right wing cranks here are just flat out ignorant.

I have no anger in my heart for you guys because you have been bamboozled by masters of manipulation. Many of you have no idea what society can be, (or was) and lacking any real understanding of the past, you are helpless victims of propagandist revisionism.

Some of you, a very select group of you, are simply supporting the team that supports you. You sense, probably correctly, too, that it is in your best interests to support the internationalists. You are not stupid, but I suspect for most of you, you are merely shortsighted and do not understand that there is no place for you in the economic lifeboats the masters have ready for them.

Rabbi, for example, both claims that he is very wealthy, AND that his primary loyalty is NOT to this nation, but to Isreal. So as long as the corrupted system serves his interests while this nation is going down, why should he care what happens to America or Americans? He's made it fairly obvious he hates us and this nation, indeed all Christendom, anyway.

Perhaps if you're wealthy enough denial of the facts is the best thing you can do IF you imagine this ongoing disaster isn't going to effect you. You guys think you're Atlas? Well you might just get the chance to test out that theory soon. Good luck getting into Olmpia with the rest of the GODS.

And, while I consider this thrid possibility is very unlikely, it is remotely possible that some of you work for the disinformation teams that are out here on the net there foisting these right wing lies on the public.

Lying for the masters is a good trade if you have the stomach for it, I suppose.

But really, those are the only three possible motives I can think of for those of you who refuse to acknowledge the facts-- facts that are, by everybody's standards, UNDENIABLY TRUE.

You are a liar. And a bad one at that.
First I never cleaimed to be wealthy. That is an invention on your part. Second I never claimed my primary loyalty was to Israel, which it is not.
Third this country is in far better financial shape than it was in 1988. Check GDP numbers and total employment if you dont believe me.
We are in far worse shape than when the Dums took over Congress in '06, and we wont be gettting back on track until the Dums are relegated to electoral obscurity.
Raygunomics was an abject failure. He also raised taxes LOLOL

Ronnie Ray Gun? was that because he lied about being in combat or was it about his space warfare program?

When did Reagan ever lie about being in combat?

Everything liberals know is a myth or a delusion.

He told a story about him being in combat which I belive he was never in combat. I will try and find the story but the Reagan foundation has done a good job of burying articles negitive to Reagan's legacy.
He told a story about him being in combat which I belive he was never in combat. I will try and find the story but the Reagan foundation has done a good job of burying articles negitive to Reagan's legacy.

So, your utter lack of evidence is all the result of an evil right-wing plot? ROLF! The fact that there is no evidence just goes to show how sinister it is, right?
He told a story about him being in combat which I belive he was never in combat. I will try and find the story but the Reagan foundation has done a good job of burying articles negitive to Reagan's legacy.

So, your utter lack of evidence is all the result of an evil right-wing plot? ROLF! The fact that there is no evidence just goes to show how sinister it is, right?

It's all a conspiracy.

But the whole thread and others like it has me wondering: What is this hard-on the Left has with Reagan? He's been dead for 2 years. He was out of it for like 15. And he hasn't been president since 1988. So why this fascination with mutilating his policies? I don't see Libs making fun of WIN buttons or wage-price controls. So why Reagan??
Raygunomics was an abject failure. He also raised taxes LOLOL

Ronnie Ray Gun? was that because he lied about being in combat or was it about his space warfare program?

When did Reagan ever lie about being in combat?

Everything liberals know is a myth or a delusion.

"Not since the days of the Roman emperors—and never in the history of the United States Presidency—has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation's affairs of State."

- Joan Quigley, astrologer to the Reagans
Does "bripat9643" have any more "pearls" of conservative wisdom about "myths" and "delusions?"

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He told a story about him being in combat which I belive he was never in combat. I will try and find the story but the Reagan foundation has done a good job of burying articles negitive to Reagan's legacy.

So, your utter lack of evidence is all the result of an evil right-wing plot? ROLF! The fact that there is no evidence just goes to show how sinister it is, right?

Don't worry I'll find the story.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Some of us come here to discuss reality, others come to deny it.

Has this society prospered as a result of supply side policies?

No it hasn't.

In fact, in great big UNDENIABLE FACTS, things have gotten worse steadily for most Americans, for the last 40 years, at least.

How bad things have gotten for you really depends mostly on what socioeconomic class you started out in to begin with, mostly.

Now I don't know how anybody can deny these undeniable sad facts, but clearly we can see that many right wing cranks on this board will deny anything, no matter how obvious it is, if it suits their twisted agenda to do so.

Seriously, there's no point even attempting to engage that sort of lying partisan in serious discussion, and there is also no point in getting into bitchfests with them, either.

These people are either trolls (who are only seeking bitchfests) , complete imbeciles (who are honest but who are also retarded intellectually) , or they are tools of misinformation who working for the propagandists.

Seriously, I cannot arrive at any other conclusions about what motivates right wing cranks other than one or more those three possibilites.

My theory is most of you right wing cranks here are just flat out ignorant.

I have no anger in my heart for you guys because you have been bamboozled by masters of manipulation. Many of you have no idea what society can be, (or was) and lacking any real understanding of the past, you are helpless victims of propagandist revisionism.

Some of you, a very select group of you, are simply supporting the team that supports you. You sense, probably correctly, too, that it is in your best interests to support the internationalists. You are not stupid, but I suspect for most of you, you are merely shortsighted and do not understand that there is no place for you in the economic lifeboats the masters have ready for them.

Rabbi, for example, both claims that he is very wealthy, AND that his primary loyalty is NOT to this nation, but to Isreal. So as long as the corrupted system serves his interests while this nation is going down, why should he care what happens to America or Americans? He's made it fairly obvious he hates us and this nation, indeed all Christendom, anyway.

Perhaps if you're wealthy enough denial of the facts is the best thing you can do IF you imagine this ongoing disaster isn't going to effect you. You guys think you're Atlas? Well you might just get the chance to test out that theory soon. Good luck getting into Olmpia with the rest of the GODS.

And, while I consider this thrid possibility is very unlikely, it is remotely possible that some of you work for the disinformation teams that are out here on the net there foisting these right wing lies on the public.

Lying for the masters is a good trade if you have the stomach for it, I suppose.

But really, those are the only three possible motives I can think of for those of you who refuse to acknowledge the facts-- facts that are, by everybody's standards, UNDENIABLY TRUE.

You are a liar. And a bad one at that.
First I never cleaimed to be wealthy. That is an invention on your part. Second I never claimed my primary loyalty was to Israel, which it is not.
Third this country is in far better financial shape than it was in 1988. Check GDP numbers and total employment if you dont believe me.
We are in far worse shape than when the Dums took over Congress in '06, and we wont be gettting back on track until the Dums are relegated to electoral obscurity.

Okay I stand never claimed to be wealthy you never told us about how cleverly you were making money in the market.

But youy DID without doubt tell this board that your first and primary loyalty was to ISREAL.

I was shocked that you had the unmitigated gall to post that.

So you've conveniently forgetten that you posted that, have you?

Do you now recant that position, or are you going to try to convince me that I misread your post?

You are a sick, sick little boy, Lad.
First to go is the myth that Reagan was the most popular president since FDR. Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting reminds us, “During the first two years of Reagan’s presidency, the public was giving President Reagan the lowest level of approval of all modern elected presidents. Reagan’s average first-year approval rating was 58 percent—lower than Dwight Eisenhower’s 69 percent, Jack Kennedy’s 75 percent, Richard Nixon’s 61 percent and Jimmy Carter’s 62 percent.” At the end of his second year, (remember the Reagan recession?) Reagan’s approval rating was 41 percent; after the Iran-Contra scandal was revealed, Reagan’s approval rating stood at 46 percent. His approval rating for his entire presidency was lower than Kennedy’s, Eisenhower’s and even Johnson’s, and at times he was one of the most unpopular presidents in recent history.

Also forgotten is Reagan’s own embarrassing propensity to just make things up. Reagan was a dunce and a fabricator. One of his most famous assertions was, “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do,” and he maintained, wrongly, that sulfur dioxide emitted from Mount St. Helens was greater than that emitted by cars over a 10-year period. (In one day, cars emit 40 times what Mount St. Helens released in a day even at its peak activity.) In 1985, Reagan praised the P.W. Botha’s apartheid regime of South Africa for eliminating segregation, a blunder then-Press Secretary Larry Speakes had to correct a few days later.

Other examples abound: During a 1983 Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony Reagan told a story about military heroism that New York Daily News columnist Lars-Erik Nelson wrote never happened. Nelson had checked the citations on all 434 Congressional Medals of Honor awarded during WWII. The scene Reagan described did appear, however, in the 1944 film A Wing and a Prayer. Larry Speakes’ response? “If you tell the same story five times, it’s true.”

The Enduring Lies of Ronald Reagan -- In These Times

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