Reagan's (R) 8- year reign of terror in Central America

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
This pisses me off to no end every time I hear about it.

In Central America, Reagan Remains A Polarizing Figure (
The United States spent more than $4 billion on economic and military aid during El Salvador's civil war, in which more than 75,000 people were killed, many of them civilians caught in the crossfire.
Reagan referred to contras as "the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers" and the United States spent $1 billion on them; the fighting in Nicaragua killed as many as 50,000 people.
Reagan also supported the repressive military dictatorship of Guatemala, where more than 200,000 people, mostly indigenous peasants, died over 36 years of civil strife.

Reagan's support never led to a final battlefield victory in the region.



waits for Reagans distant cousin frank to go into meltdown mode.:D:lol::lol::lol:

btw,WHY make another thread of this?


Reagan was so mean to the Communists

just wow

of course it BLAME us for all worlds problems

who didn't see this coming...

what, they didn't have a GOVERNMENT?
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good ole compost dumping on our country...all the people who works for them hate's us too
Dotcom was dumping on reagan, not the country. It's not common knowledge in right wing circles that reagan had the most corrupt administration in close to a hundred years. Over a hundred convictions, indictments, or official investigations. For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over obama being a criminal, ronnie the rat takes the prize.
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Dotcom was dumping on reagan, not the country. It's not common knowledge in right wing circles that reagan had the most corrupt administration in close to a hundred years. over a hundred convictions, indictments, or official investigations. For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over obama being a criminal, ronnie the rat takes the prize.

prove all that or gnash your teeth some more
Dotcom was dumping on reagan, not the country. It's not common knowledge in right wing circles that reagan had the most corrupt administration in close to a hundred years. Over a hundred convictions, indictments, or official investigations. For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over obama being a criminal, ronnie the rat takes the prize.

yep. Quite simply, the guy was a pile
When in doubt, blame America

When in deep shit, bring up the distant past, cut out all the facts except the ones you need and attack.

and don't forget the moronic cartoon, gotta have those.
When in doubt, blame America

When in deep shit, bring up the distant past, cut out all the facts except the ones you need and attack.

and don't forget the moronic cartoon, gotta have those.

Yep, the standard under this regime for his LAPdog media trying to cover for him
first Bush now Reagan
how the rw sheeple were brainwashed to think the Gipper was the best they ever had is astounding :eusa_eh:
The sad thing is that in the Iran-Contra hearings Reagan used the "I forget" reply to 124 questions.
Reagan isn't the one inviting Honduran Criminals into the United States.

Man you guys have been really melting down lately. You know you only have till November right? Gotta' destroy the country by then.
Noriega was a tool of the United States through CIA operations who later bit the hand that fed him. We were in drug War mode back then, 70's and 80's and Noriega turned rabid................

So we invaded and took him into custody. He served time in our Jails and then went to jail in France for being what he was in Panama.............A drug KING PIN..................

The Drug Wars failed because people wanted the chit. Still do, and now about 100,000 have died down there due to Drug Lords and Drug Wars. Who control most of the leaders of the countries.
Noriega was a tool of the United States through CIA operations who later bit the hand that fed him. We were in drug War mode back then, 70's and 80's and Noriega turned rabid................

So we invaded and took him into custody. He served time in our Jails and then went to jail in France for being what he was in Panama.............A drug KING PIN..................

The Drug Wars failed because people wanted the chit. Still do, and now about 100,000 have died down there due to Drug Lords and Drug Wars. Who control most of the leaders of the countries.

Real close. Not arguing with you. Just want to tweak what you posted a bit. I was stationed in Panama before, during and after Just Cause. I'm a little familiar with what went down.

Yes, Noriega was our guy. He was also Castro's guy. He was also the Medellin Cartel's guy. He tried to play all three sides against each other. No one is cunning enough to pull that off. He tried to convince all three sides he was their man. The problem, as you point out, he was a tool. If he had true talent, he never would have been picked by the CIA, Cubans or the Medellin to be what they thought would be their tool. They all needed a tool they could manipulate. He was in way over his head. You can imagine how pissed the commies and druggies were when they found out they had been played. He's lucky we took him out.

I could write a lot more about Central America in the 80's and 90's but it seems history has already been rewritten by people smarter than those of us who were there.

Your comment on the failed drug war is sadly right on the mark.
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