Real Conservatives Don't Exist


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2013
Conservatives today are actually anarchists at best, liberals at worst. They are rugged individualists who don't care about objective morality. They don't care about upholding principles. They care about being anti-intellectuals who refuse to have manners. Instead, they concede to moral and cultural relativism and emotivism. They only uphold people's rights if they're practical, functional, or useful in their opinion, and insist on forcing people to assume the risk of learning from experience instead of being entitled to security based on a priori reason and free will.

It's fascinating because these are the excuses which are traditionally used to advocate central planning, and modern conservatives have effectively become central planners. People's rights to privacy and freedom of assembly become subject to whether or not authorities find their behavior "reasonable" which basically means that people's prosperity is subject to a socialist popularity contest. If your community doesn't like you because you aren't fitting in with traditions and you're rocking the boat, then you're not entitled to your success. Instead, people can abuse you and hide behind plausible deniability, or maliciously prosecute you altogether.

I guess what's most ironic about this is how conservatives love to appeal to principles, concepts, ideas, and values to justify their position in public, but in private, all of those principles get thrown out the window. Conservatives revert back to bullying, and it's no wonder that conservatives are losing so much now. Nobody believes them anymore. They're like the boy who cried wolf, and people look to government regulation as the great savior from that bullying which happens in private whether we're talking about family values, church, or workplace bullying.

Does conservatism exist anymore? No. It's just liberals walking around in conservative clothing.
Conservatives today are actually anarchists at best, liberals at worst. They are rugged individualists who don't care about objective morality. They don't care about upholding principles. They care about being anti-intellectuals who refuse to have manners. Instead, they concede to moral and cultural relativism and emotivism. They only uphold people's rights if they're practical, functional, or useful in their opinion, and insist on forcing people to assume the risk of learning from experience instead of being entitled to security based on a priori reason and free will.

It's fascinating because these are the excuses which are traditionally used to advocate central planning, and modern conservatives have effectively become central planners. People's rights to privacy and freedom of assembly become subject to whether or not authorities find their behavior "reasonable" which basically means that people's prosperity is subject to a socialist popularity contest. If your community doesn't like you because you aren't fitting in with traditions and you're rocking the boat, then you're not entitled to your success. Instead, people can abuse you and hide behind plausible deniability, or maliciously prosecute you altogether.

I guess what's most ironic about this is how conservatives love to appeal to principles, concepts, ideas, and values to justify their position in public, but in private, all of those principles get thrown out the window. Conservatives revert back to bullying, and it's no wonder that conservatives are losing so much now. Nobody believes them anymore. They're like the boy who cried wolf, and people look to government regulation as the great savior from that bullying which happens in private whether we're talking about family values, church, or workplace bullying.

Does conservatism exist anymore? No. It's just liberals walking around in conservative clothing.

You're so wrong at every point, you couldn't even say something that was correct if you contradicted yourself.

Real conservatives do exist. Seems that we're fewer than we used to be, and the CINOs have done a marvelous job of trying to hijack us, but we're still here. Funny thing is, though, that you haven't the first clue what a real conservative is.
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Conservatives are wimps when contrasted with true anarchists.

On an intellectual level, I'd have to say you're right.

The goal of modern conservatism is to engage in might makes right power politics while deconstructing people's efforts in private just to enslave intelligence to bullying.

They're losing in politics now because people see through that, and when conservatives make last ditch efforts towards intellectualism, people think, "Give me a break. You really expect me to believe you now?"

The sad part is there are many intellectual conservatives who genuinely believe in what they're saying who endure this anti-intellectual nonsense in their own lives. Unfortunately, conservatives' opposition don't see the difference...

...but maybe that's the real reason conservatives are losing. The anti-intellectuals are deliberately throwing the game away in spite of the intellectuals on their own side.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

To be fair, a lot of it has to do with conservatives' cowardice against confronting liberal assertions of moral and cultural relativism. They've sacrificed objective morals in the name of utilitarianism, and now, they deem it useless to stand up for what's right.

It's even gotten to the point that when individuals on their own side are victimized by feminists, multiculturalists, egalitarians, hedonists, etc., they blame the victim and tell them to stop blaming the world, throwing them at psychologists instead.

What's most ironic about this is how psychology is liberal though. Conservatism is an ideology which is supposed to identify with who's on the inside that counts whereas liberalism externalizes people's behavior to be representative of an internal attitude such as seen through regulatory social programs, public goods, and redistributive justice.

This is exactly what psychology does though. It externalizes people's behavior, and if it's not normal, then it's quantified as being a mental disorder.

In effect, conservatives have fallen right into the liberal trap.
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Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

To be fair, a lot of it has to do with conservatives' cowardice against confronting liberal assertions of moral and cultural relativism. They've sacrificed objective morals in the name of utilitarianism, and now, they deem it useless to stand up for what's right.

It's even gotten to the point that when individuals on their own side are victimized by feminists, multiculturalists, egalitarians, hedonists, etc., they blame the victim and tell them to stop blaming the world, throwing them at psychologists instead.

Haven't noticed that, they love to close ranks around the latest asshole that says stupid inflammatory shit within range of a microphone, they absolutely love self-righteous anger when they think some flag waving bible toting hypocrite may have to answer for their stupidity. The culture wars are alive and well with them even though they must know at this point that it totally distracts them from the important issues.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

To be fair, a lot of it has to do with conservatives' cowardice against confronting liberal assertions of moral and cultural relativism. They've sacrificed objective morals in the name of utilitarianism, and now, they deem it useless to stand up for what's right.

It's even gotten to the point that when individuals on their own side are victimized by feminists, multiculturalists, egalitarians, hedonists, etc., they blame the victim and tell them to stop blaming the world, throwing them at psychologists instead.

Haven't noticed that, they love to close ranks around the latest asshole that says stupid inflammatory shit within range of a microphone, they absolutely love self-righteous anger when they think some flag waving bible toting hypocrite may have to answer for their stupidity. The culture wars are alive and well with them even though they must know at this point that it totally distracts them from the important issues.

Well yes, that's what it means to be a utilitarian. They don't focus on what's important because they're being results-oriented and focusing on what's going on in the moment rather than what's going on over time.

It's kind of ironic really because conservatives emphasize the value of investment so much which is a long term endeavor against culturally relativist consumerism, and they acknowledge how consumerism corrupts people's morals such that they want to regulate investment through government...

...but then they're the first to be shortsighted. I mean really?
Conservatives today are actually anarchists at best, liberals at worst. They are rugged individualists who don't care about objective morality. They don't care about upholding principles. They care about being anti-intellectuals who refuse to have manners. Instead, they concede to moral and cultural relativism and emotivism. They only uphold people's rights if they're practical, functional, or useful in their opinion, and insist on forcing people to assume the risk of learning from experience instead of being entitled to security based on a priori reason and free will.

It's fascinating because these are the excuses which are traditionally used to advocate central planning, and modern conservatives have effectively become central planners. People's rights to privacy and freedom of assembly become subject to whether or not authorities find their behavior "reasonable" which basically means that people's prosperity is subject to a socialist popularity contest. If your community doesn't like you because you aren't fitting in with traditions and you're rocking the boat, then you're not entitled to your success. Instead, people can abuse you and hide behind plausible deniability, or maliciously prosecute you altogether.

I guess what's most ironic about this is how conservatives love to appeal to principles, concepts, ideas, and values to justify their position in public, but in private, all of those principles get thrown out the window. Conservatives revert back to bullying, and it's no wonder that conservatives are losing so much now. Nobody believes them anymore. They're like the boy who cried wolf, and people look to government regulation as the great savior from that bullying which happens in private whether we're talking about family values, church, or workplace bullying.

Does conservatism exist anymore? No. It's just liberals walking around in conservative clothing.

No, there are conservatives, you likely just don’t like what they’ve become.

Prior to the advent of the bane of the extreme fiscal and social right, conservatives were advocates of responsible governance, individual liberty, and appropriate budgetary policy where government was not the ‘enemy.’

Traditional conservatives, for example, were advocates of privacy rights with regard to abortion, where limiting the authority of government and enhancing individual liberty conformed to conservative dogma at that time – sadly this is no longer the case.

And there are a few actual conservatives today who support equal protection rights for same-sex couples to marry, because, again, they understand this places limits on government and enhances individual liberty. Unfortunately such conservatives are now few and far between.

Instead we must suffer the extreme social and fiscal right: reactionary, authoritarian conservatives who needlessly fear an American society changing for the better, becoming more diverse, inclusive, and in touch with the Framers’ original intent where expressions of individual liberty are to be celebrated and safeguarded. Indeed, the reactionary, authoritarian conservative represents the greatest threat to our civil liberties, as most on the right seek to deny citizens their civil liberties in a pathetic, futile effort to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with; an American past hostile to minorities, homosexuals, and women.

Although our Constitution and its case law exist to protect citizens from the fear, ignorance, and hate exhibited by most conservatives today, advocates of individual liberty must nonetheless remain vigilant, as these liberties can be easily lost.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

You would be describing liberals here. Liberals support status quo, which means policies and programs to keep poor people poor, deny people an opportunity to work their way up, keep them ignorant in failing schools, and destroy the infrastructure and ethics of this country. Evey inner slum in America belongs to Democrats.
As for the OP, since he is stoned whenever he posts here I guess no one needs to take him seriously.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

Says the far left Obama drone
I guess since the far left forced/are forcing the "Conservative Democrats" out of the party they don't see any nor want any Conservatives to exist.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

You would be describing liberals here. Liberals support status quo, which means policies and programs to keep poor people poor, deny people an opportunity to work their way up, keep them ignorant in failing schools, and destroy the infrastructure and ethics of this country. Evey inner slum in America belongs to Democrats.
As for the OP, since he is stoned whenever he posts here I guess no one needs to take him seriously.
If "Every inner slum in America belongs to Democrats" it is easy to see why this is so. The people in those slums can be DAMN sure that the republicans will not only not do anything to help them out of the slums but they will do everything in their power to grow those slums.
Conservatives today are actually anarchists at best, liberals at worst. They are rugged individualists who don't care about objective morality. They don't care about upholding principles. They care about being anti-intellectuals who refuse to have manners. Instead, they concede to moral and cultural relativism and emotivism. They only uphold people's rights if they're practical, functional, or useful in their opinion, and insist on forcing people to assume the risk of learning from experience instead of being entitled to security based on a priori reason and free will.
Its easy to argue that someting doesnt ecxist when you make up the definition of that something.

Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

You would be describing liberals here. Liberals support status quo, which means policies and programs to keep poor people poor, deny people an opportunity to work their way up, keep them ignorant in failing schools, and destroy the infrastructure and ethics of this country. Evey inner slum in America belongs to Democrats.
As for the OP, since he is stoned whenever he posts here I guess no one needs to take him seriously.

Your visceral rejection of altruism is showing.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

You would be describing liberals here. Liberals support status quo, which means policies and programs to keep poor people poor, deny people an opportunity to work their way up, keep them ignorant in failing schools, and destroy the infrastructure and ethics of this country. Evey inner slum in America belongs to Democrats.
As for the OP, since he is stoned whenever he posts here I guess no one needs to take him seriously.

Your visceral rejection of altruism is showing.

Says the loyal far left Obama drone.
You would be describing liberals here. Liberals support status quo, which means policies and programs to keep poor people poor, deny people an opportunity to work their way up, keep them ignorant in failing schools, and destroy the infrastructure and ethics of this country. Evey inner slum in America belongs to Democrats.
As for the OP, since he is stoned whenever he posts here I guess no one needs to take him seriously.

Your visceral rejection of altruism is showing.

Says the loyal far left Obama drone.

Says the dumbass who never says anything useful.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

You would be describing liberals here. Liberals support status quo, which means policies and programs to keep poor people poor, deny people an opportunity to work their way up, keep them ignorant in failing schools, and destroy the infrastructure and ethics of this country. Evey inner slum in America belongs to Democrats.
As for the OP, since he is stoned whenever he posts here I guess no one needs to take him seriously.
If "Every inner slum in America belongs to Democrats" it is easy to see why this is so. The people in those slums can be DAMN sure that the republicans will not only not do anything to help them out of the slums but they will do everything in their power to grow those slums.

Democrats created and own those slums. Remind me what democrats have done to make any of it any better. Yeah, nothing. Democrats thrive on ignorance, poverty and envy.
Most conservatives are nothing more than selfish haters looking for a socially acceptable way to express their selfishness and hatred, there is no thought behind it, no real attempt at a solid, consistent political philosophy, just an overriding visceral rejection of altruism.

You would be describing liberals here. Liberals support status quo, which means policies and programs to keep poor people poor, deny people an opportunity to work their way up, keep them ignorant in failing schools, and destroy the infrastructure and ethics of this country. Evey inner slum in America belongs to Democrats.
As for the OP, since he is stoned whenever he posts here I guess no one needs to take him seriously.

Your visceral rejection of altruism is showing.

It is not altruistic to offer other people's money. It's theft.

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