Real Conservatives embrace Authoritarianism.

Otherwise you get Hollywood promoting Liberal, smut, and degenerate films.

Otherwise you get Media promoting Liberalism.

Otherwise you get Pornography sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Prostitution Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Drug Dealer Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gangster Rap sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Che-Guevara T-shirts sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gay wedding merchandise, and banquets sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Capitalists selling Abortion.

Otherwise you get Illegal Immigrants hired by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get outsourced jobs by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get H2B visa immigrants hired by Capitalists.
Otherwise you get Hollywood promoting Liberal, smut, and degenerate films.

Otherwise you get Media promoting Liberalism.

Otherwise you get Pornography sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Prostitution Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Drug Dealer Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gangster Rap sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Che-Guevara T-shirts sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gay wedding merchandise, and banquets sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Capitalists selling Abortion.

Otherwise you get Illegal Immigrants hired by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get outsourced jobs by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get H2B visa immigrants hired by Capitalists.

What he means is "Everyone should think like me. And if I can't persuade them, someone should MAKE them."

Ho hum, it's boring

Is that what he's saying?

Seems to me that if someone a long time ago would have stood up and slapped corporate America on the nose with a newspaper and said NO, bad doggie...Then the american people wouldn't miss the hardcore pornography and the drugs and the abortion since they were never up for sale to begin with and their lives would be a lot fuller and their minds cleaner.

Oh don't get me wrong. I think our minds are full of drugs, and worse. It's tragic. But sadly if there had been no market for it the "Capitalists" wouldn't have ever made it.

There is a sliding scale of how much the gov't monitors "morality"...all laws are based on Moral Law, but some are obvious, like don't kill people. When we get into "don't make movies that offend me"...well, now you're riding a line between a free people and a not free people.

How about we start with something simple like: don't create an entire entertainment industry based around luring pretty young girls with lies about becoming famous into debasing themselves on camera for money.

I agree with you on the "don't" part. I find it morally repugnant. But does that mean the gov't should mandate that it not happen? Should then the gov't mandate that everyone go to church on Sunday and give money too?

See what I mean?
Otherwise you get Hollywood promoting Liberal, smut, and degenerate films.

Otherwise you get Media promoting Liberalism.

Otherwise you get Pornography sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Prostitution Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Drug Dealer Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gangster Rap sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Che-Guevara T-shirts sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gay wedding merchandise, and banquets sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Capitalists selling Abortion.

Otherwise you get Illegal Immigrants hired by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get outsourced jobs by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get H2B visa immigrants hired by Capitalists.

I think what you mean is real authoritarians promote socialism.

. . . which is a great way to keep a nation conservative. . . . if the authoritarian happens to be conservative.

Which is true of many Monarchs and a great many generals.

Do you have a point?

Is the sacrifice of civil rights and civil liberties worth it?

Absolutely not. Stop taking drugs and put down the bottle.
Hes had his head up his ass for a long time you know
Otherwise you get Hollywood promoting Liberal, smut, and degenerate films.

Otherwise you get Media promoting Liberalism.

Otherwise you get Pornography sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Prostitution Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Drug Dealer Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gangster Rap sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Che-Guevara T-shirts sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gay wedding merchandise, and banquets sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Capitalists selling Abortion.

Otherwise you get Illegal Immigrants hired by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get outsourced jobs by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get H2B visa immigrants hired by Capitalists.

What he means is "Everyone should think like me. And if I can't persuade them, someone should MAKE them."

Ho hum, it's boring

Is that what he's saying?

Seems to me that if someone a long time ago would have stood up and slapped corporate America on the nose with a newspaper and said NO, bad doggie...Then the american people wouldn't miss the hardcore pornography and the drugs and the abortion since they were never up for sale to begin with and their lives would be a lot fuller and their minds cleaner.

Oh don't get me wrong. I think our minds are full of drugs, and worse. It's tragic. But sadly if there had been no market for it the "Capitalists" wouldn't have ever made it.

There is a sliding scale of how much the gov't monitors "morality"...all laws are based on Moral Law, but some are obvious, like don't kill people. When we get into "don't make movies that offend me"...well, now you're riding a line between a free people and a not free people.

How about we start with something simple like: don't create an entire entertainment industry based around luring pretty young girls with lies about becoming famous into debasing themselves on camera for money.

I agree with you on the "don't" part. I find it morally repugnant. But does that mean the gov't should mandate that it not happen? Should then the gov't mandate that everyone go to church on Sunday and give money too?

See what I mean?

I'm only asking for reasonable restrictions. There's already a bunch of those on the books.

Law and order is what the right wing is about to me. Thats why "anything goes" free market capitalism seems like a left wing ideology to me. How'd it ever get associated with the right?
Conservatives embrace individual freedom, not authoritarianism.
Maybe real.ones do, not the American versions though.
Those are all things democrats support

I am a conservative, and I support your freedom to participate in any of those things.

Socially liberal + Economic "conservative" = trash human being

Fiscal conservative + Socially liberal = Freedom
Conservatives embrace individual freedom, not authoritarianism.
Maybe real.ones do, not the American versions though.
Those are all things democrats support
Really hate to say this but your a lying bastard
You realize you quoted yourself in that post, right?
And I hope you relize your a lying bastard
Lol, you are funny, but you're boring me. By now.
Conservatives embrace individual freedom, not authoritarianism.
Maybe real.ones do, not the American versions though.
Those are all things democrats support

I am a conservative, and I support your freedom to participate in any of those things.

Socially liberal + Economic "conservative" = trash human being

Fiscal conservative + Socially liberal = Freedom

Fiscal "conservatism" ends up selling out the interests of the people to the highest bidder and is especially detrimental when combined with degenerate social policies, IMO.
Maybe real.ones do, not the American versions though.
Those are all things democrats support

I am a conservative, and I support your freedom to participate in any of those things.

Socially liberal + Economic "conservative" = trash human being

Fiscal conservative + Socially liberal = Freedom

Fiscal "conservatism" ends up selling out the interests of the people to the highest bidder and is especially detrimental when combined with degenerate social policies, IMO.

But again, I reiterate: I don't think free-market capitalism is conservative at all. It's liberal.
Maybe real.ones do, not the American versions though.
Those are all things democrats support

I am a conservative, and I support your freedom to participate in any of those things.

Socially liberal + Economic "conservative" = trash human being

Fiscal conservative + Socially liberal = Freedom

Fiscal "conservatism" ends up selling out the interests of the people to the highest bidder and is especially detrimental when combined with degenerate social policies, IMO.

More "slippery slope" nonsense.

The things listed in the OP, for the most part, don't effect you unless you allow it. Don't like those things? Don't involve yourself with them.

I can make a case for the authoritarian taking your freedoms in the name of making things "safe" better than you can make a case for fiscal conservatives selling out to degenerate social policies.

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