Real Conservatives embrace Authoritarianism.

Those are all things democrats support

I am a conservative, and I support your freedom to participate in any of those things.

Socially liberal + Economic "conservative" = trash human being

Fiscal conservative + Socially liberal = Freedom

Fiscal "conservatism" ends up selling out the interests of the people to the highest bidder and is especially detrimental when combined with degenerate social policies, IMO.

More "slippery slope" nonsense.

The things listed in the OP, for the most part, don't effect you unless you allow it. Don't like those things? Don't involve yourself with them.

I can make a case for the authoritarian taking your freedoms in the name of making things "safe" better than you can make a case for fiscal conservatives selling out to degenerate social policies.

It does effect me because I have empathy for my fellow man, it hurts to see them degraded and abused.

Plus, I also have to live in a society alongside them.
Maybe real.ones do, not the American versions though.
Those are all things democrats support
Really hate to say this but your a lying bastard
You realize you quoted yourself in that post, right?
And I hope you relize your a lying bastard
Lol, you are funny, but you're boring me. By now.
Well good for you
Otherwise you get Hollywood promoting Liberal, smut, and degenerate films.

Otherwise you get Media promoting Liberalism.

Otherwise you get Pornography sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Prostitution Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Drug Dealer Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gangster Rap sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Che-Guevara T-shirts sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Gay wedding merchandise, and banquets sold by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get Capitalists selling Abortion.

Otherwise you get Illegal Immigrants hired by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get outsourced jobs by Capitalists.

Otherwise you get H2B visa immigrants hired by Capitalists.
Those are all things that leftist pollocks endorse

Not a heck of a lot of Leftist Poles.
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.
Learn to love dictatorships.
Gulags are just a Summer camp for the mind.

There's been some European strongman authoritarians who killed few, and also some European Capitalist democracies who killed many.

British Capitalists for one were for Democracy, and killed a ton.

As for strongman, look at Polish Jozef Beck, or Jozef Pilsudski, or Jan Sobieski, they killed few in comparison.
other strongman like Hungarian Horthy, or Greek Metaxism.

Heck, even Mussolini probably killed less than Abraham Lincoln, or FDR, Truman, and maybe W. Bush.
Franco definitely did.

Even Ukraine without a government, butchered 100,000 Poles in Wolyn, and Eastern Galicia with Bandera.

It seems some people are just violent, and they will find other ways to be violent with, or without dictatorships.

Some people just can't handle anything, look at Russia, and the USA, they're Capitalists today, and causing a lot of violent trouble in the World as we speak.
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.
Last edited:
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.

You're a Nazi, not a conservative. You have NOTHING in common with conservatives. Your views are right in line with Bernie Sanders and other leftist thugs, who like you yearn for totalitarian dictatorship.
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.

You're a Nazi, not a conservative. You have NOTHING in common with conservatives. Your views are right in line with Bernie Sanders and other leftist thugs, who like you yearn for totalitarian dictatorship.

You're not a Conservative, but a Classical Liberal.

Classical liberalism
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.

You're a Nazi, not a conservative. You have NOTHING in common with conservatives. Your views are right in line with Bernie Sanders and other leftist thugs, who like you yearn for totalitarian dictatorship.

You're not a Conservative, but a Classical Liberal.

Classical liberalism


Which in American politics is a conservative.

Honestly I don't give a damn about terminology on the rotters continent.
I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.

You're a Nazi, not a conservative. You have NOTHING in common with conservatives. Your views are right in line with Bernie Sanders and other leftist thugs, who like you yearn for totalitarian dictatorship.

You're not a Conservative, but a Classical Liberal.

Classical liberalism


Which in American politics is a conservative.

Honestly I don't give a damn about terminology on the rotters continent.

Classical Liberalism isn't Conservatism, or Right-Wing.

The terminology comes from the so called "Rotters continent"

The first Leftists were Capitalists for freedom, and Democracy in the French Revolution, and the first Right-WIngers were for the Monarchy, Authority, Traditional, and religious values.

Classical Liberalism is economic Liberalism, it also sells out to social Liberalism.

Way to botch the terminology.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.

You're a Nazi, not a conservative. You have NOTHING in common with conservatives. Your views are right in line with Bernie Sanders and other leftist thugs, who like you yearn for totalitarian dictatorship.

You're not a Conservative, but a Classical Liberal.

Classical liberalism


Which in American politics is a conservative.

Honestly I don't give a damn about terminology on the rotters continent.

Classical Liberalism isn't Conservatism, or Right-Wing.

The terminology comes from the so called "Rotters continent"

The first Leftists were Capitalists for freedom, and Democracy in the French Revolution, and the first Right-WIngers were for the Monarchy, Authority, Traditional, and religious values.

Classical Liberalism is economic Liberalism, it also sells out to social Liberalism.

Way to botch the terminology.

Not leftists, liberals.

Leftists are the opposite of liberal. Liberalism is of the right, a dedication to the liberty of the individual.

Leftism is collectivist, like you they view people as property of the state.
I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.
Something like that was in some places of Europe in 30s. Majority of them didn't end well, as far as I'm aware.
I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.

You're a Nazi, not a conservative. You have NOTHING in common with conservatives. Your views are right in line with Bernie Sanders and other leftist thugs, who like you yearn for totalitarian dictatorship.

You're not a Conservative, but a Classical Liberal.

Classical liberalism


Which in American politics is a conservative.

Honestly I don't give a damn about terminology on the rotters continent.

Classical Liberalism isn't Conservatism, or Right-Wing.

The terminology comes from the so called "Rotters continent"

The first Leftists were Capitalists for freedom, and Democracy in the French Revolution, and the first Right-WIngers were for the Monarchy, Authority, Traditional, and religious values.

Classical Liberalism is economic Liberalism, it also sells out to social Liberalism.

Way to botch the terminology.

Not leftists, liberals.

Leftists are the opposite of liberal. Liberalism is of the right, a dedication to the liberty of the individual.

Leftism is collectivist, like you they view people as property of the state.

First Leftists were Capitalists.
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.
Do you support sending all pollocks back to poland
The Authoritarian Right might be even be better at promoting economic success.
- Franco's Spanish Miracle, the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe.
- FDR's #1 economic growth period in 20th century America.
- Hitler's #1 economic growth period during the Great Depression.
- Pinochet's Chile Miracle of economic growth, turning Chile into the #1 economy in Latin America, besides US Puerto Rico.
- Communist China's #1 economic growth period during the past 25 years.
So what do you propose? What your economic and social model should look like?

I'm a Roman Dmowski Polish Fascist.
I didn't ask who you are. I asked what your economical and social model should look like.

I support something more like Fascism, anti-Democracy, or at least a limited Democracy, eliminating Pornography, Illicit drugs, Gangster Rap, Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay apparel.
Directly micro-managing Hollywood, TV Media like CNN, Internet Media like Facebook, regulating Corporations all through government appointed Councils.
Cracking down on businesses who hire Illegals, and border walls.
I'm also for National healthcare, and stricter environmental protections, and increase in parks, and government activities.
I also support Public works, to give the poorer masses more jobs, if you get government aid, and can work you must work for the government helping society.

I'd also separate Blacks from Whites, revoking Black citizenship, and giving Blacks a homeland in Mississippi.

I'd give Native American reservations absolute nationhood.

I'd revoke the citizenship of enemies of the state, and or deport Mexicans to Mexico, Jews to Israel, and Asians back to Asia.

You're a Nazi, not a conservative. You have NOTHING in common with conservatives. Your views are right in line with Bernie Sanders and other leftist thugs, who like you yearn for totalitarian dictatorship.
Hea a moron.
I think his mother kicked him in the head when he was a baby while she was turning a trick and he fell off the bed and hit on his head

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