Real Effects Of Too Much Sensationalism


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
One of the kids here has a sick Mom. Last Friday, cookie day, he came by after school to get some and mentioned the sick Mom. He asked if I had a fever. I didn't, nor could I even remember the last time I'd gotten sick. Seems he's worried his Mom might have ebola because fever is one of the intial symptoms. He's 13. Tried to reassure him the ebola stuff was nonsense and in all likelyhood his Mom has a cold or flu. But it brought to my attention how this ebola news coverage is royally fucking up our kids.
They'll be more fucked up if they they contract it because some idiot told them there's nothing to worry about.
Dear Doctor Delta4: I woke up this morning and discovered I have a bone in my leg. I am worried to death and don't know what to do. What is your diagnosis and how much do you charge for treatment?

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