Real Racists And Who Elected 'Em


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It's bad enough when the Liberal press poo-poos attacks on citizens....

"Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth" Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth

...when assaults on elderly innocents are documented in videos.
Many of us have come to expect lies from the press.

But when elected Democrat officials validate and excuse the attacks.....we owe Banana Republics an apology.

1." Black New York Democrat Laurie Cumbo blames Jews reproducing for knockout games

2. Blacks playing the ‘knockout game’ or ‘polarbear’ against elderly Jews and even 12 year old Jews finally has a motive. According to black New York Democrat Laurie Cumbo, the knockout game is all the Jews fault because the Jewish community continues to grow.

3. .... Cumbo the anti-Semite is also a close ally of newly elected Communist New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

4. “Many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords... Cumbo wrote in the 1,200-word letter, which was emailed to supporters....

5. .... I also recognize that for others, the accomplishments of the Jewish community triggers feelings of resentment, and a sense that Jewish success is not also their success.”

6. .... possible insight as to how young African American/Caribbean teens could conceivably commit a ‘hate crime’ against a community that they know very little about.” Black New York Dem Laurie Cumbo blames Jews knockout game

7. Her victory celebration in winning the election included the following:

"Cumbo celebrated with her family, friends, and supporters at a victory party at Milk River in Crown Heights, where she told the crowd, "We will be a model for the entire world about what we can do when we work together, recognize our strengths, and build on our collective history."
HTC Backs Laurie - Laurie Cumbo 2013

Note with irony that Ms. Cumbo is a member of the same Democrat party famous for blocking every anti-lynching bill that came up in the Senate, from the civil war up to the present.

8. "“They tell me, ‘You better do something about this.’ They fear an ultimate takeover,” Cumbo continues. “Many [blacks living in private homes] talk about how proud they are, that no matter how many ‘bags of money’ were brought to their doors [by Jews] to buy their homes, they’re not selling.”

Young blacks might be picking up on the resentment. “It may be one of those things,” says Cumbo, “that when they come home their parents are talking, ‘those damn Jews,’ not that they’re talking to the kids but kids hear.” New York Democrat Blames Knock-Out Game on ?Jews With Bags of Money? | FrontPage Magazine

Who elected this racist?
Must be other racists.

Where is the response from the White House????
Seems that attacks on elderly white citizens are hardly worthy of a comment by a President who says:

.... police act stupidly,

....that doctors amputate feet to make money......


and Travon Martin could have been his son.

I certainly don't expect the racist Eric Holder to raise a voice.....but.....

where is the outcry for our President when other elected Democrat officials justify assaults on the innocent?
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As racists in NYC elect their own, so do racists left and right throughout the nation elect their own when able to do so.

You are surprised about this, PC?
As racists in NYC elect their own, so do racists left and right throughout the nation elect their own when able to do so.

You are surprised about this, PC?

"As racists in NYC elect their own...."

"As of 2010, of the approximately 150,000 residents in Crown Heights, 74.7% were Black, 19.1% were White, 4.2% were Hispanic, and 2% were Asian and other ethnic groups. Crown Heights has majority West Indian and African American population, however there is a significant number of Hasidic Jews"
Crown Heights, Brooklyn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia are suggesting that the 100,000 blacks of Crown Heights are racists?

Lookin' for clarity here.
It would be bad enough if this issue was a once-and-over in NYCity.....but it is not.
It has happened before....and, with a black Democrat mayor in charge, a black community attacking Jewish people.

August 1991...the Crown Heights Riots

1. "A chain of leadership failures by Mayor David N. Dinkins, top City Hall advisers and the city's leading police commanders allowed the disturbances in Crown Heights to escalate unabated into a four-day "riot" in which Hasidic Jews were singled out by bands of black youths, according to a state report released yesterday."

Rumor was that the mayor himself had told the police to do nothing about the rioters, and to "let them vent...'....
If this is echoes, ominously, in Democrat elected official Cumbo and her assessment of the 'knock-out game.'

2. " rioters hurled rocks and bottles at a throng of Hasidim while policemen stood between the two groups, holding the line but doing nothing to stem the attack...

....whenever the issue of inaction came up, Mayor David Dinkins and the then-police commissioner, Lee Brown, offered tight-lipped denials of any restraining orders and insisted they were doing everything within their power to restore peace to the neighborhood. was a riot not by victims of racism but by racists, an attack on Jews because they were Jews. Blacks shouting anti-Semitic slogans, and explicitly proclaiming themselves the proud reincarnations of Hitler, sought to destroy and/or drive out their Jewish neighbors by force. In this respect, the event was unprecedented in American history."
« The Crown Heights Riot & Its Aftermath Commentary Magazine

3. “I regret not saying to the police brass sooner “whatever you guys are doing is not working” it was then they altered their behavior and they were able to contained (sic) the ravaging young blacks who were attacking Jews … I will forever be accused of holding back the police and permitted blacks to attack Jews, however that did not happen it is just inaccurate.”
Dinkins: ?My Obituary will Read how I Screwed Up CH? | ? Chabad News, Crown Heights News, Lubavitch News

I would certainly like to believe the former mayor..." I will forever be accused of holding back the police and permitted blacks to attack Jews, however that did not happen it is just inaccurate".....

...but find it difficult to believe that the NYCity Police were willing to stand by and watch four days of attacks on innocent citizens and do nothing if not ordered to do so.
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1. An interesting note..... Henry Louis Gates, Jr. of Harvard who Obama defended against 'stupid' police, was attacked in the press by the racist Professor Derrick Bell.

Derrick Bell was the Harvard professor who demanded that Harvard hire blacks as full professors without requiring the kind of qualifications that white professors had to have.
He, of course, represented that sort of individual.

a. ' Both Obama and Bell demanded that Harvard hire professors on the basis of race. Obama and other students rallied to Bell’s side after Bell quit teaching in an attempt to force Harvard to implement race-based hiring policies. "
Obama's Beloved Law Professor: Derrick Bell

2. Obama supported that form of racism:

[ame=]Obama Embraces Racist & Radical Professor Derrick Bell @ Harvard Speech - YouTube[/ame]

3. Gates wrote in deprecatory terms about the assaults on Jews in Crown Heights:

"One exception is the literary critic, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. of Harvard, who published an oped piece in the New York Times this past summer, arguing forcefully that the ultimate damage done by black anti-Semitism is to the political culture of blacks themselves.

For his pains, Gates was lambasted by other blacks and received at least ten death threats, and no significant public support.

Derrick Bell, a black professor who left Harvard Law School over its alleged racism, angrily told the Times that “blacks should be very careful about criticizing each other because whites love it so much when they do.”
« The Crown Heights Riot & Its Aftermath Commentary Magazine

4. "Black firebrand law professor Derrick Bell was demanding that the Harvard Law School appoint an unqualifed black woman to the law faculty....
This protest would culminate in vigils and protests by the racially sensitive student body, in the course of which Obama would compare the increasingly absurd Bell to Rosa Parks."
Why Obama is Mum about Harvard

Such is the history of Barack Obama.
Based on the background, I wouldn't expect Obama to defend those attacked in Crown Heights.

[ame=]BREITBART: Sowell Destroys 'Totalitarian' Derrick Bell on 'Hannity'; 'Ideological Intolerance' - YouTube[/ame]
What is there to be surprised about when fresh new racism is produced by the party that gave us slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, FDR, Robert Byrd, and so many others?
It's bad enough when the Liberal press poo-poos attacks on citizens....

"Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth" Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth

...when assaults on elderly innocents are documented in videos.
Many of us have come to expect lies from the press.

But when elected Democrat officials validate and excuse the attacks.....we owe Banana Republics an apology.

1." Black New York Democrat Laurie Cumbo blames Jews reproducing for knockout games

2. Blacks playing the knockout game or polarbear against elderly Jews and even 12 year old Jews finally has a motive. According to black New York Democrat Laurie Cumbo, the knockout game is all the Jews fault because the Jewish community continues to grow.

3. .... Cumbo the anti-Semite is also a close ally of newly elected Communist New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

4. Many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords... Cumbo wrote in the 1,200-word letter, which was emailed to supporters....

5. .... I also recognize that for others, the accomplishments of the Jewish community triggers feelings of resentment, and a sense that Jewish success is not also their success.

6. .... possible insight as to how young African American/Caribbean teens could conceivably commit a hate crime against a community that they know very little about. Black New York Dem Laurie Cumbo blames Jews knockout game

7. Her victory celebration in winning the election included the following:

"Cumbo celebrated with her family, friends, and supporters at a victory party at Milk River in Crown Heights, where she told the crowd, "We will be a model for the entire world about what we can do when we work together, recognize our strengths, and build on our collective history."
HTC Backs Laurie - Laurie Cumbo 2013

Note with irony that Ms. Cumbo is a member of the same Democrat party famous for blocking every anti-lynching bill that came up in the Senate, from the civil war up to the present.

8. "They tell me, You better do something about this. They fear an ultimate takeover, Cumbo continues. Many [blacks living in private homes] talk about how proud they are, that no matter how many bags of money were brought to their doors [by Jews] to buy their homes, theyre not selling.

Young blacks might be picking up on the resentment. It may be one of those things, says Cumbo, that when they come home their parents are talking, those damn Jews, not that theyre talking to the kids but kids hear. New York Democrat Blames Knock-Out Game on ?Jews With Bags of Money? | FrontPage Magazine

Who elected this racist?
Must be other racists.

Where is the response from the White House????
Seems that attacks on elderly white citizens are hardly worthy of a comment by a President who says:

.... police act stupidly,

....that doctors amputate feet to make money......


and Travon Martin could have been his son.

I certainly don't expect the racist Eric Holder to raise a voice.....but.....

where is the outcry for our President when other elected Democrat officials justify assaults on the innocent?

"10 Signs You Might Be A Secret Racist
August 6th, 2020

So, you say you're not racist, eh? Think again. Racism is bad, but you know what's worse than racism? Secret racism. Many of us who go about our lives thinking we don't hate people for their race are actually secret racists. The racism is just below the surface, simmering like a stew in a Crockpot.

It's time to check yourself, educate yourself, and do better. Check how many of these secret signs of racism describe your racist self to a T:
1. You breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Thought you could get away with the racist act of breathing? Think again. Other figures who have been known to enjoy breathing include Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler.
2. You have feet. One thing 99.9% of racists have in common is that they have feet.
3. You say, "I'm not a racist." This is an obvious one. If you say, "I am not a racist" or "I don't hate people for their skin color," you are definitely a racist. Because guess what? That's exactly what a racist would say.
4. You judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. This is a clear sign that you are a far-right racist, as it's a view shared by other racists throughout history. Truly enlightened non-racists know that everything is about race.
5. You like vanilla ice cream. Vanilla? Seriously? REEEEEEEEE
6. You've never accosted a random black man on the street to shine his shoes. Ideally, you will do this at least ten times per day. It's super not racist and super not awkward. If you think it's awkward, you're probably a racist.
7. You believe 2+2 equals 4. A belief in objectivity, critical thinking, and controversial, far-right ideas like that two plus two always equals four is a telltale sign of racism.
8. You smile pleasantly and say hello to people of color. This may look friendly and not-racist on the surface, but what's actually happening here is that you're presuming to enter black and brown genderqueer spaces without first dismantling your own inward supremacy.
9. You don't capitalize, bold, and underline the word BLACK. This style standard was updated like 5 minutes ago, but if you haven't gotten on board with it yet, you're still a racist. Also, you must write the word "white" in Comic Sans. Oh, shoot! We're racists!
10. You exist. This is the most telltale sign of racism: you exist. Looks like you've got work to do, bucko."

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