Real wages fall from last year

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Wages adjusted for inflation (real wages) dropped 1.4% this second quarter compared to the second quarter last year, despite the tax cuts.

Worker pay in the second quarter dropped nearly one percent below its first-quarter level, according to the PayScale Index, one measure of worker pay. When accounting for inflation, the drop is even steeper. Year-over-year, rising prices have eaten up still-modest pay gains for many workers, with the result that real wages fell 1.4 percent from the prior year, according to PayScale. The drop was broad, with 80 percent of industries and two-thirds of metro areas affected.
Worker wages drop while companies spend billions to boost stocks

Sounds like we need to cut off the flow of Illegal Immigrants {New Democratic Voters} who are coming in and taking jobs from our citizens and/or keeping their wages low.

Stop Democratic Hypocrisy.
Employers have gotten fat and lazy thanks to access to cheap and desperate Third World labor.

They are setting the stage for a massive comeback of Unions. If the Unions have any balls and/or brains at all.
Sounds like we need to cut off the flow of Illegal Immigrants {New Democratic Voters} who are coming in and taking jobs from our citizens and/or keeping their wages low.

Stop Democratic Hypocrisy.


Lots of Americans lining up for those lettuce picking jobs, right?
Goodbye unions.
Goodbye ridiculous minimum wages.

life is good since Trump took office.
Sounds like we need to cut off the flow of Illegal Immigrants {New Democratic Voters} who are coming in and taking jobs from our citizens and/or keeping their wages low.

Stop Democratic Hypocrisy.


So, getting rid of the illegals, income not put through government statistics, and replacing it will tax payers earning more, and INCOME DROPPED?

That makes no sense.
Wages were stagnant under Obama liberals silent:

Causes of Wage Stagnation

That's funny, IBD says that wages have risen at record numbers since Trump took office:

Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

So does CNBC:

Pay gains during Trump's first year in office are the best since the Great Recession

  • That gives President Donald Trump the best wage gains since the Great Recession, easily topping any during former President Barack Obama's entire term.

Sorry to tell the OP this, but the OP.....well.....

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Wages adjusted for inflation (real wages) dropped 1.4% this second quarter compared to the second quarter last year, despite the tax cuts.
How much would real wages have dropped if we didn't have the tax cut?
How much of the YoY erosion of buying power attributable to the distribution effects of inflation? What about the effects of tariffs, how much did those contribute?
How much effect has low productivity growth influenced nominal wage growth? Why is productivity growth so low?

Wages adjusted for inflation (real wages) dropped 1.4% this second quarter compared to the second quarter last year, despite the tax cuts.

Worker pay in the second quarter dropped nearly one percent below its first-quarter level, according to the PayScale Index, one measure of worker pay. When accounting for inflation, the drop is even steeper. Year-over-year, rising prices have eaten up still-modest pay gains for many workers, with the result that real wages fell 1.4 percent from the prior year, according to PayScale. The drop was broad, with 80 percent of industries and two-thirds of metro areas affected.
Worker wages drop while companies spend billions to boost stocks

I dunno about that data, but nothing suggests McConnell's tax cut does shit for workers.

United States Wages and Salaries Growth | 1960-2018 | Data | Chart
Wages adjusted for inflation (real wages) dropped 1.4% this second quarter compared to the second quarter last year, despite the tax cuts.
How much would real wages have dropped if we didn't have the tax cut?
How much of the YoY erosion of buying power attributable to the distribution effects of inflation? What about the effects of tariffs, how much did those contribute?
How much effect has low productivity growth influenced nominal wage growth? Why is productivity growth so low?


You completely don't get it - Republicans/Trump blew their expansionary load with the tax-cuts, and talking about how they will cause economic growth so great that will actually make them self-financing. That was their fix to what they described as "stagnation" for 7 years.

If they now can't point to any economic growth improvement their electoral goose is cooked and "tax-cut for da win" play is dead for a generation.
Wages adjusted for inflation (real wages) dropped 1.4% this second quarter compared to the second quarter last year, despite the tax cuts.

Worker pay in the second quarter dropped nearly one percent below its first-quarter level, according to the PayScale Index, one measure of worker pay. When accounting for inflation, the drop is even steeper. Year-over-year, rising prices have eaten up still-modest pay gains for many workers, with the result that real wages fell 1.4 percent from the prior year, according to PayScale. The drop was broad, with 80 percent of industries and two-thirds of metro areas affected.
Worker wages drop while companies spend billions to boost stocks

I dunno about that data,
If you "dunno about that data" then you don't have a basis for drawing any conclusions, the whole premise here is nothing more than a correlation implies causation nonsense argument.

but nothing suggests McConnell's tax cut does shit for workers.
It's been 6 months since the tax cut took effect, you were expecting an appreciable change in real wage growth over that short of a period of time? Are you familiar with the factors that go into real wage growth?
Wages adjusted for inflation (real wages) dropped 1.4% this second quarter compared to the second quarter last year, despite the tax cuts.

Worker pay in the second quarter dropped nearly one percent below its first-quarter level, according to the PayScale Index, one measure of worker pay. When accounting for inflation, the drop is even steeper. Year-over-year, rising prices have eaten up still-modest pay gains for many workers, with the result that real wages fell 1.4 percent from the prior year, according to PayScale. The drop was broad, with 80 percent of industries and two-thirds of metro areas affected.
Worker wages drop while companies spend billions to boost stocks

I dunno about that data,
If you "dunno about that data" then you don't have a basis for drawing any conclusions, the whole premise here is nothing more than a correlation implies causation nonsense argument.

but nothing suggests McConnell's tax cut does shit for workers.
It's been 6 months since the tax cut took effect, you were expecting an appreciable change in real wage growth over that short of a period of time? Are you familiar with the factors that go into real wage growth?
fox, I posted data that seems to conflict with the data relied upon by the OP. And, I don't recall seeing any data that was consistent with the OP. Rather, real wages have been increasing, since the recession, but not as quickly as gnp growth, and no data since the tax cut shows any change. And Trump is the one saying his tax cut created wage growth, so take it up with him, and not with me.
Wages adjusted for inflation (real wages) dropped 1.4% this second quarter compared to the second quarter last year, despite the tax cuts.

Worker pay in the second quarter dropped nearly one percent below its first-quarter level, according to the PayScale Index, one measure of worker pay. When accounting for inflation, the drop is even steeper. Year-over-year, rising prices have eaten up still-modest pay gains for many workers, with the result that real wages fell 1.4 percent from the prior year, according to PayScale. The drop was broad, with 80 percent of industries and two-thirds of metro areas affected.
Worker wages drop while companies spend billions to boost stocks

I dunno about that data,
If you "dunno about that data" then you don't have a basis for drawing any conclusions, the whole premise here is nothing more than a correlation implies causation nonsense argument.

but nothing suggests McConnell's tax cut does shit for workers.
It's been 6 months since the tax cut took effect, you were expecting an appreciable change in real wage growth over that short of a period of time? Are you familiar with the factors that go into real wage growth?
fox, I posted data that seems to conflict with the data relied upon by the OP. And, I don't recall seeing any data that was consistent with the OP. Rather, real wages have been increasing, since the recession, but not as quickly as gnp growth, and no data since the tax cut shows any change. And Trump is the one saying his tax cut created wage growth, so take it up with him, and not with me.
You posted historical data for nominal wages and labor market conditions the OP's article is talking about REAL wage growth so it's non sequitur.

Real wage growth is effected by many factors; the effects of inflation, capital investment which drives productivity growth, employer non wage labor costs, terms of trade being some of the most important so you can't look at income tax reduction that has only been in place for 6 months as a contributing factor, especially given that the question of what would the YoY real wage growth have been had the tax cuts NOT been enacted has not been answered.
Sounds like we need to cut off the flow of Illegal Immigrants {New Democratic Voters} who are coming in and taking jobs from our citizens and/or keeping their wages low.

Stop Democratic Hypocrisy.


Lots of Americans lining up for those lettuce picking jobs, right?

It becomes a problem when they're granted amnesty.
Back in the day laying concrete here in Texas was a job that was almost exclusively black. Now you never see black construction workers...only mexican.
I personally watched mexicans go from around 3% to 70% in machine shops over a thirty year stretch.
Which of course brought wage stagnation.

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