Realities that homo's refuse to face

Dec 12, 2012
The "normalizing" of homosexuality is one of the biggest threats that America faces. Homosexuals and their supporters fail to recognize or even argue that Homosexuality has an unarguable link to many other disturbing behaviors, i encourage anyone who disagress with any of the statements below to provide credible data that can attempt to illustrate that anything presented is not accurate OR illustrate that homosexuals are in any way similar to the general population.

1) Pedofelia. Convicted pedofiles are roughly 20 times more likely to be gay than the general population. With nearly 40% of convicted pedofiles identifed as homosexuals through arrest records and research studies conducted, it is a significant deviation from their current representation in the general population @ 2%.

2) Drug Abuse. Homosexuals are nearly 5 times more likely to use illegal drugs and have nearly three times the frequency of normal people to be addicted to prescription drugs.

3) Violence. Nearly 50% of females on death row are lesbians.

4) Suicide. Homosexuals are over 3 times more likely to commit suicide than a normal person.

5) Child Abuse. Children of gay parents are 3 times as likely to be sexually abused if their parents are male homosexuals and 75% more likely to be sexually abused if their parents are lesbian.

These are just a few of the alarming statistics associated with homosexuality. What one finds is that once gay marriage and tolerance is provided to homosexuals, the very next thing that they push for is 1) reduction in the age of consent 2) decriminalization of child abuse. This can be seen in many european countrues where their soceities have enacted gay tolerant laws for some time.
America does not need to have NAMBLA picketing on national TV daily trying to overturn decent values that have lead to the establishment of what we have come to know as America today.

Gay marriage is simply opening cans of worms that we will have to deal with later. Homo's are using this as a means of legislating acceptance of their perverted behavior.

I encourage anyone disagreeing to please provide some credible data to rebutt the statements i've made above and I do npot want to hear that the data is biased or bigoted, numerous sources are available to verify this information. And data presented from a homosexual researchers is just as easily biased, these are individuals that seek to proote theoir agenda.
The "normalizing" of homosexuality is one of the biggest threats that America faces. Homosexuals and their supporters fail to recognize or even argue that Homosexuality has an unarguable link to many other disturbing behaviors, i encourage anyone who disagress with any of the statements below to provide credible data that can attempt to illustrate that anything presented is not accurate OR illustrate that homosexuals are in any way similar to the general population.

1) Pedofelia. Convicted pedofiles are roughly 20 times more likely to be gay than the general population. With nearly 40% of convicted pedofiles identifed as homosexuals through arrest records and research studies conducted, it is a significant deviation from their current representation in the general population @ 2%.

2) Drug Abuse. Homosexuals are nearly 5 times more likely to use illegal drugs and have nearly three times the frequency of normal people to be addicted to prescription drugs.

3) Violence. Nearly 50% of females on death row are lesbians.

4) Suicide. Homosexuals are over 3 times more likely to commit suicide than a normal person.

5) Child Abuse. Children of gay parents are 3 times as likely to be sexually abused if their parents are male homosexuals and 75% more likely to be sexually abused if their parents are lesbian.

These are just a few of the alarming statistics associated with homosexuality. What one finds is that once gay marriage and tolerance is provided to homosexuals, the very next thing that they push for is 1) reduction in the age of consent 2) decriminalization of child abuse. This can be seen in many european countrues where their soceities have enacted gay tolerant laws for some time.
America does not need to have NAMBLA picketing on national TV daily trying to overturn decent values that have lead to the establishment of what we have come to know as America today.

Gay marriage is simply opening cans of worms that we will have to deal with later. Homo's are using this as a means of legislating acceptance of their perverted behavior.

I encourage anyone disagreeing to please provide some credible data to rebutt the statements i've made above and I do npot want to hear that the data is biased or bigoted, numerous sources are available to verify this information. And data presented from a homosexual researchers is just as easily biased, these are individuals that seek to proote theoir agenda.

Why would you encourage anyone to provide credible data to rebut what you've claimed when you've provided no credible data supporting your own claims?
Reisman, Jackson, Randall..... there are so many studies out there documenting the statements that i've provided it isn't funny.
The numbers are conservative, in many cases the data obtained is higher than numbers i've tabulated.

I'm not here to provide page after page of research data. i would, however, challenge the gay community and its supporters to argue the statements that I've typed above.

they can't, they won't, about all they will do is call people bigots or infer that the data is biased.
The "normalizing" of homosexuality is one of the biggest threats that America faces. Homosexuals and their supporters fail to recognize or even argue that Homosexuality has an unarguable link to many other disturbing behaviors, i encourage anyone who disagress with any of the statements below to provide credible data that can attempt to illustrate that anything presented is not accurate OR illustrate that homosexuals are in any way similar to the general population.

1) Pedofelia. Convicted pedofiles are roughly 20 times more likely to be gay than the general population. With nearly 40% of convicted pedofiles identifed as homosexuals through arrest records and research studies conducted, it is a significant deviation from their current representation in the general population @ 2%.

2) Drug Abuse. Homosexuals are nearly 5 times more likely to use illegal drugs and have nearly three times the frequency of normal people to be addicted to prescription drugs.

3) Violence. Nearly 50% of females on death row are lesbians.

4) Suicide. Homosexuals are over 3 times more likely to commit suicide than a normal person.

5) Child Abuse. Children of gay parents are 3 times as likely to be sexually abused if their parents are male homosexuals and 75% more likely to be sexually abused if their parents are lesbian.

These are just a few of the alarming statistics associated with homosexuality. What one finds is that once gay marriage and tolerance is provided to homosexuals, the very next thing that they push for is 1) reduction in the age of consent 2) decriminalization of child abuse. This can be seen in many european countrues where their soceities have enacted gay tolerant laws for some time.
America does not need to have NAMBLA picketing on national TV daily trying to overturn decent values that have lead to the establishment of what we have come to know as America today.

Gay marriage is simply opening cans of worms that we will have to deal with later. Homo's are using this as a means of legislating acceptance of their perverted behavior.

I encourage anyone disagreeing to please provide some credible data to rebutt the statements i've made above and I do npot want to hear that the data is biased or bigoted, numerous sources are available to verify this information. And data presented from a homosexual researchers is just as easily biased, these are individuals that seek to proote theoir agenda.

And you think that with your user name anything you say will be regarded as credible?
Reisman, Jackson, Randall..... there are so many studies out there documenting the statements that i've provided it isn't funny.
The numbers are conservative, in many cases the data obtained is higher than numbers i've tabulated.

I'm not here to provide page after page of research data. i would, however, challenge the gay community and its supporters to argue the statements that I've typed above.

they can't, they won't, about all they will do is call people bigots or infer that the data is biased.

So, let's see here....

A guy with one post who calls himself "FaggotsareCrazy" can't back up his claims with actual source data, but wants other people to do so with their rebuttal.


Ahhhh haaaaa!!!!

I'm not here pedaling data, the research has been done independently.

It would seem that you are bigoted against me simply because i don't support homosexual issues!!!

I'm still waiting for the slightest shread of data to show that homos are not as i've painted them.

You are angry with the sad thruth that inside of every homo is a pedofile waiting to get out.

i've cited the authors, you are too lazy to do the research yourself.
Ahhhh haaaaa!!!!

I'm not here pedaling data, the research has been done independently.

It would seem that you are bigoted against me simply because i don't support homosexual issues!!!

I'm still waiting for the slightest shread of data to show that homos are not as i've painted them.

You are angry with the sad thruth that inside of every homo is a pedofile waiting to get out.

i've cited the authors, you are too lazy to do the research yourself.

So it looks as if you sissy boy faggots and dyke lesbos can't produce a single shread of evidence to saythat:
1) homos are not pedofiles at any higher of a frequency than normal people2) homos aren't addicted to drug more frequently than normal people
3) homos do not commit suicide more frequently than normal people
4) children from gayt marriages are not more likely to be sexually abused
5) female death row inmates are not statistically more likelyt o be lesbian.

You cant because you'all are Crazy!!
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So it looks as if you sissy boy faggots and dyke lesbos can't produce a single shread of evidence to saythat:
1) homos are not pedofiles at any higher of a frequency than normal people2) homos aren't addicted to drug more frequently than normal people
3) homos do not commit suicide more frequently than normal people
4) children from gayt marriages are not more likely to be sexually abused
5) female death row inmates are not statistically more likelyt o be lesbian.

You cant because you'all are Crazy!!

I never got this weird, twisted logic used by the homo supporters. Someone posts something about homos that the homo lovers don't like, or as it seems in this thread can't dispute, so... although the homo supporters SUPPORT homos, then LOGICALLY you would surmise that they LIKE them, so then WHY would they then turn around and try and use calling the person they want to shut up a HOMO? Is it because they LIKE HIM? I mean... it just doesn't make any sense if they're trying to use it as an INSULT, because then, wouldn't they be INSULTING HOMOS, the very people they're supposed to be SUPPORTING?

Weird... :eusa_eh:
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I never got this weird, twisted logic used by the homo supporters. Someone posts something about homos that the homo lovers don't like, or as it seems in this thread can't dispute, so... although the homo supporters SUPPORT homos, then LOGICALLY you would surmise that they LIKE them, so then WHY would they then turn around and try and use calling the person they want to shut up a HOMO? Is it because they LIKE HIM? I mean... it just doesn't make any sense if they're trying to use it as an INSULT, because then, wouldn't they be INSULTING HOMOS, the very people they're supposed to be SUPPORTING?

Weird... :eusa_eh:

Case in point...^^^
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The "normalizing" of homosexuality is one of the biggest threats that America faces. Homosexuals and their supporters fail to recognize or even argue that Homosexuality has an unarguable link to many other disturbing behaviors, i encourage anyone who disagress with any of the statements below to provide credible data that can attempt to illustrate that anything presented is not accurate OR illustrate that homosexuals are in any way similar to the general population.

1) Pedofelia. Convicted pedofiles are roughly 20 times more likely to be gay than the general population. With nearly 40% of convicted pedofiles identifed as homosexuals through arrest records and research studies conducted, it is a significant deviation from their current representation in the general population @ 2%.

2) Drug Abuse. Homosexuals are nearly 5 times more likely to use illegal drugs and have nearly three times the frequency of normal people to be addicted to prescription drugs.

3) Violence. Nearly 50% of females on death row are lesbians.

4) Suicide. Homosexuals are over 3 times more likely to commit suicide than a normal person.

5) Child Abuse. Children of gay parents are 3 times as likely to be sexually abused if their parents are male homosexuals and 75% more likely to be sexually abused if their parents are lesbian.

These are just a few of the alarming statistics associated with homosexuality. What one finds is that once gay marriage and tolerance is provided to homosexuals, the very next thing that they push for is 1) reduction in the age of consent 2) decriminalization of child abuse. This can be seen in many european countrues where their soceities have enacted gay tolerant laws for some time.
America does not need to have NAMBLA picketing on national TV daily trying to overturn decent values that have lead to the establishment of what we have come to know as America today.

Gay marriage is simply opening cans of worms that we will have to deal with later. Homo's are using this as a means of legislating acceptance of their perverted behavior.

I encourage anyone disagreeing to please provide some credible data to rebutt the statements i've made above and I do npot want to hear that the data is biased or bigoted, numerous sources are available to verify this information. And data presented from a homosexual researchers is just as easily biased, these are individuals that seek to proote theoir agenda.

your IQ is about 66. loser.
I never got this weird, twisted logic used by the homo supporters. Someone posts something about homos that the homo lovers don't like, or as it seems in this thread can't dispute, so... although the homo supporters SUPPORT homos, then LOGICALLY you would surmise that they LIKE them, so then WHY would they then turn around and try and use calling the person they want to shut up a HOMO? Is it because they LIKE HIM? I mean... it just doesn't make any sense if they're trying to use it as an INSULT, because then, wouldn't they be INSULTING HOMOS, the very people they're supposed to be SUPPORTING?

Weird... :eusa_eh:

Actually, in this case, it's 'rational argument supporters'.

The OP didn't make one, and didn't actually use any verifiable data that back up his claims, but he's demanding such from people who would rebut his post.

You, having the intelligence of an Intergalactic Meathammer, are expected to try and frame this incorrectly as having to do with 'homo lovers'.

And please refrain from trying to reference logic. You wouldn't know it if it were fucking you up the ass, which is does here on a daily basis.
The "normalizing" of homosexuality is one of the biggest threats that America faces. Homosexuals and their supporters fail to recognize or even argue that Homosexuality has an unarguable link to many other disturbing behaviors, i encourage anyone who disagress with any of the statements below to provide credible data that can attempt to illustrate that anything presented is not accurate OR illustrate that homosexuals are in any way similar to the general population.

1) Pedofelia. Convicted pedofiles are roughly 20 times more likely to be gay than the general population. With nearly 40% of convicted pedofiles identifed as homosexuals through arrest records and research studies conducted, it is a significant deviation from their current representation in the general population @ 2%.

2) Drug Abuse. Homosexuals are nearly 5 times more likely to use illegal drugs and have nearly three times the frequency of normal people to be addicted to prescription drugs.

3) Violence. Nearly 50% of females on death row are lesbians.

4) Suicide. Homosexuals are over 3 times more likely to commit suicide than a normal person.

5) Child Abuse. Children of gay parents are 3 times as likely to be sexually abused if their parents are male homosexuals and 75% more likely to be sexually abused if their parents are lesbian.

These are just a few of the alarming statistics associated with homosexuality. What one finds is that once gay marriage and tolerance is provided to homosexuals, the very next thing that they push for is 1) reduction in the age of consent 2) decriminalization of child abuse. This can be seen in many european countrues where their soceities have enacted gay tolerant laws for some time.
America does not need to have NAMBLA picketing on national TV daily trying to overturn decent values that have lead to the establishment of what we have come to know as America today.

Gay marriage is simply opening cans of worms that we will have to deal with later. Homo's are using this as a means of legislating acceptance of their perverted behavior.

I encourage anyone disagreeing to please provide some credible data to rebutt the statements i've made above and I do npot want to hear that the data is biased or bigoted, numerous sources are available to verify this information. And data presented from a homosexual researchers is just as easily biased, these are individuals that seek to proote theoir agenda.

your IQ is about 66. loser.
Well then go ahead and dispute him if he's so stupid. You wouldn't let someone so DUMB show you up would you? ... :eusa_eh:
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I never got this weird, twisted logic used by the homo supporters. Someone posts something about homos that the homo lovers don't like, or as it seems in this thread can't dispute, so... although the homo supporters SUPPORT homos, then LOGICALLY you would surmise that they LIKE them, so then WHY would they then turn around and try and use calling the person they want to shut up a HOMO? Is it because they LIKE HIM? I mean... it just doesn't make any sense if they're trying to use it as an INSULT, because then, wouldn't they be INSULTING HOMOS, the very people they're supposed to be SUPPORTING?

Weird... :eusa_eh:

Case in point...^^^

You are trying to take a ridiculous OP and suggest that it be treated with seriousness.
The point is to get the homophobe pissed off to the point of implosion. It is childish but usually effective.

I will share a personal story.

I worked with a very macho big tough ex marine dude. He hated hated hated homosexuals. His girlfriend was drop dead gorgeous. A very exotic dark long legged beauty who stunned all when she entered the room.

One day macho man didn't show up for work. Another day passes, no call nothing.

Girlfriend's brother comes in to ask if we have heard from him. We hadn't. We asked if girlfriend has. He says ''I am girlfriend."

Needless to say all were shocked. Still are. Nobody had a clue that he was a closeted homosexual. All that hate was a cover.

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