Reality and Morality


You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
And that is of no use in discussion. So why enter a discussion if you aren't willing to discuss anything?

Morality isn't obedience and it never will be.
Amoral atheists don't know what morality is.
Amoral people don't really know what morals are regardless of the religion or absence there of.

You think obedience is morality. You clearly don't know what it is. Am I to assume than that you are an amoral Christian or are you the atheist you were referring to?

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
I am not atheist.

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
Do you have any argument other than attacking, falsely accusing and calling people names? Right now you sound like you belong in kindergarten.

You wouldn't need to do that if you had a logical position.

"When the debate is lost slander becomes the weapon of the loser."- Socrates -

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
I am not atheist.
Also stupid idiots
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
I am not atheist.
Also stupid idiots
More childish name calling?

Not the behavior of somebody that has a logical position.

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
And that is of no use in discussion. So why enter a discussion if you aren't willing to discuss anything?

Morality isn't obedience and it never will be.
Amoral atheists don't know what morality is.
Amoral people don't really know what morals are regardless of the religion or absence there of.

You think obedience is morality. You clearly don't know what it is. Am I to assume than that you are an amoral Christian or are you the atheist you were referring to?
Morality is obedience to God.
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
And that is of no use in discussion. So why enter a discussion if you aren't willing to discuss anything?

Morality isn't obedience and it never will be.
Amoral atheists don't know what morality is.
Amoral people don't really know what morals are regardless of the religion or absence there of.

You think obedience is morality. You clearly don't know what it is. Am I to assume than that you are an amoral Christian or are you the atheist you were referring to?
Morality is obedience to God.
Well, make your argument.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
I am not atheist.
Also stupid idiots
More childish name calling?

Not the behavior of somebody that has a logical position.
When in Rome. . .
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
I am not atheist.
Also stupid idiots
More childish name calling?

Not the behavior of somebody that has a logical position.
When in Rome. . .
I made a logical argument, I invited you to point out what was illogical. I'm still waiting on that.

So far all you can do is make groundless claims. You clearly don't back them up.
'The Lesson'

"In that second grade classroom, Mrs. Circle said
each of us carries an ocean inside
bigger than we are, like happiness, and full of
fish that live nowhere else in the world
and tides that are pulled by our heartbeats, and low tide
sand bars to wade far out in the bright sun.
She taught us we can learn to swim there by jumping
out into the water where the water is still
and shallow, holding our breath and moving
our arms and legs gently, gently—try
for yourself she suggested, and we all closed our eyes
sitting there at our desks, while the snow fell outside
and the radiator whispered. I could hear the clock tick
as we held our breath and swam without really
moving our bodies, like jellyfish, across
the beds of coral that were filled with many-colored fish
whose names didn’t matter, Mrs. Circle said,
as long as you let them come to you—
they are like angels—and nibble the tiny
air bubbles that cling to the hairs along your legs and arms.
Feel how they tickle, she said, Take a deep breath,
dive down underwater as far as you can.
Do you see your shadow down there on the sand,
following your body? That’s another form of you,
a kind of memory, swimming down below
your only solid body. Don’t forget it. Then she clapped her hands
and we all looked up, happy to be sitting there
with our young teacher in that drafty classroom
in the age of extinctions and nuclear bombs
we hadn’t been taught about yet."

Michael Hettich

Nice, middy.....but could you relate that to the premise in the OP?

There is the question of happiness, or satisfaction with one's life, as a result of an obedience to science, and materialism, or to that quality called morality, or religion.....the poet Edward Arlington Robinson gives a certain perspective:

Richard Cory

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,

We people on the pavement looked at him:

He was a gentleman from sole to crown,

Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,

And he was always human when he talked;

But still he fluttered pulses when he said,

"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—

And admirably schooled in every grace:

In fine, we thought that he was everything

To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,

And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;

And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,

Went home and put a bullet through his head.

Sounds to me like "you can't judge a book by its cover" or "things are not always as they seem".....

When life is too easy for us, we must beware or we may not be ready to meet the blows which sooner or later come to everyone, rich or poor.
Eleanor Roosevelt

You are an insane atheist who's too stupid to see obvious truths and errors. Your confusion and difficulty in understanding why you're insane is a mark of your atheist insanity.

You continually demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Your lack of intelligence makes it a lot harder for you to think critically. It is apparent that you are simply too stupid to understand obvious concepts without lengthy explanations on my part.

Let me point out something obvious: I'm not in an argument with you.

I already told you twice that it's not my job to convince. Are you simply too stupid to understand that?
I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
Do you have any argument other than attacking, falsely accusing and calling people names? Right now you sound like you belong in kindergarten.

You wouldn't need to do that if you had a logical position.

"When the debate is lost slander becomes the weapon of the loser."- Socrates -

I try to not feed pearls to pigs.

Socrates slandering slanderers as losers in debates.

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I know, everybody who disagrees with you is a big stupid doo doo head.

Great argument. Very sound and logical.
Yep. I know with absolute certainly that I am correct about certain issues.
The point is, believe whatever you want. But without evidence and support for your beliefs expect mockery and derision
Yep. I do that with stupid atheist idiots.
Do you have any argument other than attacking, falsely accusing and calling people names? Right now you sound like you belong in kindergarten.

You wouldn't need to do that if you had a logical position.

"When the debate is lost slander becomes the weapon of the loser."- Socrates -
I try to not feed pearls to pigs.
That is because you don't have any.
Morality has nothing to do with religion. Morals are a system of values, principles and conduct. Religion can and has stretched morality to include interracial marriage, gay marriage, marriage between different religions, gambling and drinking just to name a few. Christians marrying Jews was labeled as immoral. It was not part of the values set in place in society and thus labeled as immoral and also often amoral. An atheist is no more amoral or immoral than a religious person.
In reality, moral rules are directions for running the human machine. Every moral rule is there to prevent a breakdown, or a strain, or a friction, in the running of that machine. That is why these rules at first seem to be constantly interfering with our natural inclinations. C. S. Lewis
In the eyes of this believer religious fundamentalists do not live in reality. They stretch their religion to include whatever agenda they have.
In reality, moral rules are directions for running the human machine. Every moral rule is there to prevent a breakdown, or a strain, or a friction, in the running of that machine. That is why these rules at first seem to be constantly interfering with our natural inclinations. C. S. Lewis

I think morals are lubricant between people. Not within them. If there were only one person on earth I think it would be very difficult for them to commit an immoral act.
In the eyes of this believer religious fundamentalists do not live in reality. They stretch their religion to include whatever agenda they have.

Of course they do. Religion is subjective. It means whatever you believe it means, encompasses whatever you believe it encompasses.

What differentiates religion from most reasoned moral systems is the certainty. Theists tends to be absolutely certain of their beliefs. While reasoned moralists tend to be merely 'pretty sure'. The problem with certainty is it precludes the possibility of change or new information. Which is rarely useful.

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