Reality Check Exclusive: Cincinnati agent giving orders in IRS scandal?


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Obama's web of lies is unraveling:

The claim that the ongoing IRS scandal is limited to low level employees is falling apart.

The six Cincinnati workers we have identified, who sent scrutinizing letters to conservative groups with words including "patriot, liberty, tea party or 9-12" in their names are Mitchel Steele, Carly Young, Joseph Herr, Stephen Seok, Liz Hofacre and a woman identified only as Ms. Richards.

But was all of this done at the hands of a small group of Cincinnati employees working together? During Friday's congressional hearing, that appeared to be the theme. Now, that explanation just became less likely.

Thanks to two FOX19 sources connected to the IRS, we now understand the chain of command for these workers.

Mitchel Steele, Carly Young, Joseph Herr and Liz Hofacre are IRS agents. Stephen Seok is a supervisor IRS agent.

But according to the IRS employee directory that FOX19 has obtained exclusively, each of these agents has a different manager and then above them a different territory manager.

That is important because while it may sound reasonable to the average person that these workers began targeting groups on their own, the IRS structure is designed to prevent that.​

Go to the reference article for the explanation:

Reality Check Cincinnati IRS agent Cindy Thomas giving orders? - News, Weather & Sports
When that many people from different places with different bosses are participating in the same scheme, the orders had to come from high up. They were well organized and had questionnaires made up. This wasn't a handful of low level employees pulling this stunt.
When that many people from different places with different bosses are participating in the same scheme, the orders had to come from high up. They were well organized and had questionnaires made up. This wasn't a handful of low level employees pulling this stunt.

Not necessarily. Yet, the "high up" is ultimately responsible. And it is He who shall not be named who should be held accountable. Not only for this, but that... and the other.

There's a flunky stooge in the White House. A second rate Senator from Illinois who had the gift of gab. And colorful skin. He was the perfect Poster Boy for the lazy fucks of this nation. And he was so elected, ultimately creating a society and an entire Nation of entitled peoples.

Not by the content of his character... but the color of his skin.

He is the anti-King.

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