FBI’s Wray tells FISA court Bureau ‘deeply regrets’ failures in Carter Page case

Wray doesn’t prosecute crimes, the DoJ does. Maybe you’re looking at the wrong person to hold people accountable.
Perhaps you should learn to READ and work on your Reading COMPREHENSION. THIS is what I said:

"and still shows no signs of holding anyone accountable for their crimes"

Are you aware that there are more ways to hold people accountable for their actions than just prosecuting them?

Here’s the first quote:
holding anyone accountable for their crimes

Here’s your second rephrasing:
hold people accountable for their actions

You changed the operative word from crimes to actions. You see, holding someone accountable for a crime means prosecuting. Anyone would tell you that. You had to rephrase it for you accusation to make any sense. Did you even realize that you did that?
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
FBI Director Christopher Wray told the federal surveillance court in a letter Friday that he “deeply regrets” the bureau’s many errors in the process to obtain surveillance warrants on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“The FBI has the utmost respect for this Court, and deeply regrets the errors and omissions identified by the OIG,” Wray wrote in a letter to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

A judge on the FISC ordered the FBI on Dec. 17 to respond by Friday with a roadmap on how the bureau plans to address the problems identified in a Justice Department inspector general’s (IG) report regarding applications for warrants to wiretap Page.

The IG report, released on Dec. 9, identified 17 errors and omissions that the FBI made in its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications against Page. The report said FBI agents withheld information that undercut the bureau’s suspicion that Page worked as an agent of Russia while he served on the Trump team. Agents also failed to disclose information that raised questions about the credibility and motives of Christopher Steele, a former British spy Democrats hired to investigate President Donald Trump.

The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s infamous dossier in the Page FISA applications.

Wray, who took over the FBI more than a month after the fourth and final Page FISA had been approved, said that one remedy he plans to implement will be to use the Page FISA as a case study in training sessions that FBI personnel will be required to undergo.

“FBI personnel will be instructed on the errors and omissions that were made in the Carter Page FISA applications and associated processes,” Wray said.

(Excerpt) Read more at libertyunyielding.com ..


The training will include a test “to confirm that personnel understand the expectations and the materials,” as well as certification for FBI employees who have completed the training, he added.

Wray set April 30 as a deadline to complete the training.

What have some of us been saying since 2017?


The "new training" garbage will be their "solution", instead of actual arrests and prosecutions of the coup plotters.

"Trust Wray!"



THE WHITE COURTESY PHONE KEEPS RINGING FOR AG BARR WITH NO REPLY!!!...I am beginning to feel a little suspicious...at least 1 indictment for say McCabe would satisfy me!!!
Omg we are quoting 5% of the report??
For a minimal guy, carter page?
No mention of indicted guys I guess.
Wray doesn’t prosecute crimes, the DoJ does. Maybe you’re looking at the wrong person to hold people accountable.
Perhaps you should learn to READ and work on your Reading COMPREHENSION. THIS is what I said:

"and still shows no signs of holding anyone accountable for their crimes"

Are you aware that there are more ways to hold people accountable for their actions than just prosecuting them?

Here’s the first quote:
holding anyone accountable for their crimes

Here’s your second rephrasing:
hold people accountable for their actions

You changed the operative word from crimes to actions. You see, holding someone accountable for a crime means prosecuting. Anyone would tell you that. You had to rephrase it for you accusation to make any sense. Did you even realize that you did that?
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
He said it on camera because he was proud of it. He should be since getting rid of corruption in other countries is something a person should be proud of.

You guys are taking the side of corruption. Why is that?
it's called ....Quid Pro Quo!! Can you say it with me? It's bribery as a VP. too fking funny. alexa answer you yet?

Are you under the impression that saying quid pro quo somehow makes it bad?
you all said it was. right? I mean, fk dude, we just spent three weeks talking about it on the MSM. you're now saying it isn't? wow.

You should have paid more attention. There’s a lot of details you missed which results in you being quite confused and easily manipulated.
ohhhhhhkay francis. btw, did alexa answer your question yet?

Quid pro joe is wondering.

I can’t tell if you’re a victim of manipulation or just a willing participant.
it's called ....Quid Pro Quo!! Can you say it with me? It's bribery as a VP. too fking funny. alexa answer you yet?

Are you under the impression that saying quid pro quo somehow makes it bad?
you all said it was. right? I mean, fk dude, we just spent three weeks talking about it on the MSM. you're now saying it isn't? wow.

You should have paid more attention. There’s a lot of details you missed which results in you being quite confused and easily manipulated.
ohhhhhhkay francis. btw, did alexa answer your question yet?

Quid pro joe is wondering.

I can’t tell if you’re a victim of manipulation or just a willing participant.
no one asked you
Perhaps you should learn to READ and work on your Reading COMPREHENSION. THIS is what I said:

"and still shows no signs of holding anyone accountable for their crimes"

Are you aware that there are more ways to hold people accountable for their actions than just prosecuting them?

Here’s the first quote:
holding anyone accountable for their crimes

Here’s your second rephrasing:
hold people accountable for their actions

You changed the operative word from crimes to actions. You see, holding someone accountable for a crime means prosecuting. Anyone would tell you that. You had to rephrase it for you accusation to make any sense. Did you even realize that you did that?
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
you would now that.
Are you under the impression that saying quid pro quo somehow makes it bad?
you all said it was. right? I mean, fk dude, we just spent three weeks talking about it on the MSM. you're now saying it isn't? wow.

You should have paid more attention. There’s a lot of details you missed which results in you being quite confused and easily manipulated.
ohhhhhhkay francis. btw, did alexa answer your question yet?

Quid pro joe is wondering.

I can’t tell if you’re a victim of manipulation or just a willing participant.
no one asked you

I want to help you.
Perhaps you should learn to READ and work on your Reading COMPREHENSION. THIS is what I said:

"and still shows no signs of holding anyone accountable for their crimes"

Are you aware that there are more ways to hold people accountable for their actions than just prosecuting them?

Here’s the first quote:
holding anyone accountable for their crimes

Here’s your second rephrasing:
hold people accountable for their actions

You changed the operative word from crimes to actions. You see, holding someone accountable for a crime means prosecuting. Anyone would tell you that. You had to rephrase it for you accusation to make any sense. Did you even realize that you did that?
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
if the fbi doesn't generate indictments, what are these then?

Press Releases — FBI
News — FBI
you all said it was. right? I mean, fk dude, we just spent three weeks talking about it on the MSM. you're now saying it isn't? wow.

You should have paid more attention. There’s a lot of details you missed which results in you being quite confused and easily manipulated.
ohhhhhhkay francis. btw, did alexa answer your question yet?

Quid pro joe is wondering.

I can’t tell if you’re a victim of manipulation or just a willing participant.
no one asked you

I want to help you.
I certainly don't want my brain expunged like you. no thanks.
Here’s the first quote:
holding anyone accountable for their crimes

Here’s your second rephrasing:
hold people accountable for their actions

You changed the operative word from crimes to actions. You see, holding someone accountable for a crime means prosecuting. Anyone would tell you that. You had to rephrase it for you accusation to make any sense. Did you even realize that you did that?
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
you would now that.

Seriously. Go back and read the entire conversation you put your addendum on. It’s funny the way your comment was basically my response for which I was ridiculed by your fellow traveler.
Here’s the first quote:
holding anyone accountable for their crimes

Here’s your second rephrasing:
hold people accountable for their actions

You changed the operative word from crimes to actions. You see, holding someone accountable for a crime means prosecuting. Anyone would tell you that. You had to rephrase it for you accusation to make any sense. Did you even realize that you did that?
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
if the fbi doesn't generate indictments, what are these then?

Press Releases — FBI
News — FBI
Press releases on the FBI webpage that reference indictments filed by federal attorneys.
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
you would now that.

Seriously. Go back and read the entire conversation you put your addendum on. It’s funny the way your comment was basically my response for which I was ridiculed by your fellow traveler.
I agreed with you? when? name the post number.
Bwuhahahahaha.....you do know Wray could suspend, fire, or take other actions against any agents proven to have broken laws while leaving indictment and prosecution to the DOJ. Agent Clinesmith, for example, has already been identified as an agent who altered official documents illegally. I would at least suspend his ass without pay while he is / was being investigated.

Your attempt to cover your ass through semantics is humorous, like the Democrats basing their entire Impeachment on the word 'US' trump used when talking to the Ukraine PM. :p

Thanks for reminding me you are the same snowflake who ducks, dodges, ignores reality, spins, and basically is a complete waste of time talking to. Not getting sucked in today....once again, have fun talking to yourself, snowflake.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
if the fbi doesn't generate indictments, what are these then?

Press Releases — FBI
News — FBI
Press releases on the FBI webpage that reference indictments filed by federal attorneys.
on investigations from the FBI. so yeah, did I stutter?
Mueller was called before the FISA Court to answer for HIS FBI's FISA Court abuses. His protégé; Comey, and HIS FBI have now been exposed as having committed FISA Court abuses. I wonder how long it will take Wray's FBI to do so, if they have not already.

I would bet there the Deep State NSA, CIA, FBI, Intel Community, and / or Democrats are currently illegally spying on Barr and Durham's criminal investigation.
well we already know that Schitt's illegally looked into phone records. lock his ass up immediately!!! One can't make this stuff up!! the same exact thing Schitt's accuses the president of he's doing Abuse of Power and illegally spying on the AG. wow. he must have some big ass balls I'll say that.

Turns out you can make this stuff up because that’s exactly what you did.
So now you're saying Schitt's didn't illegally access individuals phone records without a warrant? Come on son, don't stand on the tracks, trains run on them.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
you would now that.

Seriously. Go back and read the entire conversation you put your addendum on. It’s funny the way your comment was basically my response for which I was ridiculed by your fellow traveler.
I agreed with you? when? name the post number.
I’m on mobile, so post numbers don’t show up, at least as far as I can tell. Just go back through the response chain. You’ll see I brought up prosecution but apparently that was so stupid of me.
Mueller was called before the FISA Court to answer for HIS FBI's FISA Court abuses. His protégé; Comey, and HIS FBI have now been exposed as having committed FISA Court abuses. I wonder how long it will take Wray's FBI to do so, if they have not already.

I would bet there the Deep State NSA, CIA, FBI, Intel Community, and / or Democrats are currently illegally spying on Barr and Durham's criminal investigation.
well we already know that Schitt's illegally looked into phone records. lock his ass up immediately!!! One can't make this stuff up!! the same exact thing Schitt's accuses the president of he's doing Abuse of Power and illegally spying on the AG. wow. he must have some big ass balls I'll say that.

Turns out you can make this stuff up because that’s exactly what you did.
So now you're saying Schitt's didn't illegally access individuals phone records without a warrant? Come on son, don't stand on the tracks, trains run on them.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
sure you do you fking idiot. wow. Why would we need the FISA court then?
Clinesmith resigned from the FBI months before the Horowitz report was filed.

Tell me, since you’re so much smarter than me, how does Wray go about suspending a former FBI employee?

I can’t wait to hear this one. Hopefully you don’t run away and never come back like a real snowflake.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
if the fbi doesn't generate indictments, what are these then?

Press Releases — FBI
News — FBI
Press releases on the FBI webpage that reference indictments filed by federal attorneys.
on investigations from the FBI. so yeah, did I stutter?

The FBI doesn’t generate indictments. Wray can’t indict anyone. If y’all are angry about people not being indicted for FISA abuses, the problem isn’t Wray.
it's called jail time. but you ask alexa questions.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
if the fbi doesn't generate indictments, what are these then?

Press Releases — FBI
News — FBI
Press releases on the FBI webpage that reference indictments filed by federal attorneys.
on investigations from the FBI. so yeah, did I stutter?

The FBI doesn’t generate indictments. Wray can’t indict anyone. If y’all are angry about people not being indicted for FISA abuses, the problem isn’t Wray.
sure he can. I just showed you how.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
You're a special kind of stupid. Schiff had no reason or authority to pull phone records. What he did was breaking the law, something Schiff has proven he is very comfortable doing and has done frequently.
Mueller was called before the FISA Court to answer for HIS FBI's FISA Court abuses. His protégé; Comey, and HIS FBI have now been exposed as having committed FISA Court abuses. I wonder how long it will take Wray's FBI to do so, if they have not already.

I would bet there the Deep State NSA, CIA, FBI, Intel Community, and / or Democrats are currently illegally spying on Barr and Durham's criminal investigation.
well we already know that Schitt's illegally looked into phone records. lock his ass up immediately!!! One can't make this stuff up!! the same exact thing Schitt's accuses the president of he's doing Abuse of Power and illegally spying on the AG. wow. he must have some big ass balls I'll say that.

Turns out you can make this stuff up because that’s exactly what you did.
So now you're saying Schitt's didn't illegally access individuals phone records without a warrant? Come on son, don't stand on the tracks, trains run on them.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
sure you do you fking idiot. wow. Why would we need the FISA court then?

You’d need a warrant to listen in on a phone conversation, for example. Phone records, which are what number called what number, for how long and when the call was made, are not protected and no warrant is needed.

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