FBI’s Wray tells FISA court Bureau ‘deeply regrets’ failures in Carter Page case

well we already know that Schitt's illegally looked into phone records. lock his ass up immediately!!! One can't make this stuff up!! the same exact thing Schitt's accuses the president of he's doing Abuse of Power and illegally spying on the AG. wow. he must have some big ass balls I'll say that.

Turns out you can make this stuff up because that’s exactly what you did.
So now you're saying Schitt's didn't illegally access individuals phone records without a warrant? Come on son, don't stand on the tracks, trains run on them.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
sure you do you fking idiot. wow. Why would we need the FISA court then?

You’d need a warrant to listen in on a phone conversation, for example. Phone records, which are what number called what number, for how long and when the call was made, are not protected and no warrant is needed.
sure a warrant is needed, we have privacy rights.
And now we’ve gone full circle. As I stated in my first post, Wray cannot indict anyone. The other poster attacked me for bringing that up because he clearly meant things other than prosecution, you know, like suspending (without pay of course) people who already quit the FBI.

Y’all are a clown show.
if the fbi doesn't generate indictments, what are these then?

Press Releases — FBI
News — FBI
Press releases on the FBI webpage that reference indictments filed by federal attorneys.
on investigations from the FBI. so yeah, did I stutter?

The FBI doesn’t generate indictments. Wray can’t indict anyone. If y’all are angry about people not being indicted for FISA abuses, the problem isn’t Wray.
sure he can. I just showed you how.
No, he can’t. He has no standing to do so. He’s basically a cop. A really fancy suit and tie cop, but at the end of the day he investigates. Attorneys prosecute.
Turns out you can make this stuff up because that’s exactly what you did.
So now you're saying Schitt's didn't illegally access individuals phone records without a warrant? Come on son, don't stand on the tracks, trains run on them.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
sure you do you fking idiot. wow. Why would we need the FISA court then?

You’d need a warrant to listen in on a phone conversation, for example. Phone records, which are what number called what number, for how long and when the call was made, are not protected and no warrant is needed.
sure a warrant is needed, we have privacy rights.
We have privacy rights, for sure. Phone records are not considered private by the courts. No warrant is needed.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
You're a special kind of stupid. Schiff had no reason or authority to pull phone records. What he did was breaking the law, something Schiff has proven he is very comfortable doing and has done frequently.

Phone records aren’t protected. No law was broken.
ok, I am wrong, however, they still need a subpoena and one was not issued.
Schiff: No, We Didn’t Subpoena John Solomon’s Phone Records

Patrick Boland, the top spokesman for Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, told The Daily Beast on Thursday that investigators “did not subpoena call records for any member of Congress or their staff... or for any journalist,” including—Boland added—the committee’s ranking member, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) or John Solomon, a columnist formerly of The Hill whose reporting formed much of the public case for Rudy Giuliani and others to do their muckraking in Ukraine.
if the fbi doesn't generate indictments, what are these then?

Press Releases — FBI
News — FBI
Press releases on the FBI webpage that reference indictments filed by federal attorneys.
on investigations from the FBI. so yeah, did I stutter?

The FBI doesn’t generate indictments. Wray can’t indict anyone. If y’all are angry about people not being indicted for FISA abuses, the problem isn’t Wray.
sure he can. I just showed you how.
No, he can’t. He has no standing to do so. He’s basically a cop. A really fancy suit and tie cop, but at the end of the day he investigates. Attorneys prosecute.
sure he can, he gets a grand jury and gets one. I showed you that.
Phone records, which are what number called what number, for how long and when the call was made, are not protected and no warrant is needed.
Again, you are a special kind of stupid.

What you are talking about is metadata.

Under Obama former NSA Director Clapper and former CIA Agent Brennan were asked if they were engaged in illegal spying. Clapper testified that he was NOT spying on the American people...and several days later it was exposed that they were collecting this type of information on Americans - what number they called from, the location they called from, what number / who they called, where they were located, how long the phone call was, etc....

This is very much illegal. Before Clapper could be indicted for Perjury Democrats quickly called Clapper back to 'amend' his testimony.

Large scale, small scale - doesn't mater. If a nurse in a hospital hears her neighbor was just brought to the ER and is being seen, the nurse can not log into her computer to find out any information on her neighbor - not even the fact that they were signed in at a certain time, for example. Just because you want to know want to 'check something out' doesn't mean you can legally do it.

No wonder you snowflakes continue to argue and say the FBI didn't spy on anyone and that Schiff didn't break the law - you are completely ignorant of the law.

US government privacy board says NSA bulk collection of phone data is illegal
So now you're saying Schitt's didn't illegally access individuals phone records without a warrant? Come on son, don't stand on the tracks, trains run on them.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
sure you do you fking idiot. wow. Why would we need the FISA court then?

You’d need a warrant to listen in on a phone conversation, for example. Phone records, which are what number called what number, for how long and when the call was made, are not protected and no warrant is needed.
sure a warrant is needed, we have privacy rights.
We have privacy rights, for sure. Phone records are not considered private by the courts. No warrant is needed.
you're right on that, I was wrong. I have my integrity, and will always admit a mistake on my part. Know that.
ok, I am wrong, however, they still need a subpoena and one was not issued.
Schiff: No, We Didn’t Subpoena John Solomon’s Phone Records

Ding, ding,ding! Congrats, you just won a free INDICTMENT and a potential all-expenses-paid trip to a federal penitentiary!

The only reason this has not happened yet is because there is no 'equal justice' in this country due to Pieces of Fecal Matter like Barry who protected his administration and agency members from indictment / prison. These criminal traitors like Schiff are still protected.

This dumbass should have been led away in handcuffs several times not. He admitted to leaking classified. He committed Sedition by falsely claiming for 2+ years he had evidence of crimes committed by the President only to finally have to admit he lied.

He attempted to present a personally-authored fictional account of the phone call as evidence, lied under oath about the whistle blower several times, and illegally pulled these phone records.

Any average Joe Blow would be in jail right now.
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Phone records, which are what number called what number, for how long and when the call was made, are not protected and no warrant is needed.
Again, you are a special kind of stupid.

What you are talking about is metadata.

Under Obama former NSA Director Clapper and former CIA Agent Brennan were asked if they were engaged in illegal spying. Clapper testified that he was NOT spying on the American people...and several days later it was exposed that they were collecting this type of information on Americans - what number they called from, the location they called from, what number / who they called, where they were located, how long the phone call was, etc....

This is very much illegal. Before Clapper could be indicted for Perjury Democrats quickly called Clapper back to 'amend' his testimony.

Large scale, small scale - doesn't mater. If a nurse in a hospital hears her neighbor was just brought to the ER and is being seen, the nurse can not log into her computer to find out any information on her neighbor - not even the fact that they were signed in at a certain time, for example. Just because you want to know want to 'check something out' doesn't mean you can legally do it.

No wonder you snowflakes continue to argue and say the FBI didn't spy on anyone and that Schiff didn't break the law - you are completely ignorant of the law.

US government privacy board says NSA bulk collection of phone data is illegal

Call it what you like but phone records, such as those obtained by Schiff, are not protected by the 4th Amendment. They are routinely accessed by law enforcement without warrants.

Your tangent about NSA collection metadata isn’t really related other than some of the characteristics of the data. I can tell you get the vast bulk of your information from right wing media because you have a hard time with knowledge outside of the types of stories they would cover.
Press releases on the FBI webpage that reference indictments filed by federal attorneys.
on investigations from the FBI. so yeah, did I stutter?

The FBI doesn’t generate indictments. Wray can’t indict anyone. If y’all are angry about people not being indicted for FISA abuses, the problem isn’t Wray.
sure he can. I just showed you how.
No, he can’t. He has no standing to do so. He’s basically a cop. A really fancy suit and tie cop, but at the end of the day he investigates. Attorneys prosecute.
sure he can, he gets a grand jury and gets one. I showed you that.
Wray cannot call a grand jury. Only a prosecutor can.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
You're a special kind of stupid. Schiff had no reason or authority to pull phone records. What he did was breaking the law, something Schiff has proven he is very comfortable doing and has done frequently.

Phone records aren’t protected. No law was broken.
ok, I am wrong, however, they still need a subpoena and one was not issued.
Schiff: No, We Didn’t Subpoena John Solomon’s Phone Records

Patrick Boland, the top spokesman for Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, told The Daily Beast on Thursday that investigators “did not subpoena call records for any member of Congress or their staff... or for any journalist,” including—Boland added—the committee’s ranking member, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) or John Solomon, a columnist formerly of The Hill whose reporting formed much of the public case for Rudy Giuliani and others to do their muckraking in Ukraine.

Read it again. That statement doesn’t say they didn’t subpoena anyone. The phone records belonged to Giuliani and Parnas. Those individuals are not members of Congress, their staff or journalists so that statement would not support your accusation.
ok, I am wrong, however, they still need a subpoena and one was not issued.
Schiff: No, We Didn’t Subpoena John Solomon’s Phone Records

Ding, ding,ding! Congrats, you just won a free INDICTMENT and a potential all-expenses-paid trip to a federal penitentiary!

The only reason this has not happened yet is because there is no 'equal justice' in this country due to Pieces of Fecal Matter like Barry who protected his administration and agency members from indictment / prison. These criminal traitors like Schiff are still protected.

This dumbass should have been led away in handcuffs several times not. He admitted to leaking classified. He committed Sedition by falsely claiming for 2+ years he had evidence of crimes committed by the President only to finally have to admit he lied.

He attempted to present a personally-authored fictional account of the phone call as evidence, lied under oath about the whistle blower several times, and illegally pulled these phone records.

Any average Joe Blow would be in jail right now.
You shoulda read the article.

The average Joe Blow can’t issue subpoenas.

The only reason he isn’t in jail is because the people that would prosecute him know the law and know that your accusations are idiotic.
You shoulda read the article. The average Joe Blow can’t issue subpoenas.

:wtf:are you talking about? I said if the average American committed the crimes Schiff has done, even admitted to, they would be in jail right now rather than out free like Schiff.
Apologies for breaking the law just aren't going to cut it. People need punished for what they did.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told the federal surveillance court in a letter Friday that he “deeply regrets” the bureau’s many errors in the process to obtain surveillance warrants on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“The FBI has the utmost respect for this Court, and deeply regrets the errors and omissions identified by the OIG,” Wray wrote in a letter to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

A judge on the FISC ordered the FBI on Dec. 17 to respond by Friday with a roadmap on how the bureau plans to address the problems identified in a Justice Department inspector general’s (IG) report regarding applications for warrants to wiretap Page.

The IG report, released on Dec. 9, identified 17 errors and omissions that the FBI made in its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications against Page. The report said FBI agents withheld information that undercut the bureau’s suspicion that Page worked as an agent of Russia while he served on the Trump team. Agents also failed to disclose information that raised questions about the credibility and motives of Christopher Steele, a former British spy Democrats hired to investigate President Donald Trump.

The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s infamous dossier in the Page FISA applications.

Wray, who took over the FBI more than a month after the fourth and final Page FISA had been approved, said that one remedy he plans to implement will be to use the Page FISA as a case study in training sessions that FBI personnel will be required to undergo.

“FBI personnel will be instructed on the errors and omissions that were made in the Carter Page FISA applications and associated processes,” Wray said.

(Excerpt) Read more at libertyunyielding.com ..


The training will include a test “to confirm that personnel understand the expectations and the materials,” as well as certification for FBI employees who have completed the training, he added.

Wray set April 30 as a deadline to complete the training.

What have some of us been saying since 2017?


The "new training" garbage will be their "solution", instead of actual arrests and prosecutions of the coup plotters.

"Trust Wray!"



THE WHITE COURTESY PHONE KEEPS RINGING FOR AG BARR WITH NO REPLY!!!...I am beginning to feel a little suspicious...at least 1 indictment for say McCabe would satisfy me!!!
You shoulda read the article. The average Joe Blow can’t issue subpoenas.

:wtf:are you talking about? I said if the average American committed the crimes Schiff has done, even admitted to, they would be in jail right now rather than out free like Schiff.

You still don’t seem to know what you’re talking about. Getting phone records doesn’t require a warrant. Are you under the impression that Schiff broke into ATT or something and stole them? What law are you even accusing him of violating?
You shoulda read the article. The average Joe Blow can’t issue subpoenas.

:wtf:are you talking about? I said if the average American committed the crimes Schiff has done, even admitted to, they would be in jail right now rather than out free like Schiff.
Did you ever manage to figure out how Wray was supposed to suspend a former FBI employee? I still want to find out.
You don’t need a warrant to access phone records.
sure you do you fking idiot. wow. Why would we need the FISA court then?

You’d need a warrant to listen in on a phone conversation, for example. Phone records, which are what number called what number, for how long and when the call was made, are not protected and no warrant is needed.
sure a warrant is needed, we have privacy rights.
We have privacy rights, for sure. Phone records are not considered private by the courts. No warrant is needed.
you're right on that, I was wrong. I have my integrity, and will always admit a mistake on my part. Know that.
That’s awfully kind of you. Thanks! I will try my best to do the same.
Read it again. That statement doesn’t say they didn’t subpoena anyone. The phone records belonged to Giuliani and Parnas. Those individuals are not members of Congress, their staff or journalists so that statement would not support your accusation.
It doesn't matter if the phone records illegally pulled belonged to members of Congress or not.
Read it again. That statement doesn’t say they didn’t subpoena anyone. The phone records belonged to Giuliani and Parnas. Those individuals are not members of Congress, their staff or journalists so that statement would not support your accusation.
It doesn't matter if the phone records illegally pulled belonged to members of Congress or not.
Well, I was refuting the idea that they somehow stated that no subpoena was issued. I’m reasonably sure that a subpoena (no source on that yet) was issued however the main point here is that the statement quoted by the other poster does not back up their assertion.

How does one illegally pull phone records?

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