Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

WHY are liberals / snowflakes so against prosecuting criminals who leak classified information?

"The Obama administration brought nine or 10 leak-related prosecutions — about twice as many as were brought under all previous presidencies combined."

So why are his loyalists / snowflakes pissing and moaning so much about this one?

(Perhaps because people who leak info about Democrats usually end up face down while Democrats who leak usually are applauded / defended? :p )

She could\should serve up to 10 years, depending on how the judge rules.

Now cupcake, who are these liberals you make these claims about? The article you posted had nothing about anyone against prosecuting her.
seems like just a misdemeanor, during real times of Peace.
Yes, liberal treason is only a misdemeanor, if ever charged as a crime...
That would include Hillary Clinton, who kept/maintained classified. Reality actively LEAKED info, not just 'retained documents'. KNOWINGLY doing what she did, as she admitted to, could possibly constitute Espionage.

Just like your prosecution claim, you are wrong once again. Espionage involves foreign actors, not domestic newspapers.
Good thing no foreign people, actors, or governments monitor, read, look at out media then, huh?!

The London terrorists were just proven to have coordinated through FACEBOOK. You seriously think they CAN'T do so through other mediums? Good grief!

View attachment 131355
Just left wing, "open secrets"; we know the right wing won't read it and prefer, to be "spoon fed" by Wikileaks.
seems like just a misdemeanor, during real times of Peace.

The United States is in the middle of Obama's personal, Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Syrian War...there are US troops on the ground IN SYRIA.
seems like just a misdemeanor, during real times of Peace.

The United States is in the middle if Obama's personal, Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Syrian War...there are US troops on the ground IN SYRIA.
Too late; y'all Own it now. Our current Commander in Chief (proclaimed so by the Electoral College), believes it is not that serious and that we can lower taxes, as a result.
Espionage legal definition of espionage
Espionage. The act of securing information of a military or political nature that a competing nation holds secret.

The media / DOJ just reported this traitor released TOP SECRET US information....

"top se·cret
ˌtäp ˈsēkrət/
adjective: top-secret; adjective: top secret
  1. of the highest secrecy; highly confidential."


Top Secret
Security Classification of Information, volume 2 (Quist), Chapter Seven
  1. Cached
CLASSIFICATION LEVEL DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES. Top Secret Information. EO 12356 states that the Top Secret classification level "shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security."

Not to worry...I am sure no foreign nation would like to get their hands on information that could cause exceptionally grave damage to our national security.

Another snowflake trying to act like he knows what he is talking about....
We have No Secrets that are that Grave, or we would need to raise taxes, not lower taxes, to Prove, it is not that serious. It really really is, about the capitalism and objective, market based metrics.
Trump can declassify anything he wants to.

But that doesn't change that Trump may have committed espionage, by telling secrets to foreigners. Even if he's allowed to.

The mole may be the guy in the oval office,.

What part of "He can declassify anything he wants" dont you understand?
A Commander in Chief should be able to proclaim real times of Peace and not real times of War, simply by cutting taxes on the rich.
Trump can declassify anything he wants to.

But that doesn't change that Trump may have committed espionage, by telling secrets to foreigners. Even if he's allowed to.

The mole may be the guy in the oval office,.

What part of "He can declassify anything he wants" dont you understand?
A Commander in Chief should be able to proclaim real times of Peace and not real times of War, simply by cutting taxes on the rich.

The leftwing is truly unhinged...
Who is Reality Winner? Accused leaker wanted to ‘resist’ Trump
Reality Winner, a 25-year-old Air Force veteran, is a contractor with Pluribus International Corporation assigned to a federal facility in Georgia, where she allegedly leaked a classified intelligence reportcontaining “Top Secret Level” information. The report, according to the Department of Justice, contained classified defense information from an intelligence community agency.

While the DOJ did not say which site published the information, the charges were announced just as The Intercept published details of a National Security Agency report on Russian hacking efforts during the 2016 presidential election.

The first of the liberal traitors has been caught! Treason is punishable by death!
Did info. really need to be classified, top secret. Our Commander in Chief is lowering taxes, not raising taxes for really really serious stuff.
WHY are liberals / snowflakes so against prosecuting criminals who leak classified information?

"The Obama administration brought nine or 10 leak-related prosecutions — about twice as many as were brought under all previous presidencies combined."

So why are his loyalists / snowflakes pissing and moaning so much about this one?

(Perhaps because people who leak info about Democrats usually end up face down while Democrats who leak usually are applauded / defended? :p )

She could\should serve up to 10 years, depending on how the judge rules.

Now cupcake, who are these liberals you make these claims about? The article you posted had nothing about anyone against prosecuting her.
seems like just a misdemeanor, during real times of Peace.
Yes, liberal treason is only a misdemeanor, if ever charged as a crime...
Dudes; we have a Commerce Clause not a Fake Times of War clause where we can lower taxes.
Trump can declassify anything he wants to.

But that doesn't change that Trump may have committed espionage, by telling secrets to foreigners. Even if he's allowed to.

The mole may be the guy in the oval office,.

What part of "He can declassify anything he wants" dont you understand?
A Commander in Chief should be able to proclaim real times of Peace and not real times of War, simply by cutting taxes on the rich.

The leftwing is truly unhinged...
The right wing is truly, market based metrics challenged. It is what Capitalism, is good for .
Trump can declassify anything he wants to.

But that doesn't change that Trump may have committed espionage, by telling secrets to foreigners. Even if he's allowed to.

The mole may be the guy in the oval office,.

What part of "He can declassify anything he wants" dont you understand?
A Commander in Chief should be able to proclaim real times of Peace and not real times of War, simply by cutting taxes on the rich.

The leftwing is truly unhinged...
The right wing is truly, market based metrics challenged. It is what Capitalism, is good for .

Oh I dont finances have taken a very tidy turn into the black since Trump was elected.
WHY are liberals / snowflakes so against prosecuting criminals who leak classified information?

"The Obama administration brought nine or 10 leak-related prosecutions — about twice as many as were brought under all previous presidencies combined."

So why are his loyalists / snowflakes pissing and moaning so much about this one?

(Perhaps because people who leak info about Democrats usually end up face down while Democrats who leak usually are applauded / defended? :p )

Being Liberal means never having to support America.
You demean my service??? You must be a republican

Didn't you say that the subversive was a hero?

You must be a Liberal.
I'm a democrat who appreciates what others do to uncover info that pins the tail on the vile republican party
Or perhaps are you better off not knowing what your gov't is hiding?

So the USA should have no secrets?
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Try her and shoot her.
I wouldn't waste a bullet.
That's how I feel about the Orange Menace.
not my gig dude. you take your traitorous behavior somewhere else.
The Orange Menace is a threat to the Republic (and all humanity).

Sounds like Hillary the Hag.

The US of A dodged a bullet there.

Pun intended.

But that doesn't change that Trump may have committed espionage, by telling secrets to foreigners. Even if he's allowed to.

The mole may be the guy in the oval office,.

What part of "He can declassify anything he wants" dont you understand?
A Commander in Chief should be able to proclaim real times of Peace and not real times of War, simply by cutting taxes on the rich.

The leftwing is truly unhinged...
The right wing is truly, market based metrics challenged. It is what Capitalism, is good for .

Oh I dont finances have taken a very tidy turn into the black since Trump was elected.
Why is that? What legislation has our current president, actually signed into law.
WHY are liberals / snowflakes so against prosecuting criminals who leak classified information?

"The Obama administration brought nine or 10 leak-related prosecutions — about twice as many as were brought under all previous presidencies combined."

So why are his loyalists / snowflakes pissing and moaning so much about this one?

(Perhaps because people who leak info about Democrats usually end up face down while Democrats who leak usually are applauded / defended? :p )

Being Liberal means never having to support America.
You demean my service??? You must be a republican

Didn't you say that the subversive was a hero?

You must be a Liberal.
I'm a democrat who appreciates what others do to uncover info that pins the tail on the vile republican party
Or perhaps are you better off not knowing what your gov't is hiding?

So the USA should have no secrets?
We already have a Commerce Clause and, "trade secrets" laws.

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