Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

Didn't you say that the subversive was a hero?

You must be a Liberal.
I'm a democrat who appreciates what others do to uncover info that pins the tail on the vile republican party
Or perhaps are you better off not knowing what your gov't is hiding?

I believe you said you served in the armed forces.

How quickly you forgot this:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed ...
Things do change
That was then with a real man as president Now you have a big mouthed foul idiot in charge

So....oaths to you depend on the day of the week?

Oh...and a real man and an American is President.

I'm hoping he keeps his word, which would make him unlike you and the snake who just left the presidency.
Sorry, but cheetoes aren't men.

Did you cook up that idea in that 'EasyBake Oven' of your mind?

If this is the level of contribution one can expect of you, perhaps it'd be best for all concerned if you waited for the children's hour.
Reality Winner, the traitor caught leaking classified info to the media:

- Believes being White is 'Terrorism' (She's White)

- Her social media profiles show she’s a thoroughly brainwashed, far-left #Resistance activist who said Donald Trump is an “orange fascist” and “the most dangerous” person in the country

- Is a huge supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement

- Considers herself part of 'The Resistance' (So does Hillary, who also broke laws dealing with classified)

- Says was radicalized by John Oliver, The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore and others

- Said Leonardo DiCaprio’s propaganda film “Before The Flood” changed her entire outlook on life

- Said she’s now “#waitingtodie” from climate change and doesn’t want to have kids

- Replied to the Foreign Minister of Iran saying she’d “stand with” Iran over America if Trump declared war (TRAITOR)

- Openly sided with Mexico over America

"The most remarkable part of this story is how our nation’s standards have collapsed to the point where 25-year-old female social justice warriors are given access to classified information.

It’s also tragic how this beautiful, young girl was radicalized by Hollywood and the entertainment industry into hating herself simply because she was born white."

Jailed NSA Leaker Reality Winner: ‘Being White is Terrorism’
I will take bets that the USA and the government is riddled with people just like her and they are at all levels of government and are nothing but spies and traitors. They need to be debriefed and removed from the Country after a 10 year prison term. A short story a friend of mine when to Africa (wanted me to go) to find his roots. When he returned said he had nothing in common with " those people. He told me a long story about his trip and was racist afterwards and still is.
I personally believe that Our Government should start including people like Reality Winner on a terrorist watch list. Organizations like BLM and should be classified as terrorist organizations.
After she declared she would side with Iran, I 100% agree.

As far as BLM and MoveOn, not sure about naming them 'terrorists' - Subversive organizations? Absolutely. Hate Groups? No doubt.
All of those orgs are supported by George Soros and others..They have one goal and that is to over throw the Nation.

Go to the ends of the post and use the WWW for the detailed data on Soros

Name 2010 Combined Open Society Institute and Foundation to Promote Open Society

Robin Hood Foundation 29,791,398
Harlem Children’s Zone 16,024,029
Tides Foundation 8,915,954
Bard College 6,586,091
National Dance Institute 5,000,000
The Revenue Watch Institute 4,805,000
Drug Policy Alliance 4,035,000
Institute for New Economic Thinking 3,792,489
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc. 3,761,000
Fund for the City of New York 3,640,000
Fund for the European University at St. Petersburg 3,103,356
Human Rights Watch Inc. 2,734,135
Partnership for Palliative Care 2,729,970
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities 2,216,000
Youthbuild USA Inc. 2,000,000
National Immigration Forum 1,750,000
Center for Community Change 1,715,000
Fair Food Network 1,500,000
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund, Inc. 1,370,000
The Trustees of Columbia University 1,369,191
Nonprofit Finance Fund 1,300,000
Gateway to College National Network 1,270,000
President and Fellows of Harvard College 1,246,000
Public Interest Projects 1,227,850
MDRC 1,200,000
Proteus Fund Inc. 1,175,000
Focus Project 1,162,500
William J. Brennan Jr. Center for Justice Inc. 1,100,000
Millennium Promise Alliance, Inc. 1,100,000
Public Institute Law Institute 1,075,857
Climateworks Foundation 1,050,000
Media Development Loan Fund, Inc. 1,000,000
Center for New York City Neighborhoods 1,000,000
Sundance Institute 1,000,000
Center for Employment Opportunities, Inc. 1,000,000
Compassion & Choices 1,000,000
Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning Inc. 950,000
Human Rights First 944,277
National Public Radio 900,000
Center for American Progress 825,000
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law 824,406
Equal Justice Works 750,000
America’s Voice Education Fund 750,000
Jobs for the Future 750,000
The Urban Institute 750,000
Pacific News Service 725,000
Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama 675,000
Media Matters 675,000
American Friends of the New Economic School, Inc. 665,600
The Central European University 658,992
National Security Archive Fund Inc. 650,000
State Voices 650,000
Local Initiatives Support Coalition 645,000
PICO National Network 637,500
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc. and Affiliates 600,000
Government Accountability Project 600,000
Independent Diplomat Inc. 600,000
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Inc. 580,000
The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy 550,000
The Sentencing Project 550,000
Center for Law and Social Policy 550,000
Powerpac Foundation 550,000
National Association of Service and Conservation 537,500
New America Foundation 525,000
The Aspen Institute 525,000
Migration Policy Institute 515,000
Legal Action Center of the City of New York 508,500
International Legal Foundation 501,202
The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City 500,000
Demos: A Network for Ideas and Action 500,000
Community Rights Council 500,000
Immigrant Legal Resource Center 500,000
Family League of Baltimore City Inc. 500,000
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations 500,000

Read more: Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire | The Soros Files Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire | The Soros Files
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Try her and shoot her.
Wow you repubs really are the queen of drama. I love how you bash her for these leaks yet you defended to death the hacks and subsequent from the DNC hacked emails. I guess Trump's corruption as always gets a pass.

"An intelligence contractor was charged with sending a classified report about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election to the news media, the Justice Department announced Monday, the first criminal leak case under President Trump.

The Intercept said the N.S.A. report had been submitted anonymously. But shortly after its article was published, the Justice Department said that the F.B.I. had arrested Ms. Winner at her house in Augusta, Ga., on Saturday. It also said she had confessed to an agent that she had printed out a May 5 intelligence file and mailed it to an online news outlet.

“Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government,”

“People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”

So would this be like what Snowden did?
From what I've read she's intelligent, had a promising future. That's gone now, she's a treasonist.
She will be hired by Soros just like the Broad from the government.

After she does her prison time
You cannot give a traitor prison time as that encourages others. You must shoot them after trial within a week.
Prison makes them celebrities. You don't need celebrity traitors. You need dead traitors.
From what I've read she's intelligent, had a promising future. That's gone now, she's a treasonist.
She will be hired by Soros just like the Broad from the government.

After she does her prison time
You cannot give a traitor prison time as that encourages others. You must shoot them after trial within a week.
Prison makes them celebrities. You don't need celebrity traitors. You need dead traitors.

Oh I concur but the left ya know
What's funnier?

...that this woman's name is 'Reality' or that Donald Trump thinks being president is a reality TV show?
Neither. The fact that yet another snowflake has broken the law and this one is going to jail despite all the snowflakes' attempt to undermine / overthrow Trump is funnier.
Reality Winner, the traitor caught leaking classified info to the media:

- Believes being White is 'Terrorism' (She's White)

- Her social media profiles show she’s a thoroughly brainwashed, far-left #Resistance activist who said Donald Trump is an “orange fascist” and “the most dangerous” person in the country

- Is a huge supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement

- Considers herself part of 'The Resistance' (So does Hillary, who also broke laws dealing with classified)

- Says was radicalized by John Oliver, The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore and others

- Said Leonardo DiCaprio’s propaganda film “Before The Flood” changed her entire outlook on life

- Said she’s now “#waitingtodie” from climate change and doesn’t want to have kids

- Replied to the Foreign Minister of Iran saying she’d “stand with” Iran over America if Trump declared war (TRAITOR)

- Openly sided with Mexico over America

"The most remarkable part of this story is how our nation’s standards have collapsed to the point where 25-year-old female social justice warriors are given access to classified information.

It’s also tragic how this beautiful, young girl was radicalized by Hollywood and the entertainment industry into hating herself simply because she was born white."

Jailed NSA Leaker Reality Winner: ‘Being White is Terrorism’
I wonder if we will have to pay for her addadicktome while she's in jail?
Reality Winner, the traitor caught leaking classified info to the media:

- Believes being White is 'Terrorism' (She's White)

- Her social media profiles show she’s a thoroughly brainwashed, far-left #Resistance activist who said Donald Trump is an “orange fascist” and “the most dangerous” person in the country

- Is a huge supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement

- Considers herself part of 'The Resistance' (So does Hillary, who also broke laws dealing with classified)

- Says was radicalized by John Oliver, The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore and others

- Said Leonardo DiCaprio’s propaganda film “Before The Flood” changed her entire outlook on life

- Said she’s now “#waitingtodie” from climate change and doesn’t want to have kids

- Replied to the Foreign Minister of Iran saying she’d “stand with” Iran over America if Trump declared war (TRAITOR)

- Openly sided with Mexico over America

"The most remarkable part of this story is how our nation’s standards have collapsed to the point where 25-year-old female social justice warriors are given access to classified information.

It’s also tragic how this beautiful, young girl was radicalized by Hollywood and the entertainment industry into hating herself simply because she was born white."

Jailed NSA Leaker Reality Winner: ‘Being White is Terrorism’
I wonder if we will have to pay for her addadicktome while she's in jail?
Maybe she can get Chelsea's money.

"An intelligence contractor was charged with sending a classified report about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election to the news media, the Justice Department announced Monday, the first criminal leak case under President Trump.

The Intercept said the N.S.A. report had been submitted anonymously. But shortly after its article was published, the Justice Department said that the F.B.I. had arrested Ms. Winner at her house in Augusta, Ga., on Saturday. It also said she had confessed to an agent that she had printed out a May 5 intelligence file and mailed it to an online news outlet.

“Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government,”

“People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”
There is No Thing affecting Nation-State security, if our Commander in Chief, believes it is Really, Really, real times of Peace, such that, we can Lower Taxes and not raise taxes, to Prove, it really really is, real times of War and not just, Political Propaganda and Political Rhetoric.
WHY are liberals / snowflakes so against prosecuting criminals who leak classified information?

"The Obama administration brought nine or 10 leak-related prosecutions — about twice as many as were brought under all previous presidencies combined."

So why are his loyalists / snowflakes pissing and moaning so much about this one?

(Perhaps because people who leak info about Democrats usually end up face down while Democrats who leak usually are applauded / defended? :p )
Because, our Commander in Chief believes it is not that serious, and we can lower taxes.
WHY are liberals / snowflakes so against prosecuting criminals who leak classified information?

"The Obama administration brought nine or 10 leak-related prosecutions — about twice as many as were brought under all previous presidencies combined."

So why are his loyalists / snowflakes pissing and moaning so much about this one?

(Perhaps because people who leak info about Democrats usually end up face down while Democrats who leak usually are applauded / defended? :p )

She could\should serve up to 10 years, depending on how the judge rules.

Now cupcake, who are these liberals you make these claims about? The article you posted had nothing about anyone against prosecuting her.
seems like just a misdemeanor, during real times of Peace.
If being partisan was illegal 3/4 of this board would be in prison.
Being a partisan isn't illegal. And partisans can also be patriotic.

She's a spy.

Let's hope she does some serious time.
Yeah At least a month

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material
doesn't apply; she leaked to "the press" and did not keep and bear it.

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