Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

Good thing no foreign people, actors, or governments monitor, read, look at out media then, huh?

She leaked it to the 4th estate.

Who you tell, would be the basis for an espionage charge. Petraus, Sandy Berger, Armitage, none of them faced charges of espionage, because their leaks were domestic.

See the legal definition.
The media / DOJ just reported this traitor released TOP SECRET US information....

"top se·cret
ˌtäp ˈsēkrət/
adjective: top-secret; adjective: top secret
  1. of the highest secrecy; highly confidential."


Top Secret
Security Classification of Information, volume 2 (Quist), Chapter Seven
  1. Cached
CLASSIFICATION LEVEL DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES. Top Secret Information. EO 12356 states that the Top Secret classification level "shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security."


So did Trump when he gave away the location of two special ohio class submarines, or the top secret intelligence we got from Israel about ISIS and airplane bombs.

Your point? Trump told foreigners in both those cases. Winner told a domestic newspaper.
Who you tell, would be the basis for an espionage charge. Petraus, Sandy Berger, Armitage, none of them faced charges of espionage, because their leaks were domestic.

Hillary didn't, according to Comey, because she was too stupid to know she was doing it. :p
So did Trump when he gave away the location of two special ohio class submarines, or the top secret intelligence we got from Israel about ISIS and airplane bombs.[/QUOTE]

The article you posted had nothing about anyone against prosecuting her.
I'm talking about the snowflakes on this board trying to make her sound like a cross between an American hero and a poor, mis-guided victim. :p

Thanks for the information about up to 10 years...

That also came from the Times article you linked to.

To some she is a hero, but she did break the law and must suffer the consequence. It's not like she should be shot as a traitor like some others on here suggest either.
The media / DOJ just reported this traitor released TOP SECRET US information....

"top se·cret
ˌtäp ˈsēkrət/
adjective: top-secret; adjective: top secret
  1. of the highest secrecy; highly confidential."


Top Secret
Security Classification of Information, volume 2 (Quist), Chapter Seven
  1. Cached
CLASSIFICATION LEVEL DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES. Top Secret Information. EO 12356 states that the Top Secret classification level "shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security."


So did Trump when he gave away the location of two special ohio class submarines, or the top secret intelligence we got from Israel about ISIS and airplane bombs.

Your point? Trump told foreigners in both those cases. Winner told a domestic newspaper.

Trump can declassify anything he wants to.
Hating the Russians trying to hack elections here is hating Whitey? Don't think so.

Her race has nothing to do with what she did. Patriotism might have? We'll see.
Her race is why she hates herself, and you folks are making great strides there.


She doesn't hate her race. She hates what it has done.
In other words, she hates her race.

What have whites done that any other race hasn't done?

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Hating what someone does (or a race) isn't same as hating them (or a race).
She broke the law.
She declared her allegiance to Iran should the US go to war with Iran.
WTF are you talking about?

Amazing how snowflakes can always justify crimes committed by their members.
She's a kid - don't have a heart attack over what she said on Facebook.

So you're just fine with a kid having access to classified material?
25 is not a kid.
Actually, it is. Even in females. 27 and 29 (male). That's biology.
Based on what?

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Developmental science of the brain - biology. But far too many, like you, never grow the fuck up.
Who is Reality Winner? Accused leaker wanted to ‘resist’ Trump
Reality Winner, a 25-year-old Air Force veteran, is a contractor with Pluribus International Corporation assigned to a federal facility in Georgia, where she allegedly leaked a classified intelligence reportcontaining “Top Secret Level” information. The report, according to the Department of Justice, contained classified defense information from an intelligence community agency.

While the DOJ did not say which site published the information, the charges were announced just as The Intercept published details of a National Security Agency report on Russian hacking efforts during the 2016 presidential election.

The first of the liberal traitors has been caught! Treason is punishable by death!
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Who is Reality Winner? Accused leaker wanted to ‘resist’ Trump
Reality Winner, a 25-year-old Air Force veteran, is a contractor with Pluribus International Corporation assigned to a federal facility in Georgia, where she allegedly leaked a classified intelligence reportcontaining “Top Secret Level” information. The report, according to the Department of Justice, contained classified defense information from an intelligence community agency.

While the DOJ did not say which site published the information, the charges were announced just as The Intercept published details of a National Security Agency report on Russian hacking efforts during the 2016 presidential election.

The first of the liberal traitors has been caught! Treason is punishable by death!

Not very bright.

Almost like she wanted to get caught.

I hope it was worth it her to have being a traitor on her record forever.
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Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

General Petraus in action.
Sandy Berger getting caught stuffing classified down his pants and in his home for the Clintons... :p

So community service for the hero leaker like Berger...... I'll chip in to help with her fine - Sandy Berger fined $50,000 for taking documents - Sep 8, 2005

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger was sentenced Thursday to community service and probation and fined $50,000 for illegally removing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them.

Berger must perform 100 hours of community service and pay the fine as well as $6,905 for the administrative costs of his two-year probation, a district court judge ruled.

"I deeply regret the actions that I took at the National Archives two years ago, and I accept the judgment of the court," Berger said outside the courthouse after his sentencing."

Berger was caught stealing documents about what Bill Clinton knew about 9/11/01 before ithappened and what he did and did not do...
WHY are liberals / snowflakes so against prosecuting criminals who leak classified information?

"The Obama administration brought nine or 10 leak-related prosecutions — about twice as many as were brought under all previous presidencies combined."

So why are his loyalists / snowflakes pissing and moaning so much about this one?

(Perhaps because people who leak info about Democrats usually end up face down while Democrats who leak usually are applauded / defended? :p )

Being Liberal means never having to support America.
You demean my service??? You must be a republican

Didn't you say that the subversive was a hero?

You must be a Liberal.
I'm a democrat who appreciates what others do to uncover info that pins the tail on the vile republican party
Or perhaps are you better off not knowing what your gov't is hiding?

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