Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

The tards were okay with a flaming marxist leaking DNC emails. Not just okay, they were overjoyed. Gloating.

Now the schizos are upset a left winger released proof the Russians attacked our election system and gave Trump a leg up.

The stench of hypocrisy just drips off them in big gobs.

Oh look, another fascist claim that the server of their Reich is equal or superior to the secrets of the nation.

Well, you Nazicrat fucks have your priorities.....
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One more time: the mishandling of his presidential activities by Democrat John Kennedy, caused the Cuban Missile Crisis.....

Good thing JFK taped what happened during the crisis. You look like a fool claiming different from the audio recordings of what was said and done.

Unlike GW on 9-11, JFK immediately returned to the white house, and cancelled his speaking engagements.
Correct, edward. Trump publicly solicited the Marxist running Wikileaks to help him.

How quickly his Chumps forget.
What's funny is - leaking, hacking - that stuff is a crime. You would think.

But if it's the DNC hacked, and stuff on Hillary leaked - it's "don't you think the public has a right to know"?
When it's Trump it's - TREASON

That said. The girl started off on the wrong foot when her parents named her Reality Winner. I'd have ended up committing parenticide.

Guess what dog,, the dnc and the shitbitch are not part of the US duly elected government, TRUMP IS THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT Who was elected exactly like all before him including your shit in a suit idol !!! So hacking and disseminating information about a government investigation, or any evidence or process IS TREASON. just like all of the shit your idol has and is doing to collapse the peoples government.

Like I thought - it's a double standard :lol:

The DNC is a top secret government site? :eek:

I know you fascists hold party above all, but really.....

Let's see if I got this straight - a crime is committed, DNC is hacked and private information leaked damaging to Hillary. You guys - the public has a right to know!
A crime is committed and classified information damaging to Trump is leaked - TREASON!!!!!

Thank you for yet another stellar example of hypocrisy.
They are all for loyalty to trump over loyalty to the United States.
Well if we ever got into actual combat with russia over cuba my life was on the line

Your life was not any more on the line than every other American. Nuclear weapons don't discriminate between civilians and the military.
Yeah but I was in the uniform of the Army while you ,if you were born yet was hiding under momies bed
And bri I'm afraid I must discontinue posting with you I'm in enough trouble as it is and speaking to you will only bring out the worst in me and I'd like to stay here for a while

Are you claiming there is something OTHER than evil in you?

The fact is that an awful lot of people go into the military because they have limited options. The Military provides room and board with some spending money. For many, the only other option would be prison. There are some true heroes in the armed forces and there are people who enlist out of a sense of patriotism. But there are many others who enlist because they need a job and a place to live.

I suspect you are in the second group, as bodecea was
I had graduated from college and was drafted Truth be told you know shit,,, I could have gotten out on a medical like the pos in the wh did but I served my 2 years

Did you write a letter describing how you despised the military, as the Democrat Bill 'the rapist' Clinton did?

"Dear Colonel Holmes,

I am sorry to be so long in writing. I know I promised to let you hear from me at least once a month, and from now on you will, but I have had to have some time to think about this first letter. Almost daily since my return to England I have thought about writing, about what I want to and ought to say. First, I want to thank you, not just for saving me from the draft,....
....loathing the military, ...."
Bill Clinton's Draft Letter | The Clinton Years | FRONTLINE | PBS

Did I mention that Clinton is a Democrat...?

....and his attitude is a Democrat attitude?

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Correct, edward. Trump publicly solicited the Marxist running Wikileaks to help him.

How soon his Chumps forget.

And the Russians.

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

You moron....he made that comment in the same vein as a baseball fan shouting 'Kill the umpire!"

Gads, you're a fool.

If he really meant that as a request, would he have make it in public????? long have you been a moron?
What's funny is - leaking, hacking - that stuff is a crime. You would think.

But if it's the DNC hacked, and stuff on Hillary leaked - it's "don't you think the public has a right to know"?
When it's Trump it's - TREASON

That said. The girl started off on the wrong foot when her parents named her Reality Winner. I'd have ended up committing parenticide.

Guess what dog,, the dnc and the shitbitch are not part of the US duly elected government, TRUMP IS THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT Who was elected exactly like all before him including your shit in a suit idol !!! So hacking and disseminating information about a government investigation, or any evidence or process IS TREASON. just like all of the shit your idol has and is doing to collapse the peoples government.

Like I thought - it's a double standard :lol:

The DNC is a top secret government site? :eek:

I know you fascists hold party above all, but really.....

Let's see if I got this straight - a crime is committed, DNC is hacked and private information leaked damaging to Hillary. You guys - the public has a right to know!
A crime is committed and classified information damaging to Trump is leaked - TREASON!!!!!

Thank you for yet another stellar example of hypocrisy.
They are all for loyalty to trump over loyalty to the United States.


How's this as an example of 'loyalty' to America?

What's funny is - leaking, hacking - that stuff is a crime. You would think.

But if it's the DNC hacked, and stuff on Hillary leaked - it's "don't you think the public has a right to know"?
When it's Trump it's - TREASON

That said. The girl started off on the wrong foot when her parents named her Reality Winner. I'd have ended up committing parenticide.

Guess what dog,, the dnc and the shitbitch are not part of the US duly elected government, TRUMP IS THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT Who was elected exactly like all before him including your shit in a suit idol !!! So hacking and disseminating information about a government investigation, or any evidence or process IS TREASON. just like all of the shit your idol has and is doing to collapse the peoples government.

Like I thought - it's a double standard :lol:

The DNC is a top secret government site? :eek:

I know you fascists hold party above all, but really.....

Let's see if I got this straight - a crime is committed, DNC is hacked and private information leaked damaging to Hillary. You guys - the public has a right to know!
A crime is committed and classified information damaging to Trump is leaked - TREASON!!!!!

Thank you for yet another stellar example of hypocrisy.
They are all for loyalty to trump over loyalty to the United States.



You Nazis are some DUMB motherfuckers, seriously.
What's funny is - leaking, hacking - that stuff is a crime. You would think.

But if it's the DNC hacked, and stuff on Hillary leaked - it's "don't you think the public has a right to know"?
When it's Trump it's - TREASON

That said. The girl started off on the wrong foot when her parents named her Reality Winner. I'd have ended up committing parenticide.

Guess what dog,, the dnc and the shitbitch are not part of the US duly elected government, TRUMP IS THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT Who was elected exactly like all before him including your shit in a suit idol !!! So hacking and disseminating information about a government investigation, or any evidence or process IS TREASON. just like all of the shit your idol has and is doing to collapse the peoples government.

Like I thought - it's a double standard :lol:

The DNC is a top secret government site? :eek:

I know you fascists hold party above all, but really.....

Let's see if I got this straight - a crime is committed, DNC is hacked and private information leaked damaging to Hillary. You guys - the public has a right to know!
A crime is committed and classified information damaging to Trump is leaked - TREASON!!!!!

Thank you for yet another stellar example of hypocrisy.
Hacking a private server, while against the law, is not a violation of the espionage laws. No one has ever said hacking Podesta's emails wasn't illegal. However, publishing the information, once obtained, is perfectly legal.
What's funny is - leaking, hacking - that stuff is a crime. You would think.

But if it's the DNC hacked, and stuff on Hillary leaked - it's "don't you think the public has a right to know"?
When it's Trump it's - TREASON

That said. The girl started off on the wrong foot when her parents named her Reality Winner. I'd have ended up committing parenticide.

Guess what dog,, the dnc and the shitbitch are not part of the US duly elected government, TRUMP IS THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT Who was elected exactly like all before him including your shit in a suit idol !!! So hacking and disseminating information about a government investigation, or any evidence or process IS TREASON. just like all of the shit your idol has and is doing to collapse the peoples government.

Like I thought - it's a double standard :lol:

The DNC is a top secret government site? :eek:

I know you fascists hold party above all, but really.....

Let's see if I got this straight - a crime is committed, DNC is hacked and private information leaked damaging to Hillary. You guys - the public has a right to know!
A crime is committed and classified information damaging to Trump is leaked - TREASON!!!!!

Thank you for yet another stellar example of hypocrisy.

".... private information leaked damaging to Hillary."

I've seen that Liberal meme over and over....

...but when I ask for a few examples of "private information leaked damaging to Hillary" that the public didn't know about the career criminal and congenital liar before an such 'leaks,'
....all I get is silence.

1. Your post is a lie
2. You have no ability to think for yourself.

BTW....she did better AFTER the leaks, you moron.

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Sooo.....we agree, you're a total imbecile???

Let's see if I got this straight - a crime is committed, DNC is hacked and private information leaked damaging to Hillary. You guys - the public has a right to know!
A crime is committed and classified information damaging to Trump is leaked - TREASON!!!!!

Thank you for yet another stellar example of hypocrisy.

Hacking the DNC servers is a crime.

Releasing national security is treason.

I get that you hold party above country, like all fascist democrats; but there is a huge difference between the secrets of a corrupt political organization and the national security of the nation.

Get a grip.
And I suppose you feel the republican party is not a corrupt party??,,,,If so you're dead wrong

".... Bernie Sanders has called for DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to ... to show top DNC officials trading ideas on how to hurt Sanders at the polls."
Debbie Wasserman Schultz To Step Down As Democratic Chair After Convention
Republican?? You really know how to hurt a guy

There are more billionaires on this board than any other place in the universe. Every last one of you fascist democrats is FABULOUSLY WEALTHY beyond all accounting. There are no poor democrats with less than $100 million in disposable assets, ask any leftist on this site...
I'm worth far less than 100 million lol

Yeah, we know.
can you face the truth that republicans have been screwing up our country for decades
The tards were okay with a flaming marxist leaking DNC emails. Not just okay, they were overjoyed. Gloating.

Now the schizos are upset a left winger released proof the Russians attacked our election system and gave Trump a leg up.

The stench of hypocrisy just drips off them in big gobs.

AND their pos of a president not only welcomed the e mails he ASKED for them Vile lice

"...can you face the truth that republicans have been screwing up our country for decades..."

1. Democrats saved communism and Stalin
2. Democrats caused the mortgage meltdown
3. Democrats gave nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union, causing the Korean War
4. Democrats created Red China
5. Democrats turned Iran into a terrorist state
6. Democrats made certain that Iran will have nuclear weapons
She liked to call Trump nasty names like "Orange Fascist" and clearly she felt that Iran was a better country than America.

WTF is this bitch doing holding a TS clearance in the first place????

Not rich enough to keep her clearance?
Hillary does the same exact shit this girl did and gets away with it all of the time.
she is richer, now.

You don't know that she was paid for this leak. Here is her background

"Winner is a federal contractor with top secret security clearance. She had been assigned to a US government agency facility in Georgia since February 13.

-- She is accused of leaking classified information, used as the basis for an article publishedMonday by The Intercept, detailing a classified National Security Agency memo. The NSA report, dated May 5, provides details of a 2016 Russian cyberattack on a US voting software supplier, though there is no evidence the hack affected any votes.
Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

-- Winner was a linguist in the US Air Force and speaks Pashto, Farsi and Dari, her mother, Billie Winner-Davis said.

-- Winner served in the Air Force from December 2010 to 2016. Her rank was Senior Airman and her last duty title was cryptologic language analyst, according to the Air Force. She provided support to missions and received the Air Force Commendation Medal in 2016, which is for members who have "distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement and service." She "provided over 1,900 hours of enemy intelligence exploitation and assisted in geolocating 120 enemy combatants," the award stated.

-- Stepfather Gary Davis said of her military service: "I don't care what they accused her of doing. I know that she served her country." He told CNN's Anderson Cooper: "She's a patriot, and to see her maligned and slandered in the media is very disheartening."

-- She was raised in Kingsville, Texas, and served in the Air Force in Columbia, Maryland. Her mother confirmed she was a federal contractor in Augusta but did not know the nature of her work, or whether she had contracted for the NSA.

-- She said her daughter wasn't especially political and had never praised past leakers such as Edward Snowden to her.-- "She's never ever given me any kind of indication that she was in favor of that at all," her mother said. "I don't know how to explain it."-- "Outside of work she works as a yoga instructor. She's just a normal person," Nichols said.
What we know about Reality Winner -

It looks to me--with her strong miliary background--that she doesn't care much for RUSSIANS--and did it possibly to defend this country against the real threat of Russia hacking into American voting registrations and voting software. Possibly concerned that this information would never be released. Who knows?
Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

But we know this has happened before including on the right side of the isle, and for less than honorable reasons. FBI Director Comey went into great detail to describe why one 4-star general and CIA director David Petraeus was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -

And it wasn't that long ago that you were cheering on Julian Assange--(Wikileaks founder) who has been holed up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the United States for what he did to G.W. Bush. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on the tactics used to catch terrorists. CIA director Pompeo just listed Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a HOSTILE intelligence service of this nation--that often works with Russia.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA -
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

We know who loves Wikileaks

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire

Are we really going to hang someone for outing Russia--who was attempting to hack into voter registration databases and other voting software--or should we go after Julian Assange for leaking 1000's of classified CIA documents--informing terrorists on the methods used to catch them? That's the million dollar question.

Trump and his Chumps looooooooved the Marxist Assange.

You can smell the hypocrisy dripping off these tards.

No, what is really upsetting the poor fragile parroting rubes is they are confronted with yet more evidence Russia attacked our electoral system which they have been desperately denying.

These are the real traitors. Because Russia is just getting started. They are probing. And these traitorous willfully blind monkeys are their enablers.

Even worse, their apprentice President openly solicited the Marxist's help!

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