Really BAD movies

Name: Naked Among The Wolves

meh. But at least they weren't stupid or weaklings.
If you want to compare good with bad,
Ridiculous 6 with Adam Sandler was done right and written/produced well.
Million Ways to Die in the West - missed the boat. I couldn't even finish watching.
"Hercules" starring Lou Ferrigno, from TV's old HULK series. "Plan 9 From Outer Space" is a cinematic masterpiece in comparison.

It's really, really bad.
If you want to compare good with bad,
Ridiculous 6 with Adam Sandler was done right and written/produced well.
Million Ways to Die in the West - missed the boat. I couldn't even finish watching.

Just the opposite for me.

Enjoyed Million Ways to Die in the West, stopped watching Ridiculous 6 about the time they found the third son
I loathed Ridiculous 6. Probably because that ridiculous Adam Sandler wrote and starred in it. I loathe him, too.
I'm still smacking myself for watching it.
The Interview.-- It got a lot of hype when it came out because the little dictator in NK didn't like it. Seth Rogan and James Franco rub their two comedic brain cells together and deliver a worse turd than Pineapple Express. Not worth the time to watch.

About Schmidt -- The WORST Jack Nicholson movie you will ever watch. Literally, paint drying is more exciting. Dumb beyond belief. Jack's character, Schmidt, "adopts" a child in a third world country... you know, send money and they send you a picture of your child...etc. So he corresponds with this child by writing these long letters about his problems. What kind of narcissist does that?

Noah -- Maybe it was entertaining if you're an Atheist who likes to mock Christians or something... but I found it to be very offensive and insulting, blending a good dose of fantasy with what is supposed to be scriptural context. I didn't really expect it to be a realistic portrayal but this thing was a train wreck.
omg....those ^ were just awful.

Spit spit spit!!!
About Schmidt -- The WORST Jack Nicholson movie you will ever watch. Literally, paint drying is more exciting. Dumb beyond belief. Jack's character, Schmidt, "adopts" a child in a third world country... you know, send money and they send you a picture of your child...etc. So he corresponds with this child by writing these long letters about his problems. What kind of narcissist does that?

Dry was the point. Which apparently went right by you. Great movie.
About Schmidt -- The WORST Jack Nicholson movie you will ever watch. Literally, paint drying is more exciting. Dumb beyond belief. Jack's character, Schmidt, "adopts" a child in a third world country... you know, send money and they send you a picture of your child...etc. So he corresponds with this child by writing these long letters about his problems. What kind of narcissist does that?

Dry was the point. Which apparently went right by you. Great movie.

I can deal with dry... The movie was awful. The guy was an insurance salesman but he didn't have any insurance on his wife who up and died? He befriends a couple at an RV park and the first night he meets them, the husband LEAVES him in the RV with his wife to go make a beer run? Where on this planet would that EVER happen? Just plain ordinary "social convention" would have had both men going together for the beer. If he hadn't invited me, I would have invited myself... I wouldn't have stayed alone with his wife who I just met that night. Even the end where he did the speech to his daughter... just awful, awful, awful.

I hated that movie... and I generally LOVE Jack Nicholson! Hell... it was 90 minutes in before I even realized Nicholson was ALIVE! So it had stupid going for it and it also had boring! No wonder YOU liked it! :tongue:
About Schmidt -- The WORST Jack Nicholson movie you will ever watch. Literally, paint drying is more exciting. Dumb beyond belief. Jack's character, Schmidt, "adopts" a child in a third world country... you know, send money and they send you a picture of your child...etc. So he corresponds with this child by writing these long letters about his problems. What kind of narcissist does that?

Dry was the point. Which apparently went right by you. Great movie.

I can deal with dry... The movie was awful. The guy was an insurance salesman but he didn't have any insurance on his wife who up and died? He befriends a couple at an RV park and the first night he meets them, the husband LEAVES him in the RV with his wife to go make a beer run? Where on this planet would that EVER happen? Just plain ordinary "social convention" would have had both men going together for the beer. If he hadn't invited me, I would have invited myself... I wouldn't have stayed alone with his wife who I just met that night. Even the end where he did the speech to his daughter... just awful, awful, awful.

I hated that movie... and I generally LOVE Jack Nicholson! Hell... it was 90 minutes in before I even realized Nicholson was ALIVE! So it had stupid going for it and it also had boring! No wonder YOU liked it! :tongue:

Heh.. wow.. It's a character study - about someone who basically isn't alive. That's the fucking point of the movie. It's about just how empty and banal life can be if we give in to complacency. The irony of the final scene, where the only thing real in his life turns out to be the thing that seemed the most obviously phony - "Little Ndugu" - was frigging brilliant.

Alexander Payne movies aren't for everyone. And I'm just giving you shit for fun. I don't judge people based on their taste in movies. But the things you're highlighting as failures of the film just aren't. They are its successes.
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Cut Bank -- This is a Billy Bob Thornton movie with Bruce Dern. With this movie, it was the way it ended that ruined it. I though it was a decent flick all the way through until the end. It's the story about this young guy and his girlfriend who "stage" a fake death of a postman by "accidentally" filming it... then trying to collect the $100k reward. In the end, the small town sheriff puts it all together and you think the guy is going down but.... the sheriff is enamored with how smart the kids plan was and helps him cover up the evidence and get away with the crime! I was like... wtf man?
About Schmidt -- The WORST Jack Nicholson movie you will ever watch. Literally, paint drying is more exciting. Dumb beyond belief. Jack's character, Schmidt, "adopts" a child in a third world country... you know, send money and they send you a picture of your child...etc. So he corresponds with this child by writing these long letters about his problems. What kind of narcissist does that?

Dry was the point. Which apparently went right by you. Great movie.

I can deal with dry... The movie was awful. The guy was an insurance salesman but he didn't have any insurance on his wife who up and died? He befriends a couple at an RV park and the first night he meets them, the husband LEAVES him in the RV with his wife to go make a beer run? Where on this planet would that EVER happen? Just plain ordinary "social convention" would have had both men going together for the beer. If he hadn't invited me, I would have invited myself... I wouldn't have stayed alone with his wife who I just met that night. Even the end where he did the speech to his daughter... just awful, awful, awful.

I hated that movie... and I generally LOVE Jack Nicholson! Hell... it was 90 minutes in before I even realized Nicholson was ALIVE! So it had stupid going for it and it also had boring! No wonder YOU liked it! :tongue:

Heh.. wow.. It's a character study - about someone who basically isn't alive. That's the fucking point of the movie. It's about just how empty and banal life can be if we give in to complacency. The irony of the final scene, where the only thing real in his life turns out to be the thing that seemed the most obviously phony - "Little Ndugu" - was frigging priceless.

Alexander Payne movies aren't for everyone. And I'm just giving you shit for fun. I don't judge people based on their taste in movies. But the things you're highlighting as failures of the film just aren't. They are its successes.

Oh, I've read all the reviews over at IMDb, people telling me how I just don't get the director or whatever... I still couldn't buy all the bullshit. He just came across as a narcissistic asshole and never really found redemption. Just a pointless and unbelievable story from start to finish.

Granted, I am admittedly not a big Payne fan but I enjoyed Nebraska and Sideways.
Oh, I've read all the reviews over at IMDb, people telling me how I just don't get the director or whatever... I still couldn't buy all the bullshit. He just came across as a narcissistic asshole and never really found redemption. Just a pointless and unbelievable story from start to finish.

Granted, I am admittedly not a big Payne fan but I enjoyed Nebraska and Sideways.

Re: bolded - again, that was the point!

But seriously, I'm not knocking you. A good friend of mine, brilliant guy, doesn't really wanna watch a movie if there isn't someone to cheer for. I thought it was poignant and brilliantly acted by Nicholson. But definitely not a "hero's journey". :)

Have you ever seen "Death of a Salesman"?
I have Nebraska on my hard drive somewhere, but I haven't watched it yet. Oh.. one of Payne's early movies is worth a thread all it's own - especially on a political board. Have you seen Citizen Ruth?
Oh, I've read all the reviews over at IMDb, people telling me how I just don't get the director or whatever... I still couldn't buy all the bullshit. He just came across as a narcissistic asshole and never really found redemption. Just a pointless and unbelievable story from start to finish.

Granted, I am admittedly not a big Payne fan but I enjoyed Nebraska and Sideways.

Re: bolded - again, that was the point!

But seriously, I'm not knocking you. A good friend of mine, brilliant guy, doesn't really wanna watch a movie if there isn't someone to cheer for. I thought it was poignant and brilliantly acted by Nicholson. But definitely not a "hero's journey". :)

Have you ever seen "Death of a Salesman"?

Death of a Salesman was very different from About Schmidt. It's like comparing Grapes of Wrath with Clerks.

I gave you my problems with the plot and nothing has changed my mind. I just thought it was full of stupid unbelievable circumstances you'd never see in real life. That kind of thing only really works in parody. But hey... movies are ART and people value art differently... I can accept that. I'm glad you liked the movie... I thought it was atrocious.
I have Nebraska on my hard drive somewhere, but I haven't watched it yet. Oh.. one of Payne's early movies is worth a thread all it's own - especially on a political board. Have you seen Citizen Ruth?

I haven't but again, I am not really a Payne fan.

A couple of movies I found recently that I did like...

Bottle Rocket -- Owen Wilson is fantastic in this, along with BOTH his brothers.

Trees Lounge -- Written, produced, directed in and starred in by the incomparable Steve Buscemi.
I have Nebraska on my hard drive somewhere, but I haven't watched it yet. Oh.. one of Payne's early movies is worth a thread all it's own - especially on a political board. Have you seen Citizen Ruth?

I haven't but again, I am not really a Payne fan.

A couple of movies I found recently that I did like...

Bottle Rocket -- Owen Wilson is fantastic in this, along with BOTH his brothers.

Trees Lounge -- Written, produced, directed in and starred in by the incomparable Steve Buscemi.

Both great films, for sure.
There is no accounting for bad taste. I offer the following examples of two hit movies that totally stink:

Ghost Busters

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