Reason #59,538 on Why to Homeschool

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Of course they have better relationships with adults. They're the only people they're around. As a child behaviourist once wisely stated, the reason first children are so much better behaved than their siblings is that they only have adult behaviour to model. The second child is modeling their behaviour on that of their toddler sibling.

What are their PEER relationships like? Do they get along well with others in their own age? Can they work effectively with peer groups? I have a friend who was home schooled because of behavioural problems with his brothers. He still struggles with working with others, and on team building.
I never heard first born children were "better behaved." My older brother was sadistic asshole. They do better in life, but that doesn't mean they behave better.
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
Do you have a statistically significant study that shows the opposite?

A statistically insignificant survey means that it is a steaming pile of male bovine excrement. There is no need to dispute it.
One would think that, it being such a hot button issue for some and all, that someone would be able to produce a magnitude of studies showing that homeschooled kids have stunted growth, or are uneducated, or have horns growing out of their heads, or something. Instead, I constantly see feelz and insults from those most ignorant about the subject. Now, I can tell you that some homeschooled kids are held back in various ways by ignorant parents, but you have those in government schools as well. There are kids who are told that education is not important and have no support whatsoever at home. I'm talking about the average homeschooled student, and what I've seen is positive.
Sure, why not make sure your kid’s a social misfit all his or her life.
Where's the evidence that the average homeschooled kid is a "social misfit"? Or are you just saying that because you believe it just has to be true?

You do know that, prior to the 20th century in the Western world, homeschooling and living was the worldwide norm, right? How many billion social misfits do you think were out there before the blessed government schools came along to dictate 6 hours of every weekday to your kids?
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy

Look at me! I is a Teecher
I got my own skool. I teach Reeding, Riting, Jesus and hating Homos
Thanks for giving us a show on the intellectual level of public education supporters.

Chillen, Chillen
Time for skool. Pick up yer Bible and find me the parts where Jesus hates fags, negroes and librals
AKA a red herring.
Home Skooling in America
That's stupid, even for a hack.

Ask a parent why they home school and they will tell you they are concerned with the quality of education in public schools, that they want the best for their kids, that they are concerned with the message.

Ask the kids why they are in home school and they will tell you it is because their parents don’t want them to go to school with negroes and Mexicans
Being a parent who homeschooled two kids and talking with those kids I will tell you that you're full of crap. Obviously, you know nothing about homeschoolers or homeschooling at all. You don't even know the requirements to take your kids out of government schools in your area.
Give us an honest answer why you homeschooled your kids and where you live
We live about 30 miles outside Richmond, Va. When our son transitioned from a private school into the local government school, his grades immediately plummeted and his anxiety went through the roof. The school administrators were ready to put him on the short bus and condemn him to learning disabled status for the rest of his life. Knowing he was a smart kid, we pulled him out and homeschooled him using an online curriculum. He flourished academically, learned how to handle being in crowds (though he still hates them) and how to handle the demands of an employer (he's now an AVP at a financial institution, running their IT department). At the same time, we asked our daughter if she would prefer to stay in the private school she was in or be at home. She chose home, and we taught her until she reached high school, when she went back to the local government school. At that time, in order to not have the government school cops breathing down our necks, we had to have at least one college degree between my wife and me (we have two), or go completely off the grid under religious exemptions, which wouldn't be a long term help to the kids. Our kids took the SOL's with the rest of their peers and did just fine. So, yes, my kids went to private, government and home school, and you're full of crap. Not a single homeschooled kid that I ever talked, and to, and I'm sure I've talked to far more than you ever have, said anything remotely like the bilge you're regurgitating. In fact, tell us how many homeschooled kids you've talked to that said what you're claiming they would say.

Now, for the last time, post the requirements to safely pull your kids out of government school in your area without having the cops beating on your door to drag them away. You might learn something. Maybe.
Well, you asked for it. No response?
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

Do people who support home schooling never compare them to regular kids?

Control for IQ every kid who went through public education will be ten times as socially capable.....

Never met a home schooled kid in Illinois when I was a boy who wasn't a fucking weirdo.

Maybe it's different in other places, but in the midwest. Homeschooling is the mark of the indoctrinated

I can see home schooling for disabled children, who don't do well with others, or are prone to disruptive or violent behaviours. I've also see it work for children in advanced athletic programs - figure skating, gymnastics, or professional productions. Many schools are very inflexible in dealing with the training requirements of students in international competition, or professional stage or film productions.

For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.
Beyond your personal opinion, on what do you base your thought that "for most children, it's a bad idea". Do you not remember that, until the 20th century in the western world, "getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports", etc, were ALL taught at home? How did we ever survive without government schools?
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
Do you have a statistically significant study that shows the opposite?

A statistically insignificant survey means that it is a steaming pile of male bovine excrement. There is no need to dispute it.
One would think that, it being such a hot button issue for some and all, that someone would be able to produce a magnitude of studies showing that homeschooled kids have stunted growth, or are uneducated, or have horns growing out of their heads, or something. Instead, I constantly see feelz and insults from those most ignorant about the subject. Now, I can tell you that some homeschooled kids are held back in various ways by ignorant parents, but you have those in government schools as well. There are kids who are told that education is not important and have no support whatsoever at home. I'm talking about the average homeschooled student, and what I've seen is positive.
The sad fact is that if a kid has parents that can't read and right, then he's going to be illiterate as well, because the public schools sure as hell aren't going to teach him how to read and right.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy

Look at me! I is a Teecher
I got my own skool. I teach Reeding, Riting, Jesus and hating Homos
Thanks for giving us a show on the intellectual level of public education supporters.

Chillen, Chillen
Time for skool. Pick up yer Bible and find me the parts where Jesus hates fags, negroes and librals
AKA a red herring.
Home Skooling in America
That's stupid, even for a hack.

Ask a parent why they home school and they will tell you they are concerned with the quality of education in public schools, that they want the best for their kids, that they are concerned with the message.

Ask the kids why they are in home school and they will tell you it is because their parents don’t want them to go to school with negroes and Mexicans
Being a parent who homeschooled two kids and talking with those kids I will tell you that you're full of crap. Obviously, you know nothing about homeschoolers or homeschooling at all. You don't even know the requirements to take your kids out of government schools in your area.
Give us an honest answer why you homeschooled your kids and where you live
We live about 30 miles outside Richmond, Va. When our son transitioned from a private school into the local government school, his grades immediately plummeted and his anxiety went through the roof. The school administrators were ready to put him on the short bus and condemn him to learning disabled status for the rest of his life. Knowing he was a smart kid, we pulled him out and homeschooled him using an online curriculum. He flourished academically, learned how to handle being in crowds (though he still hates them) and how to handle the demands of an employer (he's now an AVP at a financial institution, running their IT department). At the same time, we asked our daughter if she would prefer to stay in the private school she was in or be at home. She chose home, and we taught her until she reached high school, when she went back to the local government school. At that time, in order to not have the government school cops breathing down our necks, we had to have at least one college degree between my wife and me (we have two), or go completely off the grid under religious exemptions, which wouldn't be a long term help to the kids. Our kids took the SOL's with the rest of their peers and did just fine. So, yes, my kids went to private, government and home school, and you're full of crap. Not a single homeschooled kid that I ever talked, and to, and I'm sure I've talked to far more than you ever have, said anything remotely like the bilge you're regurgitating. In fact, tell us how many homeschooled kids you've talked to that said what you're claiming they would say.

Now, for the last time, post the requirements to safely pull your kids out of government school in your area without having the cops beating on your door to drag them away. You might learn something. Maybe.
Well, you asked for it. No response?
And the crickets abound.
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
Do you have a statistically significant study that shows the opposite?

A statistically insignificant survey means that it is a steaming pile of male bovine excrement. There is no need to dispute it.
One would think that, it being such a hot button issue for some and all, that someone would be able to produce a magnitude of studies showing that homeschooled kids have stunted growth, or are uneducated, or have horns growing out of their heads, or something. Instead, I constantly see feelz and insults from those most ignorant about the subject. Now, I can tell you that some homeschooled kids are held back in various ways by ignorant parents, but you have those in government schools as well. There are kids who are told that education is not important and have no support whatsoever at home. I'm talking about the average homeschooled student, and what I've seen is positive.
The sad fact is that if a kid has parents that can't read and right, then he's going to be illiterate as well, because the public schools sure as hell aren't going to teach him how to read and right.
More ignorant bullshit!

Do you have that delivered by Amazon or do you have a local source?
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
Do you have a statistically significant study that shows the opposite?

A statistically insignificant survey means that it is a steaming pile of male bovine excrement. There is no need to dispute it.
One would think that, it being such a hot button issue for some and all, that someone would be able to produce a magnitude of studies showing that homeschooled kids have stunted growth, or are uneducated, or have horns growing out of their heads, or something. Instead, I constantly see feelz and insults from those most ignorant about the subject. Now, I can tell you that some homeschooled kids are held back in various ways by ignorant parents, but you have those in government schools as well. There are kids who are told that education is not important and have no support whatsoever at home. I'm talking about the average homeschooled student, and what I've seen is positive.
The sad fact is that if a kid has parents that can't read and right, then he's going to be illiterate as well, because the public schools sure as hell aren't going to teach him how to read and right.
More ignorant bullshit!

Do you have that delivered by Amazon or do you have a local source?
No, that's personal experience. The public schools didn't teach my stepson a thing. I thaught him the alphabet. I tought him to read and write. I taught him how to add and substract. I taught him how to do multiplication and division. The public school didn't teach him jack squat. If I had waited from them to do their job, he still wouldn't know how to read or write.
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
Do you have a statistically significant study that shows the opposite?

A statistically insignificant survey means that it is a steaming pile of male bovine excrement. There is no need to dispute it.
One would think that, it being such a hot button issue for some and all, that someone would be able to produce a magnitude of studies showing that homeschooled kids have stunted growth, or are uneducated, or have horns growing out of their heads, or something. Instead, I constantly see feelz and insults from those most ignorant about the subject. Now, I can tell you that some homeschooled kids are held back in various ways by ignorant parents, but you have those in government schools as well. There are kids who are told that education is not important and have no support whatsoever at home. I'm talking about the average homeschooled student, and what I've seen is positive.
The sad fact is that if a kid has parents that can't read and right, then he's going to be illiterate as well, because the public schools sure as hell aren't going to teach him how to read and right.
More ignorant bullshit!

Do you have that delivered by Amazon or do you have a local source?
No, that's personal experience. The public schools didn't teach my stepson a thing. I thaught him the alphabet. I tought him to read and write. I taught him how to add and substract. I taught him how to do multiplication and division. The public school didn't teach him jack squat. If I had waited from them to do their job, he still wouldn't know how to read or write.

Bullshit, again and again!

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