Reason #59,538 on Why to Homeschool

Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
Those are dumb reasons. The best reasons are to get your children out of a toxic environment where bullying is rampant, teachers are more interested in teaching political correctness then educating, and the slowest students hold the faster ones back. What government school allows a very bright kid to take math classes three grades above grade level, science classes two above, and civics at grade level, all in the same classroom? Face reality, you simply can't handle the idea that people are free to educate in the way that works best for their children. Everybody should be good little automatons in their little gray cubicles, surrounded by government observers. That way we can make sure that everybody gets fed the party line with no chance they'll hear disagreement.

Dealing with bullying is a reason to keep your kid in school.....

And being 15 and graduated from high school isn't a good thing either....?

I feel like none of you have actually met anyone who has done this. They are sad little people who might have been very normal had they been allowed to take the path 99%+ of their peers take.

Never felt worse for anyone than the little kids on college campuses with no friends. Who never had friends to begin with because their parents made sure to keep them in classes with people who hit puberty 3 years earlier and are 3 years older.

Being 15 and graduated from high schools really isn't a good thing. All of your high school graduate peers are drinking, dating and driving, and you're not. All the other 15 year olds don't want anything to do with you because you're starting college in the Fall. Because you're a grad, people think you're older than you are and situations can get dicey. I wasn't a 15 year old grad - but I was a 16 year old senior. I don't recommend it and would not have allowed them to do that with any of my kids.
There are a lot more great examples at this link:

49 things that defenders of government run schools don’t want you to know

That's a really great source! Outdated information and dominated by stories from mostly liberal dominated school systems and states. Also, uses stats that are suspect. For example what is the starting salary and requirements for teachers in the Chicago school systems. Got any other sources of misinformation?
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
Those are dumb reasons. The best reasons are to get your children out of a toxic environment where bullying is rampant, teachers are more interested in teaching political correctness then educating, and the slowest students hold the faster ones back. What government school allows a very bright kid to take math classes three grades above grade level, science classes two above, and civics at grade level, all in the same classroom? Face reality, you simply can't handle the idea that people are free to educate in the way that works best for their children. Everybody should be good little automatons in their little gray cubicles, surrounded by government observers. That way we can make sure that everybody gets fed the party line with no chance they'll hear disagreement.

Dealing with bullying is a reason to keep your kid in school.....

And being 15 and graduated from high school isn't a good thing either....?

I feel like none of you have actually met anyone who has done this. They are sad little people who might have been very normal had they been allowed to take the path 99%+ of their peers take.

Never felt worse for anyone than the little kids on college campuses with no friends. Who never had friends to begin with because their parents made sure to keep them in classes with people who hit puberty 3 years earlier and are 3 years older.

Being 15 and graduated from high schools really isn't a good thing. All of your high school graduate peers are drinking, dating and driving, and you're not. All the other 15 year olds don't want anything to do with you because you're starting college in the Fall. Because you're a grad, people think you're older than you are and situations can get dicey. I wasn't a 15 year old grad - but I was a 16 year old senior. I don't recommend it and would not have allowed them to do that with any of my kids.

I was a 16 year-old senior and turned 17 my senior year. I was the youngest member of my graduating class. Because of the credit system in use that the time, I could have graduated at the the ripe old age of 16 1/2. I was too young to join the military if I had graduated early and no one would hire anyone under the age of 18 at the time because of strict laws on employing minors. I could have gone to college, but my Dad was a factory worker and already had a 2nd full time job. That was not a possibility. So I stuck around and actually had two senior years according to our school yearbooks.
If you send your kids to a school in a blue area, you're a bad parent. Democrats indoctrinate, not educate. Flee blue areas while you still can because when the inevitable happens, nobody will feel sorry for you.
Oh believe me it isn't just the blue areas. We have ALWAYS lived in red areas on purpose and just 2 years ago I had to politely let an English teacher know my daughter was NOT doing report on a known communist homosexual for class. She picked someone else and got an A. Parents HAVE to stay vigilant. The school systems no matter in a red or blue area have an agenda they are expected to push on students and its up to us the parents to keep up with what's going on.
Who was the "known communist homosexual?"
Langston Hughes
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy

Look at me! I is a Teecher
I got my own skool. I teach Reeding, Riting, Jesus and hating Homos
Thanks for giving us a show on the intellectual level of public education supporters.

Chillen, Chillen
Time for skool. Pick up yer Bible and find me the parts where Jesus hates fags, negroes and librals
AKA a red herring.
Home Skooling in America
That's stupid, even for a hack.

Ask a parent why they home school and they will tell you they are concerned with the quality of education in public schools, that they want the best for their kids, that they are concerned with the message.

Ask the kids why they are in home school and they will tell you it is because their parents don’t want them to go to school with negroes and Mexicans
You have done this, shit for brains?
Home best thing to segregation
Don’t want your daughter dating a negro do you?
I'll take that as a "no," you fucking douchebag.
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

There are a lot more great examples at this link:

49 things that defenders of government run schools don’t want you to know

That's a really great source! Outdated information and dominated by stories from mostly liberal dominated school systems and states. Also, uses stats that are suspect. For example what is the starting salary and requirements for teachers in the Chicago school systems. Got any other sources of misinformation?

The reason those problems are dominated by liberal education districts is because conservatives would never call the police because a child pointed their finger like a gun.

Each and every claim on that list has a link to a source to verify that it is true.

Just because the info is several years old doesn't mean that it's "outdated."

I don't know the starting salary for Chicago public school teachers. But is is a verifiable fact that in 2012, Chicago’s striking public school teachers were already earning $74,839 per year before they went on strike.

And it is a verifiable fact that the Chicago public schools are so horrible that Barack and Michelle Obama refused to allow their children to attend them.

And it is a verifiable fact that the Chicago public schools are so horrible that 39% of Chicago public school teachers send their own children to private school.
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...Only because they haven’t bought one yet. But I can guarantee you it’s in every budget discussion.
Once again you are just talking out your ass. Your "guarantee" means nothing because you are completely ignorant on the matter. The vast, vast majority of schools do not have them.
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
There are a lot more great examples at this link:

49 things that defenders of government run schools don’t want you to know

That's a really great source! Outdated information and dominated by stories from mostly liberal dominated school systems and states. Also, uses stats that are suspect. For example what is the starting salary and requirements for teachers in the Chicago school systems. Got any other sources of misinformation?

The reason those problems are dominated by liberal education districts is because conservatives would never call the police because a child pointed their finger like a gun.

Each and every claim on that list has a link to a source to verify that it is true.

Just because the info is several years old doesn't mean that it's "outdated."

I don't know the starting salary for Chicago public school teachers. But is is a verifiable fact that in 2012, Chicago’s striking public school teachers were already earning $74,839 per year before they went on strike.

And it is a verifiable fact that the Chicago public schools are so horrible that Barack and Michelle Obama refused to allow their children to attend them.

And it is a verifiable fact that the Chicago public schools are so horrible that 39% of Chicago public school teachers send their own children to private school.

Yes, they are verifiable facts, but $74,839 will buy you a shack in Chicago and those are for the average teacher who may have been teaching 20 years. It would probably also involve a commute of 20 miles or so in bumper-to-bumper traffic each day!

As I stated, those are lib dominated school systems. Did you not get that? Painting the entire public school system with a broad brush is not the answer. If your school system sucks because of liberalism, move or elect conservatives to your school board. My son left Washington for Tennessee because of such nonsense.
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.

You mean their parents failed.

It ain't easy. On the other hand, with all the online courses and services offered, if you can read you can homeschool.

Online courses sometimes do not work, as you do not get any discussion. Also, many people struggle with online instructional material. My son took one class online, and he was a "B' student but could not handle a course that would normally be well below his ability. He managed because I taught the course to him instead of the teacher who never seemed to be available.
How about this? NO ONE SOLUTION WORKS 10n0% FOR EVERY STUDENT. We have to have options, because the government school "sit down and shut up" model doesn't work for all students.
Agreed. That is why we have special education classes.
Uhh, "special education" =/= educating an otherwise brilliant child who can't emotionally handle the classroom environment. How many special ed kids graduate ahead of their classes?
In our state, there is no early graduation thanks to all the dropouts in the past.
So none then. Are any special ed students taking classes in local community colleges before they graduate so they have one or even two years of course credits behind them when they start? My point in all of this is that "special ed" tends to focus on those with some kind of learning disability instead of those who are brilliant but have emotional problems that make it difficult for them to handle the classroom. This was especially the case in the 90's, when my son had to deal with it.
You are referring to gifted and talented programs, which we also had. If can handle to workload, yes they do enroll in college courses taught by the teachers. We offered dual enrollment classes at all of the rural high schools where I taught in conjunction with Western Kentucky University.
And how many of those "gifted and talented" students are also unable to handle the normal classroom? IOW, how do you treat a student who presents with poor grades? Do you bother to find out why he is struggling or do you just shuffle him off to glorified day care?

With parent's permission they are tested and interviewed by the school psychologist to determine what their placement should be. If they are indeed of special education, that determination is made by the parents, school psychologist, the teachers and the school administrator. It is called an Individualized Education Plan or IEP. Once in place, it is reevaluated every year. Now, why don't you know this already, Mr. Holier than Thou smartass?
I'm well aware of IEP's, as my grandson, who is also autistic, had to get one. Now, as I've repeatedly asked, how many special needs children do you graduate with honors who excel in academics? I've told you what I'm driving at and you don't seem to grasp it.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
Those are dumb reasons. The best reasons are to get your children out of a toxic environment where bullying is rampant, teachers are more interested in teaching political correctness then educating, and the slowest students hold the faster ones back. What government school allows a very bright kid to take math classes three grades above grade level, science classes two above, and civics at grade level, all in the same classroom? Face reality, you simply can't handle the idea that people are free to educate in the way that works best for their children. Everybody should be good little automatons in their little gray cubicles, surrounded by government observers. That way we can make sure that everybody gets fed the party line with no chance they'll hear disagreement.

Dealing with bullying is a reason to keep your kid in school.....

And being 15 and graduated from high school isn't a good thing either....?

I feel like none of you have actually met anyone who has done this. They are sad little people who might have been very normal had they been allowed to take the path 99%+ of their peers take.

Never felt worse for anyone than the little kids on college campuses with no friends. Who never had friends to begin with because their parents made sure to keep them in classes with people who hit puberty 3 years earlier and are 3 years older.

Being 15 and graduated from high schools really isn't a good thing. All of your high school graduate peers are drinking, dating and driving, and you're not. All the other 15 year olds don't want anything to do with you because you're starting college in the Fall. Because you're a grad, people think you're older than you are and situations can get dicey. I wasn't a 15 year old grad - but I was a 16 year old senior. I don't recommend it and would not have allowed them to do that with any of my kids.
IOW, unlesss you fit into all the neat little boxes society has crafted and decided that's where you should fit, you're not worthy of respect or concern. Only if you fit in and do things the way everybody else does them are you accepted. Nice little groupthink there. Let's hold back the really smart kids because, well, reasons. Make them bored out of their minds in class.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
Those are dumb reasons. The best reasons are to get your children out of a toxic environment where bullying is rampant, teachers are more interested in teaching political correctness then educating, and the slowest students hold the faster ones back. What government school allows a very bright kid to take math classes three grades above grade level, science classes two above, and civics at grade level, all in the same classroom? Face reality, you simply can't handle the idea that people are free to educate in the way that works best for their children. Everybody should be good little automatons in their little gray cubicles, surrounded by government observers. That way we can make sure that everybody gets fed the party line with no chance they'll hear disagreement.

Dealing with bullying is a reason to keep your kid in school.....

And being 15 and graduated from high school isn't a good thing either....?

I feel like none of you have actually met anyone who has done this. They are sad little people who might have been very normal had they been allowed to take the path 99%+ of their peers take.

Never felt worse for anyone than the little kids on college campuses with no friends. Who never had friends to begin with because their parents made sure to keep them in classes with people who hit puberty 3 years earlier and are 3 years older.

Being 15 and graduated from high schools really isn't a good thing. All of your high school graduate peers are drinking, dating and driving, and you're not. All the other 15 year olds don't want anything to do with you because you're starting college in the Fall. Because you're a grad, people think you're older than you are and situations can get dicey. I wasn't a 15 year old grad - but I was a 16 year old senior. I don't recommend it and would not have allowed them to do that with any of my kids.

I was a 16 year-old senior and turned 17 my senior year. I was the youngest member of my graduating class. Because of the credit system in use that the time, I could have graduated at the the ripe old age of 16 1/2. I was too young to join the military if I had graduated early and no one would hire anyone under the age of 18 at the time because of strict laws on employing minors. I could have gone to college, but my Dad was a factory worker and already had a 2nd full time job. That was not a possibility. So I stuck around and actually had two senior years according to our school yearbooks.
Isn't choice a great thing?
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

As well they should, since they are being taught how to act by adults instead of a bunch of other kids.
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For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
Do you have a statistically significant study that shows the opposite?
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.

You mean their parents failed.

It ain't easy. On the other hand, with all the online courses and services offered, if you can read you can homeschool.

Online courses sometimes do not work, as you do not get any discussion. Also, many people struggle with online instructional material. My son took one class online, and he was a "B' student but could not handle a course that would normally be well below his ability. He managed because I taught the course to him instead of the teacher who never seemed to be available.
How about this? NO ONE SOLUTION WORKS 10n0% FOR EVERY STUDENT. We have to have options, because the government school "sit down and shut up" model doesn't work for all students.
Agreed. That is why we have special education classes.
Uhh, "special education" =/= educating an otherwise brilliant child who can't emotionally handle the classroom environment. How many special ed kids graduate ahead of their classes?
In our state, there is no early graduation thanks to all the dropouts in the past.
So none then. Are any special ed students taking classes in local community colleges before they graduate so they have one or even two years of course credits behind them when they start? My point in all of this is that "special ed" tends to focus on those with some kind of learning disability instead of those who are brilliant but have emotional problems that make it difficult for them to handle the classroom. This was especially the case in the 90's, when my son had to deal with it.
You are referring to gifted and talented programs, which we also had. If can handle to workload, yes they do enroll in college courses taught by the teachers. We offered dual enrollment classes at all of the rural high schools where I taught in conjunction with Western Kentucky University.
And how many of those "gifted and talented" students are also unable to handle the normal classroom? IOW, how do you treat a student who presents with poor grades? Do you bother to find out why he is struggling or do you just shuffle him off to glorified day care?

With parent's permission they are tested and interviewed by the school psychologist to determine what their placement should be. If they are indeed of special education, that determination is made by the parents, school psychologist, the teachers and the school administrator. It is called an Individualized Education Plan or IEP. Once in place, it is reevaluated every year. Now, why don't you know this already, Mr. Holier than Thou smartass?
I'm well aware of IEP's, as my grandson, who is also autistic, had to get one. Now, as I've repeatedly asked, how many special needs children do you graduate with honors who excel in academics? I've told you what I'm driving at and you don't seem to grasp it.

Maybe if you knew better how to ask the question! I taught lots of students in my my 21 years, 16 of which were in high schools. At an average of about 400 grads per year, that is only 6400 students. I have no idea what percentage of them were in that program.

Technically, we never referred to a student who is gifted or talented as "special needs", but they were handled by our Exceptional Student Education program.
For most children, it's a bad idea. Getting along with others, working together with your peers, playing sports, won't be quantified on your report card but these life skills are needed in team oriented workplaces. One of my favourite memories of public school were the scrub baseball games at lunch time or recess.


Homeschooled children are far more socially engaged than you might think

A study of 70 US home-schooled children concluded that “homeschooled children’s social skills scores were consistently higher than those of public school students”.

The study:

And another study’s author wrote:

Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Wow! 70 whole students surveyed! That is called statistical insignificant.
Do you have a statistically significant study that shows the opposite?

A statistically insignificant survey means that it is a steaming pile of male bovine excrement. There is no need to dispute it.
Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Of course they have better relationships with adults. They're the only people they're around. As a child behaviourist once wisely stated, the reason first children are so much better behaved than their siblings is that they only have adult behaviour to model. The second child is modeling their behaviour on that of their toddler sibling.

What are their PEER relationships like? Do they get along well with others in their own age? Can they work effectively with peer groups? I have a friend who was home schooled because of behavioural problems with his brothers. He still struggles with working with others, and on team building.
Compared to children attending conventional schools, research also suggests homeschooled children often have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults.

That study:

Of course they have better relationships with adults. They're the only people they're around. As a child behaviourist once wisely stated, the reason first children are so much better behaved than their siblings is that they only have adult behaviour to model. The second child is modeling their behaviour on that of their toddler sibling.

What are their PEER relationships like? Do they get along well with others in their own age? Can they work effectively with peer groups? I have a friend who was home schooled because of behavioural problems with his brothers. He still struggles with working with others, and on team building.
1. Obviously, your friend has emotional issues that make it difficult for him to deal with teams and groups of people. So did my son, but he was not intellectually disabled. Had your friend been warehoused in government school, do you think he would have received a quality education or do you think he would have been labeled and passed along to graduate without one?
2. Peer groups? you spend the majority of your life as an adult, so why is it so critical that students mirror the behavior of other kids more than their parents? Your quote flat out stated that first children are "so much better behaved" because they model adult behavior. That is not a negative thing.

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