Rebecca Friedrichs 4 things to restore Our educational system

I teach English in a public school and don't use Common Core. I'm not required to teach to Common Core standards.
And again, thank god. Seeings how you dont teach common core it is obvious you know less about common core than let's say, a, PARENT who has a child in school.Thank you for making it clear. You have google knowledge, if that.

You don't even have that! I am still waiting for the history standard.
ELA= English Language Arts. That means that these standards are for ENGLISH classes NOT history or other social studies classes. English classes cover content from other domains-such as historical documents
1st, I must thank you for giving me the designation of expert, of The Common Core. I am honored when one concedes others know much more.

You certainly must twist logic to come up with your convoluted response. You dont teach history but you do teach historical documents? It is no wonder our children know nothing after sitting through your class.

Yes, history does cover historical documents. And as you state the Reading/History standard dictates what you teach.

English Language Arts Standards » History/Social Studies » Grade 9-10
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history

I teach how to read and interpret different pieces of text. Historical documents happens to be one of those examples. This doesn't make my class a history class and it doesn't mean that history classes cover the same standards that I do. It's ok to be wrong.

For the record you're making assumptions about my students (and we both know what that makes you). I have no tenure-and I don't mind that-my students always run laps around the district average, and excel in terms of raw numbers and gains in my class. I don't take somebody seriously whom doesn't know how to read a standard, let alone what a standard is in terms of my student performance. Your response is nothing short of an attempt to save whatever face you think you might have on the subject after being shot down time and time.

Oh and don't think I forgot:

Cite ONE specific Common Core Standard that should not be taught in schools.

Still waiting on the challenge above...we all know why you wont do so...because you can't.
common core should not be taught at all, I dint accept your challenge because the entire premise of common core must be rejected.

What standards do you propose we use? Oh, wait! You don't even know what a standard is, do you?
I teach English in a public school and don't use Common Core. I'm not required to teach to Common Core standards.
And again, thank god. Seeings how you dont teach common core it is obvious you know less about common core than let's say, a, PARENT who has a child in school.Thank you for making it clear. You have google knowledge, if that.

Cite ONE Common Core Standard that shouldn't be taught in schools.
I teach English in a public school and don't use Common Core. I'm not required to teach to Common Core standards.
And again, thank god. Seeings how you dont teach common core it is obvious you know less about common core than let's say, a, PARENT who has a child in school.Thank you for making it clear. You have google knowledge, if that.

Cite ONE Common Core Standard that shouldn't be taught in schools.
all of them should be thrown out
I teach English in a public school and don't use Common Core. I'm not required to teach to Common Core standards.
And again, thank god. Seeings how you dont teach common core it is obvious you know less about common core than let's say, a, PARENT who has a child in school.Thank you for making it clear. You have google knowledge, if that.

Cite ONE Common Core Standard that shouldn't be taught in schools.
all of them should be thrown out

That's a deflection. Again cite me ONE Common Core Standard that shouldn't be taught in schools.
That's a deflection. Again cite me ONE Common Core Standard that shouldn't be taught in schools.
Do the standards contain educational content? I got the impression that you believe otherwise.

The entirety of the common core should be thrown out. Thar is the answer.

Standards don't contain specific content but outline skills that should be learned.

So just to clarify you don't think that students should learn how to structure their writing so it's coherent and appropriate for their objective. For example writing a resume, letter, or essay all require different structures and writing skills.

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Why is the above standard inappropriate for students?
So just to clarify you don't think that students should learn how to structure their writing so it's coherent and appropriate for their objective. For example writing a resume, letter, or essay all require different structures and writing skills.
To clarify, you are troll. Nothing more.You are now going to dictate and attribute comments to me that I have not made?

Sad, that you can not quote any of my posts and find fault in them.

It stands, we dont want, the common core, and your rantings are meaningless.
You are arguing with teachers! That is incredibly moronic in itself!
Oh, I am very sorry, Master Teacher. I bow to your incredible intellect and rightness as you dictate. Please forgive my transgressions against the all knowing, all mighty, teachers, who possess the wisdom and rightness of history eternity. Please correct me if I have gotten my acknowledgment of your superior brain, wrong.
What exactly is your problem?
So just to clarify you don't think that students should learn how to structure their writing so it's coherent and appropriate for their objective. For example writing a resume, letter, or essay all require different structures and writing skills.
To clarify, you are troll. Nothing more.You are now going to dictate and attribute comments to me that I have not made?

Sad, that you can not quote any of my posts and find fault in them.

It stands, we dont want, the common core, and your rantings are meaningless.

If prompting you to prove your statements qualifies me as a troll then I am guilty as charged.
What exactly would you like taught? Oh you want a biased pro american curriculum correct?
This elektra character needs to get a copy of A Patriot's History of the United States, a box of tissues, and a dark room for a few days.
What exactly would you like taught? Oh you want a biased pro american curriculum correct?
Why would you teach anything else in the USA?
Teaching history shouldn't be pro or con anything. It should be the objective truth, to the greatest extent that we can know it. You want a cheerleader, not a teacher. You're as bad as the "America hating" leftists you get so worked up over.
Teaching history shouldn't be pro or con anything. It should be the objective truth, to the greatest extent that we can know it. You want a cheerleader, not a teacher. You're as bad as the "America hating" leftists you get so worked up over.
Nice rant, is that some sort of one size fits all. You of all, know that knowledge and truth, is all that I am.


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