Recognizing the Jews


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
When you first discover them, you go through a sort of denial/bargaining phase. This can't be right. This can't be happening. Am I insane? Is there not a single other person who sees what I see?

So you try to pretend it isn't there, but nothing works. There they are: the Jews! The omnipresent Jews. You even begin to see it where it may not be there. You doubt and waiver.

And then it dawns on you, and there is no going back. America is a Jewish country. Really understand that, let that thought sit for awhile. America is the world's Jewish country. Israel is just an outpost.

I feel the way about Jews the way white people feel about blacks and mexicans: they're everywhere! So many of them! How did things get this far?

And I realize I've lost, and there's not much I can do.
There they are: the Jews!


Can't ... get ... them ... out ... of ... my... head!
When I lived in NYC, because of my work, almost everyone I knew was Jewish. Over time, working with them, dating them, friends, partying - imagine my surprise to learn they're just like everyone else. I can't remember ever feeling dislike or distrust for any individual. I remember some good times, some good people and I remember a sense of tribe among them. Not one of them ever harmed me in any way but they did seem to have a loyalty and special feeling for other Jews, undoubtedly a direct result of a unique shared history.

It's always seemed a shame that most people don't have that. For the most part, we've lost the sense of tribe, of family that's one step beyond family.

To the rest of us though, they're like anyone else - treat them well and that's what you'll get in return.

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When you first discover them, you go through a sort of denial/bargaining phase. This can't be right. This can't be happening. Am I insane? Is there not a single other person who sees what I see?

So you try to pretend it isn't there, but nothing works. There they are: the Jews! The omnipresent Jews. You even begin to see it where it may not be there. You doubt and waiver.

And then it dawns on you, and there is no going back. America is a Jewish country. Really understand that, let that thought sit for awhile. America is the world's Jewish country. Israel is just an outpost.

I feel the way about Jews the way white people feel about blacks and mexicans: they're everywhere! So many of them! How did things get this far?

And I realize I've lost, and there's not much I can do.

When you first discover them, you go through a sort of denial/bargaining phase. This can't be right. This can't be happening. Am I insane? Is there not a single other person who sees what I see?

So you try to pretend it isn't there, but nothing works. There they are: the Jews! The omnipresent Jews. You even begin to see it where it may not be there. You doubt and waiver.

And then it dawns on you, and there is no going back. America is a Jewish country. Really understand that, let that thought sit for awhile. America is the world's Jewish country. Israel is just an outpost.

I feel the way about Jews the way white people feel about blacks and mexicans: they're everywhere! So many of them! How did things get this far?

And I realize I've lost, and there's not much I can do.
Just think, only one enema and all your worries will be over......... :eusa_whistle:
So many ignorant people...and we wonder how the media has so easily fooled the people into believing what they want them to

Because the media is Jewish?

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96% of the media is owned or controlled by Jews. Very easily verified...not like 99% of the people here care or want to know.

Odious Odium

"Easily verified that 96% of the media is owned or controlled by Jews".

Then do it.


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So many ignorant people...and we wonder how the media has so easily fooled the people into believing what they want them to

Because the media is Jewish?

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96% of the media is owned or controlled by Jews. Very easily verified...not like 99% of the people here care or want to know.

Odious Odium

"Easily verified that 96% of the media is owned or controlled by Jews".

Then do it.


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Are you THAT lazy? Holy shit.

Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media |
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media!
Jew Watch - Jewish Controlled Press - Six Jewish Companies That Own 96% of the World's Media

Oh and for extra winners here is an article BY A JEW who proudly explains the jewish control of hollywood!

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon
96% of the media is owned or controlled by Jews. Very easily verified...not like 99% of the people here care or want to know.
Doesn't that even strike even you as a BREATHTAKINGLY STUPID Claim.
Jews control/own, NONE of Asian Media which is perhaps 1/3 of all Media.
Very little of Europe's Media.

In the USA alone the biggest media Controller is Rupert Murdoch, with Fox News and a Dozen Dailies, including the NY Post, Wall Street Journal, etc, etc. HE alone more than 4%, you Dildo.

And all your links are 'Jewwatch' retreads you DOPE.
The first dated 2015, stating/starting with "Michael Eisner " as CEO of Disney. (A Public co BTW)
Eisner RETIRED in 2005 you MORON.

Michael Eisner - Wikipedia

it's all a Pile of Trash and YOU and the OP are Breathtaking IDIOTS.
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Jew Watch? Seriously?

Yes Seriously.
96% of the media is owned or controlled by Jews. Very easily verified...not like 99% of the people here care or want to know.
Doesn't that even strike even you as a BREATHTAKINGLY STUPID Claim.
Jews control/own, NONE of Asian Media which is perhaps 1/3 of all Media.
Very little of Europe's Media.

In the USA alone the biggest media Controller is Rupert Murdoch, with Fox News and a Dozen Dailies, including the NY Post, Wall Street Journal, etc, etc. HE alone more than 4%, you Dildo.

And all your links are 'Jewwatch' retreads you DOPE.
The first dated 2015, stating/starting with "Michael Eisner " as CEO of Disney. (A Public co BTW)
Eisner RETIRED in 2005 you MORON.

Michael Eisner - Wikipedia

it's all a Pile of Trash and YOU and the OP are Breathtaking IDIOTS.

It needs updated....doesn't change the facts. :)
The first dated 2015, stating/starting with "Michael Eisner " as CEO of Disney. (A Public co BTW)
Eisner RETIRED in 2005 you MORON.


To be replaced by Robert Allen "Bob" Iger...another Jew. Any questions?
I'm kind of confused here myself.
How about a thought experiment using a minute ethnic group, say, Samoans. Just as a thought experiment mind you. What if Samoans ran all major news and entertainment? What if you found that, say, 80% of Hollywood was Samoan? What if 40% of Congress, 75% of federal judgeships, 1/3 of the Supreme Court were Samoans? What if the last three Fed Chairmen were Samoan and the last six Secretaries of Treasury were also Samoan? What if, in addition, you found that well over 95% of US Ambassadors were Samoan?
What if you discovered that in addition the presidents of Yale, Harvard, and Princeton were also Samoan?
And what if when you noticed this and asked a question you were pounced on and pilloried for having the temerity to wonder why so many powerful positions were filled by Samoans? What if you found there was a special term, call it "anti-samoanism", for questioning Samoans?
Would you have cause to wonder about the situation?
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Another thing to understand is that Jews have made blacks Jewish, they have Judaized blacks. In a sense, making blacks think about money and sex. This is a trap for blacks. It simultaneously keeps blacks away from positions of respectability, but at the same time distracts blacks away from needed areas of reform.

Blacks have not negrified Jews. Negrification is something that can only happen genetically through mixed race breeding. Even wiggers and athlete worshipping white people never really become black.
I'm kind of confused here myself.
How about a thought experiment using a minute ethnic group, say, Samoans. Just as a thought experiment mind you. What if Samoans ran all major news and entertainment? What if you found that, say, 80% of Hollywood was Samoan? What if 40% of Congress, 75% of federal judgeships, 1/3 of the Supreme Court were Samoans? What if the last three Fed Chairmen were Samoan and the last six Secretaries of Treasury were also Samoan? What if, in addition, you found that well over 95% of US Ambassadors were Samoan?
What if you discovered that in addition the presidents of Yale, Harvard, and Princeton were also Samoan?
And what if when you noticed this and asked a question you were pounced on and pilloried for having the temerity to wonder why so many powerful positions were filled by Samoans? What if you found there was a special term, call it "anti-samoanism", for questioning Samoans?
Would you have cause to wonder about the situation?
29 of 535 Congress members are Jewish.
Jewish Members of the 114th Congress
That's 5.4%, NOT "40%"

"75% of federal judgeships"?
You Lying asshole.

"95% of Ambassadors"?
I'm kind of confused here myself.
How about a thought experiment using a minute ethnic group, say, Samoans. Just as a thought experiment mind you. What if Samoans ran all major news and entertainment? What if you found that, say, 80% of Hollywood was Samoan? What if 40% of Congress, 75% of federal judgeships, 1/3 of the Supreme Court were Samoans? What if the last three Fed Chairmen were Samoan and the last six Secretaries of Treasury were also Samoan? What if, in addition, you found that well over 95% of US Ambassadors were Samoan?
What if you discovered that in addition the presidents of Yale, Harvard, and Princeton were also Samoan?
And what if when you noticed this and asked a question you were pounced on and pilloried for having the temerity to wonder why so many powerful positions were filled by Samoans? What if you found there was a special term, call it "anti-samoanism", for questioning Samoans?
Would you have cause to wonder about the situation?
29 of 535 Congress members are Jewish.
Jewish Members of the 114th Congress
That's 5.4%, NOT "40%"

"75% of federal judgeships"?
You Lying asshole.

"95% of Ambassadors"?

Did I mention jews? I was speaking of Samoans in a thought experiment. That really seems to bother you. Why is that? Are you upset that Samoans aren't over represented in powerful positions like some groups are?
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I'm kind of confused here myself.
How about a thought experiment using a minute ethnic group, say, Samoans. Just as a thought experiment mind you. What if Samoans ran all major news and entertainment? What if you found that, say, 80% of Hollywood was Samoan? What if 40% of Congress, 75% of federal judgeships, 1/3 of the Supreme Court were Samoans? What if the last three Fed Chairmen were Samoan and the last six Secretaries of Treasury were also Samoan? What if, in addition, you found that well over 95% of US Ambassadors were Samoan?
What if you discovered that in addition the presidents of Yale, Harvard, and Princeton were also Samoan?
And what if when you noticed this and asked a question you were pounced on and pilloried for having the temerity to wonder why so many powerful positions were filled by Samoans? What if you found there was a special term, call it "anti-samoanism", for questioning Samoans?
Would you have cause to wonder about the situation?
29 of 535 Congress members are Jewish.
Jewish Members of the 114th Congress
That's 5.4%, NOT "40%"

"75% of federal judgeships"?
You Lying asshole.

"95% of Ambassadors"?
I counted 30 from Wikipedia link. Oh and 1/3rd of the SC are JEWS. Why is it a population of 2% constitute 1/3rd of the supreme court! I suggest you read Jewish Supremacism. Its fascinating and backed up with links and footnotes for you to check and it covers the media and the congress and the ambassadors etc.

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