Record -135.8 in Antarctica is Obviously Evidence of algore's Global Warming...

"these were satellite measured"

How far back do these satellite records go anyway?

"Just because one spot on Earth has set records for cold that has little to do with global warming because it is one spot in one place, said Waleed Abdalati, an ice scientist at the University of Colorado and NASA's former chief scientist. Both Abdalati, who wasn't part of the measurement team, and Scambos said this is likely an unusual random reading in a place that hasn't been measured much before and could have been colder or hotter in the past and we wouldn't know."

Yeah... the Earth is Burning up... And it's Big Fat Bald White American Oil's Fault...

Stop Consuming and Kill yourself now... Do your part... DO YOUR PART!



The quotes came from your link..........:eusa_whistle:

OUCH!!! :eek: That had to leave a mark :redface:


That is some serious cold though. Back before global warming the article said, it got real cold there as well. When it is below 100, a degree here or there is quibbling.

So cold they have to breath through a tube running up the arm on the parka to warm the air before they try and inhale it through a face mask. Stay out three minutes.

That's damn cold. Like Mars cold.

If we didn't have clouds, we would have crazy temperatures all the time. Hot and cold.

Global weirding is what's happening. And the correct term. Science just hasn't adapted it yet. Pretty soon, crazy and strange weather patterns will be the norm.

You heat things (oceans) up, they cause things (air currents) to move around more. And seeing as how the oceans and the air currents are what moves weather patterns, change is bound to come.

But somewhere it is going to be nice weather. And that person will take it that global warming is a hoax.
Must be nice that the global warming skeptics all live where it's nice weather.
Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

Don’t look now, but maybe a
scientific consensus exists
concerning global warming after all.
Only 36 percent of geoscientists
and engineers believe that humans
are creating a global warming crisis,
according to a survey reported in
the peer-reviewed Organization
Studies. By contrast, a strong
majority of the 1,077 respondents
believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that
future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

The Continuing Collapse of the Global Warming Hoax

Directed from within the bowels of the most corrupt international organization on planet Earth, the United Nations, the hoax originally generated the Kyoto Protocols in December 1997 to set limits on the generation of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The UN’s climate charlatans claimed that CO2 was causing the Earth to dramatically warm. It was a lie. The U.S. Senate unanimously refused to ratify it and, in 2011, Canada withdrew from it.
Global warming? Hey as long as I don't live on the coast, in the mountains or on the plains of the country, I am not worried. I am moving to the desert. How much hotter can it get?

I bet you could get 50% of electrical engineers to believe global warming's a hoax.

How could burning trillions of tons of carbon and exhausting that into the atmosphere, and do that for 100 years or so. How could that have any effect on anything. I still wish we had lead in gas to.
Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8

Why wouldn't it be?...

Of course we all know that's why Liberals stopped using "Global Warming" and moved to the more Generic and almost Undeniable "Climate Change"...

Climate Change is a Constant... Not up for Debate.

But the Left is so Dishonest and so in Need of Punishment for the Wealth they enjoy in our Society that they will blame whatever "abnormal" weather is happening our Country's Wealth and Consumption.

We are not Hurting the Earth... And as a Country we are on a daily basis better about being clean than we were the day before.

But that's not enough for the Left... Nope... Because they don't want us being the best... It's not fair.

The "Global Warming/Man-Made Climate Change" Claims are a Lie... And what's Tragic is that most Liberals KNOW they are Lying.

That really Concerns me.



Global warming of the Oceans impacts the climate in many ways. The title of this thread is at best disingenuous and an appeal to ignorance.

Oh my the far left talking points never stop.

Global warming is a natural process that happens any attempt to claim otherwise is not only dishonest but scientifically dishonest.

Tell us where you received your degree in Climatology oh-wise-one.
"It's cold today! That disproves global warming. Damn the data that says otherwise. If it's ever cold outside that must mean global warming is made up. "
Last edited:
Buy Fur!

I'm not joking. It's going to get a lot colder.
It's comforting to know that right wingers remain profoundly stupid regarding science.

dimocraps are lying, scum-sucking slime. It's what they do.....

All of them.

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

From the original paper cited in the article you refer to:

" . . . the rise in disagreement may be a result of increased funding of sceptics by fossil fuel industries, conservative foundations and think tanks."
Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8

Why wouldn't it be?...

Of course we all know that's why Liberals stopped using "Global Warming" and moved to the more Generic and almost Undeniable "Climate Change"...

Climate Change is a Constant... Not up for Debate.

But the Left is so Dishonest and so in Need of Punishment for the Wealth they enjoy in our Society that they will blame whatever "abnormal" weather is happening our Country's Wealth and Consumption.

We are not Hurting the Earth... And as a Country we are on a daily basis better about being clean than we were the day before.

But that's not enough for the Left... Nope... Because they don't want us being the best... It's not fair.

The "Global Warming/Man-Made Climate Change" Claims are a Lie... And what's Tragic is that most Liberals KNOW they are Lying.

That really Concerns me.



Global warming of the Oceans impacts the climate in many ways. The title of this thread is at best disingenuous and an appeal to ignorance.

Oh my the far left talking points never stop.

Global warming is a natural process that happens any attempt to claim otherwise is not only dishonest but scientifically dishonest.

How can you possibly prove that? You have an opinion that is not substantiated by scientific models.

(1) Various greenhouse gasses have steadily risen in atmospheric concentration over the last century.

(2) It can be easily shown that these gasses do absorb infrared radiation and effectively serve as a heat sink. (IOW, they WILL raise atmospheric temperature.)

(3) Global temperatures have risen as a long term trend in a way that corresponds with models regarding greenhouse gas buildups.

(4) Good science does not include opinion polling.
Global warming of the Oceans impacts the climate in many ways. The title of this thread is at best disingenuous and an appeal to ignorance.

Oh my the far left talking points never stop.

Global warming is a natural process that happens any attempt to claim otherwise is not only dishonest but scientifically dishonest.

How can you possibly prove that? You have an opinion that is not substantiated by scientific models.

(1) Various greenhouse gasses have steadily risen in atmospheric concentration over the last century.

(2) It can be easily shown that these gasses do absorb infrared radiation and effectively serve as a heat sink. (IOW, they WILL raise atmospheric temperature.)

(3) Global temperatures have risen as a long term trend in a way that corresponds with models regarding greenhouse gas buildups.

(4) Good science does not include opinion polling.

CO2 does NOT drive climate.

So it is nothing but talking points based on religious AGW belief over any real science.
Oh my the far left talking points never stop.

Global warming is a natural process that happens any attempt to claim otherwise is not only dishonest but scientifically dishonest.

How can you possibly prove that? You have an opinion that is not substantiated by scientific models.

(1) Various greenhouse gasses have steadily risen in atmospheric concentration over the last century.

(2) It can be easily shown that these gasses do absorb infrared radiation and effectively serve as a heat sink. (IOW, they WILL raise atmospheric temperature.)

(3) Global temperatures have risen as a long term trend in a way that corresponds with models regarding greenhouse gas buildups.

(4) Good science does not include opinion polling.

CO2 does NOT drive climate.

So it is nothing but talking points based on religious AGW belief over any real science.

Can you point to the "real science" that you read on this issue?
How can you possibly prove that? You have an opinion that is not substantiated by scientific models.

(1) Various greenhouse gasses have steadily risen in atmospheric concentration over the last century.

(2) It can be easily shown that these gasses do absorb infrared radiation and effectively serve as a heat sink. (IOW, they WILL raise atmospheric temperature.)

(3) Global temperatures have risen as a long term trend in a way that corresponds with models regarding greenhouse gas buildups.

(4) Good science does not include opinion polling.

CO2 does NOT drive climate.

So it is nothing but talking points based on religious AGW belief over any real science.

Can you point to the "real science" that you read on this issue?

Can you post the datasets and source code that proves CO2 drives climate?

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