Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force

90,609,000: Americans Not in Labor Force Climbs to Another Record -

1. The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation's labor force has climbed to a record 90,609,000 in September, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2. In January 2009, when President Barack Obama took office, there were 80,507,000 Americans not in the labor force. Thus, the number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 10,102,000 during Obama's presidency. :

3. During this time, the unemployment rate went down from 7.6 in 2009 to 7.2.
These numbers don’t appear to be congruent, but you have to realize the population grew about by 9 million people between those two years.

4. However, when Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the number of SNAP recipients was 31,939,110 - and Recipients of food stamps on June, 2013.were 97,791,996.

5. When the unemployment rate lowers from 7.6 to 7.2 the welfare and food stamps have to come down. But they didn’t.

6.The latest government figures reveal that an astonishing number of people are collecting public benefits such as food stamps and disability checks, revealing an alarming trend of dependence on government rather than self-sufficiency associated with the American dream.
A record 5.4 million workers have applied for federal disability checks since President

7. The total number of Americans on welfare are 12,800,000 as of 9/10/2013. Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps) is a whopping $131.9 billion

90,609,000: Americans Not in Labor Force Climbs to Another Record | CNS News
Increase in unemployment rate in January 2009 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
September 2013 jobs report shows drop in unemployment rate, slowdown in hiring |
First Term: Food Stamp Recipients Increased 11,133 Per Day Under Obama | CNS News
. SNAP Current Participation - Persons
Welfare At All-Time High Under Obama | Judicial Watch
TANF and Federal Welfare | Downsizing the Federal Government
Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain
That's what happens when you have eight years of Bush.

It's a 24 year low, eight of which are owned by President Clinton and five owned by President Obama. Do you really want to play the blame game with math?
He's got to do something. It's not like Obama's got an accomplishments to brag about.

What about the highest percentage of Americans on disability, ever?
What about the highest percentage of Americans on food stamps, ever?
What about the greatest gap between the wealthy and the poor, ever?

Oh wait, this thread is about the highest percentage of Americans no longer in the work force, ever, with a focus on women.

I'm unsure why liberals consider those facts to be a success, but for some reason, they do.
Already about 5 other threads from your fellow right wing parrots on this topic. Try reading before posting :cuckoo:
Damn Republicans and their obstructing, their sequester, their shut down - Anything to bring down this country.

Still though, there is SOME job growth every month.

Wonder what the traitors on the right will come up with next.
Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ‘stalling’

Read more at Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ?stalling? | InvestmentWatch

That's what happens when you have eight years of Bush.

Five years later, Booooooosssssshhhhhhhhhh..............

Bush, Republicans, and wall street created the worst financial crash in the history of the world. It will be 8 to 10 years from 2009 before we're fully recovered, unless you vote out the Republicans which will knock off a few years.
Unemployment rate falls while very few find jobs. This is because they stop counting the unemployed. This has not happened before.

That's what happens when you have eight years of Bush.

Five years later, Booooooosssssshhhhhhhhhh..............

Bush, Republicans, and wall street created the worst financial crash in the history of the world. It will be 8 to 10 years from 2009 before we're fully recovered, unless you vote out the Republicans which will knock off a few years.


When I can read this without laughing until I pass out, perhaps I'll respond.
Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ‘stalling’

Read more at Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ?stalling? | InvestmentWatch

That's what happens when you have eight years of Bush.
Obama appreciates your unswerving suck-assishness.

What about the record number of retired folks (baby boomers) and folks like me who are rich. And what about my two sugar babies?

Nice try.
Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ‘stalling’

Read more at Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ?stalling? | InvestmentWatch

Funny thing about all these numbers is that they are just numbers. I live in an area that is considered a tough place to be employment wise, in Toledo, OH. I don't know anyone that is unemployed. Now, that is not to say that there are no unemployed people here in northwest Ohio; I just am not seeing them. Oh, and that issue with kids not being able to find work? I have two teenage boys, one 16, and one 17. They both have part-time jobs. My girlfriend's daughter's both have part-time jobs as they are both in college. Her son has a full-time job and just got married to a wonderful young woman who also has a full-time job. My girlfriend has a full-time job.

I'm just curious about something since we are on the subject; how many here are unemployed or know others who are unemployed? What everyone seems to forget is that the vast majority of people who can work are working. Prove me wrong.
And the cons all rally around another article by CNS. Of course they do. And they all miss the efforts by their beloved to ruin the economy. Of course they do.

Maybe I should go post an article from a left wing bat shit crazy site. You know, like And pretend it is actual news. Like the cons do. And then listen to the pops, as their heads exit their ass holes. Jesus, what a bunch of tools.

Perhaps we should let the cons shut the gov down again. Funny thing is, they are shooting themselves in the foot, AND enjoying it. Pay no attention to those polls. People are not catching on, me poor ignorant con tools. Just ignore them. And see what happens.
Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ‘stalling’

Read more at Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Employment Among Women Hits 24-year Low, Economy ?stalling? | InvestmentWatch

Funny thing about all these numbers is that they are just numbers. I live in an area that is considered a tough place to be employment wise, in Toledo, OH. I don't know anyone that is unemployed. Now, that is not to say that there are no unemployed people here in northwest Ohio; I just am not seeing them. Oh, and that issue with kids not being able to find work? I have two teenage boys, one 16, and one 17. They both have part-time jobs. My girlfriend's daughter's both have part-time jobs as they are both in college. Her son has a full-time job and just got married to a wonderful young woman who also has a full-time job. My girlfriend has a full-time job.

I'm just curious about something since we are on the subject; how many here are unemployed or know others who are unemployed? What everyone seems to forget is that the vast majority of people who can work are working. Prove me wrong.

I have able bodied tenants who can't pay rent because only 1 family member can get a job & it does not pay enough to cover utilities. I have had them do some jobs for me, so I know they are hard workers. They went 8 months last year without gas, hot water or heat. I finally evicted them & now they live on the tax payers dole. I have 2 other families who are in the same boat. Their utilities are in the rears & I will likely evict them by Christmas if they fall any further behind in rent.

Minimum wage will not support anyone. Due to inflation families are basically paying to support any part time or minimum wage family members. Inflation is caused by government & big banks creating money. Inflation is NEVER caused by raising wages or minimum wage.

You are blind!

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It's a 24 year low, eight of which are owned by President Clinton and five owned by President Obama. Do you really want to play the blame game with math?
He's got to do something. It's not like Obama's got an accomplishments to brag about.

What about the highest percentage of Americans on disability, ever?
What about the highest percentage of Americans on food stamps, ever?
What about the greatest gap between the wealthy and the poor, ever?

Oh wait, this thread is about the highest percentage of Americans no longer in the work force, ever, with a focus on women.

I'm unsure why liberals consider those facts to be a success, but for some reason, they do.
How about it, [MENTION=43400]OnePercenter[/MENTION]? Would you like to explain these "successes" of Obama's?

NOTE: If you blame Bush, you'll get deservedly ridiculed.

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