Record 90,609,000 Americans Not In Labor Force

You love wars and military spending, you love deficits, you love Guantanamo, you love spying on citizens, you love assassinating citizens, you love pissing off allies, you love arming terrorists, you love division in our own country...

... I have no idea which policies you're talking about...
Aw heck, we both know you're a smart cookie and know full well what's going on.

We live in a wonderful world where we got our opinions based on things we've come across. You kind of sound like you may have seen something I haven't, if you do then please share some links; it's always nice to have our posts with sources sited because of all the made up nonsense that can crowd these threads.

Of course we have opinions. But it's nice when those opinions are rooted in fact. You blamed "tax and spend" policies since the 110th Congress for the increase in "total number of American adults without jobs." Only taxes didn't increase during the 110th Congress or even the 111th Congress and only until a few days remained in the 112th Congress. Taxes remained the same as they had been since 2003, so how on Earth was that the problem since 2007?

I'm just trying to figure out how you reached that opinion? Seems even you can't explain it.

...trying to figure out how you reached that opinion...
--and while we both know that you're more than smart enough to just "try" but to actually succeed in seeing how I reached that opinion, it's probably irrelevant because it's not the goal.

Maybe our focus should be the way you're into politics and I'm into business; neither of our arenas can exist without the other and we really shouldn't fight because we need each other. Your real fight is a power struggle with your rival factions and mine is with a bottom line struggle with my contract deadlines. In the meantime we're all looking at the labor stats and I'm telling you the population of jobless has soared by 18 million since '07 because the tax'n'spend war-on-business policies that prevent me from hiring.

You can convince everyone here that I'm wrong, but changing their opinions won't enable me to hire.
...trying to figure out how you reached that opinion...
--and while we both know that you're more than smart enough to just "try" but to actually succeed in seeing how I reached that opinion, it's probably irrelevant because it's not the goal.

Maybe our focus should be the way you're into politics and I'm into business; neither of our arenas can exist without the other and we really shouldn't fight because we need each other. Your real fight is a power struggle with your rival factions and mine is with a bottom line struggle with my contract deadlines. In the meantime we're all looking at the labor stats and I'm telling you the population of jobless has soared by 18 million since '07 because the tax'n'spend war-on-business policies that prevent me from hiring.

You can convince everyone here that I'm wrong, but changing their opinions won't enable me to hire.
Maybe your business is not doing so well. But most are, me boy. Look at the basic stats. Like gdp. Look at the stock market. Could be you just need someone or some thing other than yourself to blame.
Look at history. When the economy went into the crapper in 1982 after the great tax decrease of 1981, the economy got better ONLY after massive borrowing, 11 tax increases, increasing the size of the gov, and spending stimulatively.

So, taxes are now lower than since the 1950's. Because Reagan spent stimulatively. Give you any kind of a clue??? Then,, as anyone with any economic knowledge understands, lowering taxes is a good idea (when unemployment levels are low and the economy is strong.)
...trying to figure out how you reached that opinion...
--and while we both know that you're more than smart enough to just "try" but to actually succeed in seeing how I reached that opinion, it's probably irrelevant because it's not the goal.

Maybe our focus should be the way you're into politics and I'm into business; neither of our arenas can exist without the other and we really shouldn't fight because we need each other. Your real fight is a power struggle with your rival factions and mine is with a bottom line struggle with my contract deadlines. In the meantime we're all looking at the labor stats and I'm telling you the population of jobless has soared by 18 million since '07 because the tax'n'spend war-on-business policies that prevent me from hiring.

You can convince everyone here that I'm wrong, but changing their opinions won't enable me to hire.

The only taxes hindering you hiring US citizens is high healthcare & payroll taxes. Dividend & corp profit taxes are not keeping you from hiring in the USA.
...trying to figure out how you reached that opinion...
--and while we both know that you're more than smart enough to just "try" but to actually succeed in seeing how I reached that opinion, it's probably irrelevant because it's not the goal.

Maybe our focus should be the way you're into politics and I'm into business; neither of our arenas can exist without the other and we really shouldn't fight because we need each other. Your real fight is a power struggle with your rival factions and mine is with a bottom line struggle with my contract deadlines. In the meantime we're all looking at the labor stats and I'm telling you the population of jobless has soared by 18 million since '07 because the tax'n'spend war-on-business policies that prevent me from hiring.

You can convince everyone here that I'm wrong, but changing their opinions won't enable me to hire.
Maybe your business is not doing so well. But most are, me boy. Look at the basic stats. Like gdp. Look at the stock market. Could be you just need someone or some thing other than yourself to blame.
Look at history. When the economy went into the crapper in 1982 after the great tax decrease of 1981, the economy got better ONLY after massive borrowing, 11 tax increases, increasing the size of the gov, and spending stimulatively.

So, taxes are now lower than since the 1950's. Because Reagan spent stimulatively. Give you any kind of a clue??? Then,, as anyone with any economic knowledge understands, lowering taxes is a good idea (when unemployment levels are low and the economy is strong.)

you're all over the place dude.....jesus...:rolleyes:
--and while we both know that you're more than smart enough to just "try" but to actually succeed in seeing how I reached that opinion, it's probably irrelevant because it's not the goal.

Maybe our focus should be the way you're into politics and I'm into business; neither of our arenas can exist without the other and we really shouldn't fight because we need each other. Your real fight is a power struggle with your rival factions and mine is with a bottom line struggle with my contract deadlines. In the meantime we're all looking at the labor stats and I'm telling you the population of jobless has soared by 18 million since '07 because the tax'n'spend war-on-business policies that prevent me from hiring.

You can convince everyone here that I'm wrong, but changing their opinions won't enable me to hire.
Maybe your business is not doing so well. But most are, me boy. Look at the basic stats. Like gdp. Look at the stock market. Could be you just need someone or some thing other than yourself to blame.
Look at history. When the economy went into the crapper in 1982 after the great tax decrease of 1981, the economy got better ONLY after massive borrowing, 11 tax increases, increasing the size of the gov, and spending stimulatively.

So, taxes are now lower than since the 1950's. Because Reagan spent stimulatively. Give you any kind of a clue??? Then,, as anyone with any economic knowledge understands, lowering taxes is a good idea (when unemployment levels are low and the economy is strong.)

you're all over the place dude.....jesus...:rolleyes:
Not at all. But your opinion is duly noted. And I am sure you know how much I value your opinion.
...The only taxes hindering you hiring US citizens is high healthcare & payroll taxes. Dividend & corp profit taxes are not keeping you from hiring in the USA...
ah, now I know why I'm not hiring (/sarc). Why aren't you hiring?
...The only taxes hindering you hiring US citizens is high healthcare & payroll taxes. Dividend & corp profit taxes are not keeping you from hiring in the USA...
ah, now I know why I'm not hiring (/sarc). Why aren't you hiring?

I am not hiring in my direct mail printing business because it is a dieing industry due to lack of demand.

I am not hiring in my farming business due to bad weather, lack of supply.

I sold my insurance business back in 2008 for triple net, before big losses & underwriting penalties hit because of massive home owner policy claims & cancellations due to burst housing bubble. Lack of demand.

I have been hiring in my housing rental business I started in 2010 with money from the insurance business I sold. Good supply & demand.
...Why aren't you hiring?
...lack of demand... ...lack of supply... ...Lack of demand... ...been hiring in my housing rental business...
Congrats, that's super!

Really drives home the fact that willingness to work makes so much possible. On those cut backs we'd agree that demand and supply are always there but that what really happened is that the price changed because of economic/market shifts. We'd probably also agree that the shifts affecting wealth creation in '08 --

---followed a far different track than the ones in '00.

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