Record 93,626,000 Americans not in labor force

There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Here is an example of the lying rightie resorting to alternative statistics because the officials ones aren't bad enough for them.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And why no admission from you for lying about 16-24 years dropping in employment? You were shown up to being the lying imbecile you are.

You sad sack of sophistry. I quoted the declining labor force participation rate...and accurately observed that the economy is not producing enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Obamanomics is an EPIC Fail. If we had had a Reaganesque policy, the economy would have produced millions more jobs by now.

View attachment 43858
And the lying rightie continues to lie. You started by saying: "One incredibly sad fact of Obamanomics is the drop in employement for 16-24:"

I see that you have to resort to not properly quoting me. Here is what I highlighted:

[i}This is partially explained by baby boomers retiring — at the pace of nearly 10,000 a day. But the largest reduction in the workforce has been among those under the age of 29. Today the labor force participation rate for the 16-24 age group is 55.1%, down from 60.8% a decade ago and from more than 66% back in the late 1990s.

Millennials continue to exit the labor market — and millions have never even held a job.

Why are workers disappearing? Minimum-wage increases are pricing the young out of the workforce. The myriad welfare programs are effectively paying the young not to work..

The employment levels of millenials as a RATIO of their cohort has dropped. You can play semantic games, but that doesn't change the fact that OBAMANOMICS IS AN EPIC FAIL.
My Millennial son is not old enough to work.....
The myriad welfare programs are effectively paying the young not to work..[/i]

My kids have never been on welfare, yet work, except for the 13 year old...He wants a job, but must wait...
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Here is an example of the lying rightie resorting to alternative statistics because the officials ones aren't bad enough for them.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And why no admission from you for lying about 16-24 years dropping in employment? You were shown up to being the lying imbecile you are.

You sad sack of sophistry. I quoted the declining labor force participation rate...and accurately observed that the economy is not producing enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Obamanomics is an EPIC Fail. If we had had a Reaganesque policy, the economy would have produced millions more jobs by now.

View attachment 43858
And the lying rightie continues to lie. You started by saying: "One incredibly sad fact of Obamanomics is the drop in employement for 16-24:"
People with highly emotive states of delusion always do...
I also notice a lot of the workers at these hospitality jobs don't speak very good English. Could this be a lot of where are illegal immigration problems exist? Are these hospitality places getting rich and not paying their taxes for American workers? I bet. Especially when these jobs are mostly tip or under the table dishwashers

Ugh, yes and no. For example, in the hotel industry, immigrants tend to make up a sizable portion of the workforce. Hispanic housekeepers have become the modern day equivalent of Korean nail stylists. That is, it's a bad stereotype that is all too universally true. The legality of these workers is actually a more complex phenomenon to address. ICE knows what's up. Which made indiscriminately hiring illegals a fool's errand. You'd get raided, and then you'd be fucked, on top of fined.

Many hotels have developed a protective shield by relying on what are essentially shadow staffing agencies to fill a large part of their housekeeping labor needs. If an illegal gets caught on the job, the hotel isn't responsible, the agency is. The "agency" can also easily dissolve and reform as a new legal entity, and pick up the very next day, thus avoiding any real repercussions. The staffing agencies also help to minimize wages, primarily as a union busting practice. But the main wage suppressing component is the fact that there are a glut of cheap Hispanics who are willing to take minimum wage (or less).

All this being said, landing in the sights of ICE still is not ideal. I have personally experienced ICE agents asking me to have such and such person summoned to the front, and watching them escort that person away. Once they catch the scent of your hotel, they're going to pay extra close attention to you for at least a while. No hotel wants that, because even if you escape blame, you still can't afford to lose a big chunk of your housekeeping staff all at once. So what happens is that hotels will require their shadow staffing agencies to provide documentation that a housekeeper is legal. But at the same time, verifying whether a person's papers are legit doesn't always get alot of emphasis. So what happens is that most hotels are fully aware that they're employing illegal immigrants. But nobody necessarily knows for sure who's legal and who's illegal. And even if I happen to figure out through some means or another that a certain individual is illegal, there's too much complicity and complexity, and too little evidence, for it to be worth my time to mention the fact.
I also notice a lot of the workers at these hospitality jobs don't speak very good English. Could this be a lot of where are illegal immigration problems exist? Are these hospitality places getting rich and not paying their taxes for American workers? I bet. Especially when these jobs are mostly tip or under the table dishwashers

Ugh, yes and no. For example, in the hotel industry, immigrants tend to make up a sizable portion of the workforce. Hispanic housekeepers have become the modern day equivalent of Korean nail stylists. That is, it's a bad stereotype that is all too universally true. The legality of these workers is actually a more complex phenomenon to address. ICE knows what's up. Which made indiscriminately hiring illegals a fool's errand. You'd get raided, and then you'd be fucked, on top of fined.

Many hotels have developed a protective shield by relying on what are essentially shadow staffing agencies to fill a large part of their housekeeping labor needs. If an illegal gets caught on the job, the hotel isn't responsible, the agency is. The "agency" can also easily dissolve and reform as a new legal entity, and pick up the very next day, thus avoiding any real repercussions. The staffing agencies also help to minimize wages, primarily as a union busting practice. But the main wage suppressing component is the fact that there are a glut of cheap Hispanics who are willing to take minimum wage (or less).

All this being said, landing in the sights of ICE still is not ideal. I have personally experienced ICE agents asking me to have such and such person summoned to the front, and watching them escort that person away. Once they catch the scent of your hotel, they're going to pay extra close attention to you for at least a while. No hotel wants that, because even if you escape blame, you still can't afford to lose a big chunk of your housekeeping staff all at once. So what happens is that hotels will require their shadow staffing agencies to provide documentation that a housekeeper is legal. But at the same time, verifying whether a person's papers are legit doesn't always get alot of emphasis. So what happens is that most hotels are fully aware that they're employing illegal immigrants. But nobody necessarily knows for sure who's legal and who's illegal. And even if I happen to figure out through some means or another that a certain individual is illegal, there's too much complicity and complexity, and too little evidence, for it to be worth my time to mention the fact.
Really? So you hire illegals? Or contract to have them work for you? You can easily find out if they are illegal or not...I hire only US veterans and citizens...
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Here is an example of the lying rightie resorting to alternative statistics because the officials ones aren't bad enough for them.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And why no admission from you for lying about 16-24 years dropping in employment? You were shown up to being the lying imbecile you are.

You sad sack of sophistry. I quoted the declining labor force participation rate...and accurately observed that the economy is not producing enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Obamanomics is an EPIC Fail. If we had had a Reaganesque policy, the economy would have produced millions more jobs by now.

View attachment 43858
And the lying rightie continues to lie. You started by saying: "One incredibly sad fact of Obamanomics is the drop in employement for 16-24:"

I see that you have to resort to not properly quoting me. Here is what I highlighted:

[i}This is partially explained by baby boomers retiring — at the pace of nearly 10,000 a day. But the largest reduction in the workforce has been among those under the age of 29. Today the labor force participation rate for the 16-24 age group is 55.1%, down from 60.8% a decade ago and from more than 66% back in the late 1990s.

Millennials continue to exit the labor market — and millions have never even held a job.

Why are workers disappearing? Minimum-wage increases are pricing the young out of the workforce. The myriad welfare programs are effectively paying the young not to work..

The employment levels of millenials as a RATIO of their cohort has dropped. You can play semantic games, but that doesn't change the fact that OBAMANOMICS IS AN EPIC FAIL.
And here, the lying rightie tries to blame "Obamanomics" for the drop in the labor force participation rate among 16-24 year olds, yet according the BLS, Virtually all of the drop is attributable to Bush and his recession.

and what is that borrowed money being spent on.
18 trillion in debt! does anyone know how many jobs u can create with just One Trillion? does your calculator have that many digits? someone divide One Trillion by $40,000. let me know what u come out with.
Who is going to work for 40k? seriously, you cant even rent a 1 bedroom apartment on 40k a year.
If you are single and don't have a huge house payment you can live on $40,000 a year in Michigan. But don't have a child unless your wife also makes 40,000 and plans on continuing to work even after she has the baby. And you better have grandparents willing to babysit for free.
well of course if you have a hefty six-digit mortgage. when the Obama recession hit us even worse in 2009, thousands were going bankrupt and many had to sell their homes at a loss. Obama did absolutely nothing to bail out the middle class in 2009. Just laughed at them. only bailed out his friends to make sure they would for him again in 2012. I remember hearing from at least one conservative voice that if you took the 16/17 trillion dollar debt and just split it amongst all adults, they would probably get a nice six-figure check, or about 300,000 per household. but no,,,Obama just keeps borrowing and borrowing putting our children in about a million in debt each. Thanks a lot Nobel Prize winner!!
That's how f***** up things are because I agree with you 100 percent and yet we could never solve the corruption because you right wingers defend the corruption when it comes right down to it those bankers are your base. You want to go after the bankers? So do I
and yet Obama always has to make it sound as if the economy is Roaring Back! during all of his Boring SOTU Addresses! like he did this year, again? really? maybe he forgot to give us the real statistics? he never mentions the 93 Million people still seeking full time work!
18 trillion in debt! does anyone know how many jobs u can create with just One Trillion? does your calculator have that many digits? someone divide One Trillion by $40,000. let me know what u come out with.
Who is going to work for 40k? seriously, you cant even rent a 1 bedroom apartment on 40k a year.
If you are single and don't have a huge house payment you can live on $40,000 a year in Michigan. But don't have a child unless your wife also makes 40,000 and plans on continuing to work even after she has the baby. And you better have grandparents willing to babysit for free.
well of course if you have a hefty six-digit mortgage. when the Obama recession hit us even worse in 2009, thousands were going bankrupt and many had to sell their homes at a loss. Obama did absolutely nothing to bail out the middle class in 2009. Just laughed at them. only bailed out his friends to make sure they would for him again in 2012. I remember hearing from at least one conservative voice that if you took the 16/17 trillion dollar debt and just split it amongst all adults, they would probably get a nice six-figure check, or about 300,000 per household. but no,,,Obama just keeps borrowing and borrowing putting our children in about a million in debt each. Thanks a lot Nobel Prize winner!!
That's how f***** up things are because I agree with you 100 percent and yet we could never solve the corruption because you right wingers defend the corruption when it comes right down to it those bankers are your base. You want to go after the bankers? So do I
and yet Obama always has to make it sound as if the economy is Roaring Back! during all of his Boring SOTU Addresses! like he did this year, again? really? maybe he forgot to give us the real statistics? he never mentions the 93 Million people still seeking full time work!
Here we have the lying rightie claiming 93 million are seeking full time work. You know, the 93 million which includes retired folks who don't want to work ... disabled folks who can't work ... people on welfare who don't want to work. ... single income families with a stay at home spouse who don't want to work ... tens of millions of people in the shadow economy who are working ...

Never trust a rightie .... they're incapable of telling the truth.
Not really. Many college students work at part time jobs to make ends meet .... or at least used to when jobs were available.

Some, yes. Some, no. Many do this intermittently. At any given moment, the number of college students who are not in the workforce includes many students who were working a few months ago, and/or students who will be working a few months from now, but are simply taking some time to concentrate on their studies at the moment. More often than not, many students will simply choose to not work if it's at all possible, because the high demands of receiving a college education make holding a job a liability for educational success. They're in class 20 hours a week, they're studying 40 hours a week, and they're supposed to hold a job in the meantime also? Many of the young people I'm meeting nowadays are telling me that they are choosing to not work during the academic year (or work extremely limited hours, or sporatically), because they can study more while having a less chaotic schedule, which leads to better academic performance.

Once again, none of that changes the fact that lower high school dropout rates and higher college attendance rates will necessarily result in lower force participation rates among 16-24 year olds.

Now, far too many are saddled with tons-o-debt that they will never be able to a pay off.

:lol: If you're really trying to imply that dropping out of high school to flip burgers is the way to pay for college, you're lost your fucking mind.

And what is the impact: delay in family creation and home buying.

People are delaying these things for alot of reasons. First on the list is the fact that people just don't want to listen to what other people tell them to do with their lives. The trend started with those of us at the youngest end of the Gen X crowd. We didn't run off and get married just because we were expected to. We didn't necessarily run off to buy a house just because grampa fed us some propaganda about how we should "put down roots." Our younger siblings and such were inspired by our example, and now the Millenials have decided to say fuck-all to other people's notions of what to do when. Getting married is seen as a formality for many younger people. Having children is seen as an expense and responsibility to be carefully weighed and considered before doing. Oh, and there was that nasty episode that you might have heard was called the housing bubble burst. It's made many younger people reevaluate the financial viability of investing in a house, and has made them hyper sensitive to the timing of the market trends, and to factoring one's long term career and financial plans.

The economy is in a downward spiral due to excessive debt. Fake stats provided by the Feds don't make this any less of a fact.

I won't disagree that the economy is in bad shape. But you're citing all the wrong indicators, and inferring a bunch of false causes.
i wonder what lie we will hear from the white house when Hillary cant catch up to Rubio in October 2016. The unemployment level has dropped to 2.9?
Who is going to work for 40k? seriously, you cant even rent a 1 bedroom apartment on 40k a year.
If you are single and don't have a huge house payment you can live on $40,000 a year in Michigan. But don't have a child unless your wife also makes 40,000 and plans on continuing to work even after she has the baby. And you better have grandparents willing to babysit for free.
well of course if you have a hefty six-digit mortgage. when the Obama recession hit us even worse in 2009, thousands were going bankrupt and many had to sell their homes at a loss. Obama did absolutely nothing to bail out the middle class in 2009. Just laughed at them. only bailed out his friends to make sure they would for him again in 2012. I remember hearing from at least one conservative voice that if you took the 16/17 trillion dollar debt and just split it amongst all adults, they would probably get a nice six-figure check, or about 300,000 per household. but no,,,Obama just keeps borrowing and borrowing putting our children in about a million in debt each. Thanks a lot Nobel Prize winner!!
That's how f***** up things are because I agree with you 100 percent and yet we could never solve the corruption because you right wingers defend the corruption when it comes right down to it those bankers are your base. You want to go after the bankers? So do I
and yet Obama always has to make it sound as if the economy is Roaring Back! during all of his Boring SOTU Addresses! like he did this year, again? really? maybe he forgot to give us the real statistics? he never mentions the 93 Million people still seeking full time work!
Here we have the lying rightie claiming 93 million are seeking full time work. You know, the 93 million which includes retired folks who don't want to work ... disabled folks who can't work ... people on welfare who don't want to work. ... single income families with a stay at home spouse who don't want to work ... tens of millions of people in the shadow economy who are working ...

Never trust a rightie .... they're incapable of telling the truth.
And what would be the number if Mitt Romney was president?
Not really. Many college students work at part time jobs to make ends meet .... or at least used to when jobs were available.

Some, yes. Some, no. Many do this intermittently. At any given moment, the number of college students who are not in the workforce includes many students who were working a few months ago, and/or students who will be working a few months from now, but are simply taking some time to concentrate on their studies at the moment. More often than not, many students will simply choose to not work if it's at all possible, because the high demands of receiving a college education make holding a job a liability for educational success. They're in class 20 hours a week, they're studying 40 hours a week, and they're supposed to hold a job in the meantime also? Many of the young people I'm meeting nowadays are telling me that they are choosing to not work during the academic year (or work extremely limited hours, or sporatically), because they can study more while having a less chaotic schedule, which leads to better academic performance.

Once again, none of that changes the fact that lower high school dropout rates and higher college attendance rates will necessarily result in lower force participation rates among 16-24 year olds.

Now, far too many are saddled with tons-o-debt that they will never be able to a pay off.

:lol: If you're really trying to imply that dropping out of high school to flip burgers is the way to pay for college, you're lost your fucking mind.

And what is the impact: delay in family creation and home buying.

People are delaying these things for alot of reasons. First on the list is the fact that people just don't want to listen to what other people tell them to do with their lives. The trend started with those of us at the youngest end of the Gen X crowd. We didn't run off and get married just because we were expected to. We didn't necessarily run off to buy a house just because grampa fed us some propaganda about how we should "put down roots." Our younger siblings and such were inspired by our example, and now the Millenials have decided to say fuck-all to other people's notions of what to do when. Getting married is seen as a formality for many younger people. Having children is seen as an expense and responsibility to be carefully weighed and considered before doing. Oh, and there was that nasty episode that you might have heard was called the housing bubble burst. It's made many younger people reevaluate the financial viability of investing in a house, and has made them hyper sensitive to the timing of the market trends, and to factoring one's long term career and financial plans.

The economy is in a downward spiral due to excessive debt. Fake stats provided by the Feds don't make this any less of a fact.

I won't disagree that the economy is in bad shape. But you're citing all the wrong indicators, and inferring a bunch of false causes.

You are pinning the bogometer if you think that I am implying that kids should drop out of high school to "flip burgers". A part time job while being a student is a very good combination.
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You are pinning the bogometer is you think that I am implying that kids should drop out of high school to "flip burgers". A part time job while being a student is a very good combination.

Then just what exactly are you trying to say? Because it makes absolutely no sense to try to play this off as if it's about college kids holding part time jobs. The primary reason the workforce participation rate has dropped for 16-24 year olds is because of lower HS drop-out rates, and higher college enrollment rates.
You are pinning the bogometer is you think that I am implying that kids should drop out of high school to "flip burgers". A part time job while being a student is a very good combination.

Then just what exactly are you trying to say? Because it makes absolutely no sense to try to play this off as if it's about college kids holding part time jobs. The primary reason the workforce participation rate has dropped for 16-24 year olds is because of lower HS drop-out rates, and higher college enrollment rates.

I'm saying that the economy is not creating enough jobs for the youngest cohort to get even a part time job.

Jeebus. How do you people function in the real world with such a poor understanding of the roles of work ethic and skills development?
I'm saying that the economy is not creating enough jobs for the youngest cohort to get even a part time job.

And I am saying that you're conclusions are based on assumptions that are no longer applicable behavior patterns, while ignoring modern day trends and demand, all leading to pointing fingers in all the wrong places.

That fewer 16-24 year olds are participating in the work force is not a cause for concern. To the contrary, it is indicative of good developments in how our economy is learning to operate. Fewer people are dropping out of high school and entering the work force. More people are going to college, and delaying permanent entry into the work force. More students are committing more time to their academic success. These are good things.

The things to be concerned about are that school is more expensive than ever before, employer needless demand for "any degree" no matter how irrelevant is as high as ever, technical training remains extremely undervalued in the marketplace, wage stagnation and income inequality are also at their worst levels in a century.
I believe the reason for this is unemployment compensation only being 26 weeks.
I believe the reason for this is unemployment compensation only being 26 weeks.
Wait a minute, MessiahRushie says it's 99 weeks.

Actually, you have it backwards, as the UE rate drops below each threshold, the corresponding extension ends.

June 30, 2015

RUSH: People who have been out of work beyond the total length of time that they get unemployment benefits, which is up to, what is it now, 99 weeks? (interruption) It's even longer than that? (interruption) Okay, 99 weeks.
I believe the reason for this is unemployment compensation only being 26 weeks.
Wait a minute, MessiahRushie says it's 99 weeks.

Actually, you have it backwards, as the UE rate drops below each threshold, the corresponding extension ends.

June 30, 2015

RUSH: People who have been out of work beyond the total length of time that they get unemployment benefits, which is up to, what is it now, 99 weeks? (interruption) It's even longer than that? (interruption) Okay, 99 weeks.

When you lose your job now it's 26 weeks
What a moron. The age range is 16 to 24 years old. You're getting more and more desperate, bub.

Reduction in the workforce by the 16-24 range is not surprising, nor should it be concerning. That's what's going to happen when you have fewer high school dropouts and more people going to college.


You are pinning the bogometer is you think that I am implying that kids should drop out of high school to "flip burgers". A part time job while being a student is a very good combination.

Then just what exactly are you trying to say? Because it makes absolutely no sense to try to play this off as if it's about college kids holding part time jobs. The primary reason the workforce participation rate has dropped for 16-24 year olds is because of lower HS drop-out rates, and higher college enrollment rates.


Sweet Mother... They just make it up.

But, hey... US unemployment is 43% and there's no way to explain that honestly that doesn't discredit everything ya stand for. And since the Left stands for dishonesty... that makes perfect sense.

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