Record 93,626,000 Americans not in labor force

How many Americans are "supposed" to be in the workforce out of 330 million people?

Are children expected to work? Young mothers? Invalids? Retirees?

What number will make you happy?

Another Low-Info post by RW.

The Civilian Population used to calculate workforce statistics includes people 16 years and older. Children below the legal working age are excluded.

One incredibly sad fact of Obamanomics is the drop in employement for 16-24:

Over the past year the number of working-age Americans who have dropped from the civilian labor force has risen by 1.5 million. During Obama's presidency, the population of these Americans increased by nearly 16 million — while the labor force grew by under 3 million.

The labor force participation rate for those 16 and over dropped from 65.7% at the start of the Obama presidency to just 62.6% last month. If this rate would have remained steady, the labor force would have been nearly 14 million stronger.


This is partially explained by baby boomers retiring — at the pace of nearly 10,000 a day. But the largest reduction in the workforce has been among those under the age of 29. Today the labor force participation rate for the 16-24 age group is 55.1%, down from 60.8% a decade ago and from more than 66% back in the late 1990s.

Millennials continue to exit the labor market — and millions have never even held a job.

Why are workers disappearing? Minimum-wage increases are pricing the young out of the workforce. The myriad welfare programs are effectively paying the young not to work....

The Quiet Crisis Of America s Disappearing Workforce -
See how the rightie lies .... here's an example of one claiming employment of 16-24 year olds has dropped over the last year. No, not according to BLS statistics....

By no metric has employment among 16-24 years decreased over the last year, yet the lying rightie I'm responding to made exactly that bullshit claim.

Yet one more shining example why no one should ever believe a rightie.

Those stats prove that the economy is not providing enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Only 300K ended up being employed. Pathetic.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Even in the face of every stat indicating job growth among 16-24 years olds, the lying rightie keeps lying.

Don't ever trust a rightie. Lying is inherit among them.

See that folks? When the truth smacks down righties' lies -- they try to pile on more lies rather than just admit they're lying.

Now what, lying rightie?
During Obama's presidency, the population of these Americans increased by nearly 16 million — while the labor force grew by under 3 million.

The labor force participation rate for those 16 and over dropped from 65.7% at the start of the Obama presidency to just 62.6% last month. If this rate would have remained steady, the labor force would have been nearly 14 million stronger.
Invested Bigots Daily is hardly a credible source!
There are a couple of OBVIOUS problems with that premise upon which the whole rant is built.
If the 3 million growth in labor force was 14 million stronger that would assume a 106% LPR not the 65.7% claimed.
Assuming a constant LPR assumes a constant birth rate and a constant death rate and a constant retirement rate, among a number of other moronic constants.
We have more kids going to college and getting completely worthless degrees.

Nonetheless, the reduction in high school dropout rates and increases in college enrollment's do indeed explain reductions in workforce participation rates for the 16-24 year old group.

It's additionally worrisome that the younger cohort is missing out on the opportunity to develop a work ethic.

That's funny. I figured that the high demands of completing a college education entailed a strong work ethic in and of themselves. Also, you're making too many assumptions. Many high school and college students work seasonally. Some work intermittently, holding a job one semester but leaving it when coming across a particularly challenging semester.

Look, it's absolutely asinine to insist that young people need to drop out of school and get a job flipping burgers in order to get ahead in life.

Not really. Many college students work at part time jobs to make ends meet .... or at least used to when jobs were available. Now, far too many are saddled with tons-o-debt that they will never be able to a pay off. And what is the impact: delay in family creation and home buying. The economy is in a downward spiral due to excessive debt. Fake stats provided by the Feds don't make this any less of a fact.
I also notice a lot of the workers at these hospitality jobs don't speak very good English. Could this be a lot of where are illegal immigration problems exist? Are these hospitality places getting rich and not paying their taxes for American workers? I bet. Especially when these jobs are mostly tip or under the table dishwashers
How many Americans are "supposed" to be in the workforce out of 330 million people?

Are children expected to work? Young mothers? Invalids? Retirees?

What number will make you happy?

Another Low-Info post by RW.

The Civilian Population used to calculate workforce statistics includes people 16 years and older. Children below the legal working age are excluded.

One incredibly sad fact of Obamanomics is the drop in employement for 16-24:

Over the past year the number of working-age Americans who have dropped from the civilian labor force has risen by 1.5 million. During Obama's presidency, the population of these Americans increased by nearly 16 million — while the labor force grew by under 3 million.

The labor force participation rate for those 16 and over dropped from 65.7% at the start of the Obama presidency to just 62.6% last month. If this rate would have remained steady, the labor force would have been nearly 14 million stronger.


This is partially explained by baby boomers retiring — at the pace of nearly 10,000 a day. But the largest reduction in the workforce has been among those under the age of 29. Today the labor force participation rate for the 16-24 age group is 55.1%, down from 60.8% a decade ago and from more than 66% back in the late 1990s.

Millennials continue to exit the labor market — and millions have never even held a job.

Why are workers disappearing? Minimum-wage increases are pricing the young out of the workforce. The myriad welfare programs are effectively paying the young not to work....

The Quiet Crisis Of America s Disappearing Workforce -
You are bitching about 16 year olds not working?

4 million baby boomers retire each bitching about that too?

What a moron. The age range is 16 to 24 years old. You're getting more and more desperate, bub.
The age range you are bitching about is 16 to 100
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.
Annapolis is inner city to me. Im a country boy at heart. I actually live south of annapolis in an area that people cant see their neighbors, as God intended. And those filthy illegals are taking more than fast food jobs.
Funny story, off topic but funny.
Couple years ago I loaded up the bed of the truck with illegals and told them we were going to so a landscape cleanup.
I drove them from Maryland into Virginia, stopped in front of a house that was empty, Had them start pulling weeds and told them I was going for equipment and mulch. I drove off never to return. I moved 6 illegals out of the state that day..

:lol: I think you should spend a few days in Baltimore. Because this is not "inner city."


This is small town USA.
As the population grows larger, anything to do with population also grows. Unless Republicans are saying that 8 year olds and super seniors should be working. Where are the minimum wage jobs? The GOP shipped off the best ones to China from 2001 to 2008.
Middle class Republicans agree with us Democrats that the whole system is corrupted and has been taken over by the rich. Douchebag just admitted it. Of course he wants to lump it all out Obama in this situation but he at least admits the problem exists. Unless he's suggesting the Republicans are owned and controlled by those very same people?
LOL, like there's no such thing as an upper class Democrat that's smiling all the way to the bank.

Annapolis is inner city to me. Im a country boy at heart. I actually live south of annapolis in an area that people cant see their neighbors, as God intended. And those filthy illegals are taking more than fast food jobs.
Funny story, off topic but funny.
Couple years ago I loaded up the bed of the truck with illegals and told them we were going to so a landscape cleanup.
I drove them from Maryland into Virginia, stopped in front of a house that was empty, Had them start pulling weeds and told them I was going for equipment and mulch. I drove off never to return. I moved 6 illegals out of the state that day..

:lol: I think you should spend a few days in Baltimore. Because this is not "inner city."


This is small town USA.
Have had my boat tied up there more than once I can tell you.
This is what shopping in Socialist Greece looks like today;


Coming to a Walmart near you soon enough...

That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

If you are not looking for work because you believe no jobs are available, and you live in central Maryland, please inbox me to arrange for an interview!!

I am in desperate need to hire at least three people. No experience necessary, just need to have a good attitude, willing to spend four weeks going through intensive training and continually learn, pass a drug screening, not be a slob, and flexible availability.
Middle class Republicans agree with us Democrats that the whole system is corrupted and has been taken over by the rich. Douchebag just admitted it. Of course he wants to lump it all out Obama in this situation but he at least admits the problem exists. Unless he's suggesting the Republicans are owned and controlled by those very same people?
LOL, like there's no such thing as an upper class Democrat that's smiling all the way to the bank.

So you are so disagreeable that we can't even agree even when we agree got it
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Here is an example of the lying rightie resorting to alternative statistics because the officials ones aren't bad enough for them.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And why no admission from you for lying about 16-24 years dropping in employment? You were shown up to being the lying imbecile you are.
A record 93,626,000 Americans 16 or older did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June
Read more at Record 93 626 000 Americans not in labor force
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
There is no NEW definition of discouraged workers.
Shadow Stats just makes up numbers.
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Here is an example of the lying rightie resorting to alternative statistics because the officials ones aren't bad enough for them.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And why no admission from you for lying about 16-24 years dropping in employment? You were shown up to being the lying imbecile you are.

You sad sack of sophistry. I quoted the declining labor force participation rate...and accurately observed that the economy is not producing enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Obamanomics is an EPIC Fail. If we had had a Reaganesque policy, the economy would have produced millions more jobs by now.

A record 93,626,000 Americans 16 or older did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June
Read more at Record 93 626 000 Americans not in labor force
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
There is no NEW definition of discouraged workers.
Shadow Stats just makes up numbers.

Condolences on your thorough brainwashing and lack of acquaintance with intellectual rigor.
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Here is an example of the lying rightie resorting to alternative statistics because the officials ones aren't bad enough for them.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And why no admission from you for lying about 16-24 years dropping in employment? You were shown up to being the lying imbecile you are.

You sad sack of sophistry. I quoted the declining labor force participation rate...and accurately observed that the economy is not producing enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Obamanomics is an EPIC Fail. If we had had a Reaganesque policy, the economy would have produced millions more jobs by now.

View attachment 43858
And the lying rightie continues to lie. You started by saying: "One incredibly sad fact of Obamanomics is the drop in employement for 16-24:"
That's because millions of people have completely given up looking for work and are no longer included in the statistic.
There are less than ONE million discouraged workers total.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 653,000 discouraged workers in June,
essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

You are blithering moron. That is based on the new definition of discouraged workers.

Shadow Stats uses the old method which doesn't exclude millions of people who have given up because they can't find a job.
Here is an example of the lying rightie resorting to alternative statistics because the officials ones aren't bad enough for them.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And why no admission from you for lying about 16-24 years dropping in employment? You were shown up to being the lying imbecile you are.

You sad sack of sophistry. I quoted the declining labor force participation rate...and accurately observed that the economy is not producing enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Obamanomics is an EPIC Fail. If we had had a Reaganesque policy, the economy would have produced millions more jobs by now.

View attachment 43858
And the lying rightie continues to lie. You started by saying: "One incredibly sad fact of Obamanomics is the drop in employement for 16-24:"

I see that you have to resort to not properly quoting me. Here is what I highlighted:

[i}This is partially explained by baby boomers retiring — at the pace of nearly 10,000 a day. But the largest reduction in the workforce has been among those under the age of 29. Today the labor force participation rate for the 16-24 age group is 55.1%, down from 60.8% a decade ago and from more than 66% back in the late 1990s.

Millennials continue to exit the labor market — and millions have never even held a job.

Why are workers disappearing? Minimum-wage increases are pricing the young out of the workforce. The myriad welfare programs are effectively paying the young not to work..

The employment levels of millenials as a RATIO of their cohort has dropped. You can play semantic games, but that doesn't change the fact that OBAMANOMICS IS AN EPIC FAIL.
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

If you are not looking for work because you believe no jobs are available, and you live in central Maryland, please inbox me to arrange for an interview!!

I am in desperate need to hire at least three people. No experience necessary, just need to have a good attitude, willing to spend four weeks going through intensive training and continually learn, pass a drug screening, not be a slob, and flexible availability.
I can give you more than you ask for, and I can answer any drug screen questions, like how many roaches does it take to roll a full joint...what type of job is it, telemarketing?
Not trying to defend Obama....but of course it's going to be a the record...our population has grown by more than that Reagan was president.

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