Record low tornado count!

Climate is really complicated. Understanding the history of climate is very hard, predicting the future is impossible.
Also, as predicted, this year's hurricane count is very low. Season is just about over.
As AGW makes no predictions about tornadoes, and nobody here was predicting it, just why is Skook being so retarded?

Oh, that's right. It's skook. He can't help it. He's the one consistently making idiot "Look, a snowflake!" threads, even though we point out how 'effin retarded that is. You just can't fix stupid at that level.

What part of "by 2080" in that article was unclear to you? Do you think the current year is 2080?

Sop, did you lie deliberately there, out of butthurt against me and cult fervor, or were you just being a moron?
You made the claim that NOBODY was predicting increased frequency of tornadoes....It took me less than a minute to show that you are a liar....And I do mean LIAR, because you could know better but look the other way.

Suck it, moonbat.
Hey guys....sorry I've been a bit incognito in recent days in this forum. Having waaaaaaaay too much fun in the POLITICS forum serving up bumpy cucumbers to progressives who will be going down hard tomorrow!! I cant hep myself.....what can I say?:113::113:

Much drinking of BEER tomorrow in America.....and how fucking hysterical is that?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Understanding the history of climate is very hard, predicting the future is impossible.
No it isn't. In fact, the models have been surpringly accurate. The earth continues to rapidly warm, as predicted. The ocean continues to acidify, as predicted. Atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to increase, as predicted. Sea levels continue to rise, as predicted. Ocean temps continue to rise, as predicted.
Understanding the history of climate is very hard, predicting the future is impossible.
No it isn't. In fact, the models have been surpringly accurate. The earth continues to rapidly warm, as predicted. The ocean continues to acidify, as predicted. Atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to increase, as predicted. Sea levels continue to rise, as predicted. Ocean temps continue to rise, as predicted.

Nobody cares about 3mm of sea rise s0n except you Mamooth, Old Rocks and maybe 47 other people!!!
Understanding the history of climate is very hard, predicting the future is impossible.
No it isn't. In fact, the models have been surpringly accurate. The earth continues to rapidly warm, as predicted. The ocean continues to acidify, as predicted. Atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to increase, as predicted. Sea levels continue to rise, as predicted. Ocean temps continue to rise, as predicted.

Nobody cares about 3mm of sea rise s0n except you Mamooth, Old Rocks and maybe 47 other people!!!
Of course, that is false, as any fool who bothers to look can see for themselves. You always make this like to assume you are normal, therefore "everyone" thinks like you. No, you are not normal. Most people don't spend such an inordinate amount of time wagging their ignorant chins on topics they know less than nothing about.
Of course, that is false, as any fool who bothers to look can see for themselves. You always make this like to assume you are normal, therefore "everyone" thinks like you. No, you are not normal. Most people don't spend such an inordinate amount of time wagging their ignorant chins on topics they know less than nothing about.
Must be national irony day, here @ USMB! :lmao:
Of course, that is false, as any fool who bothers to look can see for themselves. You always make this like to assume you are normal, therefore "everyone" thinks like you. No, you are not normal. Most people don't spend such an inordinate amount of time wagging their ignorant chins on topics they know less than nothing about.
Must be national irony day, here @ USMB! :lmao:
You almost posted a complete sentence, and you posted no meme. We'll call that, "progress".

What part of "by 2080" in that article was unclear to you? Do you think the current year is 2080?

Sop, did you lie deliberately there, out of butthurt against me and cult fervor, or were you just being a moron?
And it`s clear to you that in 2080 there will be more tornadoes?
"Researchers examined how global warming will affect severe weather during the heart of tornado season — March, April and May. They found that while the yearly tornado total will climb by 2080,"
Explain how it can get from fewer (now) to more in 2080 which is the part that is unclear to you. You must have a pretty weird definition of "climb"
What is clear, is that alarmists and pseudo scientists can make all kinds of idiotic predictions today and won`t be around to face the well deserved ridicule when it`s 2080. What also is certain, is that in 2080 people will want to know how come some stupid people who are dead and buried by then advocated this crap to re- freeze the climate to 1850 to 1900 temperatures which would make it impossible to provide enough food for the number of people who will inhabit this planet in 2080.
The IPCC will be long gone by then but the polar ice caps will still be there.
2080 will be a good market for urinal soap shaped like the heads of the charlatans who perpetuated the AGW hoax. That will make everybody think twice before they attempt another scam like this one.
Understanding the history of climate is very hard, predicting the future is impossible.
No it isn't. In fact, the models have been surpringly accurate. The earth continues to rapidly warm, as predicted. The ocean continues to acidify, as predicted. Atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to increase, as predicted. Sea levels continue to rise, as predicted. Ocean temps continue to rise, as predicted.

Oh brother, I get so tired of amateur climatologists puffing their chest as they recite statistics. Let’s start with you telling me your qualifications for analyzing climate data and rendering hypothesis, or judging the accuracy of models. When your done with that, explain why the Sahara Desert was a fertile expanse with diverse bio population including many mammals only 15,000 years ago, but is dry and supports little life now. Then tell me what caused the Little Ice Age. These were both major climate events. I’m waiting......
Understanding the history of climate is very hard, predicting the future is impossible.
No it isn't. In fact, the models have been surpringly accurate. The earth continues to rapidly warm, as predicted. The ocean continues to acidify, as predicted. Atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to increase, as predicted. Sea levels continue to rise, as predicted. Ocean temps continue to rise, as predicted.

Nobody cares about 3mm of sea rise s0n except you Mamooth, Old Rocks and maybe 47 other people!!!
Of course, that is false, as any fool who bothers to look can see for themselves. You always make this like to assume you are normal, therefore "everyone" thinks like you. No, you are not normal. Most people don't spend such an inordinate amount of time wagging their ignorant chins on topics they know less than nothing about.

You idiot......please show us a smidgeon of proof anybody is caring about the 3mm. Links us where there is any evidence of people moving to action on the 3mm? Congress represents the people. Congress could not possibly be less interested in the 3mm.:bigbed::bigbed::hello77:

Approaching any issue with pure emotions = ghey. We are seeing that this weekend with Dr Ford.....most folks dont approach issues on pure emotions like progressives do. Thats why they consistently are losing.

People like Fort Fun and Mamooth.......lives dictated by emotions. Their opinion is that people are ignorant if they are not paying attention to the 3mm, but who cares? Its not mattering for dick in the real world........they missed the memo everybody else got.......that opinions are like assholes..........:cul2::cul2::flirtysmile4:
Understanding the history of climate is very hard, predicting the future is impossible.
No it isn't. In fact, the models have been surpringly accurate. The earth continues to rapidly warm, as predicted. The ocean continues to acidify, as predicted. Atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to increase, as predicted. Sea levels continue to rise, as predicted. Ocean temps continue to rise, as predicted.

Nobody cares about 3mm of sea rise s0n except you Mamooth, Old Rocks and maybe 47 other people!!!
Of course, that is false, as any fool who bothers to look can see for themselves. You always make this like to assume you are normal, therefore "everyone" thinks like you. No, you are not normal. Most people don't spend such an inordinate amount of time wagging their ignorant chins on topics they know less than nothing about.

You idiot......please show us a smidgeon of proof anybody is caring about the 3mm. Links us where there is any evidence of people moving to action on the 3mm? Congress represents the people. Congress could not possibly be less interested in the 3mm.:bigbed::bigbed::hello77:

Approaching any issue with pure emotions = ghey. We are seeing that this weekend with Dr Ford.....most folks dont approach issues on pure emotions like progressives do. Thats why they consistently are losing.

People like Fort Fun and Mamooth.......lives dictated by emotions. Their opinion is that people are ignorant if they are not paying attention to the 3mm, but who cares? Its not mattering for dick in the real world........they missed the memo everybody else got.......that opinions are like assholes..........:cul2::cul2::flirtysmile4:
Its not mattering for dick in the real world........they missed the memo everybody else got.......that opinions are like assholes......
Or more accurately they are the opinions of Soros packaged in speech bubbles which get blown out of the assholes he bought.
This lack of tornadoes has been disastrous for my business...

I sell single-wides in Kansas...


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