Record low tornado count!

Why? You can't look it up yourself?

the little ice age: it took hundreds of years for the temps to drop almost 1 degC. We have accomplished a 1degC rise in less than 100 years. We know why it happened, just as we know why the globe is rapidly warming today. In fact, it is the same scientific community that taught us both facts. I am sure they would love to hear your absurd idea that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work.... :rolleyes:

First explain the relevance of your question. I'm not going into a detailed explanation of the science unless I'm convinced you're asking in good faith. I don't do weasel games, and you look like you're playing a weasel game.

Look at me for an example of honesty. I make my points directly, without playing weasel question games. My point is that your "Climate changes naturally, so humans can't change climate!" line of reasoning is quite stupid.

And I never claimed that man can’t affect climate. How’s that for English?

Then what point are you trying to make? Don't expect me to be a mind reader. I can only go by what your write. If you've got a point to make, have the guts to state it directly.

Well I will give you credit for recognizing a trap question.

What you will find if you actually research the cause of these 2 climate events is that there has never been a consensus of the events for their cause. Moreover, you will not find any consensus that the science regarding these events is “settled”.

Why is that? Because the study of these events is real science, and not filled with politically motivated forces.

Now ask yourself- how can we be so certain of the cause of the global warming we are experiencing today? We can study all the events that surrounded the lLittle Ice Age and the changes in the Sahara, but the scientist never claim it is settled, they continue to study it.

The history of climate is difficult to understand, the future is impossible to predict.
The history of climate is difficult to understand, the future is impossible to predict.

That's the "We don't know everything perfectly, so we shouldn't act." argument.

It's flawed, because the same standard isn't adhered to on other topics. We don't know everything about gravity, but we launch rockets anyways. We're not 100% certain that smoking causes cancer, but we act as if it does. At a certain point, the level of certainty reaches a point where not acting on the level of certainty is irrational, and we're long past that point with climate.
It is clear warmist/alarmists peed all over the thread with deflcting drivel.

The FACT remains, that Tornado counts are VERY LOW compared to previous years. Now it appears this year WILL end with a record low number Tornado count, the very opposite to what warmist/alarmists predicted for year that it would go UP in counts in the years ahead.

Here is the latest news about it:

Watts Up With That?

2018 U.S. tornadoes on track to be lowest ever – NOAA’s temperature trends blow a hole in “climate correlation”

Selected Excerpt:

We recently covered the lack of tornadoes in 2018 from data supplied by the NOAA Storm Prediction Center, but the above graph clearly illustrates the downward trend. from 1954 to 1985, there was an average of 55.9 F3 strength or greater tornadoes in the USA per year, and in the period from 1985 to present, that number dwindled to 33.8 F3 strength of greater tornadoes per year. The year isn’t over yet, but now that we are out of the main period of tornado activity, it’s a likely bet that 2018 will come in the lowest ever.
It is clear warmist/alarmists peed all over the thread with deflcting drivel

So, you're deflecting about how all the deniers got busted for repeating brazen lies about how AGW theory supposedly predicted more tornadoes.

You all could have initially been excused for just being ignorant and brainwashed. When we gently corrected you about how the propaganda that you fell for was fake, a classy response would have been "Thank you for educating me. Given how WUWT and others lied to my face, I'll never trust them as a source again."

Needless to say, most of the deniers did the opposite, and doubled down on the dishonesty.
It is clear warmist/alarmists peed all over the thread with deflcting drivel

So, you're deflecting about how all the deniers got busted for repeating brazen lies about how AGW theory supposedly predicted more tornadoes.

You all could have initially been excused for just being ignorant and brainwashed. When we gently corrected you about how the propaganda that you fell for was fake, a classy response would have been "Thank you for educating me. Given how WUWT and others lied to my face, I'll never trust them as a source again."

Needless to say, most of the deniers did the opposite, and doubled down on the dishonesty.

But not losing s0n.....its all about who's winning.

All the science honesty in the world hasn't yielded your side dick in the realm of public policy save some light bulb legislation in California. Evidently, the scientists have yet to make their case.....policymakers could not possibly be any less interested in action on climate change.

You asshats pwn the big bumpy cucumber!:hello77::hhello::hhello:. That's why I laugh my balls off every day in this forum s0n!!
More AGW k00k losing.

New Record Low Tornado Count as of October 3 « Roy Spencer, PhD

I'm laughing....after Joplin a few years back, especially Old Rocks and some of the other alarmists started throwing bombs with warnings of "bigger and more frequent tornado's due to climate change"

Like so so many other hail Mary passes.....fAiL.:113::cul2::cul2:. What a bunch of fucking bozo's

Tornadoes are not a good indicator of climate change, despite what alarmists may claim.

The change in average temperature and/or precipitation does not cause tornadoes. Tornadoes happen when warm fronts meet cold fronts. If the average temperature drops or raises, the difference between the warm front and the cold front is still the cause of the tornado.
More AGW k00k losing.

New Record Low Tornado Count as of October 3 « Roy Spencer, PhD

I'm laughing....after Joplin a few years back, especially Old Rocks and some of the other alarmists started throwing bombs with warnings of "bigger and more frequent tornado's due to climate change"

Like so so many other hail Mary passes.....fAiL.:113::cul2::cul2:. What a bunch of fucking bozo's

Tornadoes are not a good indicator of climate change, despite what alarmists may claim.

The change in average temperature and/or precipitation does not cause tornadoes. Tornadoes happen when warm fronts meet cold fronts. If the average temperature drops or raises, the difference between the warm front and the cold front is still the cause of the tornado.

Not according to Old Rocks.....just sayin' :113:
It is clear warmist/alarmists peed all over the thread with deflcting drivel

So, you're deflecting about how all the deniers got busted for repeating brazen lies about how AGW theory supposedly predicted more tornadoes.

You all could have initially been excused for just being ignorant and brainwashed. When we gently corrected you about how the propaganda that you fell for was fake, a classy response would have been "Thank you for educating me. Given how WUWT and others lied to my face, I'll never trust them as a source again."

Needless to say, most of the deniers did the opposite, and doubled down on the dishonesty.

I didn't say a word about the IPCC or the AGW hypothesis at all, here is what I actually stated:

"The FACT remains, that Tornado counts are VERY LOW compared to previous years. Now it appears this year WILL end with a record low number Tornado count, the very opposite to what warmist/alarmists predicted for year that it would go UP in counts in the years ahead."

WUWT didn't lie at all since they didn't mention the IPCC or the AGW hypothesis either, from WUWT:

"While claims of increased severe weather due to “climate change” aka “global warming” are thrown about by the media,..."

bolding mine


"Since “global warming” is said to be the cause of the perception of increased violent weather,..."

Not a word about the IPCC or AGW hypothesis at all.

You are a joke.
It is clear warmist/alarmists peed all over the thread with deflcting drivel

So, you're deflecting about how all the deniers got busted for repeating brazen lies about how AGW theory supposedly predicted more tornadoes.

You all could have initially been excused for just being ignorant and brainwashed. When we gently corrected you about how the propaganda that you fell for was fake, a classy response would have been "Thank you for educating me. Given how WUWT and others lied to my face, I'll never trust them as a source again."

Needless to say, most of the deniers did the opposite, and doubled down on the dishonesty.

I didn't say a word about the IPCC or the AGW hypothesis at all, here is what I actually stated:

"The FACT remains, that Tornado counts are VERY LOW compared to previous years. Now it appears this year WILL end with a record low number Tornado count, the very opposite to what warmist/alarmists predicted for year that it would go UP in counts in the years ahead."

WUWT didn't lie at all since they didn't mention the IPCC or the AGW hypothesis either, from WUWT:

"While claims of increased severe weather due to “climate change” aka “global warming” are thrown about by the media,..."

bolding mine


"Since “global warming” is said to be the cause of the perception of increased violent weather,..."

bolding mine

Not a word about the IPCC or AGW hypothesis at all.

You are a joke.

Hey man....can go back and forth for 100 years with that guy. Snowflakes just keep slinging the ghey. Just take a gander at that avatar dude.....clueless knows no bounds.:2up:
You are a joke.

As Neitzsche said, "When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you." So, I could try to decode the senseless denier ravings of you and Skook, but it would be a risk to intelligence and sanity, so I won't.

Plus, I don't care enough to bother.
You are a joke.

As Neitzsche said, "When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you." So, I could try to decode the senseless denier ravings of you and Skook, but it would be a risk to intelligence and sanity, so I won't.

Plus, I don't care enough to bother.


I can't show where WUWT or Sunsettommy brought the IPCC or AGW hypothesis into it, therefore try to appear smart with a misapplied quote from Friedrich Nietzsche.

You are indeed a Joke!
Last edited:
You are a joke.

As Neitzsche said, "When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you." So, I could try to decode the senseless denier ravings of you and Skook, but it would be a risk to intelligence and sanity, so I won't.

Plus, I don't care enough to bother.


I can't show where WUWT or Sunsettommy brought the IPCC or AGW hypothesis into it, therefore try to appear smart with a misapplied quote from Friedrich Nietzsche.

You are indeed a Joke!

He's a banner gazer my friend....that's why all I do is make fun of him. He thinks there are about 5 of us. Meanwhile, congress doesnt give a shit about climate change no matter who is in power!! I dont engage those with connect the dots issues :aug08_031:
Why? You can't look it up yourself?

the little ice age: it took hundreds of years for the temps to drop almost 1 degC. We have accomplished a 1degC rise in less than 100 years. We know why it happened, just as we know why the globe is rapidly warming today. In fact, it is the same scientific community that taught us both facts. I am sure they would love to hear your absurd idea that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work.... :rolleyes:
Speaking of historical ignorance... You take the cake...

greenlan ice core- interglacial.PNG

How about a cooling spike of 3 deg C in less than 100 years and a warming spike of 3 deg C in 150 years... Moron..
Why? You can't look it up yourself?

the little ice age: it took hundreds of years for the temps to drop almost 1 degC. We have accomplished a 1degC rise in less than 100 years. We know why it happened, just as we know why the globe is rapidly warming today. In fact, it is the same scientific community that taught us both facts. I am sure they would love to hear your absurd idea that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work.... :rolleyes:
Speaking of historical ignorance... You take the cake...

View attachment 263010

How about a cooling spike of 3 deg C in less than 100 years and a warming spike of 3 deg C in 150 years... Moron..
Yes, -31.50 minus -32.00 = 3

Fucking idiot

Sorry dummy...the "little ice age" maxed out at about 0.6degC cooling as compared to the average between 1000 and 2000 CE.
My, don't the denier dumbasses look even dumber now.

This is why the intelligent people don't point to short term weather trends. Only deniers are that stupid. It always bites them in the ass in the long run, but they never learn.

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