Records reveal Biden had his personal lawyer send a FedEx driver to the Penn Biden Center to pick up boxes of WH docs on Nov 2, 2022 ...

Of course. But we all know we are operating under 2 sets of rules.

Indeed, the fact that a Fed-Ex driver was used is a violation/ The FBI or Federal Marshals should have been used to transport those documents, especially if the boxes contained classified or secret materials.
Of course. But we all know we are operating under 2 sets of rules.

Just based on what we actually know as fact, Biden's handling of classified documents was worse than Trump's. The left claim Trump refused to give documents back but there is much evidence that Biden knew he had documents and still kept them, for years, far longer than Trump.
Just throw out any piece of SH%% out & see what you can get to stick.
This is done daily, How this man has been in politics for 50 years with relative little complaints.
But with running for or becoming president, He NOW is accused of molesting minors even family members.
Sexual attacks on women, illegal taking of money from half the world. messing his pants, falling down & every other
physical, mental negative condition known to man. Their are always good reasons for complaints,
for no one ever comes close to perfect. This crap is so over the top its sad.

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