Recount efforts so far - million dollars for each added Trump vote

Jill Stein, in her recount efforts has successfully trolled the tearful liberal community. So far, they have had to pay about a million dollars for each of the new votes Trump has gained.

Who knew that we would get to have the delicious regressive tears - twice? I say Trump's victory has already been worth it...

Stein is a money grubbing nasty ass wench. She has stated categorically that she will keep money raised and not used to pay for this nonsense. She is typical of all left wingers. Desperate and irrational.
If Stein's contention and reasoning for these recounts was valid, why not recount New Hampshire, where Hillary won by a mere 3000 votes? Now, that's a tight election...
I agree. Recount all of Frank's 57 states.

How is stein's dog in this fight with her lousy one percent, anyway? She doesn't have one in a zillion chances of being prez.
If Stein's contention and reasoning for these recounts was valid, why not recount New Hampshire, where Hillary won by a mere 3000 votes? Now, that's a tight election...
I agree. Recount all of Frank's 57 states.

How is stein's dog in this fight with her lousy one percent, anyway? She doesn't have one in a zillion chances of being prez.
She's trying to convince the country that Clinton was cheated.
I knew this was going to happen. I predicted it.
I stated on this board that if Clinton did not win the EC vote, the libs would go cuckoo for cocoa puffs and then try anything and everything they could to alter the results.
And why is this? Because liberals believe that the acquisition and retention of political power is a birthright.
when this ordeal is done with, maybe we can get a job for Stienberg as an inventory clerk for superwalmarts being she is so obsessed with counting.
Not a good idea, she will never believe the totals and will end up bankrupting them with the recounts.
Spread the wealth I always say...
Ok. You first. Spread YOUR wealth. We'll let ya know if we choose to participate.
I don't have any to spread. I have already given it away...
If Stein's contention and reasoning for these recounts was valid, why not recount New Hampshire, where Hillary won by a mere 3000 votes? Now, that's a tight election...
I agree. Recount all of Frank's 57 states.

How is stein's dog in this fight with her lousy one percent, anyway? She doesn't have one in a zillion chances of being prez.
She's trying to convince the country that Clinton was cheated.
I knew this was going to happen. I predicted it.
I stated on this board that if Clinton did not win the EC vote, the libs would go cuckoo for cocoa puffs and then try anything and everything they could to alter the results.
And why is this? Because liberals believe that the acquisition and retention of political power is a birthright.
And some on the right promised armed rebellion if Hillary won, there are nutzies on both sides...
If Stein's contention and reasoning for these recounts was valid, why not recount New Hampshire, where Hillary won by a mere 3000 votes? Now, that's a tight election...
I agree. Recount all of Frank's 57 states.

How is stein's dog in this fight with her lousy one percent, anyway? She doesn't have one in a zillion chances of being prez.
Exactly. She has no standing and should have no hearing.
I have only a couple of questions:

1. Why not to count well to begin with and if there are any doubts in counting votes in Michigan and Wisconsin, how do we know that the states, where Hillary won, were counted any better?

2. Why not to demand showing the ID before voting to make sure non-citizens and dead people wouldn't vote?

Seems like somebody is more interested in a show, not the truth. Too bad...

That's a good question. Why isn't Stein having recounts in the States Hillary won??

If she wants to see if the count was done legally then the States Clinton won should be on the block as well.

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