Recruiting blues

Fmr jarhead said:
He was promoted to General (4 Star) in June 2000, when he become CENTCOM Commanding General. You may be a little confused in his function and the function of CENTCOM.

Let's see....Army Chain of Command

Commander in Chief: Pres. Bush
Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld
Secretary of the Army: Gen Thomas E White
Joint Chief of Staff: Gen Richard B. Myers
Army Chief of Staff: Gen Shinseki

Is your contention that Franks was promoted because he supported fewer US troops in the war effort? (even before there was an attack on the WTC?)

I don't recall hearing any decenting opinions from Gen Myers or Gen White......but then, again, I don't subscribe to the same news as you.
You're right, it hasn't answered you!
gop_jeff said:
Nice dodge.

If this thread is about recruiting difficulties, why would you want to discuss a South American socialist political party?
It is not a dodge, it is an attempt to comply with the purpose of the board. I know what this thread is about; I started it. I responded to a question about my avatar and signature out of courtesy. I am more than happy to discuss the cocaleros and other aspects of Latin American politics. A separate thread would be more respectful to other posters who wish to discuss the recruiting issue, don't you agree? It is unfortunate that you can't address me without sullen discourtesy. I'll treat you nice if you treat me nice. Right now, it's too hot to bother with post-adolescent rebellion syndrome. I'm gonna make some lemonade and sit out on the porch. Pax tibi.
mrsx said:
It is not a dodge, it is an attempt to comply with the purpose of the board. I know what this thread is about; I started it. I responded to a question about my avatar and signature out of courtesy. I am more than happy to discuss the cocaleros and other aspects of Latin American politics. A separate thread would be more respectful to other posters who wish to discuss the recruiting issue, don't you agree? It is unfortunate that you can't address me without sullen discourtesy. I'll treat you nice if you treat me nice. Right now, it's too hot to bother with post-adolescent rebellion syndrome. I'm gonna make some lemonade and sit out on the porch. Pax tibi.

You are way out of line here. When has GOPJeff been discourteous? You ma'm, sir, whatever, are no more than a troll. In all likelihood you are a former banned member. Hope you choke on your lemonade.
mrsx said:
It is unfortunate that you can't address me without sullen discourtesy.

mrsx said:
Right now, it's too hot to bother with post-adolescent rebellion syndrome.

Nice sullen discourtesy. And you are certainly free to start a thread about the cocaleros if you wish.
Kathianne said:
You are way out of line here. When has GOPJeff been discourteous? You ma'm, sir, whatever, are no more than a troll. In all likelihood you are a former banned member. Hope you choke on your lemonade.

nah it is a self proclaimed cool aid drinking porch monkey
mrsx said:
It is not a dodge, it is an attempt to comply with the purpose of the board. I know what this thread is about; I started it. I responded to a question about my avatar and signature out of courtesy. I am more than happy to discuss the cocaleros and other aspects of Latin American politics. A separate thread would be more respectful to other posters who wish to discuss the recruiting issue, don't you agree? It is unfortunate that you can't address me without sullen discourtesy. I'll treat you nice if you treat me nice. Right now, it's too hot to bother with post-adolescent rebellion syndrome. I'm gonna make some lemonade and sit out on the porch. Pax tibi.

Here is your new thread in which I comment on the economic comments you made.
Fmr jarhead said:
Not to pick nits, but you never answered, after your allegations about Gen Franks promotion.
Franks is a stealth general, a political operative working for the Bush family. Franks makes no mention of either his parents or his religion in his official biography, a most unusual fact which his Defense Dept. spokesman explained by saying, “He’s had his bio out that he wants to put out. He has certain rights.” Despite the secrecy, investigators have established that Franks is the only child of Ray, a Wynnewood, Okla., construction worker, and Lorene, a seamstress and homemaker. Soon after his birth in 1945, his family relocated to George W. Bush's former hometown of Midland, Texas, where Franks was a lineman on the high school football squad. When Franks surfaced as the commander of CENTCOM, journalists could find no one in Midland who could actually remember him having lived there, a very suspicious fact because the community is both small and tightly knit. Having attended the same high school in Midland as the president’s wife, Laura Bush, Franks moved to Austin where he attended University of Texas for about two years before flunking out and joining the army. Franks collected three Purple Hearts in Vietnam but there is no public record of how, when or where he was injured - a fact that puts him well beneath John Kerry in the roll of war heroes Subsequently,Franks joined the Army's "Boot Strap Degree Completion Program," and attended the University of Texas, Arlington, with a friendly push from George H.W. Bush, and graduated with a degree in Business Administration in 1971. After an undistinguished career in the army, he was promoted to general by William Cohen a Republican serving in the Clinton administration (our only Jewish Secretary of Defense) and placed in charge of Central Command. CENTCOM is a paper army with no troops of its own. Franks is of Russian Jewish extraction, the grandson of Khazar Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union. He has been a family friend and loyal supporter of the Bush family family all his life. They have protected and promoted him throughout his undistinguished career. Franks broke all military precedent by publicy endorsing George W. Bush for president and giving television interviews on the subject in uniform and while on active duty.


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Mr. P said:
What's the point in posting that pic mrsx? Does it reflect your true feelings of US troops, or did you just toss it in to inflame the board?

The photo is one of those "strange but true" news items that points up the difficulties the Army is having in getting recruits. It comes from the article link. It is not meant to disparage either the recruiters in the photo or the serving members of the U.S. military. The "all voluntary" army is a nice way of saying a standing army. America has a long tradition of opposition to a standing army. Apart from the Founders' fears of a military coup, which I regard as infinitely unlikely, a standing army becomes its own sub-culture, one which grows increasingly distinct from the population as a whole. The photo epitomizes that gulf. I also think it is funny - not the soldiers, the kid!
mrsx said:
The photo is one of those "strange but true" news items that points up the difficulties the Army is having in getting recruits. It comes from the article link. It is not meant to disparage either the recruiters in the photo or the serving members of the U.S. military. The "all voluntary" army is a nice way of saying a standing army. America has a long tradition of opposition to a standing army. Apart from the Founders' fears of a military coup, which I regard as infinitely unlikely, a standing army becomes its own sub-culture, one which grows increasingly distinct from the population as a whole. The photo epitomizes that gulf. I also think it is funny - not the soldiers, the kid!
I think you're full of shit..The photo in the article does not have the disparaging edits you posted.
You're transparent Mrsx.
Mr. P said:
I think you're full of shit..The photo in the article does not have the disparaging edits you posted.
You're transparent Mrsx.
Did the big, bad soldier boy get his feelings hurt? Too bad. Maybe Kathianne will give you another reach-around. LOL
Sir Evil said:
mrsx= biggest American idot of em' all! :321:
Fascists have no sense of humor. The constant need for praise and reassurance by all these GI Joe wannabe types does not argue well for their loudly self-professed patriotism. Get a life!
mrsx said:
Did the big, bad soldier boy get his feelings hurt? Too bad. Maybe Kathianne will give you another reach-around. LOL
Your true colors are showing Mrsx..
Address the post please, instead of attempting to get a rise from me, you won't. You posted an edited disparaging photo and think it's cute, all the while claiming to support the troops..what a laugh. Like I said you're transparent.
Sir Evil said:
Another comment like that and you will for surely get banned!
Oh no! What would I do then? What part didn't you like, O Evil Child?

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