Recruiting...The Discussion

Mebbe she had a bad pumpkin experience growing up.

you are one of the dud/s that run that board over there aren't ya?? yep,, that what you do.. and if everyone doesn't say exactly what you expect them to say then poof you are gone. so here's the scoop for the USMB folks. Since I'm accused of being a rat I'll damn sure be one.

So a new board was opened, people were recruited to go there, me included. What I found when I got there were people from this board talking smack about gunny and about dilloduck and Pixie.. I asked the question over there "do you think these cross board bitch sessions are a good idea" Evidently you did. I'm gone from there now. And you people need to grow the fuck up? I said it then and I'll say it again. If it's fair for you guys to pull bullshit off this board and carry it over there and talk about folks behind their back then it's damn sure fair to bring the bullshit from there over here. I told dilloduck he damn sure wasn't a "sleazoid" in my book and neither was glugsy.. And if you don't like that shit shove that pumpkin up your ass.

It is pretty sad when a board is created and its members can only be recruited from another board. Not to mention the fact that it is a closed board, by invite only.

Shows a spineless lack of integrity

Sounds like a gossip fest to me. Hope they have fun

By the way people can make all the boards they want, just do not recruit from this forum in any way shape or form that you can be discovered. Use your own freaking email or phone service.
No offense, Pixie...but this board was NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, until manifold recruited me to it...:lol:
one thing i have to say about willow... i pretty much almost never agree with anything she says. but she always tells you straight up what she thinks.

g-d love her. :)

could you possibly stick you neck out a little and tell gumpers I've even been nice to you on one or two occasions? If that will ruin your reputation you don't have to do it.
you are one of the dud/s that run that board over there aren't ya?? yep,, that what you do.. and if everyone doesn't say exactly what you expect them to say then poof you are gone. so here's the scoop for the USMB folks. Since I'm accused of being a rat I'll damn sure be one.

So a new board was opened, people were recruited to go there, me included. What I found when I got there were people from this board talking smack about gunny and about dilloduck and Pixie.. I asked the question over there "do you think these cross board bitch sessions are a good idea" Evidently you did. I'm gone from there now. And you people need to grow the fuck up? I said it then and I'll say it again. If it's fair for you guys to pull bullshit off this board and carry it over there and talk about folks behind their back then it's damn sure fair to bring the bullshit from there over here. I told dilloduck he damn sure wasn't a "sleazoid" in my book and neither was glugsy.. And if you don't like that shit shove that pumpkin up your ass.

It is pretty sad when a board is created and its members can only be recruited from another board. Not to mention the fact that it is a closed board, by invite only.

Shows a spineless lack of integrity

Sounds like a gossip fest to me. Hope they have fun

By the way people can make all the boards they want, just do not recruit from this forum in any way shape or form that you can be discovered. Use your own freaking email or phone service.

Love ya Miss Stix but the OP is not about "the other board". It is about the sanctity of PMs. I get it that there should absolutely be no recruiting on the message board. What chaps my hide is threatening to ban good loyal members if they even mention another site in a PM. I think that blows monkey dick.

Just sayin....:eusa_whistle:
No shit........I don't see the harm, for example, if you're a sports fan, you PM back and forth with another fan, and say, "oh man, there's a good discussion goin' on over at the ESPN board about ???????, you should go check it out".

It's not hurting this board........It makes no friggin' sense.

And yes people, delete your PM's.......Don't trust anything.
The PMs are NEVER read!~Period

I find that hard to believe after yesterday.
NEVER trust!:doubt:

Or go ahead and trust----just don't expect it to be honored.
Here --in real live anywhere---We always take the risk of someone finding out about us. If you REALLY want something private-- don't fucking type it.
People don't have to hear things in PMs to know things about you. Your best friend could be blabbing.
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OK...This is a perfect example of why I love this board. A certain mod first reacted to defend the board...and rightly so. But that mod was reasonable and was open to a persuasive argument to reconsider. THAT is one of the things about this MB that sets it apart.

THAT is one of the reasons I stick around here.

Now to just get Gunny to take another look at his announcement and reconsider what he said about PMs....

Gimmie the dice!!!!!

I feel lucky!!!!
OK...This is a perfect example of why I love this board. A certain mod first reacted to defend the board...and rightly so. But that mod was reasonable and was open to a persuasive argument to reconsider. THAT is one of the things about this MB that sets it apart.

THAT is one of the reasons I stick around here.

Now to just get Gunny to take another look at his announcement and reconsider what he said about PMs....

Gimmie the dice!!!!!

I feel lucky!!!!

I'm shocked its still posted ... :rofl:


Or delete your PMs frequently. Think of it as bringing bleach to a crime scene.

ah... and therein is the only problem. no one should EVER go into pm's.

The PMs are NEVER read!~Period

Mods can't read PMs period....

There is a difference between cant and don't.

There is a vBulletin coding hack that allows access to the PM system. I am not saying that they have it here or are using it. What i am saying is that the capability exits, so cant is not correct.
Mods can't read PMs period....

Well maybe they can't and maybe they can. The PMs Gunny referred to in his EDICT were brought to him by disgruntled members that were supposedly banned at another site. They were all good with the invite until they allegedly got bit. THEN in retribution they presented the PMs with the invite to Gunny. If all THAT is true then it is highly likely if they were still welcome ATOP then they would not have acted like the scurvy rats that they are.

That said...I couldn't care any less about the drama with some other site. What I do care about is that this little back biting drama has grown into something a little more troubling.

IMO Gunny or any mod should not get involved with the content of PM's. Unfortunately now PMs are not sacred. I don't like that. It used to be that it took permission by both parties to reveal the content of a PM. Now the door has been chewed open by a couple of rats and Gunny reacting to protect his MB has gone too far. I feel he should have warned all parties ...the two for being disgusting snitches and the senders of the PMs for recruiting...if that is what really happened. I see a distinct difference between casually mentioning an interesting site and actively attempting to steal members.
Mods can't read PMs period....

Well maybe they can't and maybe they can. The PMs Gunny referred to in his EDICT were brought to him by disgruntled members that were supposedly banned at another site. They were all good with the invite until they allegedly got bit. THEN in retribution they presented the PMs with the invite to Gunny. If all THAT is true then it is highly likely if they were still welcome ATOP then they would not have acted like the scurvy rats that they are.

That said...I couldn't care any less about the drama with some other site. What I do care about is that this little back biting drama has grown into something a little more troubling.

IMO Gunny or any mod should not get involved with the content of PM's. Unfortunately now PMs are not sacred. I don't like that. It used to be that it took permission by both parties to reveal the content of a PM. Now the door has been chewed open by a couple of rats and Gunny reacting to protect his MB has gone too far. I feel he should have warned all parties ...the two for being disgusting snitches and the senders of the PMs for recruiting...if that is what really happened. I see a distinct difference between casually mentioning an interesting site and actively attempting to steal members.

No one can "steal" members that do not want to go.

That is one of the reasons i think that "recruiting" in PM's is a stupid thing to worry about. Now actively advertising in open forum is different matter in my opinion.

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