Recruiting...The Discussion

fuck me one told me there would be smack talking about gunny.....

why go to another board to do that.....i have on occasion made posts about gunny that were not favorable to ban neg why got to another board...if you want to smack talk gunny do it on this board
fuck me one told me there would be smack talking about gunny.....

why go to another board to do that.....i have on occasion made posts about gunny that were not favorable to ban neg why got to another board...if you want to smack talk gunny do it on this board

Yeah, so we all can participate. :lol:
i notice a certain rat is keeping an unusually low profile.

this is not just bi-winning but is a WIN on all fronts.

There are a few keeping a low profile. Especially a couple who always had their head up Gunny's BE-hind.

Mods can't read PMs period....

Well maybe they can't and maybe they can. The PMs Gunny referred to in his EDICT were brought to him by disgruntled members that were supposedly banned at another site. They were all good with the invite until they allegedly got bit. THEN in retribution they presented the PMs with the invite to Gunny. If all THAT is true then it is highly likely if they were still welcome ATOP then they would not have acted like the scurvy rats that they are.

That said...I couldn't care any less about the drama with some other site. What I do care about is that this little back biting drama has grown into something a little more troubling.

IMO Gunny or any mod should not get involved with the content of PM's. Unfortunately now PMs are not sacred. I don't like that. It used to be that it took permission by both parties to reveal the content of a PM. Now the door has been chewed open by a couple of rats and Gunny reacting to protect his MB has gone too far. I feel he should have warned all parties ...the two for being disgusting snitches and the senders of the PMs for recruiting...if that is what really happened. I see a distinct difference between casually mentioning an interesting site and actively attempting to steal members.

The person who invited me over there is still here so obviously I didn't send Gunny any PM.. So you perhaps should retract.
Mods can't read PMs period....

Well maybe they can't and maybe they can. The PMs Gunny referred to in his EDICT were brought to him by disgruntled members that were supposedly banned at another site. They were all good with the invite until they allegedly got bit. THEN in retribution they presented the PMs with the invite to Gunny. If all THAT is true then it is highly likely if they were still welcome ATOP then they would not have acted like the scurvy rats that they are.

That said...I couldn't care any less about the drama with some other site. What I do care about is that this little back biting drama has grown into something a little more troubling.

IMO Gunny or any mod should not get involved with the content of PM's. Unfortunately now PMs are not sacred. I don't like that. It used to be that it took permission by both parties to reveal the content of a PM. Now the door has been chewed open by a couple of rats and Gunny reacting to protect his MB has gone too far. I feel he should have warned all parties ...the two for being disgusting snitches and the senders of the PMs for recruiting...if that is what really happened. I see a distinct difference between casually mentioning an interesting site and actively attempting to steal members.

The person who invited me over there is still here so obviously I didn't send Gunny any PM.. So you perhaps should retract.

what is there to retract, did he accuse you?
Well maybe they can't and maybe they can. The PMs Gunny referred to in his EDICT were brought to him by disgruntled members that were supposedly banned at another site. They were all good with the invite until they allegedly got bit. THEN in retribution they presented the PMs with the invite to Gunny. If all THAT is true then it is highly likely if they were still welcome ATOP then they would not have acted like the scurvy rats that they are.

That said...I couldn't care any less about the drama with some other site. What I do care about is that this little back biting drama has grown into something a little more troubling.

IMO Gunny or any mod should not get involved with the content of PM's. Unfortunately now PMs are not sacred. I don't like that. It used to be that it took permission by both parties to reveal the content of a PM. Now the door has been chewed open by a couple of rats and Gunny reacting to protect his MB has gone too far. I feel he should have warned all parties ...the two for being disgusting snitches and the senders of the PMs for recruiting...if that is what really happened. I see a distinct difference between casually mentioning an interesting site and actively attempting to steal members.

The person who invited me over there is still here so obviously I didn't send Gunny any PM.. So you perhaps should retract.

what is there to retract, did he accuse you?

why yes, I think he did.

No, he said I did it
Normally I'm the type of person who may be mad over something for a day or two and then I'm fine. Not so with this. I am reminded of watching someone make a small lie. At first it seems manageable and the person tells only a slightly larger lie to cover the first, then the lies get progressively larger and larger. Other actions become necessary until it is out of control and the truth becomes plain to most.

The pettiness is ricidulous. Something has to change so that healing can take place. So I'm less irritated and those on USMB, I'm taking a week off here, so you all can be less reminded of all things other board. Maybe some of the others can do the same and we can depressurize.
Normally I'm the type of person who may be mad over something for a day or two and then I'm fine. Not so with this. I am reminded of watching someone make a small lie. At first it seems manageable and the person tells only a slightly larger lie to cover the first, then the lies get progressively larger and larger. Other actions become necessary until it is out of control and the truth becomes plain to most.

The pettiness is ricidulous. Something has to change so that healing can take place. So I'm less irritated and those on USMB, I'm taking a week off here, so you all can be less reminded of all things other board. Maybe some of the others can do the same and we can depressurize.

poor baby.
Mods can't read PMs period....

Well maybe they can't and maybe they can. The PMs Gunny referred to in his EDICT were brought to him by disgruntled members that were supposedly banned at another site. They were all good with the invite until they allegedly got bit. THEN in retribution they presented the PMs with the invite to Gunny. If all THAT is true then it is highly likely if they were still welcome ATOP then they would not have acted like the scurvy rats that they are.

That said...I couldn't care any less about the drama with some other site. What I do care about is that this little back biting drama has grown into something a little more troubling.

IMO Gunny or any mod should not get involved with the content of PM's. Unfortunately now PMs are not sacred. I don't like that. It used to be that it took permission by both parties to reveal the content of a PM. Now the door has been chewed open by a couple of rats and Gunny reacting to protect his MB has gone too far. I feel he should have warned all parties ...the two for being disgusting snitches and the senders of the PMs for recruiting...if that is what really happened. I see a distinct difference between casually mentioning an interesting site and actively attempting to steal members.

The person who invited me over there is still here so obviously I didn't send Gunny any PM.. So you perhaps should retract.

OK. Fair enough. You think I am accusing you personally. I'm not sure I mentioned the logon "Willow" in any of this with the exception in reference to a comment I made that you are trying real hard to "take one for the team".

Let's take another look at the REAL source of my concern.

THE EDICT posted by Gunny 3/2/11 in Announcements

"ANNOUNCEMENT -- Recruiting for Other Boards
If I am made aware of members here recruiting for other message boards via PM on this website, the recruting member will be permanently banned and I will NOT entertain pleas to lift said ban.

That's low-life BS and speaks volumes concerning lack of integrity.

FYI: Though I will not read anyone's PMs that aren't forwarded to me by other members; which, as Admin is perfectly legit to do, if I suspect anyone of engaging in such practice I CAN and WILL and HAVE deleted all messages sent by user."

If we are to take Gunny at his word...AND I always have. SOMEBODY forwarded their invite to him which started this all in motion.

So who do you want to make the retraction Willow? Me?, Gunny?
Well maybe they can't and maybe they can. The PMs Gunny referred to in his EDICT were brought to him by disgruntled members that were supposedly banned at another site. They were all good with the invite until they allegedly got bit. THEN in retribution they presented the PMs with the invite to Gunny. If all THAT is true then it is highly likely if they were still welcome ATOP then they would not have acted like the scurvy rats that they are.

That said...I couldn't care any less about the drama with some other site. What I do care about is that this little back biting drama has grown into something a little more troubling.

IMO Gunny or any mod should not get involved with the content of PM's. Unfortunately now PMs are not sacred. I don't like that. It used to be that it took permission by both parties to reveal the content of a PM. Now the door has been chewed open by a couple of rats and Gunny reacting to protect his MB has gone too far. I feel he should have warned all parties ...the two for being disgusting snitches and the senders of the PMs for recruiting...if that is what really happened. I see a distinct difference between casually mentioning an interesting site and actively attempting to steal members.

The person who invited me over there is still here so obviously I didn't send Gunny any PM.. So you perhaps should retract.

OK. Fair enough. You think I am accusing you personally. I'm not sure I mentioned the logon "Willow" in any of this with the exception in reference to a comment I made that you are trying real hard to "take one for the team".

Let's take another look at the REAL source of my concern.

THE EDICT posted by Gunny 3/2/11 in Announcements

"ANNOUNCEMENT -- Recruiting for Other Boards
If I am made aware of members here recruiting for other message boards via PM on this website, the recruting member will be permanently banned and I will NOT entertain pleas to lift said ban.

That's low-life BS and speaks volumes concerning lack of integrity.

FYI: Though I will not read anyone's PMs that aren't forwarded to me by other members; which, as Admin is perfectly legit to do, if I suspect anyone of engaging in such practice I CAN and WILL and HAVE deleted all messages sent by user."

If we are to take Gunny at his word...AND I always have. SOMEBODY forwarded their invite to him which started this all in motion.

So who do you want to make the retraction Willow? Me?, Gunny?

Whatever happens between you and Gunny is between you and Gunny. Now If you're man enough go ask him. to his face.
The person who invited me over there is still here so obviously I didn't send Gunny any PM.. So you perhaps should retract.

OK. Fair enough. You think I am accusing you personally. I'm not sure I mentioned the logon "Willow" in any of this with the exception in reference to a comment I made that you are trying real hard to "take one for the team".

Let's take another look at the REAL source of my concern.

THE EDICT posted by Gunny 3/2/11 in Announcements

"ANNOUNCEMENT -- Recruiting for Other Boards
If I am made aware of members here recruiting for other message boards via PM on this website, the recruting member will be permanently banned and I will NOT entertain pleas to lift said ban.

That's low-life BS and speaks volumes concerning lack of integrity.

FYI: Though I will not read anyone's PMs that aren't forwarded to me by other members; which, as Admin is perfectly legit to do, if I suspect anyone of engaging in such practice I CAN and WILL and HAVE deleted all messages sent by user."

If we are to take Gunny at his word...AND I always have. SOMEBODY forwarded their invite to him which started this all in motion.

So who do you want to make the retraction Willow? Me?, Gunny?

Whatever happens between you and Gunny is between you and Gunny. Now If you're man enough go ask him. to his face.

What? Find out actual facts before running off at the mouth? Seriously?

Like I said... perception becomes 'reality'. It's very funny when that happens. Let's not ascertain the facts, let's all bury ourselves in a little huddle, discuss it and create the facts, blame someone, and slam that person for it.

Herd mentality is what drives lynch mobs.

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