Recycle or Else? Big Brother to Pick Through Trash

Man,we really are rapidly heading towards Orwell's 1984. Cheering for the Government invading your privacy and punishing you is just plain ignorant & insane. These Goose Steppers on this thread really are pretty scary. It kind of gives you a glimpse of how the Nazis were able to seize control of Germany. They couldn't have done it without the ignorant Goose Steppers. It's just so sad. Am i the only one who sees what's happening to our nation? Sometimes i feel like i am.

The landfills are full. The natural resources are limited. We have to recycle.

What's your solution?

Should the people who don't want to recycle pay for the cost of separating the garbage or should the city use our tax dollars to pay for it?

Maybe you prefer a tax hike? Either that or deficit spending.

You tell us.

This isn't the answer. It's a gross Government over-reach. Those who cheer for the Government invading their privacy and threatening to fine them really are ignorant Goose Steppers in my opinion. Freedom & Liberty trumps all in the end. There's nothing wrong with recycling but intimidating the people this way is wrong. If you support this then you really are lost. I don't think i can help you. No one can.

I think you need to find some cave to set up housekeeping in, far away from humankind. We have to share our surroundings with 305,000,000 people. I realize it can't be easy to run around shouting FREEDOM & LIBERTY and have others who are just trying to survive without all the faux patriotism laughing their asses off at you.
Yep.. record deficits, back-breaking social programs and double-digit unemployment.


Really? Sweden's economy is doing great!

Swedish Consumer Confidence Hits 10-Year High -

Norway's doing amazing too.

Healthy Economy Expected To Lift Norway Real Estate Prices

Germany as well....

The Associated Press: German consumer confidence rises

UK's looking good.

U.K. Retail Sales Hit Three-Year High -

But really, don't let the facts get in your way of a good smear campaign!

Yeah... great to the tune of ~50% federal taxation topped with a 25% VAT

What an idiot

What Europe gets for its taxes
Europeans pay higher taxes than do Americans, but for their money, they get a vast array of services that in the U.S., we must pay a major chunk of our incomes to match

posted on April 22, 2010, at 3:29 PM
Steven Hill
The Sacramento Bee

When Americans complain about taxes, said Steven Hill, they often point to Europe as the ultimate nightmare. But people in “socialist” countries like Sweden are hardly “overtaxed serfs.” Yes, Europeans pay higher taxes than do Americans, but for their money, they get a vast array of services that in the U.S., we must pay a major chunk of our incomes to match. The $200,000 Americans pay for college educations? In most European nations, university educations are free, or very cheap. All that money you’re stuffing into your 401(k), because Social Security payments are so anemic? In Europe, pensions provide more than 75 percent of what people need in retirement. Your soaring health-care premiums? In Europe, health care is available to all without charge, and the average cost per person is half that in the U.S. Child care, senior care, state-of-the-art mass transportation—all are provided without additional charges, in return for the Europeans’ taxes. The reality is that when you include our out-of-pocket expenses for essential services, “Americans pay out just as much as Europeans—but receive a lot less for our money.”
The day we all received our nice clean and expensive cans ( paid for by tax payers ;ike myself) the whole neighborhood was abuzz with glee and adoration.

I was the only one on my street that could see what was coming next.
Higher property taxes (check)
New ordinances/laws to tell us what we could or could not throw away (check)
Fines and tickets for breaking the new rules (check)

They all laughed at me.

Now our property taxes went even higher and many have to pay to have certain things hauled away.
AND....recently they started charging us a for picking up the garbage, which by the way our property taxes used to pay for, by sneeking it on our water/sewer bills. almost $10.00, per month. That is 120 bucks more per year, because the tax levy did not pass. Corruption run deep in what is known as the Cleveland Public Works, I mean sewer, AKA politics.

The Mistake by the Lake is losing residents in droves :evil:

I haven't heard my neighbors praise their little garbage cans for quite sometime now, I wonder why that is :eusa_whistle:

Cities and towns, as well as the states, are ALL suffering from lack of revenue due to the economic downturn. They have no choice but to think of creative ways to pay for things that their citizens require.

Are you no longer able to hire your own garbage collector if you want? How costly would that be? Or truck it off to a landfill yourself? I can remember the weekly treck to the dump with bags and boxes of trash that had collected on the porch all week and trying to keep the critters out of it. When city services began to include trash pickup, it was a Godsend, and nobody complained that the "city service" tax went up because of it.
Socialism never works. I think more & more Americans are finally waking up to this reality. Less Government is the answer. The Government always over-steps and abuses its power. I don't want a Government that punishes its people for not following their particular political agenda. Recycling is fine but don't invade people's privacy and fine them. This is not how i want my Government behaving. Our Government is supposed to serve the people not punish them. Our Government has lost its way. This is not what our Founding Fathers wanted. The Socialists/Progressives gotta go. Nuff said.

Everywhere I have lived in this country using the city provided garbage collection was optional. Here in Seattle you are welcome to opt out and take your refuse to the transfer stations yourself.

I was going to add that you are a willfully ignorant idiot but I haven't lived in your town.

You're always one step ahead of me lately.
btw I have to pay private haulers to pick up my garbage.
And they do not support recycling.
I of course recycle aluminum cans. They bring .65/lb. The rest I would have to haul 30 miles to recycle.

I would recycle all I could if it was reasonable available.
I have recycled in other places I have lived.

When I lived in Burlington, we had mandatory recyclying and blue boxes were provided to separate out aluminum/plastic/glass/newspaper which got picked up the same day as trash. Then I moved to a town where there wasn't mandatory recycling, but it had become such a habit that I do it anyway.

I've always wondered why there isn't a bottle return for liquor and wine. Wouldn't those serve two purposes just like recycling soda in plastic or aluminum cans? A nominal amount for the return and the container gets re-used. A no-brainer.
I have two Great Danes...I believe I will start putting all their dogshit in the trash from now on. Let's see how long it takes them to start skipping my garbage cans....

I would hope they would throw it all back on your neatly mowed lawn or your driveway.
I have two Great Danes...I believe I will start putting all their dogshit in the trash from now on. Let's see how long it takes them to start skipping my garbage cans....

I would hope they would throw it all back on your neatly mowed lawn or your driveway.

An ignorant mess like that doesn't have a neatly mowed lawn. LOL! But yes, I hope so too!
Years ago, my small town got taken over by a tiny group of enviro-wackos. Soon, the dump closed, we had to recycle (or they wouldn't pick up trash at all) and had to buy town trash bags at $3/each. When it was voluntary, my wife did it and I told her this was going to go bad some day. She wasn't happy when it became mandatory. Now we all work for the garbage men.
What bothers me the most about environmentalists is we're all supposed to support their initiatives, when in fact environmentalism is just another religion. They used to call if paganism, worshipping nature. That's what it is.
Bleepin Leftists! Shame on all the Goose Stepping Leftists on this thread for cheerleading for this stupid Government over-reach. What a joke.
Years ago, my small town got taken over by a tiny group of enviro-wackos. Soon, the dump closed, we had to recycle (or they wouldn't pick up trash at all) and had to buy town trash bags at $3/each. When it was voluntary, my wife did it and I told her this was going to go bad some day. She wasn't happy when it became mandatory. Now we all work for the garbage men.
What bothers me the most about environmentalists is we're all supposed to support their initiatives, when in fact environmentalism is just another religion. They used to call if paganism, worshipping nature. That's what it is.

So where does "nature" fit in with your own birth? Another immaculate conception here?

God you people are dumb...
Years ago, my small town got taken over by a tiny group of enviro-wackos. Soon, the dump closed, we had to recycle (or they wouldn't pick up trash at all) and had to buy town trash bags at $3/each. When it was voluntary, my wife did it and I told her this was going to go bad some day. She wasn't happy when it became mandatory. Now we all work for the garbage men.
What bothers me the most about environmentalists is we're all supposed to support their initiatives, when in fact environmentalism is just another religion. They used to call if paganism, worshipping nature. That's what it is.

So where does "nature" fit in with your own birth? Another immaculate conception here?

God you people are dumb...

So are you worshipping nature or not ?
Years ago, my small town got taken over by a tiny group of enviro-wackos. Soon, the dump closed, we had to recycle (or they wouldn't pick up trash at all) and had to buy town trash bags at $3/each. When it was voluntary, my wife did it and I told her this was going to go bad some day. She wasn't happy when it became mandatory. Now we all work for the garbage men.
What bothers me the most about environmentalists is we're all supposed to support their initiatives, when in fact environmentalism is just another religion. They used to call if paganism, worshipping nature. That's what it is.

So where does "nature" fit in with your own birth? Another immaculate conception here?

God you people are dumb...

So are you worshipping nature or not ?

The human race would not survive without the life cycles of plants, animals, water. It's a no-brainer.
So where does "nature" fit in with your own birth? Another immaculate conception here?

God you people are dumb...

So are you worshipping nature or not ?

The human race would not survive without the life cycles of plants, animals, water. It's a no-brainer.

got it---you really worship the human race and will do anything to protect it including ordering other humans to submit to your verison of saving it.
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Goose Steppers make me sick. How can anyone support the Government intruding this way? The Global Warming Gestapos are coming. It's only a matter of time before the Government declares it legal to storm your home to make sure you're adhering to their Global Warming protocols. And these same ignorant Goose Steppers here will probably cheerlead for that too. How sad.
So are you worshipping nature or not ?

The human race would not survive without the life cycles of plants, animals, water. It's a no-brainer.

got it---you really worship the human race and will do anything to protect it including ordering other humans to submit to your verison of saving it.

Tree spiking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why must you and your ilk always show your most illiterate and ignorant side? Just because I support the fucking scientific facts hardly means I support tree spiking, asshole.
Goose Steppers make me sick. How can anyone support the Government intruding this way? The Global Warming Gestapos are coming. It's only a matter of time before the Government declares it legal to storm your home to make sure you're adhering to their Global Warming protocols. And these same ignorant Goose Steppers here will probably cheerlead for that too. How sad.

Yes, the gubmit is already building special helicopters to buzz your home. This time they'll be camoflauged in green and brown instead of black.

The human race would not survive without the life cycles of plants, animals, water. It's a no-brainer.

got it---you really worship the human race and will do anything to protect it including ordering other humans to submit to your verison of saving it.

Tree spiking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why must you and your ilk always show your most illiterate and ignorant side? Just because I support the fucking scientific facts hardly means I support tree spiking, asshole.

Similarly the pro-life folks don't support abortion clinic bombings yet they are judged by the most radical elements amongst them. Eco-terrorism exists.

( The universe will continue on even after your population of choice is extinct )
And here's a good example of eco-terrorism: forcing people to sort garbage into nine different bins (a real life example from England):

I support the programs in place in many towns near where I live.

You get one (pretty good sized) barrell for trash. Every extra bag of trash you need hauled away costs you $5.

You can recycle as many barrel's worth as you need.

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