Recycling is Bad for the Environment According To Peer Reviewed Study


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Contrary to what climate activists have claimed for years, plastic recycling is polluting the water and air, a new study has found.

The peer-reviewed study led by Erina Brown, a plastics scientist at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, found that up to 13 percent of recycled plastics become microplastics, tiny particles smaller than five millimeters that pollute air and water, if wash water from recycling plants is not filtered. Brown and her team studied wastewater at a mixed plastics recycling facility in the United Kingdom and found it could produce up to 6.5 million pounds of microplastic per year.

"The findings are certainly alarming enough that it’s worthy of far more investigation and understanding of how widespread of an issue this might be," said Anja Brandon, associate director of U.S. plastics policy at Ocean Conservancy.

The new study adds to the growing skepticism of recycling's merit and feasibility in helping the environment. The Biden administration's environmental czars, meanwhile, have set their sights on other initiatives like phasing out gas stoves and shutting down coal and gas plants.

I remember when there were plants that made electricity from trash but the EPA's constantly moving goal posts when it came to stack emissions and fly ash killed that industry.
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Recycling paper is also polluting, that's why I burn most paper that I accumulate in my fireplace, including tissue paper (I have a sinus condition and go through Kleenex like crazy).

Contrary to what climate activists have claimed for years, plastic recycling is polluting the water and air, a new study has found.

The peer-reviewed study led by Erina Brown, a plastics scientist at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, found that up to 13 percent of recycled plastics become microplastics, tiny particles smaller than five millimeters that pollute air and water, if wash water from recycling plants is not filtered. Brown and her team studied wastewater at a mixed plastics recycling facility in the United Kingdom and found it could produce up to 6.5 million pounds of microplastic per year.

"The findings are certainly alarming enough that it’s worthy of far more investigation and understanding of how widespread of an issue this might be," said Anja Brandon, associate director of U.S. plastics policy at Ocean Conservancy.

The new study adds to the growing skepticism of recycling's merit and feasibility in helping the environment. The Biden administration's environmental czars, meanwhile, have set their sights on other initiatives like phasing out gas stoves and shutting down coal and gas plants.

I remember when there were plants that made electricity from trash but the EPA's constantly moving goal posts when it came to stack emissions and fly ash killed that industry.
Come on, you're better than that. 6.5 million pounds is only a bit more than 3.2 thousand tons. Not even a drop in the bucket compared to the daily output of plastics.
The problem with plastic isn't so much its composition but that so much of it winds up in the oceans and waterways of the world. :omg:
The problem with plastic isn't so much its composition but that so much of it winds up in the oceans and waterways of the world. :omg:
Wrong! You've limited the issue to floating plastics which are esthetically displeasing.

You need to think of Isrelluc's microplastics where the 'composition' is the issue.

1srelluc is motivated by economic considerations alone and he most likely realizes that he's on the wrong side of the issue.

Contrary to what climate activists have claimed for years, plastic recycling is polluting the water and air, a new study has found.

Not sure that climate activists ever endorsed plastics recycling. About the only good that came from recycling was in purportedly allowing us to reduce the size of landfills, which produce greenhouse emissions.

In reality, I seriously doubt much environmental good has come from plastics recycling and in fact it might have even been counter-productive in terms of enabling companies to engage in "greenwashing" their environmental impact.

I rarely give much thought to whether I recycle anymore. Not that it isn't a good idea in theory but it doesn't really work.

The only way out of our climate crisis is to radically reduce consumption. I don't see how we even begin to sell that idea politically, which is why we're probably fucked.
Gonna be hard gettin' industry to quit using the cheapest plastics they can ... they have dividend targets to meet and spending money on the environment isn't part of the contract ...

I think the OP paints with too broad a brush ... plastic recycling is bad for the environment ... metals recycling is tits-up smart ... especially aluminum ... horrific amounts of electricity are needed to refine virgin material ... recycling is dirt cheap ...

Check out stainless steel products ... like fasteners ... prices have come way down due to recycling ... now these materials are competitive with galvanized ...
Not sure that climate activists ever endorsed plastics recycling. About the only good that came from recycling was in purportedly allowing us to reduce the size of landfills, which produce greenhouse emissions.

In reality, I seriously doubt much environmental good has come from plastics recycling and in fact it might have even been counter-productive in terms of enabling companies to engage in "greenwashing" their environmental impact.

I rarely give much thought to whether I recycle anymore. Not that it isn't a good idea in theory but it doesn't really work.

The only way out of our climate crisis is to radically reduce consumption. I don't see how we even begin to sell that idea politically, which is why we're probably fucked.
Yep, the packaging of today is ludicrous. It amazes me how much trash I have on a weekly basis for two people, I bet most is plastic packaging of some type.
Yep, the packaging of today is ludicrous. It amazes me how much trash I have on a weekly basis for two people, I bet most is plastic packaging of some type.

The thought of recycling is noble. The reality, is bullshit.

My mom was angry at her neighbor for making a bonfire and burning shit, and I'm like, why? They're not dumping shit that ends up in your drinking water or in a lake or river.
The thought of recycling is noble. The reality, is bullshit.

My mom was angry at her neighbor for making a bonfire and burning shit, and I'm like, why? They're not dumping shit that ends up in your drinking water or in a lake or river.
LOL....Maybe she lived through the times when everyone had a backyard incinerator.

My town finally banned them sometime in the 70s. They made the town smell like burnt ass.


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