Red Hen owner resigns from business group amid scandal

Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...

Yeah we will have to remember the next time a godless fk tries to rid someone of thier rights to do the same back to you too heehehhe. lol

What rights did the restaurant deny to Sanders? Take your time so you don't have an aneurism looking for something that doesn't exist.
Don't know if it's been mentioned, but they closed for the week. Something about no such thing as bad publicity.
I AM SO HAPPY-------there is not only a RED HEN restaurant in New York-------there is even a RED ROOSTER. I cannot WAIT to patronize these NOW FAMOUS establishments------always remember-----
there is no such thing as BAD PUBLICITY
I am going to boycott Red Lobster !
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.
The horror. She resigned her volunteer position with a downtown Lexington Virginia marketing group.

Get a life.


When weak minds use infowars as an excuse to deny information , on top of not knowing how to see where Infowars gets their information from , dumbasses will be dumbasses though. :iyfyus.jpg:


The Red Hen owner resigns as executive director of Main Street Lexington

Yall prove it all by yourselves just how dumb the Trump hating clan is eheh.
I AM SO HAPPY-------there is not only a RED HEN restaurant in New York-------there is even a RED ROOSTER. I cannot WAIT to patronize these NOW FAMOUS establishments------always remember-----
there is no such thing as BAD PUBLICITY
They are not the same, nitwit. Why not patronize them?
Now the idiot's employees don't get a check. Oh. Wait. The idiot employees are the ones that called the owner crying about what to do when a customer sat down at a table.:cuckoo:

Hoisted by their own petard.

I would hope these minimum wage leftists would learn from this event but unfortunately, they were making minimum wage for a reason.


Who is this man in the below picture? He looks like he's probably got a small penis and only half one testicle:

He's a transgender. He used to be an attractive woman.
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being an idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.
Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...
1. Rosannnne was high or something, but she has repeatedly appologized for her racist comment. Dont you think was on something when she made that tweet? I cant see how an intelligent person in the Infotainment industry would make such a hideous statement unless they were high as all hell.

2. The christian baker did not do specialty cakes for anyone and he would do just about everything else. If the ghey couple wanted to buy donuts I guess they would have been able to by dozens. It was not about refusing them service because of their gheyness.

3. The Red Hen owner specifically threw Sarah out because of what Sarah has for values and for supporting and working for Trump and she was not high or drunk, just a liberal.

Making a comment on twitter is hardly comparable to beibg thrown out of a restaurant. No gays were ever thrown out of a restaurant or bakery.

I forgot to add the gunstores that refused service to Obama voters. Is that better?

Those were just conscientious gun dealers not wanting to be responsible for selling a weapon to someone who would endanger himself or others.

Plus they probably couldn't pass the background check… :)
Now the idiot's employees don't get a check. Oh. Wait. The idiot employees are the ones that called the owner crying about what to do when a customer sat down at a table.:cuckoo:

Hoisted by their own petard.

I would hope these minimum wage leftists would learn from this event but unfortunately, they were making minimum wage for a reason.


Who is this man in the below picture? He looks like he's probably got a small penis and only half one testicle:


No, she still has both testicles. They're in a jar on her mantle. They used to be Obamas, but he gave them to her since he never used them.
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.

That restaurant isn't going anywhere, is as popular as ever, has been selling out all week, has a waiting list on Sunday's, and will be doing great long after Sarah Huckleberry is gone and forgotten.

For that matter it will be around and doing well long after Trump is gone and forgotten.
Selling out you say.

It's been closed and will be closed next week also.

When it's open again, I'd like to go in and ask for a Trump burger, maga fries and some Sanders pie.

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