Red Hen owner resigns from business group amid scandal

Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.

That restaurant isn't going anywhere, is as popular as ever, has been selling out all week, has a waiting list on Sunday's, and will be doing great long after Sarah Huckleberry is gone and forgotten.

For that matter it will be around and doing well long after Trump is gone and forgotten.
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.

That restaurant isn't going anywhere, is as popular as ever, has been selling out all week, has a waiting list on Sunday's, and will be doing great long after Sarah Huckleberry is gone and forgotten.

For that matter it will be around and doing well long after Trump is gone and forgotten.

^^^^ This is the result when you smoke Crack before posting :rolleyes-41:
Now the idiot's employees don't get a check. Oh. Wait. The idiot employees are the ones that called the owner crying about what to do when a customer sat down at a table.:cuckoo:

Hoisted by their own petard.

I would hope these minimum wage leftists would learn from this event but unfortunately, they were making minimum wage for a reason.

Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...

Yeah we will have to remember the next time a godless fk tries to rid someone of thier rights to do the same back to you too heehehhe. lol
Now the idiot's employees don't get a check. Oh. Wait. The idiot employees are the ones that called the owner crying about what to do when a customer sat down at a table.:cuckoo:

Hoisted by their own petard.

I would hope these minimum wage leftists would learn from this event but unfortunately, they were making minimum wage for a reason.


Who is this man in the below picture? He looks like he's probably got a small penis and only half one testicle:

Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...
1. Rosannnne was high or something, but she has repeatedly appologized for her racist comment. Dont you think was on something when she made that tweet? I cant see how an intelligent person in the Infotainment industry would make such a hideous statement unless they were high as all hell.

2. The christian baker did not do specialty cakes for anyone and he would do just about everything else. If the ghey couple wanted to buy donuts I guess they would have been able to by dozens. It was not about refusing them service because of their gheyness.

3. The Red Hen owner specifically threw Sarah out because of what Sarah has for values and for supporting and working for Trump and she was not high or drunk, just a liberal.

Indeed. Sarah didn't ask the Red Hen owner to make a Make America Great Again cake. She just ordered off of the regular menu and was kicked out after her food was served.
Now the idiot's employees don't get a check. Oh. Wait. The idiot employees are the ones that called the owner crying about what to do when a customer sat down at a table.:cuckoo:

Hoisted by their own petard.

I would hope these minimum wage leftists would learn from this event but unfortunately, they were making minimum wage for a reason.


Who is this man in the below picture? He looks like he's probably got a small penis and only half one testicle:


OMFG LMFAO!!!! Thanks you just about made me piss my pants.
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.
The horror. She resigned her volunteer position with a downtown Lexington Virginia marketing group.

Get a life.


Do attempt to keep up with the thread, I already posted another link in my post # 12, this link:

The Red Hen owner resigns as executive director of Main Street Lexington

The OP link is correct, considering I am mentioning links I thought I would add another link which is you, as in Missing.
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.

That restaurant isn't going anywhere, is as popular as ever, has been selling out all week, has a waiting list on Sunday's, and will be doing great long after Sarah Huckleberry is gone and forgotten.

For that matter it will be around and doing well long after Trump is gone and forgotten.
Selling out you say.

It's been closed and will be closed next week also.
Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...
1. Rosannnne was high or something, but she has repeatedly appologized for her racist comment. Dont you think was on something when she made that tweet? I cant see how an intelligent person in the Infotainment industry would make such a hideous statement unless they were high as all hell.

2. The christian baker did not do specialty cakes for anyone and he would do just about everything else. If the ghey couple wanted to buy donuts I guess they would have been able to by dozens. It was not about refusing them service because of their gheyness.

3. The Red Hen owner specifically threw Sarah out because of what Sarah has for values and for supporting and working for Trump and she was not high or drunk, just a liberal.

Indeed. Sarah didn't ask the Red Hen owner to make a Make America Great Again cake. She just ordered off of the regular menu and was kicked out after her food was served.

In America the Leftists used to do the exact same thing to Blacks, tell them they could not be served in their restaurants or there would be a Black Only section, perhaps next on the Leftist Fascist Agenda is Conservative Only sections and Conservative Only drinking places, of course a separate one for Conservative Blacks:

Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...
1. Rosannnne was high or something, but she has repeatedly appologized for her racist comment. Dont you think was on something when she made that tweet? I cant see how an intelligent person in the Infotainment industry would make such a hideous statement unless they were high as all hell.

2. The christian baker did not do specialty cakes for anyone and he would do just about everything else. If the ghey couple wanted to buy donuts I guess they would have been able to by dozens. It was not about refusing them service because of their gheyness.

3. The Red Hen owner specifically threw Sarah out because of what Sarah has for values and for supporting and working for Trump and she was not high or drunk, just a liberal.

Indeed. Sarah didn't ask the Red Hen owner to make a Make America Great Again cake. She just ordered off of the regular menu and was kicked out after her food was served.

In America the Leftists used to do the exact same thing to Blacks, tell them they could not be served in their restaurants or there would be a Black Only section, perhaps next on the Leftist Fascist Agenda is Conservative Only sections and Conservative Only drinking places, of course a separate one for Conservative Blacks:


Segregation is a Grand Old Democrat Tradition.

Just sayin'.
Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...
1. Rosannnne was high or something, but she has repeatedly appologized for her racist comment. Dont you think was on something when she made that tweet? I cant see how an intelligent person in the Infotainment industry would make such a hideous statement unless they were high as all hell.

2. The christian baker did not do specialty cakes for anyone and he would do just about everything else. If the ghey couple wanted to buy donuts I guess they would have been able to by dozens. It was not about refusing them service because of their gheyness.

3. The Red Hen owner specifically threw Sarah out because of what Sarah has for values and for supporting and working for Trump and she was not high or drunk, just a liberal.

Indeed. Sarah didn't ask the Red Hen owner to make a Make America Great Again cake. She just ordered off of the regular menu and was kicked out after her food was served.

In America the Leftists used to do the exact same thing to Blacks, tell them they could not be served in their restaurants or there would be a Black Only section, perhaps next on the Leftist Fascist Agenda is Conservative Only sections and Conservative Only drinking places, of course a separate one for Conservative Blacks:


Segregation is a Grand Old Democrat Tradition.

Just sayin'.
Who is this man in the below picture? He looks like he's probably got a small penis and only half one testicle:


OMFG LMFAO!!!! Thanks you just about made me piss my pants.

Good thing your in your Depends, aint it?


Thank goodness I don't really need to wear them yet, but you know how sometimes you put of going and you wait and wait and wait , then you come across someone making a funny and well hours of holding it than to lose it laughing Hmmmmm the things that make you jump up and run. :abgg2q.jpg:
Have to remember this the next time conservatives cry for Christian bakers or Roseanne...
1. Rosannnne was high or something, but she has repeatedly appologized for her racist comment. Dont you think was on something when she made that tweet? I cant see how an intelligent person in the Infotainment industry would make such a hideous statement unless they were high as all hell.

2. The christian baker did not do specialty cakes for anyone and he would do just about everything else. If the ghey couple wanted to buy donuts I guess they would have been able to by dozens. It was not about refusing them service because of their gheyness.

3. The Red Hen owner specifically threw Sarah out because of what Sarah has for values and for supporting and working for Trump and she was not high or drunk, just a liberal.

Indeed. Sarah didn't ask the Red Hen owner to make a Make America Great Again cake. She just ordered off of the regular menu and was kicked out after her food was served.

In America the Leftists used to do the exact same thing to Blacks, tell them they could not be served in their restaurants or there would be a Black Only section, perhaps next on the Leftist Fascist Agenda is Conservative Only sections and Conservative Only drinking places, of course a separate one for Conservative Blacks:


Segregation is a Grand Old Democrat Tradition.

Just sayin'.

The Leftist Maniacs are totally unhinged, that includes the MSM, they are going too far, they cannot see that this is all beginning to backfire, everything from calling The Donald LITERALLY Hitler to these Hate Incidents against Sarah Sanders, the Homeland Security woman outside her house, that weird Black woman who said she marches because her mother couldn't have an abortion her Inciting the Leftist Maniacs to continue stalking and harrassing anyone who works for The Donald etc During the Presidential Campaign they said The Donald could not win, the polls said Hillary would win, they did NOT consider The Silent Majority, that Silent Majority is still basically intact and probably now includes some more Independents AND Conservative Democratic voters and when given the choice between The Donald vs Whatever Leftist who supports the Unhinged Agenda, they will vote for The Donald.
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.
The horror. She resigned her volunteer position with a downtown Lexington Virginia marketing group.

Get a life.


Do attempt to keep up with the thread, I already posted another link in my post # 12, this link:

The Red Hen owner resigns as executive director of Main Street Lexington

The OP link is correct, considering I am mentioning links I thought I would add another link which is you, as in Missing.
I didn't say the OP's link was incorrect, I said who gives a fuck, really.
The Leftist Maniacs are totally unhinged, that includes the MSM, they are going too far, they cannot see that this is all beginning to backfire, everything from calling The Donald LITERALLY Hitler to these Hate Incidents against Sarah Sanders, the Homeland Security woman outside her house, that weird Black woman who said she marches because her mother couldn't have an abortion her Inciting the Leftist Maniacs to continue stalking and harrassing anyone who works for The Donald

They are enraged they can't sell their Venezuelan workers paradise dream to the illiterate shit kickers in fly over country. That is why disarming Americans is critical to their agenda.

Dear Judd and Kumail: You Have No Idea What A Nazi Really Was

Unmasked: America’s Real Fascists
Red Hen Owner Resigns From Business Group Amid Scandal

The owner of the Red Hen, who threw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out of the restaurant, has resigned from a business group, according to local media.

LMFAO!!! now that is what I call paying for being gan idiot and Karma bit them back lmfao

Now for the company to tank compl.

It still won't be fixed there will be some other name used and all will be hidden.
The horror. She resigned her volunteer position with a downtown Lexington Virginia marketing group.

Get a life.


Do attempt to keep up with the thread, I already posted another link in my post # 12, this link:

The Red Hen owner resigns as executive director of Main Street Lexington

The OP link is correct, considering I am mentioning links I thought I would add another link which is you, as in Missing.
I didn't say the OP's link was incorrect, I said who gives a fuck, really.

Well this was a mega situation when it occur, that Stephanie Wilkinson woman refusing Sarah Sanders and her family service, so considering it was a mega situation and ALL the Leftists were posting how GREAT it was including all wetting their panties on Twitter about it, this situation now this situation where that Stephanie Wilkinson woman has been thrown off the boat is also worth giving a fuck about, it's okay YOU don't give a fuck because you are a Leftist and probably thought Sarah Sanders and her family being DISCRIMINATED AGAINST was okay.

Should I add that The Donald is Winning again yesterday, the United States Supreme Court ruled that as President he has a RIGHT and it IS Constitutional for him to have his Ban On Importing Savages aka The Donald can tell the Haji's Sorry Door Shut and it IS about the Haji's, The Donald ONLY added North Korea and Venezuela to fuck up the Leftists when they were ALL SCREAMING that he can't ban anyone on Religious Grounds as the North Koreans and Venezuelans are not Muslims that's how he got round this and the USSC ruled in his favour BUT that Ban has NOTHING to do with them, that Ban is ALL ABOUT HIM Banning more Imported Haji's. So he is Winning and the USSC overturned that idiotic ruling by that Leftist Activist Judge that ALL the Leftist Activist Human Rights maniacs all ran SCREAMING to, The Donald will also Win on this apprehending the Illegal children with their Illegal Criminal Parents.
The Leftist Maniacs are totally unhinged, that includes the MSM, they are going too far, they cannot see that this is all beginning to backfire, everything from calling The Donald LITERALLY Hitler to these Hate Incidents against Sarah Sanders, the Homeland Security woman outside her house, that weird Black woman who said she marches because her mother couldn't have an abortion her Inciting the Leftist Maniacs to continue stalking and harrassing anyone who works for The Donald

They are enraged they can't sell their Venezuelan workers paradise dream to the illiterate shit kickers in fly over country. That is why disarming Americans is critical to their agenda.

Dear Judd and Kumail: You Have No Idea What A Nazi Really Was

Unmasked: America’s Real Fascists

Yes and that's why you need to go out and buy even more guns and crucially mega stock up on extra ammo. Better to be mega over armed, just in case something happens.

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