Red neck gun nut says Trust the NRA, not the politicians....

Cue the crazy right wingers urging him to run for president. You know this one silly little quote is enough to bring him lots of donations,
Our loving and caring politicians?

Didn't liberal gun control hero Mike Bloomberg spend millions trying to replace this sheriff with a white guy?
Blah blah blah, typical illogical opinion of every redneck... Trust stupid organization, not government, but maybe they should better not blame the government and say that all officials are corrupt ****, but to make it little bit better?!
yeah , Bulldog , if the good sheriff Clark ever needs a few bucks donated then I'm his man . Clark is a good honest guy !!
well you guys support and worship mrobama and we all know his reputation. At least Sheriff Cark seems to be honest and has American values from what I've heard him say Bulldog !!

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