Red State Voucher Schools: The Right To Be Ignorant

If this is the true title from Mother Jones, the right to be ignorant. people should shun that rag and it's site..

horrible thing to say
From Mother Jones. What are the odds that any of this is true?

Unlike Breitbart, Mother Jones actually practices a little thing called journalism. (And they provide links)


Mother Jones practices yellow journalism. They are yet another part of the democratic party - zero objectivity - zero integrity.

They ran this pile of shit a year ago to attack Jindal, fearing he would undercut the racist foundation they use to promote Obama.

Lets look at some of the claims these fuckwads make:

{3. "God used the Trail of Tears to bring many Indians to Christ."—America: Land That I Love, Teacher ed., A Beka Book, 1994}

Here's the link, A Beka Book :: Book Information :: America: Land I Love Teacher Edition

Find that for me?

What? You can't find it? It isn't there? The leftist fuckwads at Mother Jones are blatantly lying?

Well gawddayum? Imagine the little fucking Goebbels of the left doing that?

{4. Africa needs religion: "Africa is a continent with many needs. It is still in need of the gospel…Only about ten percent of Africans can read and write. In some areas the mission schools have been shut down by Communists who have taken over the government."—Old World History and Geography in Christian Perspective, 3rd ed., A Beka Book, 2004}

Well, at least the fascist pukes over at MJ aren't flat out lying this time - which is why they include a quote.

So IS Africa a continent with many needs? I guess the MJ fuckwads don't think so - they think all is perfect. HAVE mission schools have been shut down by Communists? I guess the MJ fuckwads don't think so - or they're just lying, as is the way of leftist scumbags and demagogues.
The answer of "don't live there" does nothing to help the kids that are taught this bullshit in the first place. Ignoring the fact that kids are being taught lies is not a virtue.

If you don't want your kids taught bullshit, don't teach them from Mother Jones....
While their government isn't completely out of it, Denmark uses a voucher system and they blow us away academically.
And I bet they track at an early age and have some pretty damn good vocational options for those not college bound.

And what is their school day like, time-wise?

Their school system and curriculum are different, there's no doubt there. If anything that just tells you how ass backwards we are. Vouchers wouldn't cure our education problems, not even close. But they won't hurt either. They give parents choice and hold underperforming schools and teachers accountable.

If I had my choice the first things we would do are school uniforms, closed campuses, and divert money from technology and sports/gym to books and classrooms.

The last thing I would do is just throw more money at the problem. We spend more per student than most other countries, and do a lot worse.

Way to make them ready for adult life in the 21st century. :lol:
Way to make them ready for adult life in the 21st century. :lol:

Say shortbus; who does better on standardized tests, the students from the voucher schools, or those trained in the holy shrines of leftism, known as public schools?


I didn't hear you?

The right to teach kids this crap is nothing compared to when those kids grow up dumb as hell. That'll be great for our society won't it? They are only the next generation. So what if theyre taught unfacts. How could that be a problem in the future?

Take alook around you. Democrats have been teaching kids crap for years. And shockingly we are living in the least informed generation of our nations history.

So how about we attempt to teach people accurate information and how to think for a change?

And how does teaching that dinosaurs anhumans existed at the same time fit into your "accurate information" speech? It doesn't. You know that and so do I. Maybe the attacks on public schools and slashing their budgets have something to do with the current state
And how does teaching that dinosaurs anhumans existed at the same time fit into your "accurate information" speech? It doesn't. You know that and so do I. Maybe the attacks on public schools and slashing their budgets have something to do with the current state

Say comrade; who does better on standardized tests, the students from the voucher schools, or those trained in the holy shrines of leftism, known as public schools?
And I bet they track at an early age and have some pretty damn good vocational options for those not college bound.

And what is their school day like, time-wise?

Their school system and curriculum are different, there's no doubt there. If anything that just tells you how ass backwards we are. Vouchers wouldn't cure our education problems, not even close. But they won't hurt either. They give parents choice and hold underperforming schools and teachers accountable.

If I had my choice the first things we would do are school uniforms, closed campuses, and divert money from technology and sports/gym to books and classrooms.

The last thing I would do is just throw more money at the problem. We spend more per student than most other countries, and do a lot worse.

Way to make them ready for adult life in the 21st century. :lol:

What's more important, smart boards and new Mac computers for teachers, or up to date school books for kids?

I'm not suggesting eliminating technology, but we spend too much money thinking "if we just get that new tech we can teach better".
The answer of "don't live there" does nothing to help the kids that are taught this bullshit in the first place. Ignoring the fact that kids are being taught lies is not a virtue.

ignoring the fact that kids in shitty schools ,red or blue,get shitty educations is not so great either.....
Only 6% of scientists polled were Republicans.


Because scientists like facts.

Said they were scientist!... the rest don't want to get mocked, ridiculed, beat up, raped or killed like so many people that go against the democrat party.
Keep 'em stupid and they'll keep voting GOP. :lol:

So all of those urban neighborhoods filled with drug filled, crime afflicted schools are all staunch Republicans, huh?


Uh joke hurt someone's feelings. I'm sorry. :(

No, I just call out hyper partisan liars. Sounds like you're the one with hurt feelings. :tongue:
The answer of "don't live there" does nothing to help the kids that are taught this bullshit in the first place. Ignoring the fact that kids are being taught lies is not a virtue.

Nobody is forced to go to a "voucher" school, are they?
No wonder the "Red States" are a bit slower than the "Blue States". Look at what they teach these kids in "Voucher Schools"........

1. Dinosaurs and humans probably hung out

2. Dragons were totally real

3. "God used the Trail of Tears to bring many Indians to Christ

4. Africa needs religion

5. Slave masters were nice guys

6. The KKK was A-OK

7. The Great Depression wasn't as bad as the liberals made it sound

8. SCOTUS enslaved fetuses

9. The Red Scare isn't over yet

10. Mark Twain and Emily Dickinson were a couple of hacks

11. Abstract algebra is too dang complicated

12. Gay people "have no more claims to special rights than child molesters or rapists

13. "Global environmentalists have said and written enough to leave no doubt that their goal is to destroy the prosperous economies of the world's richest nations

14. Globalization is a precursor to rapture

14 Wacky "Facts" Kids Will Learn in Louisiana's Voucher Schools | Mother Jones

I'll bet they were the head start success stories:rolleyes:
Why does it seem that the GOP has embarked on a program to destroy education as we know it? Did the destroy-program begin with their attack on teacher-unions or has it been around for some years now? The bottom line might be, why is the GOP afraid of education, or maybe just the education that goes beyond factory work and gets into the aspects of life that they believe is not for the common folk?

Just where does it say this is the Gop embarked on a program to destroy EDUCATION?

ask will love his answers....

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