Red States Lead The Way In Economic Growth

Democrats bring Third World Misery to every area they control. Yet so many wingnuts continue to support em. What's the definition of insanity?... Folks continuing to support Democrats.
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Yes,,,things are getting better,,,but not in all 57 states,,,the ones that really hate Trump,,,good luck! you voted against Trump,,,you deserve whats coming to you.! at least conservatives are fleeing those racist blue states!
Socialism doesn't work.

It works marvelously for the aristocracy, Wall Street, big oil, big pharma, agribusiness, pro sports teams and the like.

It works for criminals and thugs.
It doesn't work for society.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft, hogwash indoctrination.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
The people you just claimed run everything are going to give that up for socialism? They will be the ones st the top.
So why isn't Texas considered the world's 7th biggest economy and California is?

Texas doesn't have a Silicon Valley or a Hollyweird
North Mexico (Southern California) is made up of human filth...get two miles of the coast and you may as well be in Tijuana. Californians, the low-life bastards are like that slow fat kid on the soccer team...they don't do shit for the team but they sure act like they contribute...haha
Take Silicon Valley and Hollyweird away and you have Mexico...simple shit!
California has a conservative area that drags the state down in most all categories but we are still way ahead of tezass in GDP. The area is the central valley which is farmland. We are currently shorthanded for grape pickers in the north coast vineyards. About 2000 according to this mornings paper. If you need employment I am sure they will hire you but the wages may be more than you can handle.
They don't drag everybody down. They are prevented from accessing resources or making a living. Then the criminals who are responsible for that say dumb things like "red areas are the most depressed!" Yes, because blue policies destroy their economy, their schools, and their culture.
The central valley of California is economically depressed because there is nothing produced or made there that supports an economic growth. The policies of California are some of the best in the world. And if not for Arnie and Pete, the sneek, Wilson's tenures as Governor the state would be far better off.
They are economically depressed because the leftist government won't allow them to produce or make things.

And no, the entire world laughs at you for saying "The Policies of California are some of the Best in the World".

9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List?

One of the dumbest restrict water to agriculture, in order to provide water to a huge, un-supportable, largely unemployed, population in the cities. What a bunch of dumbfucks. If you want to plop a bunch of losers down somewhere to justify huge welfare programs, don't put them in the fucking desert.
The federal government cutoff water to agriculture mostly to promote the survival of species that are almost too small to see, like the snail darter.
Obama failed at economics but he loved to take credit for jobs being created even when he didn't have a damn thing to do with it. First instance, during his first administration almost half of the jobs created under the Obama Administration were created in Texas, a Republican state.
Gee nobody's commented on the -4.0 for Nebraska, or the overall weak growth throughout the country. You also ignored the strong performance of the state of Washington because it puts the lie to "weak growth in Blue States".
California has a conservative area that drags the state down in most all categories but we are still way ahead of tezass in GDP. The area is the central valley which is farmland. We are currently shorthanded for grape pickers in the north coast vineyards. About 2000 according to this mornings paper. If you need employment I am sure they will hire you but the wages may be more than you can handle.
They don't drag everybody down. They are prevented from accessing resources or making a living. Then the criminals who are responsible for that say dumb things like "red areas are the most depressed!" Yes, because blue policies destroy their economy, their schools, and their culture.
The central valley of California is economically depressed because there is nothing produced or made there that supports an economic growth. The policies of California are some of the best in the world. And if not for Arnie and Pete, the sneek, Wilson's tenures as Governor the state would be far better off.
They are economically depressed because the leftist government won't allow them to produce or make things.

And no, the entire world laughs at you for saying "The Policies of California are some of the Best in the World".

9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List?

One of the dumbest restrict water to agriculture, in order to provide water to a huge, un-supportable, largely unemployed, population in the cities. What a bunch of dumbfucks. If you want to plop a bunch of losers down somewhere to justify huge welfare programs, don't put them in the fucking desert.
The federal government cutoff water to agriculture mostly to promote the survival of species that are almost too small to see, like the snail darter.
Oh they come up with all sorts of reasons for it.

But first and foremost, in reality, it's to keep the unlimited flow going to the cities, who don't have sufficient water for their population because it's a freaking desert. And to clear the surrounding areas of people and fences, so that the city dwellers have a place to escape to on days off.
Socialism doesn't work.

It works marvelously for the aristocracy, Wall Street, big oil, big pharma, agribusiness, pro sports teams and the like.

It works for criminals and thugs.
It doesn't work for society.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft, hogwash indoctrination.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
The people you just claimed run everything are going to give that up for socialism? They will be the ones st the top.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system pard.
Obama failed at economics but he loved to take credit for jobs being created even when he didn't have a damn thing to do with it. First instance, during his first administration almost half of the jobs created under the Obama Administration were created in Texas, a Republican state.
Obama served the interests of the donor class just as Don is, just as Hilary would have done, just as they all do.
Gee nobody's commented on the -4.0 for Nebraska, or the overall weak growth throughout the country. You also ignored the strong performance of the state of Washington because it puts the lie to "weak growth in Blue States".

What the hell does "-4" refer to?
Socialism doesn't work.

It works marvelously for the aristocracy, Wall Street, big oil, big pharma, agribusiness, pro sports teams and the like.

It works for criminals and thugs.
It doesn't work for society.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft, hogwash indoctrination.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
The people you just claimed run everything are going to give that up for socialism? They will be the ones st the top.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system pard.
It is after decades of leftists pushing more and more socialism. Kind of crazy how the more socialist we become the worse things get. You would think people would learn.
Capitalism, freedom, voluntarism - WORKS.
Socialism, slavery, coercion - SHIT.
So why isn't Texas considered the world's 7th biggest economy and California is?

Texas doesn't have a Silicon Valley or a Hollyweird
North Mexico (Southern California) is made up of human filth...get two miles of the coast and you may as well be in Tijuana. Californians, the low-life bastards are like that slow fat kid on the soccer team...they don't do shit for the team but they sure act like they contribute...haha
Take Silicon Valley and Hollyweird away and you have Mexico...simple shit!
I am amazed at how little you know of California. The real human filth resides in the red states.
It works marvelously for the aristocracy, Wall Street, big oil, big pharma, agribusiness, pro sports teams and the like.

It works for criminals and thugs.
It doesn't work for society.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft, hogwash indoctrination.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
The people you just claimed run everything are going to give that up for socialism? They will be the ones st the top.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system pard.
It is after decades of leftists pushing more and more socialism. Kind of crazy how the more socialist we become the worse things get. You would think people would learn.
People are learning and that is why we have so much social help. Roads, water services, electricity, police, firemen, stop lights, ambulance, banks were regulated until Glass-Stegal was repealed and then economic chaos ensued.
It works for criminals and thugs.
It doesn't work for society.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft, hogwash indoctrination.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
The people you just claimed run everything are going to give that up for socialism? They will be the ones st the top.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system pard.
It is after decades of leftists pushing more and more socialism. Kind of crazy how the more socialist we become the worse things get. You would think people would learn.
People are learning and that is why we have so much social help. Roads, water services, electricity, police, firemen, stop lights, ambulance, banks were regulated until Glass-Stegal was repealed and then economic chaos ensued.

Just as the substantial people hoped.
So why isn't Texas considered the world's 7th biggest economy and California is?

Gosh.......I know liberals like to believe NY, Seattle and Ca. are "wealthy" cuz they lean liberal. Though my formal education extends to the 4th grade, I was paying attention on the subject of Geography.
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