Redefining what "recusal" means


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Just ask Jeff Session, our "head" of DOJ what recusal means....
The Entire Fascist Democrat Party should recuse itself from all political offices, and go found a new country more suitable to their liking.

They can call it LIBPHUCKISTAN.

I hope you choke on Obama's Moldy diseased cock.

That is all.

Troll on Trollholio
Just ask Jeff Session, our "head" of DOJ what recusal means....
Redefining what Leaving the US when Trump wins means.... Why the fuck are you still here?

HILARIOUS: See Which Liberal Celebrities Promise To Leave America If Trump Wins...
Because all of these multi-millionaires would’ve succeeded in these other countries, right?
America is just so evil, isn’t it?
I say good riddance.
The liberals bitch and moan, but wont leave, are they(liberals) masochistic? Must be, they voted for Obama and his 8 years of poverty and misery.
Just ask Jeff Session, our "head" of DOJ what recusal means....
Alternative facts, alternative reality, alternative definitions. Just like sputtering some balderdash along the lines of "well that depends upon what your definition of the word "is", is".
Just ask Jeff Session, our "head" of DOJ what recusal means....
Alternative facts, alternative reality, alternative definitions. Just like sputtering some balderdash along the lines of "well that depends upon what your definition of the word "is", is".
Exposed: FBI Director James Comey's Clinton Foundation Connection
But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.

Comey served as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years of the Bush administration. When he left the Bush administration, he went directly to Lockheed Martin and became vice president, acting as a general counsel.
Such hypocrites that the liberals are. They blame others for what they do, then stick their heads up Uranus to not see what their side is doing.
For a recusal from a single investigation to be synonymous with the hiring of a new dept official is simply absurd.
Just ask Jeff Session, our "head" of DOJ what recusal means....
Alternative facts, alternative reality, alternative definitions. Just like sputtering some balderdash along the lines of "well that depends upon what your definition of the word "is", is".
Exposed: FBI Director James Comey's Clinton Foundation Connection
But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.

Comey served as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years of the Bush administration. When he left the Bush administration, he went directly to Lockheed Martin and became vice president, acting as a general counsel.
Such hypocrites that the liberals are. They blame others for what they do, then stick their heads up Uranus to not see what their side is doing.
That's just america, the entire thing is all about running from any responsibility for anything; it's the culture.
What do you call a liar, who knows he is a liar, and lies to The American Public in hopes it will achieve some political goal for them & then proceeds to lie about the lies they lied about when they were called on their lying lies they lied about?

Multiple Choice:

A.) Chuck "Crying" Shummer
B.) Nancy "Propagandist" Pelosi
C.) Hillary "Infected Clit" Clinton
D.) Harry "Can't" Reid
E.) Donna rub my Brazile nuts
F.) Debbie Shultz does Dallas
G.) Obama Bin Lying
H.) Uncle Tom Perez
I.) Keith "allah akbar" Ellison
J.) Lying Liz Pocahontas Warren
K.) The Democrat Party
L.) All Of The Above.
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I can see that all the right wingers on this thread simply refuse to address the original post.....These nitwits would rather be royally screwed and our republic thrashed THAN admit they were wrong in backing this orange clown....

Weak, right wingers, very weak......
Such hypocrites that the liberals are. They blame others for what they do, then stick their heads up Uranus to not see what their side is doing.

Hey, moron, citing Breitbart is equivalent to citing the old Pravda....
I can see that all the right wingers on this thread simply refuse to address the original post.....These nitwits would rather be royally screwed and our republic thrashed THAN admit they were wrong in backing this orange clown....

Weak, right wingers, very weak......
Have to drag out the youtube video again, when a liberal calls US weak.. Too funny...

I can see that all the right wingers on this thread simply refuse to address the original post.....These nitwits would rather be royally screwed and our republic thrashed THAN admit they were wrong in backing this orange clown....

Weak, right wingers, very weak......
Why should anyone address anything you post?

You do nothing but Troll....

No matter how many successes The President has, you will trash him.

The Dems have held power for 10 straight years with a majority, super majority or held the presidency.

10 years and all you did was destroy health care, create record poverty, record joblessness, record numbers of people on food stamps and welfare, and an ANEMIC average economic growth of 1% over the entire time you waged your war on the economy and American Business while you pushed your globalist agenda.

You completely turned the Middle East in to a quagmire, and strengthened and funded terrorists who want to kill us?

You people are Morons and unfit to hold office.

You want $15 an hour minimum wage, yet want unlimited immigration and open borders, and the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

Exactly in what Libtard Jihadist Cock Sucking Fantasy Land is that even possible for you to achieve such a goal?

47% of America doesn't pay taxes, and all of them are Lazy Scum Sucking Liberals who hate this country, and hate working taxpayers, yet you want the very people you hate and want to tax out of existence to pay for your lazy couch surfing ass to have free medical care, while they can barely afford to pay for theirs?

Like I said, if two liberals choke on each other's cocks in the middle of a forest and die, does anyone really give a fuck?

"Decrease The Surplus Population" is your war cry so don't pretend you give a shit about anything but your own selfish life and your miserable Anti-American Libtard Jihadist Ideologies.

In Conclusion,

Fuck you and the horse your rode in on, and all of your ancestors and descendents who come after you. You are a cancer and a pox on America, and it would be better to eradicate you than converse with you.

Your very existence is a vile pustule on the face of Liberty and Common Sense. Your entire existence is an affront to the nostrils of God, and is reminiscent of a smoldering stinking garbage dump.
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I can see that all the right wingers on this thread simply refuse to address the original post.....These nitwits would rather be royally screwed and our republic thrashed THAN admit they were wrong in backing this orange clown....

Weak, right wingers, very weak......

So you think "recusal" from one investigation meant Sessions was going to resign? Why would anyone waste time responding to that idiocy?
Just ask Jeff Session, our "head" of DOJ what recusal means....
Alternative facts, alternative reality, alternative definitions. Just like sputtering some balderdash along the lines of "well that depends upon what your definition of the word "is", is".
Exposed: FBI Director James Comey's Clinton Foundation Connection
But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.

Comey served as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years of the Bush administration. When he left the Bush administration, he went directly to Lockheed Martin and became vice president, acting as a general counsel.
Such hypocrites that the liberals are. They blame others for what they do, then stick their heads up Uranus to not see what their side is doing.
That's your entire society shoog, and the american public at large.
What do you call a liar, who knows he is a liar, and lies to The American Public in hopes it will achieve some political goal for them & then proceeds to lie about the lies they lied about when they were called on their lying lies they lied about?

Multiple Choice:

A.) Chuck "Crying" Shummer
B.) Nancy "Propagandist" Pelosi
C.) Hillary "Infected Clit" Clinton
D.) Harry "Can't" Reid
E.) Donna rub my Brazile nuts
F.) Debbie Shultz does Dallas
G.) Obama Bin Lying
H.) Uncle Tom Perez
I.) Keith "allah akbar" Ellison
J.) Lying Liz Pocahontas Warren
K.) The Democrat Party
L.) All Of The Above.
Everything should be fine now then, your crowd has it all, no worries.
So you think "recusal" from one investigation meant Sessions was going to resign?

Somewhere in your half brain, you came to THAT conclusion? Stick that middle finger somewhere else....LOL

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