“Redistribute the wealth”

So are low wage jobs that don't cover social costs.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
View attachment 213962
no dears, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
So are low wage jobs that don't cover social costs.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
View attachment 213962
no dears, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
View attachment 213962
no dears, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
/—-/ Time to cut spending in real time. But feel free to pay higher taxes.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
View attachment 213962
no dears, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
/—-/ The poor have drained 10 trillion from folks who work for a living and you libtards were unwitting saps who helped them.
no dears, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
/—-/ Time to cut spending in real time. But feel free to pay higher taxes.
cut the drug war, right wingers.
no dears, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
/—-/ The poor have drained 10 trillion from folks who work for a living and you libtards were unwitting saps who helped them.
A few more years of this and we will have poor houses and Potters fields for your friends and family, super duper. Great job.
no dears, social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
/—-/ The poor have drained 10 trillion from folks who work for a living and you libtards were unwitting saps who helped them.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.
I'll send in my 22$ USD to the fund when Stormy Danielles sends her check to the org she said she would.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
/—-/ The poor have drained 10 trillion from folks who work for a living and you libtards were unwitting saps who helped them.
A few more years of this and we will have poor houses and Potters fields for your friends and family, super duper. Great job.
/—-/ I’ll come over and help you and your family pack. The poor house will be a step up for you. Enjoy.
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
/—-/ Time to cut spending in real time. But feel free to pay higher taxes.
cut the drug war, right wingers.
/——/ Why, so you can sell more drugs to kids?
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
/—-/ Time to cut spending in real time. But feel free to pay higher taxes.
cut the drug war, right wingers.
/——/ Why, so you can sell more drugs to kids?
to cut spending; too drug addled to keep Your story straight?
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
/—-/ Time to cut spending in real time. But feel free to pay higher taxes.
cut the drug war, right wingers.
/——/ Why, so you can sell more drugs to kids?
to cut spending; too drug addled to keep Your story straight?
/—-/ Cut welfare to leeches.
/—-/ Time to cut spending in real time. But feel free to pay higher taxes.
cut the drug war, right wingers.
/——/ Why, so you can sell more drugs to kids?
to cut spending; too drug addled to keep Your story straight?
/—-/ Cut welfare to leeches.
right wing morality?
/—-/ Time to cut spending in real time. But feel free to pay higher taxes.
cut the drug war, right wingers.
/——/ Why, so you can sell more drugs to kids?
to cut spending; too drug addled to keep Your story straight?
/—-/ Cut welfare to leeches.
right wing morality?
/—-/ Pay your own way. We do,
cut the drug war, right wingers.
/——/ Why, so you can sell more drugs to kids?
to cut spending; too drug addled to keep Your story straight?
/—-/ Cut welfare to leeches.
right wing morality?
/—-/ Pay your own way. We do,
Only in Right Wing fantasy.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
/—-/ The poor have drained 10 trillion from folks who work for a living and you libtards were unwitting saps who helped them.
A few more years of this and we will have poor houses and Potters fields for your friends and family, super duper. Great job.
/—-/ I’ll come over and help you and your family pack. The poor house will be a step up for you. Enjoy.
You're a brainwashed moron. Be sure to bring your swimming trunks and tennis racket...
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
/—-/ The poor have drained 10 trillion from folks who work for a living and you libtards were unwitting saps who helped them.
A few more years of this and we will have poor houses and Potters fields for your friends and family, super duper. Great job.
/—-/ I’ll come over and help you and your family pack. The poor house will be a step up for you. Enjoy.
You're a brainwashed moron. Be sure to bring your swimming trunks and tennis racket...

You have that much room in your ass?
/---/ When I couldn't pay my bills, I cut back on spending and took a second job till things improved.
The non-rich of the country have been slowly ruined over the last 35 years because of giveaway to the rich GOP policy and you have these stupid GOP brainwashed dumbass bromides....
/—-/ The poor have drained 10 trillion from folks who work for a living and you libtards were unwitting saps who helped them.
A few more years of this and we will have poor houses and Potters fields for your friends and family, super duper. Great job.
/—-/ I’ll come over and help you and your family pack. The poor house will be a step up for you. Enjoy.
You're a brainwashed moron. Be sure to bring your swimming trunks and tennis racket...
/—-/ I skeet shoot. I’ll bring my 12 gauge
Again, you’re suggesting that ANY raise to the minimum wage done in ANY way would be catastrophic somehow. That’s so ridiculous. Yes, if we raised the minimum wage to $20 per hour TOMORROW, it would be catastrophic. That is a far cry from what I am suggesting though. You’re also right that under that scenario that struggling businesses couldn’t handle the raise and would go under. My response is “so be it” because raising the minimum wage is crucial in trying to alleviate poverty. No solution doesn’t have drawbacks.

Raising the minimum wage, more welfare, whatever, has done NOTHING to lower the rate of poverty since Socialist Lyndon Johnson started his War on Poverty and "Great Societ".

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
Sep 23rd, 2014
Robert Rector
Senior Research Fellow

Robert is a leading authority on poverty, welfare programs and immigration in America.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson's launch of the War on Poverty. In January 1964, Johnson declared "unconditional war on poverty in America." Since then, the taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson's war. Adjusted for inflation, that's three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution.

Last year, government spent $943 billion dollars providing cash, food, housing and medical care to poor and low-income Americans. (That figure doesn't include Social Security or Medicare.) More than 100 million people, or one-third of Americans, received some type of welfare aid, at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient. If converted into cash, this spending was five times what was needed to eliminate all poverty in the U.S.


The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

My accent above.

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