“Redistribute the wealth”

And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
Actually it was before Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, super duper. And started the giveaway to the rich and the wrecking of the middle class and poor...

No you Socialist fool, it had to do with making people comfortable living off of other working people. Before liberalism ruined this country, people had the idea that one was responsible for taking care of themselves; their family. With enough brainwashing by the Communists, now it's acceptable to live off the government. The pride was exchanged for laziness which the left promoted.
Well as long as the super-rich are doing great it's okay... Reagan cut investment in infrastructure by 50% and we're still falling apart. Ditto investment in training and education making everything as difficult as possible, millions of good jobs going begging and we now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. And you blame it all on the victims because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.
Free healthcare... best joke I heard all day
You dupes are just like Pavlov's dog. Same stupid brainwashed arguments all day long...
No you Socialist fool, it had to do with making people comfortable living off of other working people. Before liberalism ruined this country, people had the idea that one was responsible for taking care of themselves; their family. With enough brainwashing by the Communists, now it's acceptable to live off the government. The pride was exchanged for laziness which the left promoted.
Well as long as the super-rich are doing great it's okay... Reagan cut investment in infrastructure by 50% and we're still falling apart. Ditto investment in training and education making everything as difficult as possible, millions of good jobs going begging and we now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. And you blame it all on the victims because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.
Free healthcare... best joke I heard all day
You dupes are just like Pavlov's dog. Same stupid brainwashed arguments all day long...
If it was worth a shit it would not have to be forced on people that will never use it, cannot afford it and will not benefit from it... Socialized medicine is a no go from the start
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions are destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions are destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
That’s why those programs should be 100% voluntary on both ends, Millions of Americans will not benefit from them, cannot benefit from them and will not be able to afford them
There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
Obamacare is voluntary now no worries you can get totally screwed if there is an accident or serious illness and lose everything in bankruptcy. You know, 75% in the exchanges pay less than$100 a month.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions are destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
Obamacare is voluntary now no worries you can get totally screwed if there is have have accident or serious illness and lose everything in bankruptcy. You know, 75% in the exchanges pay less than$100 a month.
That’s fine, as long as it’s not mandated
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
Obamacare is voluntary now no worries you can get totally screwed if there is an accident or serious illness and lose everything in bankruptcy. You know, 75% in the exchanges pay less than$100 a month.

Well as long as the super-rich are doing great it's okay... Reagan cut investment in infrastructure by 50% and we're still falling apart. Ditto investment in training and education making everything as difficult as possible, millions of good jobs going begging and we now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. And you blame it all on the victims because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.
Free healthcare... best joke I heard all day
You dupes are just like Pavlov's dog. Same stupid brainwashed arguments all day long...
If it was worth a shit it would not have to be forced on people that will never use it, cannot afford it and will not benefit from it... Socialized medicine is a no go from the start
It is no longer mandatory and
Intelligent people sign up for it in droves. An ID card would end illegal immigration. Problem? I think all of those things would benefit people and not cost very much at all. All on the bloated rich.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
Obamacare is voluntary now no worries you can get totally screwed if there is an accident or serious illness and lose everything in bankruptcy. You know, 75% in the exchanges pay less than$100 a month.

All well-known.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions are destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
Obamacare is voluntary now no worries you can get totally screwed if there is have have accident or serious illness and lose everything in bankruptcy. You know, 75% in the exchanges pay less than$100 a month.
That’s fine, as long as it’s not mandated

It's not mandated anymore. And Obama did not want it to be a mandate. Congress changed that.
No you Socialist fool, it had to do with making people comfortable living off of other working people. Before liberalism ruined this country, people had the idea that one was responsible for taking care of themselves; their family. With enough brainwashing by the Communists, now it's acceptable to live off the government. The pride was exchanged for laziness which the left promoted.
Well as long as the super-rich are doing great it's okay... Reagan cut investment in infrastructure by 50% and we're still falling apart. Ditto investment in training and education making everything as difficult as possible, millions of good jobs going begging and we now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. And you blame it all on the victims because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...

Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama
Well as long as the super-rich are doing great it's okay... Reagan cut investment in infrastructure by 50% and we're still falling apart. Ditto investment in training and education making everything as difficult as possible, millions of good jobs going begging and we now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. And you blame it all on the victims because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...

Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama
Gee I wonder what could have happened after 2008 LOL! Well it was a world depression again and wages have not gone up at all so working people can get food stamps. Great job GOP!
And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...

Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama
Gee I wonder what could have happened after 2008 LOL! Well it was a world depression again and wages have not gone up at all so working people can get food stamps. Great job GOP!
You really need to study up. Let me help. Research Carter, Clinton and Barney Frank's role in laying the foundation for the real estate and banking collapse of 2007-2009. Then report back what you find.
And you blame it on a guy that's been out of office for over 30 years. Talk about a functional moron. Since his departure, you had two liberal Democrat Presidents that held office collectively for 16 years. But unlike you, they had the brains to realize it had noting to do with Reagan.

You commies believe that if government doesn't provide you with something, you must do without. Don't you feel like a slave or something? Our founders would be totally embarrassed by you and your ilk. They never wanted a federal government that wipes your ass every time you get off the toilet or wipe your chin every time you eat. You cradle-to-gravers are what's driving this country in a hole--not Ronald Reagan.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...

Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama
Gee I wonder what could have happened after 2008 LOL! Well it was a world depression again and wages have not gone up at all so working people can get food stamps. Great job GOP!

Great job GOP and food stamps doubled under DumBama. You are a complete goof.

DumBama lowered qualifications to get food stamps and increased the amount one could receive. It was part of his Pork Bill which cost us close to a trillion dollars. It "was" a world depression? Then WTF didn't food stamp usage start to decline until after 6 years of his presidency? And the only reason it did decline is because Republican states like Maine instituted strict qualifications to receive food stamps.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...

Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama
Gee I wonder what could have happened after 2008 LOL! Well it was a world depression again and wages have not gone up at all so working people can get food stamps. Great job GOP!
You really need to study up. Let me help. Research Carter, Clinton and Barney Frank's role in laying the foundation for the real estate and banking collapse of 2007-2009. Then report back what you find.
Funny how nothing went wrong until it was Republicans as regulators of their Pals in the private mortgage industry and Fanny and Freddy's share of the Market went from 70% to 30%, dupe.
At least you're smart enough not to call me communist like the racist idiot Dupe from Cleveland... So why are we the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration etc etc? Answer idiots like you...anything for the rich right?
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
Obamacare is voluntary now no worries you can get totally screwed if there is an accident or serious illness and lose everything in bankruptcy. You know, 75% in the exchanges pay less than$100 a month.

All well-known.

Nobody knows of well known bullshit that you make up. Either post proof or quit lying. Very few are getting any quality of coverage for less than $100.00 a month. I signed up for Commie Care. They told me they wanted over 20% of my net pay for a plan that had a $7,000 deductible, $7,000 out of pocket, no prescriptions, no dental, no eye care, a $50.00 doctor visit copay. In other words, $725.00 a month that I could never use unless I got hit by a bus or train.

Thanks for nothing.
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...

Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama
Gee I wonder what could have happened after 2008 LOL! Well it was a world depression again and wages have not gone up at all so working people can get food stamps. Great job GOP!

Great job GOP and food stamps doubled under DumBama. You are a complete goof.

DumBama lowered qualifications to get food stamps and increased the amount one could receive. It was part of his Pork Bill which cost us close to a trillion dollars. It "was" a world depression? Then WTF didn't food stamp usage start to decline until after 6 years of his presidency? And the only reason it did decline is because Republican states like Maine instituted strict qualifications to receive food stamps.
Well the stimulus ended work for food stamps requirement, mainly because there were so many new people there was no way they could find work for them all. Obama also made big cuts in food stamps in 2014....
I have no problem with those things you speak of as long as they are 100% voluntary on both ends. The federal government does not have the moral authority or the credibility to determine anything…
It works everywhere else, dupe. The greatest generation is dead and unions destroyed by the GOP, it's only the government that can do it, that's called socialism.
Obamacare is voluntary now no worries you can get totally screwed if there is an accident or serious illness and lose everything in bankruptcy. You know, 75% in the exchanges pay less than$100 a month.

All well-known.

Nobody knows of well known bullshit that you make up. Either post proof or quit lying. Very few are getting any quality of coverage for less than $100.00 a month. I signed up for Commie Care. They told me they wanted over 20% of my net pay for a plan that had a $7,000 deductible, $7,000 out of pocket, no prescriptions, no dental, no eye care, a $50.00 doctor visit copay. In other words, $725.00 a month that I could never use unless I got hit by a bus or train.

Thanks for nothing.

$7,000 out of pocket cap? And you were not able to get any subsidy?
We still have Reagan's tax rates and spending policy d u h. We had 60 votes in the senate for 40 days under Obama and gave free healthcare 2 20 million people. Of course it was in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown so no time to raise taxes. Besides that, it's been since LBJ.... Try not to be so stupid.

There is no such thing as "free" from the government you dunce. Everything free, somebody else has to pay for.

Under DumBama, he created over 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. This is on top of the 20 million more new government dependents he created with food stamps. In total, he created 40 million more new government dependents, and you celebrate that.

But Reagan and tax breaks are the problem.

You don't need a 60 vote majority for everything passed by the federal government. And the very idea that creating more government dependents are a good thing is the deterioration of our country. Well........it's good for Democrats since their objective is to create more voters by promoting dependency.

You people are as blind as a bat. Keep blaming Reagan for the next 20 years.
Obama did nothing to add more food stamps, that's what happens when you have have an other corrupt GOP World depression... We were already paying for the poor Healthcare, just without preventive medicine. And with people dying left and right. Which I'm sure you enjoy...

Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama
Gee I wonder what could have happened after 2008 LOL! Well it was a world depression again and wages have not gone up at all so working people can get food stamps. Great job GOP!
You really need to study up. Let me help. Research Carter, Clinton and Barney Frank's role in laying the foundation for the real estate and banking collapse of 2007-2009. Then report back what you find.
Of course we've heard that silly argument 4 4 years.

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