'ree-tards', 'K***s, 'damned n****r' - Trump isn't the only one with Knicknames for people

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Funny though that Trump said that stories about HIM from the nineties were old news and shouldn't be brought up.
Funny though that Trump said that stories about HIM from the nineties were old news and shouldn't be brought up.
Liberals make the rules. It all applies...as long as we are talking about Conservatives.

Liberals said in 2008 none of Obama's documented, admitted history did not matter...and that crap is as much BS then as it was now. Hillary and Bill are racists. Those closest to them - Secret Service members who guarded them, as well as others, have come out and told stories. The media ignores it. Trump is an easier, non-liberal target.
The first 3 threads on this topic were blown out of the water. I’m sure this one will gain traction.
I'm sure the author will soon be supporting these accusations with clear audio and/or video evidence.

Boy, THAT'S gonna be a freakin' BOMBSHELL.
Trump called black people n_iggers too?


Well, he claimed to not have heard of David Duke, and said he needed to research he KKK before making any comment.

I heard that Hillary once rode a stick shift while Bill drove
If I remember right, you looney liberals didn't need proof when you tried to ruin Paula Deen.
Closed. You need more than links to start a thread
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